Component Visualization Report

# setting global options 
figure.outpath <- paste(output.path,"/icreport_figures/",data.set,"/",sep="")
opts_chunk$set(fig.path=figure.outpath,dev=file.ext, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
options(warn=-1,width = 100)
flower.palette <- c("#283545","#E09E12","#A72613","#95CDDC","#395717","#3A3B35","#D68931","#442243")
if(method == "ica"){
  cat("Type = Independent Component Analysis Report \n")
} else if (method == "pca") {
  cat("Type = Principal Component Analysis Report \n")

Covariate Correlation Summary

if(method == "ica"){

      covariates <- unique(ica.result$cov.corr.idx$Covariate.Name)

      covariate.gene.df <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(covariates), ncol = 3))
      colnames(covariate.gene.df) <- c("Covariate","NumberOfGenes","NumberOfICs")

      for( c in 1: length(covariates)){
          single.covariate <- subset(ica.result$cov.corr.idx, Covariate.Name == covariates[c])
          ic.index <- single.covariate$IC
          if(length(ic.index) > 1){
              peaks.for.covariate <- sapply(1:length(ic.index), function(x) ica.result$peaks[[ic.index[x]]])
              peaks.for.covariate <- unlist(peaks.for.covariate)
              covariate.peaks <- unique(names(peaks.for.covariate))      
          } else {
              covariate.peaks <- ica.result$peaks[[ic.index]]

          covariate.gene.df[c,1] <- covariates[c]
          covariate.gene.df[c,2] <- length(covariate.peaks)
          covariate.gene.df[c,3] <- length(ic.index)

      covaraite.gene.df <- covariate.gene.df[order(covariate.gene.df$NumberOfICs, decreasing = TRUE),]
      covariate.gene.df$Covariate <- factor(covariate.gene.df$Covariate, 
                                            levels = c(covariate.gene.df$Covariate))
      #ica.result$cov.corr.idx <- within(ica.result$cov.corr.idx, 
      #                                  Covariate.Name <- factor(Covariate.Name, 
      #                                  levels=names(sort(table(Covariate.Name), 
      #                                                    decreasing=TRUE))))

      summary.plots <- list()

      if(length(covariates) < 8){
          summary.plots[[1]] <- ggplot(covariate.gene.df,
                                       aes(x = Covariate, fill = Covariate, y = NumberOfICs)) + 
                                       geom_bar(stat = 'identity',col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       scale_fill_manual(values=flower.palette) + ylab("Number of ICs")

          summary.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(covariate.gene.df,
                                       aes(x = Covariate, y = NumberOfGenes,fill = Covariate)) + 
                                       geom_bar(stat = 'identity',col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       scale_fill_manual(values=flower.palette) + ylab("Number of Genes")
      } else {
          summary.plots[[1]] <- ggplot(covariate.gene.df,
                                       aes(x = Covariate, y = NumberOfICs, fill = Covariate)) + 
                                       geom_bar(stat = 'identity',col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       ylab("Number of ICs")

          summary.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(covariate.gene.df,
                                       aes(x = Covariate, y = NumberOfGenes,fill = Covariate)) + 
                                       geom_bar(stat = 'identity',col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       ylab("Number of Genes")


      summary.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(ica.result$ica.stat.df,
                                   aes(x = N.peaks,group = corr.ic)) + 
                                   geom_bar(aes(fill = corr.ic)) + 
                                   scale_fill_manual(values=c("grey50","darkred")) + 
                                   xlab("Number of Peaks") + ylab("Number of ICs") 

      summary.plots[[4]] <- ggplot(ica.result$ica.stat.df,
                                   aes(x = n.clust,group = corr.ic)) + 
                                   geom_bar(aes(fill= corr.ic)) + 
                                   scale_fill_manual(values=c("grey50","darkred")) + 
                                   xlab("Predicted of Clusters") + ylab("Number of ICs") 

      summary.plots[[5]] <- ggplot(ica.result$ica.stat.df,
                                   aes(x = percent.var,group = corr.ic)) + 
                                   geom_bar(aes(fill= corr.ic)) + 
                                   scale_fill_manual(values=c("grey50","darkred")) + 
                                   xlab("Variance(%) Explained") + ylab("Number of ICs") 

      for( p in 1:length(summary.plots)){
        summary.plots[[p]] <- ggplot_add_theme(summary.plots[[p]])


      for( p in 3:5 ){
        summary.plots[[p]] <- summary.plots[[p]] + 
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 1, hjust=1))


if (method == "pca"){
    summary.pca.df <- data.frame("PC1" = pca.result$x[,1],
                                 "PC2" = pca.result$x[,2],
                                 "VarPercent" = pca.result$var.percent, 
                                 "idx" = c(1:length(pca.result$var.percent)), 

