
Defines functions pROC_ci_sp_roc pROC_quick_plot subset_rownames print.mark_roc_thres pROC_optimal_threshold

Documented in pROC_optimal_threshold pROC_quick_plot

#' Optimal threshold from pROC mod
#' Find the optimal threshold from a pROC mod
#' @param mod An object with class "roc" (a ROC model made with pROC::roc(.))
#' @param method Method to determine optimal threshold
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [pROC::ci.thresholds()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- pROC::aSAH
#' mod <- pROC::roc(x$outcome, x$s100b, levels=c("Good", "Poor"))
#' pROC_optimal_threshold(mod)
# nolint next: object_name_linter.
pROC_optimal_threshold <- function(mod, method = c("youden", "top_left"), ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, "roc"))
  method <- mark::match_arg(method)

  cis <- pROC::ci.thresholds(mod, ...)
  w <- switch(
    youden = {
      with(mod, which.max(sensitivities + specificities))
    top_left = {
      with(mod, which.min((1 - sensitivities)^2 + (1 - specificities)^2))

  thres <- mod$thresholds[w]
  ci_sp <- subset_rownames(cis$sensitivity, thres)
  ci_se <- subset_rownames(cis$specificity, thres)

    length(ci_sp) == 3L,
    length(ci_sp) == 3L

    class = c("mark_roc_thres", "numeric"),
    typeof = "double",
    method = method,
    ci_sp = ci_sp,
    ci_se = ci_se


#' @export
print.mark_roc_thres <- function(x, ...) {
  a <- attributes(x)
  dig <- getOption("digits", 7L)
  se <- round(a$ci_se, dig)
  sp <- round(a$ci_sp, dig)

  out <- paste0(
    a$method, ": ", x, "\n",
    "Sensitivity = ", se[2], " (95% CI ", se[1], " - ", se[3], ")\n",
    "Specificity = ", sp[2], " (95% CI ", sp[1], " - ", sp[3], ")"


subset_rownames <- function(x, y) {
  # Try for actual values, then use generic rownames()
  rn <- attr(x, "row.names") %||% rownames(x)

  if (is.null(rn)) {
    stop("Object `x` has no rownames")

  x[rn == y, ]

#' Plots an ROC model
#' Quickly plots a model based on my own liking
#' @details
#' When adding bootstrapped confidence intervals, the core function of
#'   `pROC:::ci.sp.roc()` is replaced with a quicker version that uses parallel
#'   processing to speed up the bootstraps and some other data manipulation.
#'   There will likely be a delay when running with bootstraps.
#' @param mod An object with class "roc" (a ROC model made with [pROC::roc()])
#' @param thres_method The threshold method to print
#' @param col The color of the curve
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [pROC::plot.roc()]
#' @param boots Number of bootstrap replications to perform; if < 2L will not
#'   perform any
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (mark::package_available("pROC")) {
#'   x <- pROC::aSAH
#'   mod <- pROC::roc(x$outcome, x$s100b, levels = c("Good", "Poor"))
#'   pROC_quick_plot(mod)
#' \dontrun{
#'   pROC_quick_plot(mod, boots = 100)
#' }
#' }
# nolint next: object_name_linter.
pROC_quick_plot <- function(
    thres_method = c("youden", "closest.topleft"),
    col = "blue",
    boots = 0L
) {
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, "roc"))

  thres_method <- mark::match_arg(thres_method)

    legacy.axes = TRUE,
    asp = NA,
    print.auc = TRUE,
    print.thres = "best",
    print.thres.best.method = thres_method,
    add = FALSE

  if (boots > 1L) {
    cis <- pROC_ci_sp_roc(mod, boots = boots)
    # Defaults to a grey
    ci_col <- grDevices::rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0.1)
    ("pROC" %colons% "plot.ci.sp")(cis, type = "shape", col = ci_col)

  # Add smoothed
  plot(pROC::smooth(mod), add = TRUE, col = col, lwd = 2, lty = 2)

    legend = c("Empirical", "Smoothed"),
    col = c(graphics::par("fg"), col),
    lwd = 2


# Replaces pROC ::: ci.sp.roc
# pROC function is slow; uses plyr functions and has some slower applications
#   of base functions
# nolint next: object_name_linter.
pROC_ci_sp_roc <- function(
    boots = 500,
    se = seq(0, 1, .01),
    conf_level = 0.95
) {

  # Maintain same warnings
  if (conf_level > 1 || conf_level < 0) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be within the interval [0,1].", call. = FALSE)

  if (isTRUE(try(("pROC" %colons% "roc_utils_is_perfect_curve")(mod)))) {
      "ci.sp() of a ROC curve with AUC == 1 is always a null interval",
      " and can be misleading.",
      call. = FALSE

  fplan <- future::plan(future::multisession)

  perfs <- furrr::future_map(
    "pROC" %colons% "stratified.ci.sp",
    roc = mod,
    se = se

  perfs <- as.data.frame(Reduce(rbind, perfs))

  # anyNA(.) quicker than any(is.na(.))
  if (anyNA(perfs)) {
    warning("NA value(s) produced during bootstrap were ignored.")
    # complete.cases(.) quicker than !apply(., 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
    perfs <- perfs[stats::complete.cases(perfs), ]

  cl <- (1 - conf_level) / 2
  probs <- c(cl, 0.5, 1 - cl)
  # Replace apply(., 2) with vapply()
  ci <- t(vapply(perfs, stats::quantile, double(3), probs = probs))

    # Default Doesn't use percentage
    #> rownames = paste0(sensitivities, ifelse(roc$percent, "%", "")),
    rownames = se,
    con.level = conf_level,
    boot.n = boots,
    # Default is not stratified.
    boot.stratified = FALSE,
    sensitivities = se,
    roc = mod
jmbarbone/jordanExtra documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 12:33 p.m.