
#' @description computes the sequential regression, targeted maximum likelihood estimate
#' for the stochastic direct effect or stochastic indirect effect when the outcome and 
#' mediator model are only available on site 1 (S = 1).  This is a data adaptive parameter
#' as the stochastic direct effect has a model for the mediator is determined on the data for 
#' site 1. 
#' @param data, data.frame of variables in time ordering from left to right
#' @param a, the treatment intervention of interest
#' @param a_star, the treatment intervention of the stochastic model for Mediator, M
#' @param sl the sl3 superlearner defined, see sl3 documentation for defining a superlearner
#' and the example below
#' @param V number of folds for cross-validation (fixed to 10 for now)
#' @param covariates, list of covariates for each necessary model, going backwards from the 
#' outcome, Y, M, Z, A, W, S where S is the binary site, W are confounders, A is the treatment
#' Z is the intermediary confounder (binary) and M is the mediator, Y is the outcome. 
#' @param truth for testing purposes input a list with names f_W, f_S, f_Z and f_Y models representing
#' and the corresponding elements are functions of appropriate variables so as to be able to 
#' generate the truth and check the estimator's performance.  Default is NULL
#' @param truncate, a list with elements lower and upper to truncate the various p-scores  
#' not functional at present
#' @return  a list with a CI for the estimate, and estimate using linear main terms MLE 
#' gcomp formula (est_mle), the influence curve (IC), the superlearner coefficients for
#' the Y model and the QZ model (SL_coef)
#' @example /inst/example_SDE_sl3.R 

SDE_tmle4 = function(data, sl, V=10, covariates, truth = NULL, 
                     truncate = list(lower =.0001, upper = .9999), glm_only = TRUE,
                     iptw = TRUE, onestep = TRUE, B = 500) 
  # n = 1e3
  # data = gendata.SDEtransport(n, f_W = f_W, f_S = f_S, f_A = f_A, f_Z = f_Z, f_M = f_M, f_Y = f_Y)
  if (glm_only) sl = make_learner(Lrnr_glm, family = binomial())
  L = truncate$lower
  U = truncate$upper
  # get the stochastic dist of M and true params if you want 
  gstar_info = get_gstarM(data = data, sl, V=10, covariates = covariates, truth = truth)
  gstarM_astar = list(gstarM_astar0 = gstar_info$gstarM_astar0, gstarM_astar1 = gstar_info$gstarM_astar1)
  # perform initial fits for the first regression
  init_info = get.mediation.initdata(data = data, covariates = covariates, sl = sl)
  Y_preds = init_info$Y_preds
  est_info = lapply(0:1, FUN = function(astar) {
    lapply(0:1, FUN = function(a) {
      # get tmle info
      # get iptw here while I'm at it
      update = mediation.step1(initdata = init_info$initdata, init_info$Y_preds, data = data, 
                               gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], a)
      iptw_info = list(update$IC_iptw, update$est_iptw)
      Y_Mg = get.stochasticM(gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], Y_preds[[2]], Y_preds[[3]]) 
      A_ps = init_info$initdata$A_ps
      EE_gcomp_info = mediation.step2(data = data, sl = sl, Qstar_M = Y_preds[[1]], 
                      Qstar_Mg = Y_Mg, covariates$covariates_QZ, Hm = update$Hm, A_ps = A_ps, 
                      a = a, tmle = FALSE,
                      EE = TRUE, bootstrap = FALSE)

      Qstar_Mg = get.stochasticM(gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], update$Qstar_M1, update$Qstar_M0) 
      # compute Qstar_Mg here
      tmle_info = mediation.step2(data = data, sl = sl, Qstar_M = update$Qstar_M, 
                      Qstar_Mg = Qstar_Mg, covariates$covariates_QZ, Hm = update$Hm, A_ps = A_ps, 
                      a = a, tmle = TRUE,
