eQTL Data Summary Report

# setting global options 
figure.outpath <- paste(output.path,"/h5report_figures/",data.set,"/",sep="")
options(warn=-1,width = 100)
flower.palette <- c("#283545","#E09E12","#A72613","#95CDDC","#395717","#3A3B35","#D68931","#442243")
data_info_df <- data.frame("N_samples" = n_samples,
                           "N_phenotypes" = n_pheno,
                           "N_genotypes" = n_geno)
cat("Dataset = ", data.set, "\n")

Phenotype PCA plots

pheno_pca_df <- data.frame("PC1" = pheno_pca$x[,1],
                          "PC2" = pheno_pca$x[,2],
                          "VarPercent" = pheno_pca$var.percent, 
                          "idx" = c(1:length(pheno_pca$var.percent)))

pc_plots <- list()

pc_plots[[1]] <- ggplot(pheno_pca_df,
                        aes(x = idx, y = VarPercent)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
                        xlab("PC index") + ylab("Variance Explained") + 
                        labs(title ="Variance by Component")

pc_plots[[2]] <- ggplot(pheno_pca_df, 
                        aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) + 
                        geom_point(size = 3) + xlab("PC1") + ylab("PC2")

for( p in 1:length(pc_plots)){
    pc_plots[[p]] <- ggplot_add_theme(pc_plots[[p]])

multiplot(plotlist = list(pc_plots[[1]], pc_plots[[2]]),cols = 2)
cum_var <- cumsum(pheno_pca$var.percent)
k_est <- which(cum_var > 95)[1]

total_pc <- length(pheno_pca$var.percent)
cat(k_est, "out of", total_pc, "PCs explain > 95% of variance in the data") 

Principal Component 1 Details

pc1_plot <- plot_component_grid(s = pheno_pca$rotation[,1], 
                         geneinfo_df = gene_info,
                         plot.title = paste(data.set,"_PC1",sep =""))

pc1_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(pc1_plot) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill="skyblue"))

pc1_proj <- ggplot(pheno_pca_df, aes(x = idx, y = PC1)) + 
                  geom_point() + 
                  xlab("Sample idx") + 
                  ylab("PC projections")

pc1_proj <- ggplot_add_theme(pc1_proj)


Principal Component 2 Details

pc2_plot <- plot_component_grid(s = pheno_pca$rotation[,2], 
                         geneinfo_df = gene_info,
                         plot.title = paste(data.set,"_PC2",sep =""))

pc2_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(pc2_plot) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill="skyblue"))

pc2_proj <- ggplot(pheno_pca_df, aes(x = idx, y = PC2)) + 
        geom_point() + 
        xlab("Sample idx") + 
        ylab("PC projections")

pc2_proj <- ggplot_add_theme(pc2_proj)


Genotype PCA plots

geno_pca_df <- data.frame("PC1" = geno_pca$x[,1],
                          "PC2" = geno_pca$x[,2],
                          "VarPercent" = geno_pca$var.percent, 
                          "idx" = c(1:length(geno_pca$var.percent)))

pc_plots <- list()

pc_plots[[1]] <- ggplot(geno_pca_df,
                        aes(x = idx, y = VarPercent)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
                        xlab("PC index") + ylab("Variance Explained") + 
                        labs(title ="Variance by Component")

pc_plots[[2]] <- ggplot(geno_pca_df, 
                        aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) + 
                        geom_point(size = 3) + xlab("PC1") + ylab("PC2")

for( p in 1:length(pc_plots)){
    pc_plots[[p]] <- ggplot_add_theme(pc_plots[[p]])

multiplot(plotlist = list(pc_plots[[1]], pc_plots[[2]]),cols = 2)
cum_var <- cumsum(geno_pca$var.percent)
k_est <- which(cum_var > 95)[1]

total_pc <- length(geno_pca$var.percent)
cat(k_est, "out of", total_pc, "PCs explain > 95% of variance in the data") 

Principal Component 1 Details

pc1_plot <- plot_component_grid(s = geno_pca$rotation[,1], 
                             geneinfo_df = snp_info,
                             plot.title = paste(data.set,"_PC1",sep =""))

pc1_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(pc1_plot) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill="skyblue"))

pc1_proj <- ggplot(geno_pca_df, aes(x = idx, y = PC1)) + 
                  geom_point() + 
                  xlab("Sample idx") + 
                  ylab("PC projections")

pc1_proj <- ggplot_add_theme(pc1_proj)