  } else{
    summary.pca.df <- data.frame("PC1" = pca.result$x[,1],
                                 "PC2" = pca.result$x[,2],
                                 "VarPercent" = pca.result$var.percent, 
                                 "idx" = c(1:length(pca.result$var.percent)))


  summary.plots <- list()

  # scree of variance explained by each PC
  summary.plots[[1]] <- ggplot(summary.pca.df,
                               aes(x = idx, y = VarPercent)) + geom_point() +
                               xlab("PC index") + ylab("Variance Explained") + 
                               labs(title ="Variance by Component")

  # check if PC 1 is correlated with any covariates and if so use the color to plot PC1 vs PC2
  if(1 %in% pca.result$cov.corr.idx$PC){
      most.significant.corr <- which.min(pca.result$[1,]) <- names(most.significant.corr)
      summary.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(summary.pca.df, 
                                   aes_string(x = "PC1", y = "PC2", col = + 
                                   geom_point(size = 3) + xlab("PC1") + ylab("PC2")

  }else {

      summary.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(summary.pca.df, 
                                   aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) + 
                                   geom_point(size = 3) + xlab("PC1") + ylab("PC2")

  # under construction
      if(length(unique(pca.result$cov.corr.idx$Covariate.Name)) < 8){
          summary.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(pca.result$cov.corr.idx, 
                                       aes(x = Covariate.Name, fill = Covariate.Name)) + 
                                       geom_bar(col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       scale_fill_manual(values = flower.palette)

          summary.plots[[4]] <- ggplot(pca.result$cov.corr.idx, 
                                       aes(x = Covariate.Name, y = var, fill = Covariate.Name)) +
                                       geom_bar(stat = 'identity', col = "black", width = .5) + 
                                       scale_fill_manual(values = flower.palette)  
      } else {
         summary.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(pca.result$cov.corr.idx, 
                                       aes(x = Covariate.Name, fill = Covariate.Name)) + 
                                       geom_bar(col = "black", width = .5) 

         summary.plots[[4]] <- ggplot(pca.result$cov.corr.idx, 
                                      aes(x = Covariate.Name, y = var, fill = Covariate.Name)) +
                                      geom_bar(stat = 'identity',col = "black", width = .5) 

    summary.plots[[3]] <- summary.plots[[3]] + 
                          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
    summary.plots[[4]] <- summary.plots[[4]] + 
                          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 1, hjust=1))


  for( p in 1:length(summary.plots)){
      summary.plots[[p]] <- ggplot_add_theme(summary.plots[[p]])


  multiplot(plotlist = list(summary.plots[[1]], summary.plots[[2]]),cols = 2)

if(method == "ica"){
    if(length(covariates) < 7){
      multiplot(plotlist = list(summary.plots[[1]],summary.plots[[2]]), cols = 2)
if (method == "pca"){
  if(length(summary.plots) > 2){

  multiplot(plotlist = list(summary.plots[[3]], summary.plots[[4]]),cols = 2)

    # create axis tick positions for chromosomes if gene info is supplied
    # the same axis tick positions are used for every plot so it only needs to be calculated once
    x.axis <- chr_axis_creator(pca.result$ordered.geneinfo)

if(method == "ica"){
    if(length(covariates) > 6){
          multiplot(plotlist = list(summary.plots[[1]],summary.plots[[2]]), cols = 1)

    # create axis tick positions for chromosomes if gene info is supplied
    # the same axis tick positions are used for every plot so it only needs to be calculated once
    x.axis <- chr_axis_creator(ica.result$ordered.geneinfo)


Individual Component Information

if(method == "ica"){
  for( p in 1:dim(ica.result$A)[1]){
          ###################### Plotting without Gene information ########################## 
          # check if there is a specified order for the ICs (default is by explained variance)
              i <- ica.result$order[p]
          } else {
              i <- p

          # Running Mclust on IC coefficient to estimate ideal number of clusters in 1D IC coefficient space 
          mclust.obj <- suppressMessages(mclust::Mclust(ica.result$A[i,], modelNames = "V"))

          mclust.plots <- list()

