
Defines functions theme_atlantis skill_assessment plot.catch read.var var.fish catch

Documented in catch plot.catch read.var skill_assessment theme_atlantis var.fish

##' This tool allows for the visualization and analysis of the harvest output from an
##'     Atlantis model. This tool includes analysis of catch, bycatch, and discarding
##'     either at the level of the entire population or by age class. In addition to
##'     graphical output, it is also possible to perform a skill assessment of the
##'     model performance (currently only for the time series of catch and
##'     bycatch). The quantitative metrics used to analyze the performance of the
##'     model is based on the approach described by Olsen \emph{et al.} (2016) and Stow \emph{et
##'     al.} (2009) using: the correlation coefficient, root mean squared error,
##'     reliability index, average error, average absolute error and the modeling
##'     efficiency routines.
##' @title Analysis of the Harvest in Atlantis
##' @param grp.csv Character string with the path to the Groups \emph{*.csv} file (Atlantis input file).
##' @param fish.csv Character string with the path to the fisheries \emph{*.csv} file (Atlantis input file)
##' @param catch.nc Character string with the path to the catch netcdf output
##'     file from Atlantis. Usually this file has the name of \emph{[Your_Model]CATCH.nc},
##'     where [Your_Model] is the name of your Atlantis model
##' @param ext.catch.by.fleet (Default = NULL) Character string with the path to the
##'     external file with the observed catches and discards by year,  fleet and functional group. This helps to
##'     calibrate the harvest section of Atlantis and it is required to perform the
##'     skill assessment of the model.
##' @param ext.catch.total (Default = NULL) Character string with the path to the
##'     external file with the observed catches and discards by year and functional group. This helps to
##'     calibrate the harvest section of Atlantis and it is required to perform the
##'     skill assessment of the model.
##' @return This function provides 3 different sets of analyzes of the catches in the following tabs:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \bold{Biomass}: This function helps to analyze change through time of all
##'     the variables (i.e. catch and discard) for the selected Fishery. This
##'     information can be displayed by each recording time step (\emph{toutfinc}
##'     parameter) or by year.
##' \item \bold{Numbers}:  This function allows the user to analyze the change by age and
##'     through time of the variable catch and discards for the selected functional group
##' \item \bold{Compare}: This function allows for several skill assessment of the model
##'     (based on the analysis of the simulated and shiny::observed time series of catch and
##'     bycatch) to be performed. The analysis is based on the approach described by
##'     Olsen \emph{et al.} (2016) and Stow \emph{et al.} 2009, which is composed of the following
##'     quantitative metrics:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \bold{Correlation coefficient (\eqn{r})}: measures the tendency of the
##'     predicted \eqn{P} and shiny::observed \eqn{O} values to vary together. The values of
##'     correlation can range from -1 to 1, with negative values of correlation for
##'     time series that vary inversely.
##' \deqn{r = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (O_{i} - \bar{O})(P_{i} - \bar{P})}{\sqrt{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (O_{i} - \bar{O})^2 \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (P_{i} - \bar{P})^2}}}
##' \item \bold{Average Error (\eqn{AE}; or model bias)}: The average error is a
##'     measure of aggregated model bias.
##' \deqn{AE = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (P_{i} - O_{i})}{n}  = \bar{P} - \bar{O}}
##' \item \bold{average absolute error (\eqn{AAE}) and root mean squared error
##'     (\eqn{RMSE})} : Both equations calculate the bias of the
##'     model, considering the magnitude rather than the direction of each
##'     discrepancy. That is because values near zero in the \eqn{AE} can be
##'     misleading,  as negative and positive discrepancies can cancel each other.
##' \deqn{AAE = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} |P_{i} - O_{i}|}{n}} \cr
##' \deqn{RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (P_{i} - O_{i})}{n}}}
##' \item \bold{Reliability index \eqn{RI}}: This quantifies the average factor by
##'     which the predicted values differ from observations. If the model predictions
##'     do not differ too much from the shiny::observed then the value of \eqn{RI} should be close to 1. But if the
