
Defines functions get_all_functions_imported_to_children get_package_info_by_path parseNamespaceFile_cp parse_imports_from_namespace pkg_exists is_field_required required_dependency_packages print.pkgndep pkgndep_simplified pkgndep

Documented in get_all_functions_imported_to_children pkgndep print.pkgndep required_dependency_packages

# == title
# Package dependency analysis
# == param
# -package Package name. The value can be 1. a CRAN/Bioconductor package, 2. an installed package, 3. a path of a local package, 4. URL of a GitHub repository.
# -verbose Whether to show messages.
# -online If the value is ``TRUE``, it will directly use the newest package database file from CRAN/Bioconductor. Note the default Bioconductor
#      version is the one corresponding to the current R version. If you want to use a higher bioc version, you need to set the global
#      option ``pkgndep_opt$bioc_version``. If the value of ``online`` is ``FALSE``, a snapshot of the CRAN/Bioconductor package database
#      will be used. The version of the package database snapshot can be via the global option `pkgndep_opt`$heaviness_db_version.
# -load If the value is ``TRUE``, the ``package`` is loaded into a fresh new R session and the function will check which upstream packages are also loaded
#      into the R session. Note it is possible that an "Imports" package is not loaded or a "Suggests" package is loaded in the R session when loading ``package``.
# -parse_namespace Whether to also parse the NAMESPACE file. It is only used internally.
# == value
# A ``pkgndep`` object.
# == example
# \dontrun{
# x = pkgndep("ComplexHeatmap")
# }
# # The `x` variable generated by `pkgndep()` is already saved in this package.
# x = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "ComplexHeatmap_dep.rds", package = "pkgndep"))
# x
# dependency_heatmap(x)
pkgndep = function(package, verbose = TRUE, online = TRUE, load = FALSE, parse_namespace = TRUE) {

	# by default, it tests with the newest CRAN/Bioconductor
	# the default Bioconductor is the one corresponding to current R version, but higher bioc version or devel version
	# can be set via pkgndep_opt$bioc_version.

	## check whether package is an CRAN/Bioc package, an installed package, a path or a github link
	load_pkg_db(verbose = verbose, online = online)
	if(online) {
		pkg_db = ENV$pkg_db
	} else {
		pkg_db = ENV$pkg_db_snapshot

	if(is.null(pkg_db$dep_ind_hash[[package]])) { 

		if(pkg_installed(package)) {
			package_name = package
		} else if(file.exists(package)) {
			package_name = basename(package)
			if(load) message_wrap("`package` is specified as a path, reset `load` to `FALSE`.")
			load = FALSE
		} else if(grepl("^https://github.com/", package)) {
			package_name = basename(package)
			if(load) message_wrap("`package` is a GitHub URL, reset `load` to `FALSE`.")
			load = FALSE
		} else {
			stop_wrap("`package` should be 1. a CRAN/Bioconductor package, 2. an installed package,\n3. a path of a local package, 4. URL of a GitHub repository.")
		res = get_package_info_by_path(package)

		version = res$version
		repository = res$repository
		depends = res$depends
		imports = res$imports
		linkingto = res$linkingto
		suggests = res$suggests
		enhances = res$enhances

		imports = setdiff(imports, depends)
		linkingto = setdiff(linkingto, c(imports, depends))
		suggests = setdiff(suggests, c(depends, imports, linkingto))
		enhances = setdiff(enhances, c(depends, imports, linkingto, suggests))

	} else {

		version = pkg_db$get_meta(package)[1, "Version"]
		repository = pkg_db$get_meta(package)[1, "Repository"]

		depends =  pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Depends", simplify = TRUE)
		imports =  pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Imports", simplify = TRUE); imports = setdiff(imports, depends)
		linkingto = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "LinkingTo", simplify = TRUE); linkingto = setdiff(linkingto, c(imports, depends))
		suggests = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Suggests", simplify = TRUE); suggests = setdiff(suggests, c(depends, imports, linkingto))
		enhances = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Enhances", simplify = TRUE); enhances = setdiff(enhances, c(depends, imports, linkingto, suggests))

		package_name = package

	dep_fields = c(rep("Depends", length(depends)),
		           rep("Imports", length(imports)),
		           rep("LinkingTo", length(linkingto)),
		           rep("Suggests", length(suggests)),
		           rep("Enhances", length(enhances)))
	all_pkgs = c(depends, imports, linkingto, suggests, enhances)

