
# Match spatial features between data and aSVG.
match_server <- function(id, sam, tab, upl.mod.lis,, col.idp=FALSE, session) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$matHelp, {
    showModal(modal(title='Quick start!', msg = NULL, img='ann_quick.jpg', img.w="100%"))
  ipt <- upl.mod.lis$ipt; cfg <- upl.mod.lis$cfg
  # renderUI: if the tab/page containing uiOutput('svg') is not active/clicked, the input$svg on the server side is NULL. To avoid this, the ui side should have "selectInput".
  output$svgs <- renderUI({
    # When customCovisData is selected, matching is disabled in SHM.
    fileIn <- ipt$fileIn
    if(id!='rematchCell' & grepl(na.sgl, fileIn)| %in% fileIn) return()
    ns <- session$ns; # nas <- c(names(cfg$pa.svg.reg), names(cfg$svg.def))
    cho <- cfg$na.def; sel <- ipt$fileIn
    cho <- cho[cho %in% sel]
    if (any(na.cus %in% ipt$fileIn)) {
      svg.path <- cfg$pa.svg.reg[[1]]; if (is.null(svg.path)) return()
      cho <- sel <- setNames('uploaded', paste0(basename(svg.path), ' (uploaded)'))
    selectInput(ns('svg'), label='The aSVG file', choices=cho, selected=sel)

  output$match.but <- renderUI({
    # When customCovisData is selected, matching is disabled in SHM.
    fileIn <- ipt$fileIn
    if(id!='rematchCell' & grepl(na.sgl, fileIn)| %in% fileIn) return()
    ns <- session$ns
    actionButton(ns("match"), 'Run', icon=icon("sync"),
  output$match.reset <- renderUI({
    # When customCovisData is selected, matching is disabled in SHM.
    fileIn <- ipt$fileIn
    if(id!='rematchCell' & grepl(na.sgl, ipt$fileIn)| %in% fileIn) return()
    ns <- session$ns
    actionButton(ns("matReset"), 'Reset', icon=icon("sync"))
  ft.reorder <- reactiveValues(ft.dat = NULL, ft.svg = NULL, ft.rematch = NULL)
  # Used to extract coordinates for SHMs. <- reactiveValues(svg.path=NULL,
  observeEvent(list(ipt$fileIn, ipt$geneInpath, ipt$sglCell), {
    ft.reorder$ft.dat <- ft.reorder$ft.rematch <- NULL
  }) # Setting NULL: should not be merged with ipt$svgInpath1, ipt$svgInpath2.
  observeEvent(list(ipt$fileIn, ipt$svgInpath1, ipt$svgInpath2), {
    ft.reorder$ft.svg <- ft.reorder$ft.rematch <- NULL$svg.path <-$ <- NULL
  })  # Setting NULL: should not be merged with ipt$geneInpath, ipt$sglCell
  # If multiple aSVGs are re-matched to a data, features in all aSVGs are extracted and put together on the user interface. Then each aSVG is rematched to data according to the rematch list sequentially.
  # Extract features in data and aSVG and create user interface to host these features.
  observeEvent(list(input$svg, ipt$svgInpath1, ipt$svgInpath2), {
    cat('Re-matching: features in aSVG ... \n') <- input$svg; svg.def <- cfg$svg.def
    if (is.null(ipt$fileIn)|is.null(svg.def)|is.null( return()
    if (!='uploaded') {
      svg.path <- svg.def[[]]
      if ('data_shm.tar' %in% basename(svg.path)) {
        svg.path <- read_hdf5('data/data_shm.tar',[[1]]$svg
        validate(need(try(file.exists(svg.path)), svg.path))
      } <- basename(svg.path)
      # Single or multiple svg paths are treated same way.
      # lis <- svg_pa_na(svg.def[[]], cfg$pa.svg.upl, raster.ext)
      # output$msg.match <- renderText({ validate(need(try(!is.character(lis)), lis)) })
      # validate(need(try(!is.character(lis)), lis))
      # svg.path <- lis$svg.path; <- lis$
    } else { # aSVGs uploaded in regular files, not tar.
      svg.path <- cfg$pa.svg.reg[[1]] <- vapply(strsplit(svg.path, '/'), function(x) {x[length(x)]}, character(1))
    cat('Access aSVG path for re-matching ... \n')
    # If multiple svgs, check suffixes.
    lis <- svg_suffix(svg.path,, raster.ext)
    validate(need(try(!is.character(lis)), lis))
    svg.path <- lis$svg.path; <- lis$$svg.path <- svg.path;$ <-
  withProgress(message="Spatial heatmap re-matching: ", value=0, {  
    incProgress(0.5, detail="parsing aSVGs, please wait ...") 
    sf.all <- NULL
    cat('Extract all spatial features for re-matching ... \n')
    # Whether a single or multiple SVGs, all are returned a coord.
    svg.paths <- grep('\\.svg$', svg.path, value=TRUE)
    svgs <- read_svg_m(svg.path=svg.paths)
    validate(need(!is.character(svgs), svgs))
    sf.all <- unique(unlist(lapply(seq_along(svgs), function(x) { svg_separ(svg.all=svgs[x])$tis.path })))
  # paths and groups are dropped to bottom. 
  # Matching samples are raised to top.
  pas.idx <- grepl('^path\\d+|^g\\d+', sf.all)
  sf.all <- c(sf.all[!pas.idx], sf.all[pas.idx])
  ft.reorder$ft.svg <- sf.all; cat('Done! \n')

