# DigitAnalysis R Package
# github.com/jlederluis/digitanalysis
# Jetson Leder-Luis and Jean Ensminger
# Research assistant: Wenjun Chang
# Repeat Test functions in this file
#' Omits the numbers that are qualified as rounded numbers specified by \code{rounding_patterns_to_omit}.
#' @inheritParams find_percent_repeats
#' @return \code{data} without round numbers.
omit_rounded_numbers = function(data, data_column, rounding_patterns_to_omit){
#sort the patterns in decreasing order
rounding_patterns_to_omit = stringi::stri_reverse(rounding_patterns_to_omit[order(nchar(rounding_patterns_to_omit), rounding_patterns_to_omit, decreasing=TRUE)])
#data column to omit round numbers
numbers = as.character(data[[data_column]])
#remove all zero entries
numbers = numbers[!(numbers == '0')]
#reverse the data column
numbers = stringi::stri_reverse(numbers)
#check each pattern from longest to shortest to avoid double counting
for (pattern in rounding_patterns_to_omit){
#substring it so that it is of same length with the current ending pattern
current_data_substrings = substr(numbers, start=1, stop=nchar(pattern))
#find the numbers with same rounding endstrings
matched_indexes = which(current_data_substrings == pattern)
#update numbers; remove rounded rows from data
if (length(matched_indexes) > 0){
numbers = numbers[-matched_indexes]
temp_data = as.data.frame(data[-matched_indexes, ])
colnames(temp_data) = colnames(data)
data = temp_data
#' Finds the percent of repeats in the given data based on given definition of a repeat (what columns need to match)
#' @param data The The dataframe to compute percent repeat on
#' @inheritParams repeat_test
#' @return The percentage of repeated numbers in input data
find_percent_repeats = function(data, data_column, rounding_patterns_to_omit){
#first of first omit NA entries in data_column!!!
temp_data = as.data.frame(data[!is.na(data[data_column]), ])
colnames(temp_data) = colnames(data)
data = temp_data
#omit rounded numbers
if (!any(is.na(rounding_patterns_to_omit)) && !is.na(data_column)){
data = omit_rounded_numbers(data, data_column, rounding_patterns_to_omit)
#find repeats based on specified definition of a repeat
unique_numbers = dim(unique(data))[1]
total_numbers = dim(data)[1]
num_repeats = total_numbers - unique_numbers
percent_repeats = num_repeats / total_numbers
#1 = repeat, 0 = not repeat
repeats_count = c(rep(0, unique_numbers), rep(1, num_repeats))
return(list(repeats_count=repeats_count, percent_repeats=percent_repeats))
#' Performs repeat test across \code{break_out} category.
#' @param data_column The data column to omit rounding numbers upon. Must be a single column.
#' @param duplicate_matching_cols An array of names of data columns two rows need to match exactly in order to be defined as a repeat.
#' Must include \code{data_column}. Default to 'all', meaning matching all columns in 'number' slot of \code{digitdata}.
#' @param rounding_patterns_to_omit The patterns to be counted as rounding digits to skip. Defaulted to NA.
#' \itemize{
#' \item An array of characters such as c('0','00','000','5','50','500', '75', '25').
#' \item \code{n_zeros_pattern} might be helpful for generating strings of 0s.
#' }
#' @param break_out
#' \itemize{
#' \item The data column (non-numeric!) to split up the dataset based on different categories in the column if specified as an character.
#' \item The first division (usually x-axis) shown in plots.
#' }
#' @inheritParams all_digits_test
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item A table of p values of t test for repeat test on each category
#' \item A table of percent repeated numbers for repeat test on each category ordered by decreasing repeats percentage
#' \item A table of sample sizes for repeat test on each category
#' \item Plots for each category if \code{plot = TRUE or 'Save'}
#' \item If NaN is in returned table, it means that there are no occurances of the data in that category --> 0/0 in percentage
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' repeat_test(digitdata)
#' repeat_test(digitdata, duplicate_matching_cols=c('col_name1, col_name2'))
#' repeat_test(digitdata, duplicate_matching_cols=c('col_name1, col_name2'), break_out='col_name')
repeat_test = function(digitdata, break_out, data_column=NA, duplicate_matching_cols='all', break_out_grouping=NA, rounding_patterns_to_omit=NA, plot=TRUE){
#check input
input_check(digitdata=digitdata, data_columns=data_column, break_out=break_out, break_out_grouping=break_out_grouping,
duplicate_matching_cols=duplicate_matching_cols, plot=plot, rounding_patterns=rounding_patterns_to_omit)
if (is.na(data_column) && !(is.na(rounding_patterns_to_omit))){
warning("data_column was left blank. Repeats are not corrected for rounding!")