                      EE = FALSE, bootstrap = FALSE)
      # compile all estimates
      tmle_info$eps1 = update$eps
      return(list(EE_gcomp_info = EE_gcomp_info, iptw_info = iptw_info, tmle_info = tmle_info))
  # run the bootstrap 500 times
  # bootstrap from the data and thus the gstarM_astar1 and gstarM_astar0
  n = nrow(data)
  if (!is.null(B)) {
  boot_ests = lapply(1:B, FUN = function(x) {
    inds = sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)
    data = data[inds,]
    init_info = get.mediation.initdata(data = data, covariates = covariates, sl = sl)
    Y_preds = init_info$Y_preds
    gstarM_astar = list(gstarM_astar0 = gstar_info$gstarM_astar0[inds], 
                        gstarM_astar1 = gstar_info$gstarM_astar1[inds])
    est_info = lapply(0:1, FUN = function(astar) {
      return(lapply(0:1, FUN = function(a) {
        update = mediation.step1(initdata = init_info$initdata, Y_preds = Y_preds, data = data, 
                                 gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], a)
        iptw_info = update$est_iptw
        Y_Mg = get.stochasticM(gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], Y_preds[[2]], Y_preds[[3]]) 
        A_ps = init_info$initdata$A_ps
        EE_mle_info = mediation.step2(data = data, sl = sl, Qstar_M = Y_preds[[1]], 
                                      Qstar_Mg = Y_Mg, covariates$covariates_QZ, Hm = update$Hm, A_ps = A_ps, 
                                      a = a, tmle = FALSE,
                                      EE = TRUE, bootstrap = TRUE)
        Qstar_Mg = get.stochasticM(gstarM_astar[[astar+1]], update$Qstar_M1, update$Qstar_M1) 
        # compute Qstar_Mg here
        tmle_info = mediation.step2(data = data, sl = sl, Qstar_M = update$Qstar_M, 
                                    Qstar_Mg = Qstar_Mg, covariates$covariates_QZ, Hm = update$Hm, A_ps = A_ps, 
                                    a = a, tmle = TRUE,
                                    EE = FALSE, bootstrap = TRUE)
        # compile all estimates
        return(list(tmle_est = tmle_info, EE_est = EE_mle_info[1], iptw_est = iptw_info,
                    mle_est = EE_mle_info[2]))
    boot_ests = lapply(boot_ests, FUN = function(boot) {
      SDE = unlist(boot[[1]][[2]]) - unlist(boot[[1]][[1]])
      SIE = unlist(boot[[2]][[2]]) - unlist(boot[[1]][[2]])
      return(list(SDE, SIE))
    boots_SDE = do.call(rbind, lapply(boot_ests, FUN = function(boot) boot[[1]]))
    boots_SIE = do.call(rbind, lapply(boot_ests, FUN = function(boot) boot[[2]]))
    bootSE_SDE = apply(boots_SDE, 2, sd)
    bootSE_SIE = apply(boots_SIE, 2, sd)
  D_SDE = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$IC - est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$IC
  D_SIE = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$IC- est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$IC
  D_SDE_1s = est_info[[1]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$IC - est_info[[1]][[1]]$EE_gcomp_info$IC
  D_SIE_1s = est_info[[2]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$IC- est_info[[1]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$IC
  D_SDE_iptw = est_info[[1]][[2]]$iptw_info[[1]] - est_info[[1]][[1]]$iptw_info[[1]]
  D_SIE_iptw = est_info[[2]][[2]]$iptw_info[[1]]- est_info[[1]][[2]]$iptw_info[[1]]

  SE_SDE = sd(D_SDE)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SIE = sd(D_SIE)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SDE_1s = sd(D_SDE_1s)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SIE_1s = sd(D_SIE_1s)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SDE_iptw = sd(D_SDE_iptw)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SIE_iptw = sd(D_SIE_iptw)/sqrt(n)

  if (!is.null(truth)) { 
