fuzzy2ct: Convert hydrogen bond data from RSIM 3D RNA structure into 2D...

View source: R/RRNA.r

fuzzy2ctR Documentation

Convert hydrogen bond data from RSIM 3D RNA structure into 2D secondary structures


Given hydrogen bond data generated from a pdb file using the RSIM 3D structure prediction program, generate a bracket notation that does not contain pseudoknots that can be used as input for the RNAPlot function.





Dataframe with columns containing the data pdb - name of pdb file model - model number in the file pos1 - nucleotide 1 position in hydrogen bonded pair pos2 - nucleotide 2 position in hydrogen bonded pair face1 - face of NT 1 participating in the bond face2 - face of NT 2 participating in the bond h-bonds - probility assigned to number of hydrogen bonds


returns secondary structure in bracket notation for the 3D structure


JP Bida

jpbida/RRNA documentation built on April 28, 2024, 1:27 p.m.