Principal Component 2 Details

pc2_plot <- plot_component_grid(s = geno_pca$rotation[,2], 
                         geneinfo_df = snp_info,
                         plot.title = paste(data.set,"_PC2",sep =""))

pc2_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(pc2_plot) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill="skyblue"))

pc2_proj <- ggplot(geno_pca_df, aes(x = idx, y = PC2)) + 
        geom_point() + 
        xlab("Sample idx") + 
        ylab("PC projections")

pc2_proj <- ggplot_add_theme(pc2_proj)

pca_pheno_df <- data.frame("pheno_pc1" = pheno_pca$x[,1],
                           "pheno_pc2" = pheno_pca$x[,2])

pca_pheno_df$pop.html.tooltip <- as.character(gsub("[.]","",sample_ids))

sc <- gvisScatterChart(data=pca_pheno_df,
                        options=list(width=500, height=500, 

pca_geno_df <- data.frame("geno_pc1" = geno_pca$x[,1],
                          "geno_pc2" = geno_pca$x[,2])

pca_geno_df$pop.html.tooltip <- as.character(gsub("[.]","",sample_ids))

sc2 <- gvisScatterChart(data=pca_geno_df,
                        options=list(width=500, height=500, 
#print(sc, 'chart')
merged_plots <- gvisMerge(sc, sc2, horizontal = TRUE)
print(merged_plots, 'chart')

Phenotype Information

Phenotype variance plot per chromosome

var_plot <- ggplot(gene_info, aes(x = chr, y = var, group = chr, col = chr)) + 
                geom_boxplot(col = "royalblue") + 
                theme(legend.position = 'none') +labs(title = "Gene Variance plot") 
var_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(var_plot) 


Phenotype counts per chromosome

gene_count_plot <- ggplot(gene_info, aes(x = chr, group = chr)) + 
                geom_bar( fill = "royalblue", col = "black") + 
                theme(legend.position = 'none') +labs(title = "Gene Count plot") 
gene_count_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(gene_count_plot) 


Phenotype distribution density plot

centered_pheno <- apply(phenotypes, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))

density_list <- apply(centered_pheno, 2, density)

x_min <- Reduce(min, lapply(density_list, function(x) x$x))
x_max <- Reduce(max, lapply(density_list, function(x) x$x))
y_max <- Reduce(max, lapply(density_list, function(x) x$y))

p1 <- density_list[[1]]
plot(p1, xlim = c(x_min,x_max), ylim = c(0,y_max), col = rgb(0.25,0.4117,0.8823, alpha = 0.5), main = "Phenotype Density Plot")
for( i in 2:length(density_list)){
    lines(density_list[[i]], col = rgb(0.25,0.4117,0.8823, alpha = 0.3))

Genotype Information

SNP density

# Get unique chromosome names
chrom.names <- unique(snp_info$chr)

# Calculate snp densities with tapply 
snp.densities <- with(snp_info, tapply(position, chr, density, cut=0))[chrom.names]

# get max position for defining plot boundaries
max.pos <- max(snp_info$position)

# calculate x and y densities 
dens.x <- lapply(snp.densities, 
                 function (d) c(min(d$x), d$x, max(d$x), rev(d$x), min(d$x))/max.pos)
dens.y <- lapply(snp.densities, 
                 function (d) c(0, d$y/max(d$y), 0, -rev(d$y)/max(d$y), 0)/2*0.9)

par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 0.5))
plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(1, length(snp.densities)), ylim=0:1, ylab='', xlab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
ignore <- sapply(1:length(chrom.names), function (cn) polygon(dens.y[[cn]]+cn, dens.x[[cn]], col='#333333'))
axis(1, 1:length(chrom.names), chrom.names, las=2)
axis(2, pretty(snp_info$position)/max.pos, pretty(snp_info$position)/1e6, las=2)

SNP count per chromosome

snp_count_plot <- ggplot(snp_info, aes(x = chr, group = chr)) + 
                geom_bar(fill = 'forestgreen', col = "black") + 
                theme(legend.position = 'none') +labs(title = "SNP Count plot") 
snp_count_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(snp_count_plot) 


Allele Frequency Information

cat("Minor Allele Frequency\n")

hist(snp_info$MAF, main = "MAF Histogram", col = "forestgreen")

#MAF_plot <- ggplot(snp_info, aes(x = chr, y= MAF,group = chr, col = chr)) + 
#                geom_violin() + 
#                theme(legend.position = 'none') +labs(title = "MAF plot") 

#MAF_plot <- ggplot_add_theme(MAF_plot) 


jinhyunju/icreport documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m.