	if(pkg_exists(package_name) && load) {
		qqcat("loading @{package_name} into a new R session to test number of namespaces loaded...")
		if(!requireNamespace("callr", quietly = TRUE)) {
			stop_wrap("You need to install 'callr' package.")
		tb = callr::r(load_pkg_freshly, args = list(pkg = package_name), user_profile = FALSE)
		cat(" done.\n")

		if(is.null(tb)) {
			tb = data.frame(pkg = character(0))
	} else {
		tb = data.frame(pkg = character(0))	

	if(length(all_pkgs) == 0) {
		obj = list(
			package = package_name,
			version = version,
			repository = repository,
			dep_mat = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0), 
			dep_fields = character(0),

			which_required = logical(0),
			which_required_but_not_loaded = logical(0),
			which_suggested_but_also_loaded = logical(0),
			n_by_strong = 0,
			n_by_all = 0,
			heaviness = numeric(0),
			df_imports = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(character(0), c("imports", "importMethods", "importClasses"))),
			pkg_from_session_info = tb$pkg,
			gini_index = 0

		class(obj) = "pkgndep"

	all_pkgs_dep = lapply(all_pkgs, function(p) {
		pkg_db$package_dependencies(p, which = "strong", recursive = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)

	all_pkgs2 = unique(unlist(all_pkgs_dep))

	rn = all_pkgs
	cn = all_pkgs2

	dep_mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(all_pkgs), ncol = length(all_pkgs2), dimnames = list(rn, cn))
	for(i in seq_along(all_pkgs_dep)) {
		if(length(all_pkgs_dep[[i]])) {
			dep_mat[i, all_pkgs_dep[[i]]] = 1

	df_imports = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dep_mat), ncol = 3)
	colnames(df_imports) = c("imports", "importMethods", "importClasses")
	rownames(df_imports) = rn

	if(parse_namespace) {
		lt_imports2 = lt_imports = parse_imports_from_namespace(package, package_name, online = online)
		if(!is.null(lt_imports)) {
			if(length(lt_imports$n_imports)) {
				lt_imports$n_imports = lt_imports$n_imports[intersect(names(lt_imports$n_imports), rn)]
				df_imports[names(lt_imports$n_imports), "imports"] = lt_imports$n_imports
			if(length(lt_imports$n_import_methods)) {
				lt_imports$n_import_methods = lt_imports$n_import_methods[intersect(names(lt_imports$n_import_methods), rn)]
				df_imports[names(lt_imports$n_import_methods), "importMethods"] = lt_imports$n_import_methods
			if(length(lt_imports$n_import_classes)) {
				lt_imports$n_import_classes = lt_imports$n_import_classes[intersect(names(lt_imports$n_import_classes), rn)]
				df_imports[names(lt_imports$n_import_classes), "importClasses"] = lt_imports$n_import_classes

		not_used = setdiff(rownames(df_imports), c(unlist(lapply(lt_imports, names)), rn[!is_field_required(dep_fields)]))
		if(length(not_used)) {
			df_imports[not_used, 1] = -Inf
	} else {
		df_imports[, 1] = NA
		lt_imports2 = lt_imports = NULL

	obj = list(
		package = package_name,
		version = version,
		repository = repository,
		dep_mat = dep_mat, 
		dep_fields = dep_fields,

		which_required = is_field_required(dep_fields),
		which_required_but_not_loaded = is.infinite(df_imports[, 1]) & !(rownames(df_imports) %in% tb$pkg),
		which_suggested_but_also_loaded = rn %in% tb$pkg & !is_field_required(dep_fields),
		n_by_strong = 0,
		n_by_all = 0,
		heaviness = 0,
		df_imports = df_imports,
		lt_imports = lt_imports2,
		pkg_from_session_info = tb$pkg

	class(obj) = "pkgndep"

	obj$n_by_strong = length(required_dependency_packages(obj, FALSE))
	obj$n_by_all = length(required_dependency_packages(obj, TRUE))
	obj$heaviness = heaviness(obj)

	row_order = order(factor(dep_fields, levels = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")), rowSums(dep_mat))