  D_SDE_0 = gstar_info$D_astar0a1_0 - gstar_info$D_astar0a0_0
  D_SIE_0 = gstar_info$D_astar1a1_0 - gstar_info$D_astar0a1_0
  SE_SDE_0 = sd(D_SDE_0)/sqrt(n)
  SE_SIE_0 = sd(D_SIE_0)/sqrt(n)
  Psi_astar0a1_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar0a1_0
  Psi_astar0a0_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar0a0_0
  Psi_astar1a1_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar1a1_0
  } else {
    D_SDE_0 = D_SIE_0 = SE_SDE_0 = SE_SIE_0 = NULL
    Psi_astar0a1_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar0a1_0
    Psi_astar0a0_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar0a0_0
    Psi_astar1a1_0 = gstar_info$Psi_astar1a1_0
  ests_astar0a1 =   c(tmle = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$est,
                      EE = est_info[[1]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$est,
                      iptw = est_info[[1]][[2]]$iptw_info[[2]],
                      mle = est_info[[1]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$init_est,
                      Psi_0 = Psi_astar0a1_0)
  ests_astar0a0 =   c(tmle = est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$est,
                      EE = est_info[[1]][[1]]$EE_gcomp_info$est,
                      iptw = est_info[[1]][[1]]$iptw_info[[2]],
                      mle = est_info[[1]][[1]]$EE_gcomp_info$init_est,
                      Psi_0 = Psi_astar0a0_0)
  ests_astar1a1 =   c(tmle = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$est,
                      EE = est_info[[2]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$est,
                      iptw = est_info[[2]][[2]]$iptw_info[[2]],
                      mle = est_info[[2]][[2]]$EE_gcomp_info$init_est,
                      Psi_0 = Psi_astar1a1_0)
  SDE_ests = ests_astar0a1 - ests_astar0a0
  SIE_ests = ests_astar1a1 - ests_astar0a1
  CI_SDE = c(SDE_ests[1], SDE_ests[1] - 1.96*SE_SDE, SDE_ests[1] + 1.96*SE_SDE)
  CI_SIE = c(SIE_ests[1], SIE_ests[1] - 1.96*SE_SIE, SIE_ests[1] + 1.96*SE_SIE)
  CI_SDE_1s = c(SDE_ests[2], SDE_ests[2] - 1.96*SE_SDE_1s , SDE_ests[2] + 1.96*SE_SDE_1s)
  CI_SIE_1s  = c(SIE_ests[2], SIE_ests[2] - 1.96*SE_SIE_1s , SIE_ests[2] + 1.96*SE_SIE_1s)
  CI_SDE_iptw = c(SDE_ests[3], SDE_ests[3] - 1.96*SE_SDE_iptw, SDE_ests[3] + 1.96*SE_SDE_iptw)
  CI_SIE_iptw = c(SIE_ests[3], SIE_ests[3] - 1.96*SE_SIE_iptw, SIE_ests[3] + 1.96*SE_SIE_iptw)
  if (!is.null(B)) {
    CI_SDE_boot = c(SDE_ests[1], SDE_ests[1] - 1.96*bootSE_SDE[1], SDE_ests[1] + 1.96*bootSE_SDE[1])
    CI_SIE_boot = c(SIE_ests[1], SIE_ests[1] - 1.96*bootSE_SIE[1], SIE_ests[1] + 1.96*bootSE_SIE[1])
    CI_SDE_1s_boot = c(SDE_ests[2], SDE_ests[2] - 1.96*bootSE_SDE[2] , SDE_ests[2] + 1.96*bootSE_SDE[2])
    CI_SIE_1s_boot  = c(SIE_ests[2], SIE_ests[2] - 1.96*bootSE_SIE[2] , SIE_ests[2] + 1.96*bootSE_SIE[2])
    CI_SDE_iptw_boot = c(SDE_ests[3], SDE_ests[3] - 1.96*bootSE_SDE[3], SDE_ests[3] + 1.96*bootSE_SDE[3])
    CI_SIE_iptw_boot = c(SIE_ests[3], SIE_ests[3] - 1.96*bootSE_SIE[3], SIE_ests[3] + 1.96*bootSE_SIE[3])
    return(list(CI_SDE = CI_SDE, CI_SIE = CI_SIE, CI_SDE_1s = CI_SDE_1s, CI_SIE_1s = CI_SIE_1s,
                CI_SDE_iptw = CI_SDE_iptw, CI_SIE_iptw = CI_SIE_iptw, CI_SDE_boot = CI_SDE_boot, 
                CI_SIE_boot = CI_SIE_boot, CI_SDE_1s_boot = CI_SDE_1s_boot, CI_SIE_1s_boot = CI_SIE_1s_boot, 
                CI_SDE_iptw_boot = CI_SDE_iptw_boot, CI_SIE_iptw_boot = CI_SIE_iptw_boot,
                SDE_0 = Psi_astar0a1_0 - Psi_astar0a0_0,
                SIE_0 = Psi_astar1a1_0 - Psi_astar0a1_0, 
                SE_SDE = SE_SDE, 
                SE_SIE = SE_SIE, 
                SE_SDE_1s = SE_SDE_1s,  
                SE_SIE_1s = SE_SIE_1s, 
                SE_SDE_iptw = SE_SDE_iptw,   
                SE_SIE_iptw = SE_SIE_iptw, 