##'     value of \eqn{RI} is 2 it means that a model predicts the observations
##'     within a multiplicative factor of two, on average.
##' \deqn{RI = exp\sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (log\frac{O_{i}}{P_{i}})^2}}
##' \item \bold{Modeling efficiency \eqn{MEF}}: The modeling efficiency measures how
##'     well a model predicts relative to the average of the observations. A value on
##'     \eqn{MEF} close to 1 indicates that the model matches the
##'     observations. A value of \eqn{MEF} less than zero means that the average of
##'     the observations is a better predictor than the model.
##' \deqn{MEF = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (O_{i} - \bar{O})^2 - \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (P_{i} - O_{i})^2}{ \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} (O_{i} - \bar{O})^2 }}
##' }
##' where \eqn{n} is the number of observations;  \eqn{O_{i}} the \eqn{ith} of \eqn{n} observations;
##'     \eqn{P_{i}} ith of \eqn{n} predictions, and \eqn{\bar{O}} and \eqn{\bar{P}} are the
##'     observation and prediction averaged, respectively.
##' }
##' @import utils grDevices ggplot2 graphics tidyr scales dplyr reshape2
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_bar coord_flip scale_color_manual geom_line facet_wrap theme_minimal update_labels geom_hline
##' @importFrom stats cor.test setNames var complete.cases
##' @importFrom dplyr filter lag
##' @author Demiurgo
##' @export
catch <- function(grp.csv, fish.csv, catch.nc, ext.catch.by.fleet = NULL, ext.catch.total = NULL){
    ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
    ## ~         General Settings     ~ ##
    ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
    ## For colours i'm using blade 2049 runner custom colour palette
    br.hotel.col <- c('#241309','#292B15','#7A6F42','#56471E','#562F0E','#BA9B5B','#844D14','#A16F26')
    nc.data  <- ncdf4::nc_open(catch.nc)
    grp      <- utils::read.csv(grp.csv)
    names(grp) <- tolower(names(grp))
    grp <- grp[which(grp$isimpacted == 1), ]
        ext.f      <- scan(ext.catch.by.fleet, nlines = 1, what = character(), sep = ',')
        ext.c      <- utils::read.table(ext.catch.by.fleet, skip = 1, header = TRUE, sep = ',', check.names = FALSE)
        external_c <- as.data.frame(setNames(ext.c, c('years', tail(paste(ext.f, colnames(ext.c), sep = '_'), n = -1))))
        external_c <- reshape2::melt(external_c, id.vars = c('years'), variable.name = 'fgroup', value.name = 'catch') %>%
            tidyr::separate(col = .data$fgroup, into = c('fleet', 'fgroup'), sep = '_') %>% mutate(source = 'observed', .before = .data$fleet)
        ext.catch.group <- utils::read.csv(ext.catch.total, sep = ',', check.names = FALSE)
        ext.fgroup.name <- names(ext.catch.group)
        ## getting names on lower to avoid future issues
        var.time <- c('year', 'years')
        names(ext.catch.group) <-  tolower(names(ext.catch.group))
        var.time        <- var.time[which(var.time %in% names(ext.catch.group))]
        ext.catch.group <- reshape2::melt(ext.catch.group, id.vars = var.time, variable.name = 'Functional_group', value.name = 'Observed')
        names(ext.catch.group)[which(names(ext.catch.group) == var.time)] <- 'years' ## making sure that the name is years and not something else
        ext.fgroup.name <- ext.fgroup.name[-which(tolower(ext.fgroup.name) == var.time) ]
    grp      <- grp[grp$isimpacted == 1, ]
    fsh      <- utils::read.csv(fish.csv)
    names(fsh) <- tolower(names(fsh))
    nam.var  <- names(nc.data$var)
    orign    <- unlist(strsplit(ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc.data, 't')$units, ' ', fixed = TRUE))
    if(orign[1] == 'seconds') {
        Time <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, 't') / 86400
    } else {
        Time <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, 't')
    Time          <- as.Date(Time, origin = orign[3])
    num_fisheries <- length(fsh$code)
        ## Create the different tabs
        ui <- shiny::navbarPage("Catch",
                                                 shiny::selectInput('FISHB', 'Fishery :', as.character(fsh$code)),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('is.CB', label = shiny::strong("Data type"), c('Catch', 'Discard')),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('rem.cb', label = shiny::strong("Remove Values"), value = FALSE),
                                                 shiny::numericInput("lag.cb", "Observations:", 1, min = 1, max = 100),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('b.year', label = shiny::strong("By year"), value = FALSE),