	# a rude way to move all packages which are attached by imported packages before those by suggested packages
	column_order_by = colSums(dep_mat)
	l2 = colSums(dep_mat[is_field_required(dep_fields), ,drop = FALSE]) > 0
	column_order_by[l2] = column_order_by[l2] + 10000
	column_order = order(column_order_by, -apply(dep_mat[row_order, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) which(x > 0)[1]), decreasing = TRUE)

	obj$dep_mat = obj$dep_mat[row_order, column_order, drop = FALSE]
	obj$which_required = obj$which_required[row_order]
	obj$which_required_but_not_loaded = obj$which_required_but_not_loaded[row_order]
	obj$which_suggested_but_also_loaded = obj$which_suggested_but_also_loaded[row_order]
	obj$heaviness = obj$heaviness[row_order]
	obj$df_imports = obj$df_imports[row_order, , drop = FALSE]

	obj$gini_index = gini_index(obj$heaviness[obj$which_required])

	if(!online) {
		obj$pkgndep_db_version = ENV$pkg_db_snapshot_version


# internally used, it is approximately 1.5 times faster than the full version of the function
pkgndep_simplified = function(package, pkg_db) {

	depends =  pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Depends", simplify = TRUE)
	imports =  pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Imports", simplify = TRUE); imports = setdiff(imports, depends)
	linkingto = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "LinkingTo", simplify = TRUE); linkingto = setdiff(linkingto, c(imports, depends))
	suggests = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Suggests", simplify = TRUE); suggests = setdiff(suggests, c(depends, imports, linkingto))
	enhances = pkg_db$package_dependencies(package, which = "Enhances", simplify = TRUE); enhances = setdiff(enhances, c(depends, imports, linkingto, suggests))

	dep_fields = c(rep("Depends", length(depends)),
		           rep("Imports", length(imports)),
		           rep("LinkingTo", length(linkingto)),
		           rep("Suggests", length(suggests)),
		           rep("Enhances", length(enhances)))
	all_pkgs = c(depends, imports, linkingto, suggests, enhances)

	if(length(all_pkgs) == 0) {
		obj = list(
			package = package,
			version = "0.0.0",
			dep_mat = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0), 
			dep_fields = character(0),

			which_required = logical(0),
			n_by_strong = 0,
			n_by_all = 0,
			heaviness = numeric(0),

			which_required = logical(0),
			which_required_but_not_loaded = logical(0),
			which_suggested_but_also_loaded = logical(0),
			df_imports = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(character(0), c("imports", "importMethods", "importClasses")))


	all_pkgs_dep = lapply(all_pkgs, function(p) {
		pkg_db$package_dependencies(p, which = "strong", recursive = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)

	all_pkgs2 = unique(unlist(all_pkgs_dep))

	rn = all_pkgs
	cn = all_pkgs2

	dep_mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(all_pkgs), ncol = length(all_pkgs2), dimnames = list(rn, cn))
	for(i in seq_along(all_pkgs_dep)) {
		if(length(all_pkgs_dep[[i]])) {
			dep_mat[i, all_pkgs_dep[[i]]] = 1

	obj = list(
		package = package,
		version = "0.0.0",
		dep_mat = dep_mat, 
		dep_fields = dep_fields,

		which_required = is_field_required(dep_fields),
		n_by_strong = 0,
		n_by_all = 0,
		heaviness = 0

	obj$n_by_strong = length(required_dependency_packages(obj, FALSE))
	obj$n_by_all = length(required_dependency_packages(obj, TRUE))
	obj$heaviness = heaviness(obj)

	obj$which_required = logical(nrow(dep_mat))
	obj$which_required_but_not_loaded = logical(nrow(dep_mat))
	obj$which_suggested_but_also_loaded = logical(nrow(dep_mat))

	df_imports = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dep_mat), ncol = 3)
	colnames(df_imports) = c("imports", "importMethods", "importClasses")
	rownames(df_imports) = rn
	obj$df_imports = df_imports

	class(obj) = "pkgndep"


# == title
# Print method
# == param
# -x An object from `pkgndep`.
# -... Other arguments.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == example
# # See examples in `pkgndep()`.
print.pkgndep = function(x, ...) {
	qqcat("'@{x$package}', version @{x$version}\n")
	qqcat("- @{x$n_by_strong} package@{ifelse(x$n_by_strong > 1, 's', '')} @{ifelse(x$n_by_strong > 1, 'are', 'is')} required for installing '@{x$package}'.\n")
	qqcat("- @{x$n_by_all} package@{ifelse(x$n_by_all > 1, 's', '')} @{ifelse(x$n_by_all > 1, 'are', 'is')} required if installing packages listed in all fields in DESCRIPTION.\n")

