
#' Make a full report from data
#' takes a data object, fits (and finds the best) model, and then produces a report based on the provided analysisSkeleton and narrative found in modelMetadata. This will write two files: a polished html-based report (with the extension \code{.html}) and an intermediary R Markdown file that this html report is made from (with the extension \code{.Rmd}). For the most part, the R Markdown file can be ignored, the polished html report is the final product.
#' @param data A list conforming to the structure of data for the project from \code{\link{extractMocapDataFromAnnotations}} (an example of this is the \code{\link{pureReplication}} object). If this data object includes fit models, they will not be refit by default.
#' @param reportPath a string with the path and name of the report to be made, by default it is: \code{"./report"} The final report will have this name (and path), and the extension \code{.html} Any extensions on the \code{reportPath} (like \code{.Rmd} or \code{.html}) will be ignored.
#' @param refitModels logical, if there are models that are already fit, should they be refit? Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param title a string for the title of the report, the default is "Grip Project Report"
#' @param modelMd a modelMetadata object. If you have loaded a different modelMetadata object that you would like to use, place it here. The default is `modelMetadata` which comes with the package.
#' @param ... options to pass to \code{\link{modelAllData}}, (e.g. \code{last=TRUE} if the last model that converged should be selected rather than the default (\code{last=FALSE}) first).
#' @return Returns a data object (with all of the same data as the data object given in the \code{data} argument) with all of the models that were fit included.
#' @export
# add kinds of models?
# add in different analysis skeletons?
makeReport <- function(data, reportPath="./report", title = "Grip Project Report", refitModels = FALSE, modelMd = modelMetadata, ...){

  # change reportPath to add .Rmd if it's not there already.
  reportPath <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(reportPath), ".", "Rmd")

  # fit models from analyze
  # pick the best model (add warnings here?)
  dataModeled <- modelAllData(data, refitModels = refitModels, ...)

  # read/write template
  writeMarkdown(dataModeled, markdownPath = reportPath, modelMd = modelMd)

  # render
  reportOut <- rmarkdown::render(reportPath, params = list(data = dataModeled, title = title))
  # change path

  message("Success, the report was written to ", reportOut, sep="")

#' Write markdown based on modeled data
#' @param modeledData a list of modeled data of the format from \code{\link{modelAllData}}
#' @param markdownPath a string of the path to store the report markdown file. By default is is \code{"./report.Rmd"}
#' @param analysisSkel an R Markdown (\code{.Rmd}) file that has the skeleton for the analysis. This skeleton is the output for a single analysis. It will be repeated if multiple analysis types are in \code{modeledData}. It includes special variables which will be replaced with information from \code{modelMetadata}. These special variables look like \code{<>$intro<>}, which would be replaced with the text marked \code{intro} in \code{modelMetadata} for the specific analysis in modeledData.
#' @param header an R Markdown file that has header information so that the report can be generated.
#' @param modelMd a modelMetadata object, by default it uses the \code{modelMetadata} that comes with the package.
#' @return None
#' @export
writeMarkdown <- function(modeledData,
                          markdownPath = "./report.Rmd",
                          analysisSkel = readLines(system.file("markdown", "analysisSkeleton.Rmd", package = "mocapGrip", mustWork = TRUE)),
                          header = readLines(system.file("markdown", "header.Rmd", package = "mocapGrip", mustWork = TRUE)),
                          modelMd = modelMetadata
  # grab names, and exclude fullData
  dataSets <- names(modeledData)
  dataSets <- dataSets[dataSets!="fullData"]

  # this will break if there is more than one analysis specifically: `names(modeledData[[dataSet]]$analyses)`
  content <- sapply(dataSets,
                    function(dataSet) {
                               cleanText(analysisSkel, formatGatherReplacements(dataSet, analysis, modeledData, modelMd = modelMd))
                             simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
                    simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

  markdownOut <- c(header, unlist(content))

  con <- file(markdownPath)
  writeLines(markdownOut, con)

# takes an analysis specification and (all of the) modeled data and then returns a (named) list of replacements to be used by replaceText()
formatGatherReplacements = function(dataSet, analysis, modeledData, modelMd = modelMetadata) {
  # grab variables from the analyses structure
  outcome <- modelMd$models$analyses[[analysis]]$variablesToUse$outcome
  predictor1 <- modelMd$models$analyses[[analysis]]$variablesToUse$predictor1
  predictor2 <- modelMd$models$analyses[[analysis]]$variablesToUse$predictor2
  grouping1 <- modelMd$models$analyses[[analysis]]$variablesToUse$grouping1
  # grab the formula from the best model.
  formula <- stats::formula(modeledData[[dataSet]]$analyses[[analysis]]$bestModel[[1]]$modelObject)

  # check if there is an interaction in the predictors.
  if(names(modeledData[[dataSet]]$analyses[[analysis]]$bestModel) %in% c("interactionInPredAndGroup", "interactionInPred")){
    interaction <- modelMd$variableExplanations[[paste(predictor1, predictor2, sep = "X")]]
  } else {
    interaction <-  NULL # NULL so that no extra bullet is added.

  # make and format $predictorVariables
  predictorVariables <- paste0("\n* ",
                               collapse = "")

  # add interaction text if  the selected model is $includeInteractionInGroup
    includeInteractionInGroup <- "(including interactions)"
  } else {
    includeInteractionInGroup <- "" # empty string so that nothing is printed.

  # adjust predictor one (which is usually sticks) if it is Centered to the unCentered version.
  plotPredictor1 <- ifelse(predictor1 == "stickcmCentered", "stickcmCentered+8", predictor1)

  c("dataSet" = dataSet,
    "analysis" = analysis,
    modelMd$dataSets[[dataSet]]$narrative, # gather narratives
    "outcomeVariable" = modelMd$variableExplanations[[outcome]],
    "predictorVariables" = predictorVariables,
    "includeInteractionInGroup" = includeInteractionInGroup,
    "groupingVariable" = modelMd$variableExplanations[[grouping1]],
    "plotOutcome" = outcome, # for plotting
    "plotPredictor1" = plotPredictor1, # for plotting, not used now
    "plotPredictor2" = predictor2, # for plotting, not used now
    "formula" = deparse(formula, width.cutoff = 500) # for plotting, not used now

# split the text, then join
cleanText <- Vectorize(function(text, reps){
  # split on the special sequence of characters.
  text <- strsplit(text, split="<>")[[1]]
  paste0(replaceText(text, reps = reps), collapse = "")
}, vectorize.args = "text", USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# replace the text with text from replacements
replaceText <- Vectorize(function(text, reps){
  if(!grepl("^\\$.*", text)){
    # if the variable character is not there, return the text.
  replText <- reps[[substring(text, 2)]]

}, vectorize.args = "text", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
jonkeane/mocapGrip documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.