                SE_SDE_0 = SE_SDE_0, 
                SE_SIE_0 = SE_SIE_0,
                ests_astar0a1 = ests_astar0a1,
                ests_astar0a0 = ests_astar0a0,
                ests_astar1a1 = ests_astar1a1,
                eps1_astar0a1 = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar0a1 = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps2,
                eps1_astar0a0 = est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar0a0 = est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$eps2,
                eps1_astar1a1 = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar1a1 = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps2 
  } else {
    return(list(CI_SDE = CI_SDE, CI_SIE = CI_SIE, CI_SDE_1s = CI_SDE_1s, CI_SIE_1s = CI_SIE_1s,
                CI_SDE_iptw = CI_SDE_iptw, CI_SIE_iptw = CI_SIE_iptw, 
                SDE_0 = Psi_astar0a1_0 - Psi_astar0a0_0,
                SIE_0 = Psi_astar1a1_0 - Psi_astar0a1_0, 
                SE_SDE = SE_SDE, 
                SE_SIE = SE_SIE, 
                SE_SDE_1s = SE_SDE_1s,  
                SE_SIE_1s = SE_SIE_1s, 
                SE_SDE_iptw = SE_SDE_iptw,   
                SE_SIE_iptw = SE_SIE_iptw, 
                SE_SDE_0 = SE_SDE_0, 
                SE_SIE_0 = SE_SIE_0,
                ests_astar0a1 = ests_astar0a1,
                ests_astar0a0 = ests_astar0a0,
                ests_astar1a1 = ests_astar1a1,
                eps1_astar0a1 = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar0a1 = est_info[[1]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps2,
                eps1_astar0a0 = est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar0a0 = est_info[[1]][[1]]$tmle_info$eps2,
                eps1_astar1a1 = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps1,
                eps2_astar1a1 = est_info[[2]][[2]]$tmle_info$eps2 

get_gstarM  = function(data, sl, V=10, covariates, truth) 
  W = data[,grep("W", colnames(data))]
  task_Mstar <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data[data$S == 1,]),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
    outcome = "M"
  task_Zstar <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  df_ZA1 = df_ZA0 = data
  df_ZA1$A = 1
  df_ZA0$A = 0
  task_ZA1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_ZA1),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  task_ZA0 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_ZA0),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  Mstarfit = sl$train(task_Mstar)
  Zstarfit = sl$train(task_Zstar)
  # find the truth if simulating
  f_truth0 = function(Z, W, S) {
    # W = W[1:10]
    nn = nrow(W)
    # dataM1 = data.frame(cbind)
    dataM1 = cbind(Z = rep(1,nn), W, M = rep(1,nn))
    taskM1 =   sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataM1),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
      outcome = "M"
    predM1 = Mstarfit$predict(taskM1)
    dataM0 = cbind(Z = rep(0,nn), W, M = rep(1,nn))
    taskM0 =   sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataM0),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
      outcome = "M"
    predM0 = Mstarfit$predict(taskM0)
    dataZ = cbind(A = rep(0,nn), W, S = rep(1, nn), Z = rep(1,nn))
    taskZ <- sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataZ),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
      outcome = "Z"
    predZ = Zstarfit$predict(taskZ)
    gM = predM1*predZ + predM0*(1 - predZ)
  f_truth1 = function(Z, W, S) {
    # W = W[1:10]
    nn = nrow(W)
    # dataM1 = data.frame(cbind)
    dataM1 = cbind(Z = rep(1,nn), W, M = rep(1,nn))
    taskM1 =   sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataM1),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