         # Plot IC loading with peaks labeled in red (If peaks are available)
         if(is.null(ica.result$ordered.geneinfo)){ # If gene info is missing           
                # If the peaks are labeled use them 
                mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component(ica.result$S[,i, drop = FALSE],peaks = TRUE, 
                                                    peakresult = ica.result$peaks[[i]], 
                                                    plot.title = paste(data.set,"_IC#_",i,sep =""))    
            } else {
                # If no peak labeling is available color them in black
                mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component(ica.result$S[,i, drop = FALSE],
                                                    plot.title = paste(data.set,"_IC#_",i,sep =""))    

          } else { # if gene position information is available
                # If the peaks are labeled use them 
                mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component_chr(ica.result$S[,i, drop = FALSE], 
                                                        geneinfo.df = ica.result$ordered.geneinfo,
                                                        x.axis = x.axis,
                                                        plot.title = paste(data.set,"_IC#_",i,sep =""), 
                                                        peaks = TRUE, 
                                                        peakresult = ica.result$peaks[[i]])
            } else {
                # If no peak labeling is available color them in black
                mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component(ica.result$S[,i, drop = FALSE],
                                                    plot.title = paste(data.set,"_IC#_",i,sep =""))    


          # Gene weight histogram plot (Investigating the non-normality of the component )
          #mclust.plots[[4]] <- plot_component_hist(ica.result$S[,i],"Gene Weight Histogram") 

          # create a data frame for plotting
          if(!is.null(colnames(ica.result$A)) & !is.null(info.df)){

              # Dataframe that will go into ggplot for plotting with IC coefficients in IC and idx as sample index
              coeff.plot.df <- data.frame([colnames(ica.result$A),]),
                                          "IC" = ica.result$A[i,],
                                          "idx"= c(1:dim(ica.result$A)[2]))

              # Setting the colnames to covariate names
              colnames(coeff.plot.df)[1:dim([colnames(ica.result$A),]))[2]] <- colnames(info.df) 
              } else if (is.null(info.df)) {

              # If there is no sample information available
              coeff.plot.df <- data.frame("IC" = ica.result$A[i,],"idx"=c(1:dim(ica.result$A)[2]))

              } else {

              coeff.plot.df <- data.frame(,"IC" = ica.result$A[i,],"idx"=c(1:dim(ica.result$A)[2]))


         # If IC is correlated to a covariate color the pot accordingly
          if(i %in% unique(ica.result$cov.corr.idx$IC)){

          # color the graph by the covariate with the most significant association
 <- names(which.min(ica.result$[i, as.character(ica.result$cov.corr.idx$Covariate.Name[which(ica.result$cov.corr.idx$IC == i)])]))
          mclust.plots[[2]] <- plot_coeff_w_legend(coeff.plot.df, k.col = + 
          #                                    plot.title = paste("Covariate = ",,sep="")) + 
                                                  theme(legend.position ="none")

          # Extra if statement for covariates that are not a factor (cannot produce a boxplot with individual groups)
          # Need to figure out which plot might be most effective

              if(class(info.df[,]) == "factor"){
                number.of.levels <- length(levels(ica.result$info.df[,]))

                mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, 
                                            aes_string(x =, y = "IC", color = + 
                                            geom_boxplot() + 
                                            xlab(paste("Covariate = ",,sep="")) + 
                                            ylab("") +  
                                            theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
                                                  axis.text.x = element_blank())

                if(number.of.levels > 10){
                  mclust.plots[[3]] <- mclust.plots[[3]] + theme(legend.position = "none")

              } else{
                    mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, 
                                                aes_string(x =, y = "IC", color = + 
                                                geom_point() + 
                                                xlab(paste("Covariate = ",,sep=""))  + 
                                                ylab(" ") +
                                                theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
                                                      axis.text.x = element_blank())