	if(nrow(x$dep_mat) == 0) {

	l = x$heaviness >= 20 & x$df_imports[, "imports"] > 0 & x$df_imports[, "importMethods"] == 0 & x$df_imports[, "importClasses"] == 0
	if(any(l)) {
		cat("Following adjustment could be performed:\n")
		for(i in which(l)) {
			ni = x$df_imports[i, 'imports']
			nm = rownames(x$df_imports)[i]
			qqcat("- Found @{ni} function@{ifelse(ni == 1, ' is', 's are')} imported from a heavy parent '@{nm}'. Moving '@{nm}''\n  to 'Suggests' will reduce @{x$heaviness[i]} dependencies.\n")

		l1 = x$which_required
		l1[l] = FALSE
		m = x$dep_mat
		l2 = colSums(m[l1, , drop = FALSE]) > 0
		n_by_strong2 = length(unique(c(unlist(dimnames(m[l1, l2, drop = FALSE]))))) 
		qqcat("Moving all mentioned packages to 'Suggests' will reduce the dependency packages from @{x$n_by_strong} to @{n_by_strong2}.\n")
	if(!is.null(x$pkgndep_db_version)) {
		qqcat("Using pkgndep_db snapshot, version: @{x$pkgndep_db_version}\n")

# == title
# Required dependency packages
# == param
# -x An object from `pkgndep`.
# -all Whether to include the packages required if also including packages from "Suggests"/"Enhances" field.
# == details
# The function returns all upstream packages.
# == value
# A vector of package names.
# == example
# \dontrun{
# x = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "ComplexHeatmap_dep.rds", package = "pkgndep"))
# required_dependency_packages(x)
# }
required_dependency_packages = function(x, all = FALSE) {
	m = x$dep_mat
	if(nrow(m) == 0) {
	if(all) {
		unique(c(rownames(m), colnames(m)))
	} else {
		l1 = x$which_required
		l2 = colSums(m[l1, , drop = FALSE]) > 0
		unique(c(unlist(dimnames(m[l1, l2, drop = FALSE]))))

is_field_required = function(x) {
	if(inherits(x, "pkgndep")) {
	} else {
		x %in% c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")

pkg_exists = function(x) {
	system.file(package = x) != ""

pkg_installed = pkg_exists

# x can be 1. an installed package, 2. a path (local or github), 3. a cran/bioc package
parse_imports_from_namespace = function(x, pkg = basename(x), online = TRUE) {

	if(pkg %in% names(ENV$ns_data_list)) {
		ns_data = ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]]
	} else if(!online) {
		bioc_version = ALL_BIOC_RELEASES$Release[ALL_BIOC_RELEASES$Date == pkgndep_opt$heaviness_db_version]
		lt_desc = load_from_heaviness_db(qq("pkg_description_@{bioc_version}.rds"))
		lt_ns = load_from_heaviness_db(qq("pkg_namespace_@{bioc_version}.rds"))

		if(ENV$pkg_db_snapshot$meta[x, "Repository"] == "CRAN") {
			nm = paste0(x, "_", ENV$pkg_db_snapshot$meta[x, "Version"])
			x1 = lt_ns[[nm]]
			x2 = lt_desc[[nm]]
		} else {
			nm = paste0(bioc_version, "/", x, "_", ENV$pkg_db_snapshot$meta[x, "Version"])
			x1 = lt_ns[[nm]]
			x2 = lt_desc[[nm]]
		if(!is.null(x1) && !is.null(x2)) {
			tmpfile1 = tempfile()
			tmpfile2 = tempfile()
			writeLines(x1, tmpfile1)
			writeLines(x2, tmpfile2)
			on.exit(file.remove(c(tmpfile1, tmpfile2)))

			oe = try(ns_data <- parseNamespaceFile_cp(x, tmpfile1, tmpfile2), silent = TRUE)
			if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
				ns_data = NULL
		} else {
			ns_data = NULL

		ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]] = ns_data

	} else if(pkg_installed(x)) {
		lib_dir = dirname(system.file(package = x))
		if(packageHasNamespace(x, lib_dir)) {
			ns_data = parseNamespaceFile(x, lib_dir)
		} else {
			ns_data = NULL

		ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]] = ns_data
	} else if(grepl("^https://github.com/", x)) {
		x = gsub("https://github.com/", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/", x)
		namespace_link = paste0(x, "/master/NAMESPACE")
		description_link = paste0(x, "/master/DESCRIPTION")

		tmpfile1 = tempfile()
		tmpfile2 = tempfile()
		oe1 = try(download.file(namespace_link, tmpfile1, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
		oe2 = try(download.file(description_link, tmpfile2, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
		on.exit(file.remove(c(tmpfile1, tmpfile2)))

		if(inherits(oe1, "try-error") || inherits(oe2, "try-error")) {
			ns_data = NULL
		} else {
			ns_data = parseNamespaceFile_cp(x, tmpfile1, tmpfile2)

		ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]] = ns_data

	} else if(file.exists(x)) {
		namespace_link = paste0(x, "/NAMESPACE")
		description_link = paste0(x, "/DESCRIPTION")

		if(file.exists(namespace_link) && file.exists(description_link)) {
			ns_data = parseNamespaceFile_cp(x, namespace_link, description_link)
		} else {
			ns_data = NULL

		ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]] = ns_data
	} else {


		if("Repository" %in% colnames(ENV$pkg_db$meta)) {
			if(any(ENV$pkg_db$meta[x, "Repository"] %in% c("CRAN", "Bioconductor"))) {
				ns_data = NULL
			} else {
				if(grepl("(bioc|books|annotation|experiment|workflow)", ENV$pkg_db$meta[x, "Repository"])) {
					namespace_link = paste0("https://code.bioconductor.org/browse/", x, "/raw/master/NAMESPACE")
					description_link = paste0("https://code.bioconductor.org/browse/", x, "/raw/master/DESCRIPTION")
				} else {
					namespace_link = paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cran/", x, "/master/NAMESPACE")
					description_link = paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cran/", x, "/master/DESCRIPTION")

				tmpfile1 = tempfile()
				tmpfile2 = tempfile()
				oe1 = try(download.file(namespace_link, tmpfile1, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
				oe2 = try(download.file(description_link, tmpfile2, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
					if(file.exists(tmpfile1)) file.remove(tmpfile1)
					if(file.exists(tmpfile2)) file.remove(tmpfile2)

				if(inherits(oe1, "try-error") || inherits(oe2, "try-error")) {
					ns_data = NULL
				} else {
					ns_data = parseNamespaceFile_cp(x, tmpfile1, tmpfile2)
		} else {
			ns_data = NULL

		ENV$ns_data_list[[pkg]] = ns_data

	if(is.null(ns_data)) {

	lt = ns_data$imports
	if(length(lt)) {
		lt1 = lt[!sapply(lt, is.list)]
		lt2 = lt[sapply(lt, is.list)]
		n_imports = tapply(seq_along(lt2), unlist(sapply(lt2, function(x) x[1])), 
			function(x) unique(unlist(lapply(lt2[x], function(y) y[2]))))
		import_fun_list = n_imports
		n_imports = sapply(n_imports, length)
		if(length(n_imports)) {
			sign = tapply(seq_along(lt2), unlist(sapply(lt2, function(x) x[1])), 
				function(x) unique(unlist(lapply(lt2[x], function(y) names(y)[2]))))
			sign = sapply(sign, function(x) ifelse(identical(x, "except"), -1, 1))
			n_imports = n_imports * sign
		} else {
		  n_imports = NULL
		n_imports = c(n_imports, structure(rep(0, length(lt1)), names = unlist(lt1)))

		attr(n_imports, "fun_list") = import_fun_list
	} else {
		n_imports = NULL                

	lt = ns_data$importMethods
	if(length(lt)) {
		lt1 = lt[!sapply(lt, is.list)]
		lt2 = lt[sapply(lt, is.list)]
		n_import_methods = tapply(seq_along(lt2), unlist(sapply(lt2, function(x) x[1])), 
			function(x) unique(unlist(lapply(lt2[x], function(y) y[2]))))
		import_method_list = n_import_methods
		n_import_methods = sapply(n_import_methods, length)
		if(length(n_import_methods) == 0) n_import_methods = NULL
		n_import_methods = c(n_import_methods, structure(rep(0, length(lt1)), names = unlist(lt1)))
		attr(n_import_methods, "method_list") = import_method_list
	} else {
		n_import_methods = NULL

	lt = ns_data$importClasses
	if(length(lt)) {
		lt1 = lt[!sapply(lt, is.list)]
		lt2 = lt[sapply(lt, is.list)]
		n_import_classes = tapply(seq_along(lt2), unlist(sapply(lt2, function(x) x[1])), 
			function(x) unique(unlist(lapply(lt2[x], function(y) y[2]))))
		import_class_list = n_import_classes
		n_import_classes = sapply(n_import_classes, length)
		if(length(n_import_classes) == 0) n_import_classes = NULL
		n_import_classes = c(n_import_classes, structure(rep(0, length(lt1)), names = unlist(lt1)))
		attr(n_import_classes, "class_list") = import_class_list
	} else {
		n_import_classes = NULL

	list(n_imports = n_imports, n_import_methods = n_import_methods, n_import_classes = n_import_classes)

