Man pages for jpbida/RRNA
Secondary Structure Plotting for RNA

addBreaksInternal Function - labels RNA structures taken from PDB with...
alignCoordAlignment of secondary structure folds to 2 nucleotides.
aptPlotCTRNA secondary structure plotting from CT files
backwardInternal function for moving through secondary structures
bplfileCreates a bpl file from a coordinate file
circleCoordInternal function for finding the coordinates of NT's in a...
coord2compGenerates secondary structure components from a coordinate...
ct2coordGenerate coordinate file
ct2knetcreates a knet file from a CT file
ct2ssGenerates secondary structure components from a coordinate...
forwardInternal function for moving through secondary structures
fuzzy2compGenerate components from hydrogen bond data extracted from a...
fuzzy2ctConvert hydrogen bond data from RSIM 3D RNA structure into 2D...
genCordsInternal function that generates coordinates for a given loop...
genDBInternal Function for creating component database
loadCoordsLoads a coordinate file into a data frame
loadCtLoads a CT file into an R data frame
loopLengthinternal function that determines the length of a loop
makeCtmake a CT file from a structure and sequence
pairScoresIdentifies base-pairs from hydrogen bonding data
pseudoKnotremoves pseudoknots from a ct file
RNAPlotGeneric RNA Secondary Structure Plotting Function
rotateSInternal function to rotate a single point
rotateVinternal function to rotate a vector of points
RRNA-packageRNA secondary structure ploting
stemCordsinternal function that generates coordinates for a stem
transformFoldInternal function to translate and rotate a secondary...
translateinternal function for translating points
validCTValidate a CT File
jpbida/RRNA documentation built on April 28, 2024, 1:27 p.m.