  observeEvent(list(ft.reorder$ft.svg, col.idp), {
    ft.svg <- ft.reorder$ft.svg; bulk <-$bulk
    covisGrp <-$covisGrp
    if (!check_obj(list(ft.svg, col.idp, bulk))) return()
    if (col.idp==TRUE) {
      # In covis independent coloring, fts abesent in data are excluded, since even if matched with cell groups, they will be transparent.
      ft.dat.blk <- unique(colData(bulk)[, covisGrp][bulk$bulkCell %in% 'bulk'])
      ft.svg <- intersect(ft.svg, ft.dat.blk)
      if (length(ft.svg)==0) ft.svg <- NULL 
      ft.reorder$ft.svg <- ft.svg
  observeEvent(list(sam(), input$svg, ipt$svgInpath1, ipt$svgInpath2), {
    cat('Re-matching: features in data ... \n')
    if (is.null(ipt$fileIn)|is.null(cfg$svg.def)|is.null(input$svg)) return()
    sams <- sam(); if (is.null(sams)) return()
    ft.reorder$ft.dat <- unique(sams); cat('Done! \n')
  clean <- reactiveValues()
  observeEvent($covis.type, {  
    covis.type <-$covis.type
    if (is.null(covis.type)) return()
    if (covis.type %in% c('toBulk','toCell') & 'no' %in% clean$val) {
      # Set NULL to from.ft in last matching.
      for (i in ft.reorder$ft.dat) {
        if (length(input[[i]])>0) {
          runjs(paste0("setipt('", session$ns(i), "', null)"))
          # runjs(paste0("Shiny.onInputChange('", session$ns(i), "', null)"))
        }; clean$val <- 'yes'
  observeEvent(input$matReset, {
    ft.dat <- ft.reorder$ft.dat; if (is.null(ft.dat)) return()
      for (i in ft.reorder$ft.dat) {
        # Set NULL to from.ft in last matching.
        if (length(input[[i]])>0) {
          # Inside this observeEvent, input[[session$ns(i)]] will not change. It is NULL only outside this observeEvent.
          runjs(paste0("setipt('", session$ns(i), "', null)"))
          #runjs(paste0("Shiny.onInputChange('", session$ns(i), "', null)"))  
        }; clean$val <- 'yes'
  # Inside Shiny modules, change input values: always use session$ns; access input values: do not use session$ns, e.g. input$test.
  # observe({ runjs(paste0("setipt('", session$ns('test'), "', 100)")) })

  output$ft.match <- renderUI({
    cat('Re-matching: preparing interface of data/aSVG features ... \n')
    input$matReset; fileIn <- ipt$fileIn
    # When customCovisData is selected, matching is disabled in SHM.
    if(id!='rematchCell' & grepl(na.sgl, fileIn)| %in% fileIn) return()
    ns <- session$ns; to.ft <- ft.reorder$ft.svg
    from.ft <- ft.reorder$ft.dat
    if (is.null(to.ft)|is.null(from.ft)) return()'ftSVG'; to.div.tit='Features in aSVG'
    from.div.tit='Features in data'
    dimred <-$dimred

    if (!is.null(dimred)) {
      covis.type <-$covis.type
      if (covis.type %in% 'toBulk') {
        from.div.tit='Cell groups'
      } else if (covis.type %in% 'toCell') {
        covisGrp <-$covisGrp
        to.ft <- unique(colData(dimred)[, covisGrp])'cellGroup'; to.div.tit='Cell groups'
        from.div.tit='Bulk tissues'
    frow <- match_interface(to.ft=to.ft,, to.div.tit=to.div.tit, from.ft=from.ft, from.div.tit=from.div.tit, ns)
    clean$val <- 'no'; cat('Done! \n'); frow 
  observeEvent(list(input$match), {
    if (is.null(ft.reorder$ft.dat) | is.null(ft.reorder$ft.svg)) return()
    ft.dat <- ft.reorder$ft.dat
    lis0 <- lapply(ft.dat, function(x) input[[x]])
    names(lis0) <- ft.dat 
    lis0 <- lis0[lapply(lis0, function(x) length(x)>0)==TRUE]
    # save(lis0, file='lis0')
    if (length(lis0)==0) showModal(modal(msg ='No spatial features are matched!')); validate(need(try(length(lis0)>0), ''))
    ft.reorder$ft.rematch <- lis0
  observeEvent(list(input$matReset), { ft.reorder$ft.rematch <- list() })

  but.match <- reactiveValues()
    match <- input$match; Tab <- tab$val
    if (is.null(match)|is.null(Tab)) return()
    # if (match==0|!Tab %in% c('scell')) return(); 
    but.match$val <- match
  onBookmark(function(state) { state })
  return(list(, ft.reorder=ft.reorder, but.match=but.match))

jianhaizhang/spatialHeatmap documentation built on July 1, 2024, 12:21 a.m.