                                                 shiny::downloadButton("DL_Biomass", "Download")
                                             shiny::plotOutput('P.biomass', width = "100%", height = "800px")
                                                 shiny::selectInput('FG', 'Functional Group :', as.character(grp$code)),
                                                 shiny::selectInput('is.catch', label = shiny::strong("Data type"), c('Catch', 'Discard')),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('rem.ab', label = shiny::strong("Remove Values"), value = FALSE),
                                                 shiny::numericInput("lag.ab", "Observations:", 1, min = 1, max = 100),
                                                 shiny::checkboxInput('l.axis', label = shiny::strong("limit axis"), value = TRUE),
                                                 shiny::downloadButton("DL_Abun", "Download")
                                             shiny::plotOutput('P.numbers', width = "100%", height = "800px")
                         shiny::navbarMenu('Skill - Assessment',
                                           shiny::tabPanel('Catch by Fleet',
                                                                                               shiny::selectInput('FISHC', 'Fishery :', as.character(fsh$code)),
                                                                                               shiny::selectInput('is.CC', label = shiny::strong("Data type"), c('Catch', 'Discard')),
                                                                                               shiny::checkboxInput('rem.CC', label = shiny::strong("Remove Values"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                               shiny::numericInput("lag.CC", "Observations:", 1, min = 1, max = 100),
                                                                                               shiny::downloadButton("DL.cp.dat", "Download")
                                                                                    shiny::plotOutput('P.SA.catch_FG', width = "100%", height = "800px"),
                                                                                    shiny::p(shiny::strong("\nModel skill assessment (quantitative metrics)")),
                                                                                    shiny::downloadButton("DL.cp.stat", "Download")
                                           shiny::tabPanel('Total Catch',
                                                                                               shiny::selectInput('FG.catch.tot', 'Functional Group:', as.character(ext.fgroup.name)),
                                                                                               shiny::checkboxInput('rem.CC.tot', label = shiny::strong("Remove Values"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                               shiny::numericInput("lag.CC.tot", "Observations:", 1, min = 1, max = 100),
                                                                                               shiny::downloadButton("DL.cp.dat.tot", "Download")
                                                                                    shiny::plotOutput('P.SA.total.catch', width = "100%", height = "800px"),
                                                                                    shiny::p(shiny::strong("\nModel skill assessment (quantitative metrics)")),
                                                                                    shiny::downloadButton("DL.cp.stat.tot", "Download")
                         ## -- Exit --
                                    shiny::actionButton("exitButton", "Exit")
        ## Link the input for the different tabs with your original data
        ## Create the plots
        function(input, output, session){
            ## getting the number of catch by age
            ## this is a way to check is the selectivity is working
            catch.number <- shiny::reactive({
                num <- read.var(input$FG, nc.data, input$is.catch, grp, time = Time)
                    num <- num %>% filter(.data$years > Time[input$lag.ab])
            catch.biomass <- shiny::reactive({
                cat.obs <- paste0(grp$code, '_', input$is.CB, '_FC', which(fsh$code == input$FISHB))
                cat.obs <- which(cat.obs %in% nam.var)
                arry    <- array(NA, dim = c(length(Time), length(cat.obs)))
                for(da in 1 : length(cat.obs)){
                    arry[, da] <- var.fish(grp$code[cat.obs[da]], input$FISHB, nc.data, fsh = fsh, is.C = input$is.CB, grp = grp, by.box = FALSE)