# modified from base::parseNamespaceFile
parseNamespaceFile_cp <- function(package, nsFile, descfile, mustExist = TRUE) {

    namespaceFilePath <- function(package, package.lib)
        file.path(package.lib, package, "NAMESPACE")

    ## These two functions are essentially local to the parsing of
    ## the namespace file and don't need to be made available to
    ## users.  These manipulate the data from useDynLib() directives
    ## for the same DLL to determine how to map the symbols to R
    ## variables.

    nativeRoutineMap <-
        ## Creates a new NativeRoutineMap.
        function(useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes) {
            proto <- list(useRegistration = FALSE,
                          symbolNames = character())
            class(proto) <- "NativeRoutineMap"

            mergeNativeRoutineMaps(proto, useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes)

    mergeNativeRoutineMaps <-
        ## Merges new settings into a NativeRoutineMap
        function(map, useRegistration, symbolNames, fixes) {
                names(symbolNames) <-
                    paste0(fixes[1L],  names(symbolNames), fixes[2L])
                map$registrationFixes <- fixes
            map$useRegistration <- map$useRegistration || useRegistration
            map$symbolNames <- c(map$symbolNames, symbolNames)

     enc <- if (file.exists(descfile)) {
        read.dcf(file = descfile, "Encoding")[1L]
    } else NA_character_
    if (file.exists(nsFile))
        directives <- if (!is.na(enc) &&
                          ! Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX")) {
            lines <- readLines(nsFile, warn = FALSE)
            tmp <- iconv(lines, from = enc, to = "")
            bad <- which(is.na(tmp))
            ## do not report purely comment lines,
            comm <- grep("^[[:space:]]*#", lines[bad],
                         invert = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
                stop("unable to re-encode some lines in NAMESPACE file")
            tmp <- iconv(lines, from = enc, to = "", sub = "byte")
	    con <- textConnection(tmp)
	    parse(con, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)
        } else parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)
    else if (mustExist)
        stop(gettextf("package %s has no 'NAMESPACE' file", sQuote(package)),
             domain = NA)
    else directives <- NULL
    exports <- character()
    exportPatterns <- character()
    exportClasses <- character()
    exportClassPatterns <- character()
    exportMethods <- character()
    imports <- list()
    importMethods <- list()
    importClasses <- list()
    dynlibs <- character()
    nS3methods <- 1000L
    S3methods <- matrix(NA_character_, nS3methods, 4L)
    nativeRoutines <- list()
    nS3 <- 0L
    parseDirective <- function(e) {
        ## trying to get more helpful error message:
		asChar <- function(cc) {
		    r <- as.character(cc)
		    if(any(r == ""))
			stop(gettextf("empty name in directive '%s' in 'NAMESPACE' file",
			     domain = NA)
        evalToChar <- function(cc) {
            vars <- all.vars(cc)
            names(vars) <- vars
            as.character(eval(eval(call("substitute", cc, as.list(vars))),
               "if" = {
               		oe = try(lll <- eval(e[[2L]], .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE)
               		if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
               			lll = FALSE
	               if (lll) {
	               } else if (length(e) == 4L) {
               "{" =  for (ee in as.list(e[-1L])) parseDirective(ee),
               "=" =,
               "<-" = {
                   if(as.character(e[[3L]][[1L]]) == "useDynLib")
                       names(dynlibs)[length(dynlibs)] <<- asChar(e[[2L]])
               export = {
                   exp <- e[-1L]
                   exp <- structure(asChar(exp), names = names(exp))
                   exports <<- c(exports, exp)
               exportPattern = {
                   pat <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   exportPatterns <<- c(pat, exportPatterns)
               exportClassPattern = {
                   pat <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   exportClassPatterns <<- c(pat, exportClassPatterns)
               exportClass = , exportClasses = {
                   exportClasses <<- c(asChar(e[-1L]), exportClasses)
               exportMethods = {
                   exportMethods <<- c(asChar(e[-1L]), exportMethods)
               import = {
                   except <- e$except
                   e$except <- NULL
                   pkgs <- as.list(asChar(e[-1L]))
                   if (!is.null(except)) {
                       pkgs <- lapply(pkgs, list, except=evalToChar(except))
                   imports <<- c(imports, pkgs)
               importFrom = {
                   imp <- e[-1L]
                   ivars <- imp[-1L]
                   inames <- names(ivars)
                   imp <- list(asChar(imp[1L]),
                               structure(asChar(ivars), names = inames))
                   imports <<- c(imports, list(imp))
               importClassFrom = , importClassesFrom = {
                   imp <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   pkg <- imp[[1L]]
                   impClasses <- imp[-1L]
                   imp <- list(asChar(pkg), asChar(impClasses))
                   importClasses <<- c(importClasses, list(imp))
               importMethodsFrom = {
                   imp <- asChar(e[-1L])
                   pkg <- imp[[1L]]
                   impMethods <- imp[-1L]
                   imp <- list(asChar(pkg), asChar(impMethods))
                   importMethods <<- c(importMethods, list(imp))
               useDynLib = {