      outcome = "M"
    predM1 = Mstarfit$predict(taskM1)
    dataM0 = cbind(Z = rep(0,nn), W, M = rep(1,nn))
    taskM0 =   sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataM0),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
      outcome = "M"
    predM0 = Mstarfit$predict(taskM0)
    dataZ = cbind(A = rep(1,nn), W, S = rep(1, nn), Z = rep(1,nn))
    taskZ <- sl3_Task$new(
      data = data.table::copy(dataZ),
      covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
      outcome = "Z"
    predZ = Zstarfit$predict(taskZ)
    gM = predM1*predZ + predM0*(1 - predZ)
  gstarM_astar1 = with(data, f_truth1(Z=Z, W=W, S=S))
  gstarM_astar0 = with(data, f_truth0(Z=Z, W=W, S=S))
  if (!is.null(truth)) {
    data_pop_astar0a1 = gendata.SDEtransport(5*1e6, f_W = truth$f_W, 
                                             f_S = truth$f_S, f_A = function(S,W) 1, 
                                             f_Z = truth$f_Z, f_M = f_truth0, f_Y = truth$f_Y) 
    data_pop_astar0a0 = gendata.SDEtransport(5*1e6, f_W = truth$f_W, 
                                             f_S = truth$f_S, f_A = function(S,W) 0, 
                                             f_Z = truth$f_Z, f_M = f_truth0, f_Y = truth$f_Y) 
    data_pop_astar1a1 = gendata.SDEtransport(5*1e6, f_W = truth$f_W, 
                                             f_S = truth$f_S, f_A = function(S,W) 1, 
                                             f_Z = truth$f_Z, f_M = f_truth1, f_Y = truth$f_Y) 
    Psi_astar0a1_0 = mean(data_pop_astar0a1$Y[data_pop_astar0a1$S==0]) 
    Psi_astar0a0_0 = mean(data_pop_astar0a0$Y[data_pop_astar0a0$S==0])
    Psi_astar1a1_0 = mean(data_pop_astar1a1$Y[data_pop_astar1a1$S==0]) 
    PS0_0 = mean(data_pop_astar1a1$S==0)   

    # get the true IC's
    df_ZS0 = data
    df_ZS0$S = 0
    W = data[,grep("W", colnames(data))]
    S_ps0 = with(data, truth$f_S(W=W))
    ZS0_ps0 = with(df_ZS0, truth$f_Z(A=A, W=W, S=S))
    M_ps0 = with(data, truth$f_M(Z=Z, W=W, S=1))
    Z_ps0 = with(data, truth$f_Z(A=A, W=W, S=S))
    A_ps0 = with(data, truth$f_A(W=W, S=S))
    get_cc_0 = function(data, gstarM_astar, a) {
      with(data, ((S == 1)*(A == a)*
                    ((M == 1)*gstarM_astar + (M == 0)*(1 - gstarM_astar))*
                    ((Z == 1)*ZS0_ps0 + (Z == 0)*(1 - ZS0_ps0))*(1 - S_ps0))/
             (((M == 1)*M_ps0 + (M == 0)*(1 - M_ps0))*
                ((Z == 1)*Z_ps0 + (Z == 0)*(1 - Z_ps0))*
                ((A == 1)*A_ps0 + (A == 0)*(1 - A_ps0))*S_ps0
    get_Hz_0 = function(a) with(data, (A == a)*(S == 0)/(A*A_ps0 + (1 - A)*(1 - A_ps0))/PS0_0)
    Hm_astar0a1_0 = get_cc_0(data = data, gstarM_astar = gstarM_astar0, a = 1)
    Hm_astar0a0_0 = get_cc_0(data = data, gstarM_astar = gstarM_astar0, a = 0)
    Hm_astar1a1_0 = get_cc_0(data = data, gstarM_astar = gstarM_astar1, a = 1)
    Hz_astar0a1_0 = get_Hz_0(1)
    Hz_astar0a0_0 = get_Hz_0(0)
    Hz_astar1a1_0 = get_Hz_0(1)
    get_trueIC = function(gstar_M, a, Psi_0, Hm_0, Hz_0) {
      p_0Z = with(data, truth$f_Z(A=a, W=W, S=S))
      Q_0Y = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=M, Z=Z, W=W))
      Q_0YM1 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=1, Z=Z, W=W))
      Q_0YM0 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=0, Z=Z, W=W))
      Q_0YM1Z1 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=1, Z=1, W=W))
      Q_0YM0Z1 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=0, Z=1, W=W))
      Q_0YM1Z0 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=1, Z=0, W=W))
      Q_0YM0Z0 = with(data, truth$f_Y(M=0, Z=0, W=W))
      Q_ghat_astar = with(data, Q_0YM1*gstar_M + Q_0YM0*(1 - gstar_M)) 
      Q_ghat_astarZ1 = with(data, Q_0YM1Z1*gstar_M + Q_0YM0Z1*(1 - gstar_M)) 
      Q_ghat_astarZ0 = with(data, Q_0YM1Z0*gstar_M + Q_0YM0Z0*(1 - gstar_M)) 