                colnames(arry) <- grp$code[cat.obs]
                rem <- which(colSums(arry) == 0)
                if(length(rem) > 0){
                    arry <- arry[, -rem]
                if(length(arry) == 0){
                    return(arry = 0)
                    arry[c(1 : input$lag.cb), ] <- NA
                time.vec <- Time
                    arry <- rowsum(arry, format(Time, '%Y'))
                    time.vec <-as.numeric(unique(format(Time, '%Y')))
                arry <- reshape2::melt(data.frame(Time = time.vec, arry), id.var = 'Time', variable.name = 'Functional_groups', value.name = 'Catch')
            ## External files
            ext <- shiny::reactive({
               # browser()
                active_fishery <- paste0(grp$code, '_', input$is.CC, '_FC', which(fsh$code == input$FISHC))
                active_fishery <- which(active_fishery %in% nam.var)
                atlantis_c     <- array(NA, dim = c(length(Time), length(active_fishery)))
                for(da in 1 : length(active_fishery)){
                    atlantis_c[, da] <- var.fish(grp$code[active_fishery[da]], input$FISHC, nc.data, fsh = fsh, is.C = 'Catch', grp = grp, by.box = FALSE)

                    atlantis_c[c(1 : input$lag.CC), ] <- NA
                atlantis_c <- rowsum(atlantis_c, format(Time, '%Y'), na.rm = TRUE)
                atlantis_c <- setNames(data.frame(unique(format(Time, '%Y')), 'atlantis', atlantis_c), c('years', 'source', grp$code[active_fishery]))
                atlantis_c <- reshape2::melt(atlantis_c, id_vars = c('years', 'source'),  variable.name = 'fgroup', value.name = 'catch')
                Selected_fishery <- trimws(input$FISHC, which = c("both"))
                observed_c <- external_c %>% filter(.data$fleet == Selected_fishery) %>% select(-.data$fleet)

                total_catch <- rbind(atlantis_c, observed_c) %>% mutate(fleet = Selected_fishery) %>% mutate(years = as.Date(.data$years, format = '%Y'))


##                 total_catch %>% group_by(fgroup) %>%    group_modify( ~ {.x %>% skill_assessment(obs = filter(source ==  'observed') %>% pull(catch),
##                                                                        mod = filter(source ==  'atlantis') %>% pull(catch),
##                                                                        FG = unique(fgroup))})
## #> [[1]]

## ,  by = c("years", "source", "fgroup", "catch"))
##                 ext    <- list(A.catch = atlantis_c, external.c = ext)
##                 ext$Stats <- NULL
##                 for(i in  2 : ncol(ext$external.c)){
##                    pos <- which(colnames(ext$A.catch) %in% colnames(ext$external.c)[i])
##                    if(length(pos) == 0) next()
##                    FG <- colnames(ext$external.c)[i]
##                    na.rmv    <- which(!is.na(ext$external.c[, i]))
##                    t.match   <- which(unique(format(Time, '%Y')) %in% ext$external.c$Time[na.rmv])
##                    t.mat.ext <- which(ext$external.c$Time %in% unique(format(Time, '%Y'))[t.match])
##                    if(sum(ext$A.catch[t.match, pos]) == 0 | sum(ext$external.c[t.mat.ext, i]) == 0) next()
##                    ext$Stats <- rbind(ext$Stats, skill_assessment(as.vector(ext$A.catch[t.match, pos]), as.vector(ext$external.c[t.mat.ext, i]), FG))
##                 }
                ##                 ext
            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
            ## ~      Total Catch   ~ ##
            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
            ext.tot <- shiny::reactive({
                age_class <- grp$numcohorts[which(grp$code %in% input$FG.catch.tot)]
                catch.obs <- paste0(input$FG.catch.tot, '_', input$is.CC, '_FC', 1 : num_fisheries)
                ## array Catch by Time and Fleet [Time, Fleet]
                atlantis_c    <- array(NA, dim = c(length(Time), length(catch.obs)))
                for(da in 1 : length(catch.obs)){
                    atlantis_c[, da] <- colSums(ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, catch.obs[da]), na.rm = TRUE)
                    ## in case we want to remove some time steps
                    atlantis_c[c(1 : input$lag.CC), ] <- NA
                atlantis_c <- rowSums(rowsum(atlantis_c, format(Time, '%Y'), na.rm = TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
                atlantis_c <- setNames(data.frame(unique(format(Time, '%Y')), atlantis_c), c('years', 'Atlantis'))
                observed_c <- ext.catch.group %>% filter(.data$Functional_group == tolower(input$FG.catch.tot))
                catches    <- reshape2::melt(merge(atlantis_c, observed_c), id_vars=c('years', 'Functional_group'), variable.name = 'Data_origin', value.name = 'Catch')
                catches$years <- as.numeric(catches$years)
                if(sum(observed_c$Observed, na.rm = TRUE) == 0 || sum(atlantis_c$Atlantis, na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
                    skill_assessment <- 0
                } else {
                    skill_assessment <-  skill_assessment(obs = catches %>% filter(.data$Data_origin == 'Observed') %>% pull(.data$Catch),
                                    mod = catches %>% filter(data$Data_origin == 'Atlantis') %>% pull(.data$Catch),
                                    FG  = input$FG.catch.tot)
                external <- list(catches = catches,
                                 skill_assessment = skill_assessment,
                                 group = grp[which(grp$code %in% input$FG.catch.tot),]$longname)
               # browser()

