#' Tally set relationships
#' @param sets a data.frame with set relationships and weights
#' @param weights a numeric vector
#' @return Calls [euler()] after the set relationships have been coerced to a
#' named numeric vector.
#' @keywords internal
tally_combinations <- function(sets, weights) {
if (!is.matrix(sets)) {
sets <- as.matrix(sets)
id <- bit_indexr(NCOL(sets))
tally <- double(NROW(id))
for (i in seq_len(NROW(id))) {
tally[i] <-
sum(as.numeric(colSums(t(sets) == id[i, ]) == NCOL(sets)) * weights)
names(tally)[i] <- paste0(colnames(sets)[id[i, ]], collapse = "&")
#' Rescale values to new range
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @param new_min new min
#' @param new_max new max
#' @return Rescaled vector
#' @keywords internal
rescale <- function(x, new_min, new_max) {
(new_max - new_min) / (max(x) - min(x)) * (x - max(x)) + new_max
#' Update list with input
#' A wrapper for [utils::modifyList()] that attempts to coerce non-lists to
#' lists before updating.
#' @param old a list to be updated
#' @param new stuff to update `x` with
#' @seealso [utils::modifyList()]
#' @return Returns an updated list.
#' @keywords internal
update_list <- function(old, new) {
if (is.null(old)) {
old <- list()
if (!is.list(new)) {
tryCatch(new <- as.list(new))
if (!is.list(old)) {
tryCatch(old <- as.list(old))
utils::modifyList(old, new)
#' Replace (refresh) a list
#' Unlike `update_list`, this function only modifies, and does not add,
#' items in the list.
#' @param old the original list
#' @param new the things to update `old` with
#' @return A refreshed list.
#' @keywords internal
replace_list <- function(old, new) {
update_list(old, new[names(new) %in% names(old)])
#' Check if object is strictly FALSE
#' @param x object to check
#' @return A logical.
#' @keywords internal
is_false <- function(x) {
identical(x, FALSE)
#' Check if a vector is an integer
#' @param x a vector
#' @return TRUE of FALSE.
#' @keywords internal
is_integer <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
all(abs(x - round(x)) < tol)
#' Check if vector is a real (numeric non-integer)
#' @param x
#' @return A logical.
#' @keywords internal
is_real <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
is.numeric(x) && !is_integer(x, tol = )
#' Binary indices
#' Wraps around bit_indexr().
#' @param n number of items to generate permutations from
#' @return A matrix of logicals.
#' @keywords internal
bit_indexr <- function(n) {
m <- bit_index_cpp(n)
mode(m) <- "logical"
#' regionError
#' @param fit fitted values
#' @param orig original values
#' @return regionError
#' @keywords internal
regionError <- function(fit, orig) {
abs(fit / sum(fit) - orig / sum(orig))
#' diagError
#' @param fit fitted values
#' @param orig original values
#' @param regionError regionError
#' @return diagError
#' @keywords internal
diagError <- function(fit, orig, regionError = NULL) {
if (!is.null(regionError)) {
} else {
max(abs(fit / sum(fit) - orig / sum(orig)))
#' Get the number of sets in he input
#' @param combinations a vector of combinations (see [euler()])
#' @return The number of sets in the input
#' @keywords internal
n_sets <- function(combinations) {
combo_names <- strsplit(names(combinations), split = "&", fixed = TRUE)
length(unique(unlist(combo_names, use.names = FALSE)))
#' Set up constraints for optimization
#' @param newpars parameters from the first optimizer
#' @return A list of lower and upper constraints
#' @keywords internal
get_constraints <- function(newpars) {
h <- newpars[, 1L]
k <- newpars[, 2L]
a <- newpars[, 3L]
b <- newpars[, 4L]
phi <- newpars[, 5L]
n <- length(h)
xlim <- sqrt(a^2 * cos(phi)^2 + b^2 * sin(phi)^2)
ylim <- sqrt(a^2 * sin(phi)^2 + b^2 * cos(phi)^2)
xbnd <- range(xlim + h, -xlim + h)
ybnd <- range(ylim + k, -ylim + k)
lwr <- upr <- double(5L * n)
for (i in seq_along(h)) {
ii <- 5L * (i - 1L)
lwr[ii + 1L] <- xbnd[1L]
lwr[ii + 2L] <- ybnd[1L]
lwr[ii + 3L] <- a[i] / 3
lwr[ii + 4L] <- b[i] / 3
lwr[ii + 5L] <- 0
upr[ii + 1L] <- xbnd[2L]
upr[ii + 2L] <- ybnd[2L]
upr[ii + 3L] <- a[i] * 3
upr[ii + 4L] <- b[i] * 3
upr[ii + 5L] <- pi
list(lwr = lwr, upr = upr)
#' Normalize an angle to [-pi, pi)
#' @param x angle in radians
#' @return A normalized angle.