      Q_ghat_astarW = with(data, Q_ghat_astarZ1*p_0Z + Q_ghat_astarZ0*(1-p_0Z))
      D_0Y = with(data, Hm_0*(Y - Q_0Y))
      D_0Z = Hz_0*(Q_ghat_astar - Q_ghat_astarW)
      D_0W = with(data, (Q_ghat_astarW - Psi_0)*(S ==0)/PS0_0)
      D_0 = D_0Y + D_0Z + D_0W
    D_astar0a1_0 = get_trueIC(gstar_M = gstarM_astar0, a = 1, 
                              Psi_0 = Psi_astar0a1_0, Hm_0 = Hm_astar0a1_0,
                              Hz_0 = Hz_astar0a1_0)
    D_astar0a0_0 = get_trueIC(gstar_M = gstarM_astar0, a = 0, 
                              Psi_0 = Psi_astar0a0_0, Hm_0 = Hm_astar0a0_0,
                              Hz_0 = Hz_astar0a0_0)
    D_astar1a1_0 = get_trueIC(gstar_M = gstarM_astar1, a = 1, 
                              Psi_0 = Psi_astar1a1_0, Hm_0 = Hm_astar1a1_0,
                              Hz_0 = Hz_astar1a1_0)
    return(list(gstarM_astar1 = gstarM_astar1, gstarM_astar0 = gstarM_astar0, 
                Psi_astar0a1_0 = Psi_astar0a1_0, Psi_astar0a0_0 = Psi_astar0a0_0, 
                Psi_astar1a1_0 = Psi_astar1a1_0, PS0_0 = PS0_0, 
                D_astar0a1_0 = D_astar0a1_0, D_astar0a0_0 = D_astar0a0_0,
                D_astar1a1_0 = D_astar1a1_0)) 
  } else return(list(gstarM_astar1 = gstarM_astar1, gstarM_astar0 = gstarM_astar0))

get.mediation.initdata = function(data, covariates, sl) {
  W = data[,grep("W", colnames(data))]
  df_YM1S1 = data
  df_YM1S1$M = 1
  df_YM1S1$S = 1
  df_YM0S1 = df_YM1S1
  df_YM0S1$M = 0
  df_ZS0 = data
  df_ZS0$S = 0
  # to be used for fitting Y
  task_YsubS1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data[data$S==1,]),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Y,
    outcome = "Y"
  # Used for predicting Y
  task_Y <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Y,
    outcome = "Y"
  task_YM1S1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_YM1S1),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Y,
    outcome = "Y"
  task_YM0S1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_YM0S1),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Y,
    outcome = "Y"
  # used for fitting M
  task_MsubS1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data[data$S == 1,]),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
    outcome = "M"
  # used for predicting M
  task_MS1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_YM1S1),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_M,
    outcome = "M"
  task_Z <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  task_ZS0 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_ZS0),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  task_A <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_A,
    outcome = "A"
  task_ZS1 <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_YM1S1),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_Z,
    outcome = "Z"
  task_S <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates$covariates_S,
    outcome = "S"
  # Y, M, Z, A, S fits
  Sfit = sl$train(task_S)
  Afit = sl$train(task_A)
  Zfit = sl$train(task_Z)
  # fitting M and Y on subsets where S is 1.  This is all that is needed for M and Y
  Mfit = sl$train(task_MsubS1)
  Yfit = sl$train(task_YsubS1)
  # propensity scores
  S_ps = Sfit$predict()
  PS0 = mean(data$S == 0)
  A_ps = Afit$predict()
  Z_ps = Zfit$predict()
  ZS0_ps = Zfit$predict(task_ZS0)
  # might as well predict for S = 1 on whole data because only S = 1 subset is relevant
  # as clev cov is 0 otherwise 
  M_ps = Mfit$predict(task_MS1)
  # 1st clever cov FOR SDE, ALSO NEED THE ONE FOR SIE
  # Predict Y for whole data, also with M = 1 and 0, S does not matter since
  # Y is not a function of that variable so won't be used for prediction
  Y_init = pmin(pmax(Yfit$predict(task_Y), 0.001), .999)
