# DigitAnalysis R Package
# github.com/jlederluis/digitanalysis
# Jetson Leder-Luis and Jean Ensminger
# Research assistant: Wenjun Chang
# Digit Pair test functions in this file
#' Find the frequency of terminal digit pairs occuring in the data being analyzed
#' @param indexes The indexes of the rows to be analyzed in the data. Used to facilitate \code{break_out} option.
#' Default to NA, meaning using all rows.
#' @inheritParams digit_pairs_test
#' @return An array of [# pairs, # not pairs]
counts_observed = function(digitdata, data_columns, omit_05, min_length, indexes=NA){
occurances = data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
for (desired_col in data_columns){
digit_pair_table = single_column_aligned(digitdata, desired_col, align_direction='right')
#for break out, we separate into categories by indexing
if (!(is.na(indexes[1]))){
digit_pair_table = digit_pair_table[indexes, ]
#remove all numbers that has length less than min_length
digit_pair_table = digit_pair_table[(ncol(digit_pair_table)-min_length+1):ncol(digit_pair_table)]
#remove incomplete rows (with nans/length < min_length)
digit_pair_table = digit_pair_table[complete.cases(digit_pair_table), ]
#only use last two digits
digit_pair_table = digit_pair_table[(ncol(digit_pair_table)-1):ncol(digit_pair_table)]
#need to coerce the names to be identical before rbind
colnames(digit_pair_table) = colnames(occurances)
occurances = rbind(occurances, digit_pair_table)
#paste the last tywo digits together as numbers
occurances = as.character(paste(occurances[,1], occurances[,2], sep=''))
pairs = c('00', '11', '22', '33', '44', '55', '66', '77', '88', '99')
if (!(is.na(omit_05[1]))){
#we omit 00 as part of digit pair
pairs = pairs[-1]
occurances = occurances[occurances != '00']
if (length(omit_05) == 2){
#remove 50 from occurances as well
occurances = occurances[occurances != '50']
#find the counts for all valid digit pairs
counts = table(occurances)
counts = sum(counts[pairs[pairs %in% names(counts)]])
return(c(counts, length(occurances) - counts))
#' Computes the theoratical frequency of terminal digit pairs
#' @param omit_05 Whether to omit 0 or 5. If omit 0, 00 will be excluded. If omit 5, 05 will be excluded.
#' @return The theoratical frequency of terminal digit pairs
freq_true = function(omit_05){
total = 100 #100 combinations possible
pairs = 10 #10 pairs possible
if (!(is.na(omit_05[1]))){
if (length(omit_05) == 1){
#omitting 0, so omit 00 pair as option
total = total - 1
pairs = pairs - 1
else {
#omitting both 0 and 5, so omit 00 pair and 50 as option
total = total - 2
pairs = pairs - 1
#' Performs terminal digit pair binomial test vs uniform distribution (Benford’s Law)
#' @param min_length The minimum length of the numbers to be analyzed in digit pair test. Must be an integer >= 2. Default to 3.
#' @param test_alternative The test alternative for binomial test performed.
#' \itemize{
#' \item 'l' or 'less': The default; test against the alternative: less than the expected frequency
#' \item 't' or 'two.sided': Test against the alternative: more or less than the expected frequency
#' }
#' @inheritParams all_digits_test
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item A table of p-values for terminal digit pair test on each category
#' \item A table of sample sizes for terminal digit pair test on each category
#' \item Plots for each category if \code{plot = TRUE or 'Save'}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' digit_pairs_test(digitdata, data_columns='all')
#' digit_pairs_test(digitdata, data_columns=c('col_name1', 'col_name2'))
#' digit_pairs_test(digitdata, data_columns='all', omit_05=NA, min_length=5)
#' digit_pairs_test(digitdata, data_columns='all', omit_05=0, break_out='col_name')
digit_pairs_test = function(digitdata, data_columns='all', omit_05=NA, min_length=3, break_out=NA, test_alternative='less', break_out_grouping=NA, plot=TRUE){
#check input
input_check(digitdata=digitdata, data_columns=data_columns, omit_05=omit_05, break_out=break_out,
break_out_grouping=break_out_grouping, min_length=min_length, plot=plot)
#check min_length
if (is.na(min_length)){
stop("min_length must be an integer >= 2 denoting the minimum length of the numbers to be analyzed in digit pair test!")
else if (min_length < 2){
stop("min_length must be an integer >= 2 denoting the minimum length of the numbers to be analyzed in digit pair test!")
#get the theoratical frequency based on Benford's Law --> Uniform Distribution
p = freq_true(omit_05)
#handle the data_columns = 'all' situation
data_columns = get_data_columns(digitdata, data_columns)
#get the observed counts = [success, failrue] for number of terminal digit pairs
counts = counts_observed(digitdata, data_columns, omit_05, min_length)
#get p_value from binomial test
p_value = binom.test(x=counts, p = p, alternative = test_alternative)$p.value ##############has to specify p = p !!!!!!
#dataframe of p values to return
p_values = data.frame(All=format_p_values(p_value))
#dataframe of sample sizes to return
sample_sizes = data.frame(All=sum(counts, na.rm = TRUE))
#freq of digit pairs for plotting
freq_digit_pairs = data.frame(All=counts[1]/sum(counts))
if (!(is.na(break_out))){
#get indexes for each category
indexes_of_categories = break_by_category(digitdata@cleaned, break_out, break_out_grouping) #this is a list since unequal number of entries for each category
#break by category for all
for (category_name in names(indexes_of_categories)){
indexes_of_category = indexes_of_categories[[category_name]]
counts_in_category = counts_observed(digitdata, data_columns, omit_05, min_length, indexes_of_category)
p_value_in_category = binom.test(x=counts_in_category, p = p, alternative = test_alternative)$p.value ############
p_values[category_name] = format_p_values(p_value_in_category) #p-value
sample_sizes[category_name] = sum(counts_in_category, na.rm = TRUE) #sample size
freq_digit_pairs[category_name] = counts_in_category[1]/sum(counts_in_category) #for plotting
if (!(TRUE %in% grepl("\\D", colnames(p_values)[-1]))){
#then it is numeric..sort them
ordered_cols = c('All', as.character(sort(as.numeric(colnames(p_values)[-1]))))
p_values = p_values[ordered_cols]
freq_digit_pairs = freq_digit_pairs[ordered_cols]
#plot only if we break_out == have > 1 column
digit_pair_plot = NA
if (plot != FALSE && !(is.na(break_out))){
digit_pair_plot = hist_2D(freq_digit_pairs, data_style='row', xlab=break_out, ylab='Percent Digit Pairs',
title=paste('Digit Pairs Test \n', 'Broken out by ', break_out, sep=''),
hline=1/(ncol(freq_digit_pairs)-1), hline_name='Uniform Distribution') #-1 since we want uniform distribution without 'all'
if (plot == TRUE){
else {
#tell user there is no plot
digit_pair_plot = 'No plot with plot=FALSE or without break_out'
return(list(p_values=p_values, sample_sizes=sample_sizes, plot=digit_pair_plot))
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