#' @keywords internal
normalize_angle <- function(x) {
a <- (x + pi) %% (2 * pi)
ifelse(a >= 0, a - pi, a + pi)
#' Normalize parameters (semiaxes and rotation)
#' @param m pars
#' @return `m`, normalized
#' @keywords internal
normalize_pars <- function(m) {
n <- NCOL(m)
if (n == 3L) {
m[, 3L] <- abs(m[, 3L])
} else {
m[, 3L:4L] <- abs(m[, 3L:4L])
m[, 5L] <- normalize_angle(m[, 5L])
#' Blend (average) colors
#' @param rcol_in a vector of R colors
#' @return A single R color
#' @keywords internal
mix_colors <- function(rcol_in) {
rgb_in <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(rcol_in))
lab_in <- grDevices::convertColor(rgb_in, "sRGB", "Lab", scale.in = 255)
mean_col <- colMeans(lab_in)
rgb_out <- grDevices::convertColor(mean_col, "Lab", "sRGB", scale.out = 1)
#' Setup gpars
#' @param default default values
#' @param user user-inputted values
#' @param n required number of items
#' @return a `gpar` object
#' @keywords internal
setup_gpar <- function(default = list(), user = list(), n) {
# set up gpars
if (is.list(user)) {
gp <- replace_list(default, user)
} else {
gp <- default
gp <- lapply(gp, function(x) if (is.function(x)) x(n) else x)
do.call(grid::gpar, lapply(gp, rep_len, n))
#' Dummy code a data.frame
#' @param x a data.frame
#' @param sep character for separating dummy code factors and their levels
#' when constructing names
#' @param factor_names whether to include factor names when creating new
#' names for dummy codes
#' @return A dummy-coded version of x.
#' @keywords internal
dummy_code <- function(x, sep = "_", factor_names = TRUE) {
fac_chr <- vapply(x, function(x) is.character(x) || is.factor(x), logical(1))
tmp <- x[, fac_chr, drop = FALSE]
# convert characters into factors
for (i in seq_len(ncol(tmp))) {
tmp[, i] <- as.factor(tmp[, i])
lvls <- lapply(tmp, function(x) levels(x))
n_levels <- vapply(lvls, function(x) length(x) - 1, double(1))
dummy_levels <- lapply(lvls, function(x) x[-length(x)])
n_levels_tot <- sum(n_levels)
dummy_names <- dummy_levels
if (isTRUE(factor_names)) {
for (i in seq_along(dummy_names)) {
dummy_names[[i]] <- paste(names(dummy_levels)[i],
sep = sep
dummy_names <- unlist(dummy_names)
if (any(duplicated(dummy_names))) {
"duplicated names for dummy coded factors were generated;",
"please consider specifying 'factor_names = TRUE'."
out <- matrix(FALSE,
dimnames = list(NULL, dummy_names)
k <- 1
for (i in seq_along(n_levels)) {
kk <- as.numeric(tmp[, i])
for (j in seq_len(n_levels[i])) {
out[, k] <- kk == j
k <- 1 + k
cbind(x[, !fac_chr, drop = FALSE], out)
#' Stress
#' @param orig original values
#' @param fit fitted values
#' @return Stress metric.
#' @keywords internal
stress <- function(orig, fit) {
sst <- sum(fit^2)
slope <- sum(orig * fit) / sum(orig^2)
sse <- sum((fit - orig * slope)^2)
sse / sst
nonzero_fit <- function(x) {
abs(x) / sum(abs(x) + .Machine$double.eps) > 1e-4
make_symmetric <- function(m, from = c("lower", "upper")) {
from <- match.arg(from)
if (from == "lower") {
m[upper.tri(m)] <- t(m)[upper.tri(m)]
} else {
m[lower.tri(m)] <- t(m)[lower.tri(m)]
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