            } else {

              # If IC is not correlated to covariate color it using the clustering information obtained from mclust

              coeff.plot.df$mclust <- factor(mclust.obj$classification)

              mclust.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, aes(x= idx, y = IC, color = mclust)) + 
                                          geom_point(size = 3, pch = 20) + 
                                          xlab("Sample idx") + ylab("IC coefficient") + 
                                          theme(legend.position = "none")

              mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, 
                                          aes(x = mclust, y = IC, color = mclust)) + 
                                          geom_boxplot() + 
                                          xlab(paste(mclust.obj$G,"clusters detected")) + 
                                          ylab(" ") +  
                                          theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
                                                axis.text.x = element_blank())

              if(mclust.obj$G == 1){
                      mclust.plots[[2]] <- mclust.plots[[2]]
                      mclust.plots[[3]] <- mclust.plots[[3]]  + 
                                           xlab("No clusters detected") + 
                                           theme(legend.position = "none")


          layout <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,
                             2,2,3,3), byrow = T,ncol = 4)

          for( k in 1:length(mclust.plots)){
              mclust.plots[[k]] <- ggplot_add_theme(mclust.plots[[k]])


          if (i %in% unique(ica.result$cov.corr.idx$IC)){
              #cat("IC # ",i," Correlation with covariate ",,
              #    "/ P-value = ",ica.result$[i,],"/ Variance (%) = ",ica.result$percent.var[i],"\n")
     <- data.frame(row.names = paste("IC",i,sep = ""), 
                                    "Variance_Percent" = ica.result$ica.stat.df[i,"percent.var"],
                                    "Correlated_Covariate" =, 
                                    "p-value" = ica.result$[i,], 
                                    "Number_of_Peaks" = ica.result$ica.stat.df[i,"N.peaks"])
              cat("---- Top 10 Gene Weights ---- \n")
              gene.table <- t(round(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T)[1:10],i, drop = FALSE],digits = 2))
              rm(, gene.table)
              #cat(paste(names(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T),i])[1:10],"  ", sep ="  "), "\n")
              #cat(paste(round(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T),i][1:10],digits = 3),"  ",sep ="  "), "\n")
          } else {
              #cat("IC # ",i," No correlation with covariates / Variance (%) = ",ica.result$percent.var[i],"\n")
     <- data.frame(row.names = paste("IC",i,sep = ""), 
                                    "Variance_Percent" = ica.result$ica.stat.df[i,"percent.var"],
                                    "Correlated_Covariate" = "none", 
                                    "p-value" = NA, 
                                    "Number_of_Peaks" = ica.result$ica.stat.df[i,"N.peaks"])
              cat("---- Top 10 Gene Weights ---- \n")
              gene.table <- t(round(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T)[1:10],i, drop = FALSE],digits = 2))
              rm(, gene.table)
              #knitr::kable(gene.table, digits = 2, caption = "A table produced by printr.")
              #cat(paste(names(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T),i])[1:10],"  ", sep ="  "), "\n")
              #cat(paste(round(ica.result$S[order(abs(ica.result$S[,i]), decreasing = T),i][1:10],digits = 3),"  ", sep ="  "), "\n")
          #mclust.plots[[4]] <- NULL
          suppressMessages(multiplot(plotlist = mclust.plots, layout = layout))

if (method == "pca"){
  for( i in 1:plot.pc){

  mclust.plots <- list()

  mclust.obj <- suppressMessages(Mclust(pca.result$x[,i], modelNames = "V"))
  mclust.bic.df <- data.frame("V" = as.numeric(mclust.obj$BIC), 
                              "N.clust" = attr(mclust.obj$BIC,"G"))
  #mclust.cer.df <- data.frame("uncertainty" = as.numeric(mclust.obj$uncertainty),
  #                            "data" = mclust.obj$data )

      mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component(pca.result$rotation[,i],
                                      paste(data.set,"_PC#_",i,sep =""))
    } else { # if gene position information is available

      mclust.plots[[1]] <- plot_component_chr(pca.result$rotation[,i, drop = FALSE], 
                                      geneinfo.df = pca.result$ordered.geneinfo,
                                      x.axis = x.axis,
                                      plot.title = paste(data.set,"_PC#_",i,sep =""), 
                                      peaks = TRUE, 
                                      peakresult = pca.result$peaks[[i]])
      mclust.plots[[1]] <- mclust.plots[[1]] + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))


  #mclust.plots[[4]] <- plot_component_hist(pca.result$rotation[,i],
  #                                         "Gene Weight Histogram")

  # create a data frame for plotting
  if(!is.null(colnames(pca.result$x)) & !is.null(pca.result$info.df)){
  # create a data frame for plotting
  coeff.plot.df <- data.frame( pca.result$info.df[rownames(pca.result$x),]) ,
                               "IC" = pca.result$x[,i],"idx"=c(1:dim(pca.result$x)[1]) )

