
# define default environment to store colorjam step sequences
# Note: Some newer steps used `jamba::normScale()` to adjust
# the step sequence within a fixed range.
.colorjam_steps <- new.env();
.colorjam_steps[["v19"]] <- list(
   C=c(140, 150, 160, 130, 200, 100),
   L=c( 47,  85,  62,  42,  77,  54))
.colorjam_steps[["v20"]] <- list(
   C=c(200, 120, 160,  90, 180, 150),
   L=c( 44,  88,  74,  58,  80,  65))
.colorjam_steps[["v23"]] <- list(
   # C used v20 values scaled between 70 and 110
   C=c(110, 81, 95, 70, 103, 92),
   # L used v20 values scaled between 45 and 85
   L=c(45, 85, 72, 58, 78, 64))
.colorjam_steps[["v24"]] <- list(
   C=c(88, 110, 99,  80, 105, 97),
   # L values intended for gold-first sequence
   # slightly adjusted for each sequence of 6 steps
      c(80, 51, 65, 58, 76, 62),
      c(84, 55, 71, 61, 82, 66),
      c(90, 45, 61, 53, 71, 58)))

# .colorjam_steps[["v24a"]] <- list(
#    # C values intended for gold-first sequence
#    # scaled between 80 to 100
#    C=c(110, 88, 99,  80, 105, 97)[c(2,1,3,4,5,6)],
#    # L values intended for gold-first sequence
#    # slightly adjusted for each sequence of 6 steps:
#    # `+ rep(c(0, 5, -10), each=6)`
#    # scaled between 45 and 85
#    L=c(
#       c(51, 82, 70, 60, 77, 65)[c(2,1,3,4,5,6)],
#       c(55, 85, 73, 63, 80, 68)[c(2,1,3,4,5,6)],
#       c(45, 75, 63, 53, 70, 58)[c(2,1,3,4,5,6)]))

#' Colorjam chroma/luminance steps
#' Colorjam chroma/luminance steps to adjust a series of color hues
#' to visibly distinct categorical colors.
#' `colorjam_steps()`: list the names of available colorjam steps,
#' or when a `step` name is provided, it returns a `list` with elements
#' `"C"` and `"L"`.
#' @returns `character` vector of recognized colorjam step names when
#'    `step` is `NULL`, or
#'    when `step` is defined a `list` is returned with elements
#'    * `C`: `numeric` values indicating HCL Chroma
#'    * `L`: `numeric` values indicating HCL Chroma
#' @family colorjam hue warp
#' @param steps `NULL` to return a `character` vector of all recognized
#'    steps, or `character` string to return specific data associated
#'    with a recognized steps name.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @export
colorjam_steps <- function
   if (length(step) == 0) {
   } else {

#' Add colorjam chroma/luminance step
#' Add colorjam chroma/luminance steps to adjust a series of color hues
#' to visibly distinct categorical colors.
#' @returns `TRUE`, invisibly.
#' @family colorjam hue warp
#' @param step `character` string with the step name.
#' @param step_list `list` with elements `"C"` and `"L"` which each contain
#'    a `numeric` vector with values in the range `c(0, 100)`.
#'    In future the `step_list` may permit other color channels, such
#'    as `"S"` and `"L"` for use with HSL color space, or `"S"` and `"V"`
#'    for use with HSV color space.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @examples
#' colorjam_steps()
#' colorjam_steps("v24")
#' Cvals <- c(110, 88, 99,  80, 105, 97)
#' Lvals <- c(51, 82, 70, 60, 77, 65)
#' add_colorjam_step("new_v24", step_list=list(C=Cvals, L=Lvals))
#' colorjam_steps()
#' colorjam_steps("new_v24")
#' color_pie(rainbowJam(n=10,
#'    step="new_v24",
#'    phase=c(2,1,3,4,5,6)))
#' add_colorjam_step("new_v24", step_list=NULL)
#' colorjam_steps()
#' @export
add_colorjam_step <- function
   # validate input
   if (length(step_list) == 0 || all(lengths(step_list) == 0)) {
      if (step %in% ls(.colorjam_steps)) {
         # remove
         if (TRUE %in% verbose) {
            cli::cli_alert_info("removed step '{.field {step}}'.")
   } else {
      if (TRUE %in% verbose) {
         cli::cli_alert_info("added step '{.field {step}}'.")
jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.