            ## exit
            shiny::observeEvent(input$exitButton, {

            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
            ## ~      Call Plots  ~ ##
            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
            output$P.biomass <- shiny::renderPlot({

            output$P.numbers <- shiny::renderPlot({

             output$P.SA.total.catch <- shiny::renderPlot({

            output$P.SA.catch_FG <- shiny::renderPlot({

            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
            ## ~        Building Plots    ~ ##
            ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##

            Plot_numbers <- shiny::reactive({
                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(catch.number(), ggplot2::aes(x = .data$years, y = .data$catch)) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_point()
                p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(.~cohort, scales="free_y")  + theme_atlantis()

            Plot_biomass <- shiny::reactive({
                cat.obs <- paste0(grp$code, '_', input$is.CB, '_FC', which(fsh$code == input$FISHB))
                           shiny::need(catch.biomass() != 0,  paste0('There is no ', input$is.CB ,' information for ', fsh$name[which(fsh$code == input$FISHB)]))
                title.plot = paste0(input$is.CB ,' information for ', fsh$name[which(fsh$code == input$FISHB)])
                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(catch.biomass(), ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Time, .data$Catch)) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_point()
                p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(.~.data$Functional_groups, scales="free_y")  + theme_atlantis() + ggplot2::ggtitle(title.plot)

            ## output$plotC <- shiny::renderPlot({

            ##     rp       <- ncol(ext()$A.catch)
            ##     col.cur  <- col.bi[2]
            ##     graphics::par(mfrow = c(t(grDevices::n2mfrow(rp))), cex = 1.2, oma = c(3, 3, 1, 1), cex = 1.1)
            ##     for( i in 1 : rp){
            ##         plot.catch(ext()$A.catch[, i], Time, ylm = NULL, coh = NULL, col.cur, bio.n = colnames(ext()$A.catch)[i], by.year = TRUE, external = ext()$external.c)
            ##     }
            ##     mtext("Biomass", side=2, outer = TRUE, cex = 2)
            ##     mtext("Time (days)", side=1, line = 2, outer = TRUE, cex = 2)
            ## }) :

            Plot_catch_by_fg <- shiny::reactive({
                data_plot <- ext()
                title.plot <- paste0('Total catch for ', unique(ext()$fleet))
                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_plot,  ggplot2::aes(x = .data$years, y = .data$catch, color = .data$source))
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(labels = c('Atlantis',  'Observed'), values = br.hotel.col[c(5, 8)])
                p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::ggtitle(title.plot) + ggplot2::labs(color = "Data Origin")
                p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(.~fgroup, scales="free_y") + theme_atlantis()

            Plot_total_catch <- shiny::reactive({
                data_plot <- ext.tot()$catches
                title.plot <- paste0('Total catch for ', ext.tot()$group)
                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_plot,  ggplot2::aes(x = .data$years, y = .data$Catch, color = .data$Data_origin))
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(labels = c('Atlantis',  'Observed'), values = br.hotel.col[c(5, 8)])
                p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::ggtitle(title.plot) + ggplot2::labs(color = "Data Origin")
                p <- p + theme_atlantis()

            output$TabStat <- DT::renderDataTable(ext()$Stats)
            ## Save data
            output$DL_Biomass <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function(){
                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                content = function(file) {
                        Tim <- as.Date(unique(format(Time, '%Y')), format = '%Y')
                    write.csv(data.frame(Date = Tim, catch.biomass()), file, row.names = FALSE)

            output$TabStat.tot <- DT::renderDataTable({
                    shiny::need(ext.tot()$skill_assessment != 0,  'It is impossible to perform a skill assessment with a constant catch of zero.')

