
#' Remap colors to a new colorjam preset
#' Remap colors to a new  colorjam preset, using existing preset
#' when available.
#' This function is experimental, and is intended to convert a set
#' of categorical colors to a colorjam preset. When the existing
#' colors have attribute `"preset"` it is used to inform the starting
#' preset. The output of `rainbowJam()` includes the preset as
#' `attr(x, "preset")`.
#' The HCL and HSL color conversions are blended together to improve
#' the imperfect result from either method alone. The end result
#' is imperfect, but better than the alternatives.
#' @family colorjam hue warp
#' @returns `character` vector of hexadecimal colors
#' @examples
#' x <- rainbowJam(12)
#' x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb2", do_plot=TRUE)
#' x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="ryb2")
#' x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="dichromat2", do_plot=TRUE)
#' x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="ryb")
#' x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="dichromat2", do_plot=TRUE)
#' x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="dichromat2")
#' x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb", do_plot=TRUE)
#' x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="rgb")
#' x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb", do_plot=TRUE)
#' @export
remap_colorjam_preset <- function
   # determine HCL hue
   x_hcl <- jamba::col2hcl(x);
   x_hcl_hue <- x_hcl["H",];
   if (TRUE %in% plot_debug) {
      print("x_hcl_hue (input):");print(x_hcl_hue);# debug
      plot(x=seq_along(x), y=x_hcl_hue, ylim=c(0, 360), pch="1");

   # accept preset encoded as attribute name
   if (length(preset_from) == 0 && "preset" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      preset_from <- attr(x, "preset");

   # optionally decode input preset
   if (length(preset_from) > 0) {
      x_hcl_hue <- round(h2hw(preset=preset_from,
         h=x_hcl_hue), digits=1) %% 360
      if (TRUE %in% plot_debug) {
         print("x_hcl_hue (preset_from):");print(x_hcl_hue);# debug
         points(x=seq_along(x), y=x_hcl_hue, pch="2");
   # adjust hue
   new_hcl_hue <- hw2h(preset=preset,
   if (TRUE %in% plot_debug) {
      print("new_hcl_hue (output):");print(new_hcl_hue);# debug
      points(x=seq_along(x), y=new_hcl_hue, pch="3");
   # determine HSL hue
   x_hsl_hue <- hcl_to_hsl_hue(new_hcl_hue);

   # determine HSL values
   x_hsl <- jamba::col2hsl(x)

   # create colors using HSL with new hue, existing S,L
   new_hsl_colors <- jamba::hsl2col(H=x_hsl_hue,
      S=x_hsl["S", ],
      L=x_hsl["L", ],
      alpha=x_hsl["alpha", ])

   # create colors using HCL with new hue, existing C,L
   new_hcl_colors <- jamba::hcl2col(H=new_hcl_hue,
      C=x_hcl["C", ],
      L=x_hcl["L", ],
      alpha=x_hsl["alpha", ])

   # blend them together
   new_hsl_colors <- sapply(seq_along(new_hsl_colors), function(i){

   # optional plot
   if (TRUE %in% do_plot && !TRUE %in% plot_debug) {
      color_list <- list(
      if (length(preset_from) > 0) {
         names(color_list)[1] <- preset_from;
      names(color_list)[2] <- preset;

#' Convert HCL hue to HSL hue
#' @family colorjam hue warp
#' @returns `numeric` hue with values in range `c(0, 360)`
#'    intended for use with `jamba::hsl2col()`
#' @param x `numeric` hue with values in range `c(0, 360)`
#'    intended for use with `jamba::hcl2col()`
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @export
hcl_to_hsl_hue <- function

#' Convert HSL hue to HCL hue
#' @family colorjam hue warp
#' @returns `numeric` hue with values in range `c(0, 360)`
#'    intended for use with `jamba::hcl2col()`
#' @param x `numeric` hue with values in range `c(0, 360)`
#'    intended for use with `jamba::hsl2col()`
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @export
hsl_to_hcl_hue <- function
jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.