  # Setting the colnames to covariate names
  colnames(coeff.plot.df)[1:dim($info.df[rownames(pca.result$x),]))[2]] <- colnames(pca.result$info.df) 

  } else if (is.null(pca.result$info.df)) {
  # If there is no sample information available
  coeff.plot.df <- data.frame("IC" = pca.result$x[,i],

  } else {
   coeff.plot.df <- data.frame($info.df),
                               "IC" = pca.result$x[,i],


  # If IC is correlated to a covariate color the pot accordingly
    if(i %in% unique(pca.result$cov.corr.idx$PC)){ <- names(which.min(pca.result$[i, as.character(pca.result$cov.corr.idx$Covariate.Name[which(pca.result$cov.corr.idx$PC == i)])]))
     mclust.plots[[2]] <- plot_coeff_w_legend(coeff.plot.df, 
                                              k.col = + 
                                              theme(legend.position ="none") + ylab("PC coefficient")

          if(class(pca.result$info.df[,]) == "factor"){
            number.of.levels <- length(levels(pca.result$info.df[,]))
            mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, aes_string(x =, y = "IC", color = + 
                                          geom_boxplot() + xlab(paste("Covariate = ",,sep="")) + 
                                          ylab("") +  
                                          theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
                                                axis.text.x = element_blank()) 
            if(number.of.levels > 10){
              mclust.plots[[3]] <- mclust.plots[[3]] + theme(legend.position = "none")


          } else{
                mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, aes_string(x =, y = "IC", color = + 
                                        geom_point() + xlab(paste("Covariate = ",,sep=""))  + 
                                        ylab("") +
                                        theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())

    } else {
    # If IC is not correlated to covariate color it using the clustering information obtained from mclust

    coeff.plot.df$mclust <- factor(mclust.obj$classification)
    mclust.plots[[2]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, aes(x= idx, y = IC, color = mclust)) + 
                                geom_point(size = 3, pch = 20) + theme(legend.position = "none") +
                                xlab("Sample idx") + ylab("PC coefficient") 

    mclust.plots[[3]] <- ggplot(coeff.plot.df, 
                                aes(x = mclust, y = IC, color = mclust)) + 
                                geom_boxplot() + 
                                xlab(paste(mclust.obj$G,"clusters detected")) + 
                                ylab(" ") +  
                                theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
                                      axis.text.x = element_blank())

      if(mclust.obj$G == 1){
        mclust.plots[[3]] <- mclust.plots[[3]] + xlab("No Clusters detected")

  layout <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,
                     2,2,3,3), byrow = T,ncol = 4)

  for( k in 1:length(mclust.plots)){
    mclust.plots[[k]] <- ggplot_add_theme(mclust.plots[[k]])


  if (i %in% unique(pca.result$cov.corr.idx$PC)){ <- data.frame(row.names = paste("PC",i,sep = ""), 
                      "Variance_Percent" = pca.result$var.percent[i],
                      "Correlated_Covariate" =, 
                      "p-value" = pca.result$[i,])
    cat("---- Top 10 Gene Weights ---- \n")
    gene.table <- t(round(pca.result$rotation[order(abs(pca.result$rotation[,i]), decreasing = T)[1:10],i, drop = FALSE],digits = 2))
    rm(, gene.table)
  } else { <- data.frame(row.names = paste("PC",i,sep = ""), 
                      "Variance_Percent" = pca.result$var.percent[i],
                      "Correlated_Covariate" = "none", 
                      "p-value" = NA)
    cat("---- Top 10 Gene Weights ---- \n")
    gene.table <- t(round(pca.result$rotation[order(abs(pca.result$rotation[,i]), decreasing = T)[1:10],i, drop = FALSE],digits = 2))
    rm(, gene.table)

  suppressMessages(multiplot(plotlist = mclust.plots, layout = layout))

if(method == "ica"){
      n.ics <- dim(ica.result$A)[1]
      plot(ica.result$hclust$plot, labels = FALSE, 
           main = paste("Hierarchical Clustering of Multiple ICA Runs /",
           n.ics,"significant ICs"))
      abline(h=ica.result$hclust$cutoff, col="red", lty=2)

if(method == "ica"){
    multiplot(plotlist = list(summary.plots[[3]],
              cols = 3)

jinhyunju/icreport documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m.