            output$DL_Abun <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function(){
                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                content = function(file) {
                    out.abu <- matrix(unlist(num()), ncol = length(num()), byrow = TRUE)
                    colnames(out.abu) <- paste0(input$FG, '-Age', seq(1 : length(num())))
                    write.csv(data.frame(Date = Time, out.abu), file, row.names = FALSE)
             output$DL.cp.stat <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function(){
                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                content = function(file) {
                    write.csv(data.frame(ext()$Stats), file, row.names = FALSE)
            output$DL.cp.dat <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function(){
                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                content = function(file) {
                    out.ext <- ext()$external
                    out.int <- data.frame(Time = unique(format(Time, '%Y')), Simulated = ext()$A.catch)
                    diff    <- nrow(out.int) - nrow(out.ext)
                    if(diff > 0){
                        out.ext[c((nrow(out.ext) + 1) : (nrow(out.ext) + diff)), ] <- NA
                    } else if (diff < 0) {
                        out.int[c((nrow(out.int) + 1) : (nrow(out.int) + (diff *  - 1))), ] <- NA
                    out.f           <- data.frame(out.ext, out.int)
                    colnames(out.f) <- c(paste0('Shiny::Observed-', colnames(out.ext)), paste0('Simulated-', colnames(out.int)))
                    write.csv(out.f, file, row.names = FALSE)
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
## ~          Internal Functions      ~ ##
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
##' @title Total catch and discard in biomass
##' @param FG Functional groups
##' @param FISH Fishery
##' @param nc.data NetCDF file with the information of catch
##' @param fsh Fisheries csv file (Input from Atlantis)
##' @param grp Groups csv file (Input from Atlantis)
##' @param is.C Bolean,  is Catch variable
##' @param by.box Default FALSE. If the information is needed by box (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
##' @return The information of the catch by biomass for all the FG
##' @author Demiurgo
var.fish <- function(FG, FISH, nc.data, fsh, grp, is.C = NULL, by.box = FALSE){
    pos     <- which(grp$code == FG)
    f.pos   <- which(fsh$code == FISH)
    name.fg <- paste0(grp$code[pos], '_', is.C, '_FC', f.pos)
    B.catch <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, name.fg)
        B.catch <- colSums(B.catch, na.rm = TRUE)

##' @title Reading Discard and Catch by number and box
##' @param FG Csv with the Functional groups
##' @param nc.data NetCDF file with the information of catch
##' @param is.C Default TRUE,  if the data needed is Catch (TRUE) or Discard (FALSE)
##' @param grp Specific group to get from the csv file
##' @param by.box Default FALSE. If the information is needed by box (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
##' @param time Time vector
##' @return A list witht the information for all the functional groups
##' @author Demiurgo
read.var <- function(FG, nc.data, is.C = NULL, grp, by.box = FALSE, time){
    pos    <- which(grp$code == FG)
    n.coh  <- grp$numcohorts[pos]
    Tcatch <- NULL
    if(n.coh > 1){
        for(coh in 1 : n.coh){
            name.fg  <- paste0(grp$name[pos], coh,'_', is.C)
            tmp      <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, name.fg)
            name_coh <- ifelse(coh < 10, paste0('Cohort 0',  coh), paste0('Cohort ',  coh))
               #   browser()
                tmp <- data.frame(years = time, cohort = rep(name_coh, length(time)), catch = colSums(tmp, na.rm=TRUE))
            Tcatch <- rbind(Tcatch, tmp)
    } else {
        name.fg <- paste0(grp$name[pos], is.C)
        tmp     <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.data, name.fg)
            tmp <- data.frame(years = time, cohort = rep('Biomass Pool', length (time)), catch = colSums(tmp, na.rm=TRUE))
        Tcatch <- rbind(Tcatch, tmp)
##' @title Plot catch function
##' @param ctch Catch data.frame
##' @param Time Time on Date format
##' @param ylm Ylimit option for comparison
##' @param coh cohort number
##' @param col.bi Color of the lines
##' @param bio.n Name of the FG
##' @param by.year Plot and information is by year
##' @param external External file
##' @param ... Other options for plotting
##' @return plot of the catch
##' @author Demiurgo
plot.catch <- function(ctch, Time, ylm = NULL, coh = NULL, col.bi, bio.n = NULL, by.year = FALSE, external = NULL, ...){
    graphics::par(mar = c(1, 4, 3, 1) + 0.1)
    if(is.null(ylm)) ylm <- range(ctch, na.rm = TRUE)
        plp <- which(colnames(external) %in% bio.n)
        if(length(plp) == 0){  ## creating a fake variable to avoid problems
            external[, ncol(external) + 1] <- 0
            colnames(external)[ncol(external)] <- bio.n
            plp <- ncol(external)
        ylm <- c(0, max(c(range(ctch, na.rm = TRUE), range(external[, plp], na.rm = TRUE))))