                   ## This attempts to process as much of the
                   ## information as possible when NAMESPACE is parsed
                   ## rather than when it is loaded and creates
                   ## NativeRoutineMap objects to handle the mapping
                   ## of symbols to R variable names.

                   ## The name is the second element after useDynLib
                   dyl <- as.character(e[2L])
                   ## We ensure uniqueness at the end.
                   dynlibs <<-
                       structure(c(dynlibs, dyl),
                                 names = c(names(dynlibs),
                                 ifelse(!is.null(names(e)) &&
                                        nzchar(names(e)[2L]), names(e)[2L], "" )))
                   if (length(e) > 2L) {
                       ## Author has specified some mappings for the symbols

                       symNames <- as.character(e[-c(1L, 2L)])
                       names(symNames) <- names(e[-c(1, 2)])

                       ## If there are no names, then use the names of
                       ## the symbols themselves.
                       if (length(names(symNames)) == 0L)
                           names(symNames) <- symNames
                       else if (any(w <- names(symNames) == "")) {
                           names(symNames)[w] <- symNames[w]

                       ## For each DLL, we build up a list the (R
                       ## variable name, symbol name) mappings. We do
                       ## this in a NativeRoutineMap object and we
                       ## merge potentially multiple useDynLib()
                       ## directives for the same DLL into a single
                       ## map.  Then we have separate NativeRoutineMap
                       ## for each different DLL.  E.g. if we have
                       ## useDynLib(foo, a, b, c) and useDynLib(bar,
                       ## a, x, y) we would maintain and resolve them
                       ## separately.

                       dup <- duplicated(names(symNames))
                       if (any(dup))
                           warning(gettextf("duplicate symbol names %s in useDynLib(\"%s\")",
                                                  collapse = ", "), dyl),
                                   domain = NA, call. = FALSE)

                       symNames <- symNames[!dup]

                       ## Deal with any prefix/suffix pair.
                       fixes <- c("", "")
                       idx <- match(".fixes", names(symNames))
                       if(!is.na(idx)) {
                           ## Take .fixes and treat it as a call,
                           ## e.g. c("pre", "post") or a regular name
                           ## as the prefix.
                           if(nzchar(symNames[idx])) {
                               e <- parse(text = symNames[idx],
                                          keep.source = FALSE,
                                          srcfile = NULL)[[1L]]
                                   val <- eval(e, .GlobalEnv)
                                   val <- as.character(e)
                                   fixes[seq_along(val)] <- val
                           symNames <- symNames[-idx]

                       ## Deal with a .registration entry. It must be
                       ## .registration = value and value will be coerced
                       ## to a logical.
                       useRegistration <- FALSE
                       idx <- match(".registration", names(symNames))
                       if(!is.na(idx)) {
                           useRegistration <- as.logical(symNames[idx])
                           symNames <- symNames[-idx]

                       ## Now merge into the NativeRoutineMap.
                       nativeRoutines[[ dyl ]] <<-
                           if(dyl %in% names(nativeRoutines))
                               mergeNativeRoutineMaps(nativeRoutines[[ dyl ]],
                                                      symNames, fixes)
                               nativeRoutineMap(useRegistration, symNames,
               S3method = {
                   spec <- e[-1L]
                   if (length(spec) != 2L && length(spec) != 3L)
                       stop(gettextf("bad 'S3method' directive: %s",
                            call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
                   nS3 <<- nS3 + 1L
                   if(nS3 > nS3methods) {
                       old <- S3methods
                       nold <- nS3methods
                       nS3methods <<- nS3methods * 2L
                       new <- matrix(NA_character_, nS3methods, 4L)
                       ind <- seq_len(nold)
                       for (i in 1:4) new[ind, i] <- old[ind, i]
                       S3methods <<- new
                       rm(old, new)
                   if(is.call(gen <- spec[[1L]]) &&
                      identical(as.character(gen[[1L]]), "::")) {
                       pkg <- as.character(gen[[2L]])[1L]
                       gen <- as.character(gen[[3L]])[1L]
                       S3methods[nS3, c(seq_along(spec), 4L)] <<-
                           c(gen, asChar(spec[-1L]), pkg)
                   } else
                   S3methods[nS3, seq_along(spec)] <<- asChar(spec)
               stop(gettextf("unknown namespace directive: %s", deparse(e, nlines=1L)),
                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