if (is.na(rounding_patterns_to_omit) && !(is.na(data_column))){
warning("rounding_patterns_to_omit was left blank. Repeats are not corrected for rounding!")
#handles the duplicate_matching_cols = 'all' situation
if (duplicate_matching_cols[1] == 'digit_columns'){
duplicate_matching_cols = get_data_columns(digitdata, duplicate_matching_cols)
#check data_column is subset of duplicate_matching_cols
if (!is.na(data_column)){
for (column in data_column){
if (!(column %in% duplicate_matching_cols)){
stop('The argument duplicate_matching_cols must include all column(s) where you are analyzing digit data!')
#the columns we want to analyze
data = digitdata@cleaned[duplicate_matching_cols]
#repeats counts for all
result_all = find_percent_repeats(data, data_column, rounding_patterns_to_omit)
#intialize a dataframe for counts of repeat vs. not repeat
repeats_count_all = list()
#df to store stats for plotting
percent_repeats_table = data.frame(All=result_all$percent_repeats)
#get indexes for each category
indexes_of_categories = break_by_category(digitdata@cleaned, break_out, break_out_grouping) #this is a list since unequal number of entries for each category
#break by category and find counts of repeat vs. not repeat
for (category_name in names(indexes_of_categories)){
indexes_of_category = indexes_of_categories[[category_name]]
data_of_category = as.data.frame(data[indexes_of_category, ])
colnames(data_of_category) = colnames(data) #since find_percent_repeats depends on column name
result_of_category = find_percent_repeats(data_of_category, data_column, rounding_patterns_to_omit)
repeats_count_all[[category_name]] = result_of_category$repeats_count
percent_repeats_table[category_name] = result_of_category$percent_repeats
#calculate p value by t test for each category
p_values = data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
rownames(p_values) = 'p_value'
#sample size of each category
sample_sizes = data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
rownames(sample_sizes) = 'sample size'
for (category_name in names(repeats_count_all)){
category_counts = repeats_count_all[[category_name]]
other_counts = unlist(repeats_count_all[!(names(repeats_count_all) %in% c(category_name))], use.names=FALSE) #counts in all other categories
if (length(category_counts) < 2){
message = paste('Repeat counts for', category_name, 'is less than 2. Cannot perform t test. P value is set to NA for', category_name)
p_value = NA #cannot perform t test...x too small
else {
p_value = t.test(category_counts, other_counts, alternative = "greater")$p.value
p_values[category_name] = format_p_values(p_value)
sample_sizes[category_name] = length(category_counts)
if (!(TRUE %in% grepl("\\D", colnames(p_values)))){
#then it is numeric..sort them
ordered_cols = c('All', as.character(sort(as.numeric(colnames(p_values)))))
p_values = p_values[ordered_cols, ]
percent_repeats_table = percent_repeats_table[c('All', ordered_cols), ]
#plot only if we break_out == have > 1 column
repeats_plot = NA
if (plot != FALSE && !(is.na(break_out))){
repeats_plot = hist_2D(percent_repeats_table, data_style='row', xlab=break_out, ylab='Percent Repeats',
title=paste('Repeats Test \n', 'Broken out by ', break_out, sep=''))
if (plot == TRUE){
else {
#tell user there is no plot
repeats_plot = 'No plot with plot=FALSE or without break_out'
#create a rowname
rownames(percent_repeats_table) = 'percent repeated numbers'
#sort by decreasing rounded percentage
percent_repeats_table = t(sort(percent_repeats_table, decreasing = TRUE))
return(list(p_values=p_values, percent_repeats=percent_repeats_table, sample_sizes=sample_sizes, plot=repeats_plot))
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