
#' Plot a kataegis rainfall figure.
#' Create a rainfall plot showing potential regions of kataegis.  The input
#' \code{GRanges} instance should only contain SNV (i.e., no INDELs) that have
#' a single ALT allele.  The input \code{GRanges} instance must also contain a
#' valid \code{Seqinfo} class that gives the lengths of the chromosomes.  The
#' easiest way to obtain this from a VCF file is via the \code{read.vcf}
#' function from this package.
#' @param x A \code{GRanges} instance containing SNVs.
#' @param chr Create a rainfall plot for a single chromosome specified by this
#' parameter.
#' @param all all
#' @param alpha.f number in (0, 1] specifiying the alpha level with which to
#' draw the points.
#' @param colour.map A list specifying the colours to use in the figure.  See
#' \code{kataegis.colours} for exact format.
#' @param main Title for plot
#' @param newpage logical. If TRUE create figure on a new device, otherwise
#' print to current device.
#' @param panel_colour Colour of background panels indicating chromosomes.
#' @param point_size specify the size of individual points.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' library(VariantAnnotation)
#' vcf.file <- system.file('extdata', 'example.vcf', package = 'GenomicVis')
#' vcf <- read.vcf(vcf.file, 'GRCh37')
#' x <- rowData(vcf)
#' plotKataegis(x)
#' @author Jonathan Ellis <jonathan.j.ellis@@gmail.com>
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @export
plotKataegis <- function(x, chr=NULL, all=FALSE, alpha.f=1.0, 
  colour.map=kataegis.colours, main=NULL, newpage=TRUE, panel_colour="grey90",
  point_size=unit(4, "point")) {

  if (is.function(colour.map))
    colour.map <- colour.map()

  # Create a variable that holds the genomic position of each SNV, that is,
  # the cumulative genomic position across all chromosomes.

  if (is.null(chr)) {
    cs <- c(0, cumsum(as.numeric(seqlengths(x))))
    length(cs) <- length(cs) - 1
    y <- split(x, seqnames(x))
    names(cs) <- names(y)
    y <- endoapply(y, function(x) {
      chrom <- runValue(seqnames(x))
      x$pos <- start(x) + cs[chrom]
    x <- unlist(y)
  } else {
    x <- x[seqnames(x) == chr]
    x$pos <- start(x)

  x$context <- sprintf("%s>%s", as.character(x$REF), as.character(unlist(x$ALT)))
  contexts  <- c("C>T", "C>A", "C>G", "T>A", "T>G", "T>C")
  if (all)
    contexts <- c(contexts, c("G>T", "G>A", "G>C", "A>T", "A>G", "A>C"))

  x$imd <- genomic.distance(x)
  x = x[! x$imd == -1]

  # vp <- viewport(width = 0.95, height = 0.9)
  # pushViewport(vp)
  # grid.text('Genomic Position', y = 0.01)
  # grid.text('log(Genomic Distance)', x = -0.01, rot = 90)

  if (newpage)

  vp1 <- viewport(
    # y = 0.55,
    # width = 0.9,
    # height = 0.8,
    x = unit(5, "lines"),
    y = unit(4, "lines"),
    width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(7, "lines"),
    height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(7, "lines"),
    just = c("left", "bottom"),
    xscale = c(1, max(x$pos)),
    yscale = range(log10(x$imd))

  grid.text("Genomic Position", y=unit(-3, "lines"))
  grid.text("log(Genomic Distance)", x=unit(-4, "lines"), rot=90)
  if (!is.null(main))
    grid.text(main, y=unit(1, "npc") + unit(1.5, "lines"),

  # Create grey rect for alternate chromosomes.

  if (is.null(chr)) {
    if (!is.na(panel_colour) || !is.null(panel_colour)) {
      ns <- cumsum(as.numeric(seqlengths(x)))
      imd <- log10(x$imd)
      for (i in seq(1, length(ns), 2)) {
	n <- ns[i]
	xi <- if (i > 1) ns[i - 1] else 0
	width <- n - xi
	  xi, 0, width, max(imd),
	  just = c("left", "bottom"),
	  gp = gpar(col=panel_colour, fill=panel_colour))

  ns <- sum(as.numeric(seqlengths(x)))
  grid.rect(0, 0, ns, max(log10(x$imd)), just=c("left", "bottom"), 
    default.units="native", gp=gpar(fill=NA))

  for (context in contexts) {
    y <- x[x$context == context]
      gp=gpar(col=adjustcolor(colour.map[context], alpha.f=alpha.f))

jjellis/GenomicVis documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:39 a.m.