    for (e in directives)

    ## need to preserve the names on dynlibs, so unique() is not appropriate.
    dynlibs <- dynlibs[!duplicated(dynlibs)]
    list(imports = imports, exports = exports,
         exportPatterns = unique(exportPatterns),
         importClasses = importClasses, importMethods = importMethods,
         exportClasses = unique(exportClasses),
         exportMethods = unique(exportMethods),
         exportClassPatterns = unique(exportClassPatterns),
         dynlibs = dynlibs, nativeRoutines = nativeRoutines,
         S3methods = unique(S3methods[seq_len(nS3), , drop = FALSE]) )
} ## end{parseNamespaceFile}

get_package_info_by_path = function(path) {
	if(grepl("^https://github.com/", path)) {
		dcf = tempfile()
		path = gsub("https://github.com/", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/", path)
		download.file(paste0(path, "/master/DESCRIPTION"), dcf, quiet = TRUE)
	} else if(pkg_installed(path)) {
		dcf = system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = path)
	} else {
		dcf = paste0(path, "/", "DESCRIPTION")
	de = read.dcf(dcf)
	if("Depends" %in% colnames(de)) {
		depends = de[1, "Depends"]
		depends = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", depends)
		depends = gsub("\\s", "", depends)
		depends = strsplit(depends, ",")[[1]]
		depends = setdiff(depends, "R")
	} else {
		depends = character(0)

	if("Imports" %in% colnames(de)) {
		imports = de[1, "Imports"]
		imports = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", imports)
		imports = gsub("\\s", "", imports)
		imports = strsplit(imports, ",")[[1]]
	} else {
		imports = character(0)

	if("Suggests" %in% colnames(de)) {
		suggests = de[1, "Suggests"]
		suggests = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", suggests)
		suggests = gsub("\\s", "", suggests)
		suggests = strsplit(suggests, ",")[[1]]
	} else {
		suggests = character(0)

	if("LinkingTo" %in% colnames(de)) {
		linkingto = de[1, "LinkingTo"]
		linkingto = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", linkingto)
		linkingto = gsub("\\s", "", linkingto)
		linkingto = strsplit(linkingto, ",")[[1]]
	} else {
		linkingto = character(0)

	if("Enhances" %in% colnames(de)) {
		enhances = de[1, "Enhances"]
		enhances = gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "", enhances)
		enhances = gsub("\\s", "", enhances)
		enhances = strsplit(enhances, ",")[[1]]
	} else {
		enhances = character(0)

	version = de[1, "Version"]
	if(grepl("^https://", path)) {
		repository = "GitHub"
	} else {
		repository = "local"

	list(depends = depends, imports = imports, linkingto = linkingto, suggests = suggests, enhances = enhances, 
		version = version, repository = repository)


# == title
# Get functions that are imported to its child packages
# == param
# -package Package name.
# == details
# The information is based on pre-computated results for a specific CRAN/Bioconductor snapshot. See `pkgndep`$heaviness_db_version for how to set the version of the snapshot.
# == value
# It returns a list of function names that are imported to every of its child packages.
# == example
# \dontrun{
# get_all_functions_imported_to_children("circlize")
# }
get_all_functions_imported_to_children = function(package) {
	lt = ENV$all_pkg_dep

	children = unique(child_dependency(package, fields = c("Depends", "LinkingTo", "Imports"), online = FALSE)[, 2])

	fl = list()
	for(p in children) {
		x = lt[[p]]
		if(length(x$lt_imports$n_imports) > 0) {
			imported_functions = attr(x$lt_imports$n_imports, "fun_list")
			if(package %in% names(imported_functions)) {
				fl[[p]] = imported_functions[[package]]

jokergoo/pkgndep documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 4:13 a.m.