  Y_init_M1 = pmin(pmax(Yfit$predict(task_YM1S1), 0.001), .999)
  Y_init_M0 = pmin(pmax(Yfit$predict(task_YM0S1), 0.001), .999)
  return(list(initdata = list(M_ps = M_ps, ZS0_ps = ZS0_ps, Z_ps = Z_ps, A_ps = A_ps, 
                              S_ps = S_ps, PS0 = PS0), 
              Y_preds = list(Y_init = Y_init, 
                             Y_init_M1 = Y_init_M1, 
                             Y_init_M0 = Y_init_M0)))

mediation.step1 = function(initdata, Y_preds, data, gstarM_astar, a) {
  H = with(data, with(initdata, ((S == 1)*(A == a)*
                                   ((M == 1)*gstarM_astar + (M == 0)*(1 - gstarM_astar))*
                                   ((Z == 1)*ZS0_ps + (Z == 0)*(1 - ZS0_ps))*(1 - S_ps))/
                        (((M == 1)*M_ps + (M == 0)*(1 - M_ps))*
                           ((Z == 1)*Z_ps + (Z == 0)*(1 - Z_ps))*
                           (A_ps*A + (1 - A)*(1 - A_ps))*S_ps*PS0)))
  # updates
  Qfit = try(glm(data$Y ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(Y_preds$Y_init)), family = binomial,
                 weights = H), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(Qfit)=="try-error") eps = 0 else eps = Qfit$coefficients
  est_iptw = mean(data$Y*H)
  IC_iptw = data$Y*H - est_iptw
  return(list(Qstar_M  = plogis(qlogis(Y_preds$Y_init) + eps),
              Qstar_M1 = plogis(qlogis(Y_preds$Y_init_M1) + eps),
              Qstar_M0 = plogis(qlogis(Y_preds$Y_init_M0) + eps),
              IC_iptw = IC_iptw, est_iptw = est_iptw,
              Hm = H,
              eps = eps))

#' @export
mediation.step2 = function(data, sl, Qstar_M, Qstar_Mg, covariates_QZ, Hm, A_ps, a, tmle = TRUE,
                         EE = FALSE, bootstrap = FALSE) {

  PS0 = mean(data$S==0)
  df_QZ = data
  df_QZ$Qstar_Mg = Qstar_Mg
  # for tmle 
  task_QZsubAa <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(df_QZ[df_QZ$A == a, ]),
    covariates = covariates_QZ,
    outcome = "Qstar_Mg",
    outcome_type = "continuous"
  task_data <- sl3_Task$new(
    data = data.table::copy(data),
    covariates = covariates_QZ,
    outcome = "Y"
  QZfit = sl$train(task_QZsubAa)
  # compute the clever covariate and update if tmle
  if (tmle) {
    Hz = with(data, (A == a)*(S == 0)/(A*A_ps + (1 - A)*(1 - A_ps))/PS0)  
    QZ_preds_a = pmin(pmax(QZfit$predict(task_data), .001), .999)
    # update
    QZfit_tmle = try(glm(Qstar_Mg ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(QZ_preds_a)), family = binomial,
                         weights = Hz), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(QZfit_tmle)=="try-error") eps2 = 0 else eps2 = QZfit_tmle$coefficients
    QZstar_a = plogis(qlogis(QZ_preds_a) + eps2)
    est = mean(QZstar_a[data$S==0])
    if(!bootstrap) { 
      D_Y = with(data, Hm*(Y - Qstar_M))
      D_Z = Hz*(Qstar_Mg - QZstar_a)
      D_W = with(data, (QZstar_a - est)*(S ==0)/PS0)
      D = D_Y + D_Z + D_W
  # regress if EE or mle, EE updates the estimate, mle does not
  if (EE) {
    QZstar_a = pmin(pmax(QZfit$predict(task_data), .001), .999) 
    init_est = mean(QZstar_a[data$S==0])
    D_Y1s = with(data, Hm*(Y - Qstar_M))
    Hz = with(data, (A == a)*(S == 0)/(A*A_ps + (1 - A)*(1 - A_ps))/PS0)
    D_Z1s = Hz*(Qstar_Mg - QZstar_a)
    D_W1s = with(data, (QZstar_a - init_est)*(S ==0)/PS0)
    D = D_Y1s + D_Z1s + D_W1s
    # update the estimate
    est = init_est + mean(D)
  if (!bootstrap) {
    if (tmle) return(list(est = est, IC = D, eps2 = eps2)) else {
      return(list(est = est, IC = D, init_est = init_est))
  } else {
    if (tmle) return(list(est = est)) else {
      return(list(est = est, init_est = init_est))
jlstiles/SDEtransport documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:41 a.m.