        Time <- as.Date(unique(format(Time, '%Y')), format = '%Y')
        main.lab <- paste0("AgeClass - ", ifelse(coh > 10, '', '0'), coh)
    } else{
        main.lab <- as.character(bio.n)
#    yticks <- seq(ylm[1], round(ylm[2], 3), by = round(ylm[2], 3) / 5)
    tickx  <- seq(from = 1, to = length(Time), length = 5)
    plot(Time, ctch, type = 'l', xlab = '', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n',
         ylim = ylm, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, col = col.bi[1], main = main.lab)
        plp   <- which(colnames(external) %in% bio.n)
        Time2 <- as.Date(as.character(external$Time), '%Y')
        points(Time2, external[, plp], pch = 21, col = 'black', bg = 'red')
        axis(1, at = Time[tickx], labels = format.Date(Time[tickx], '%Y'), lwd = 2,  col = 1)
    } else {
        axis(1, at = Time[tickx], labels = format.Date(Time[tickx], '%Y.%m'), lwd = 2,  col = 1)
    axis(side = 2, at = pretty(ylm), lwd = 2)

##' @title Skill assessment of the model
##' @param obs Shiny::Observed values
##' @param mod modeled values
##' @param FG Functional group
##' @return metrics  =  AAE; AE; MEF; RMSE; COR
##' @author Demiurgo
skill_assessment <- function(obs, mod, FG){
    ## Stimation of Correlation
    COR  <- cor.test(obs, mod, method = 'spearman', use = "pairwise.complete.obs",  exact = FALSE)
    ## Average error
    AE   <- mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(mod, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## Average absolute error
    diff <- mod - obs
    AAE  <- mean(abs(diff), na.rm = TRUE)
    ## Mean squared error
    RMSE <- sqrt(mean((diff) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
    ## Reliability index
    ## Avoiding (inf values)
    tmp                   <- log(obs / mod) ^ 2
    tmp[is.infinite(tmp)] <- NA
    RI                    <-  exp(sqrt(mean(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)))
    ## Modeling efficiency
    ME <- 1 - (RMSE ^ 2) / var(obs, na.rm = TRUE) #option 1
    ## ME <- (sum((obs - mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE) - sum((mod - obs) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)) / sum((obs - mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
    if(COR$p.value == 0) COR$p.value <- '< 2.2e-16'
    out <- data.frame( FGroup = c(FG, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
                      Metrics = c('Correlation (Spearman)', 'Average Error (AE)',
                                  'Average Absolute Error (AAE)', 'Mean Squared Error (RMSE)', 'Reliability index',
                                  'Model Efficiency (ME)'),
                      Results = c(COR$estimate, AE, AAE, RMSE, RI, ME),
                      p.val = c(COR$p.value, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))

##     ##' @title Skill assessment of the model
## ##' @param obs Shiny::Observed values
## ##' @param mod modeled values
## ##' @param FG Functional group
## ##' @return metrics  =  AAE; AE; MEF; RMSE; COR
## ##' @author Demiurgo
## stats <- function(obs, mod, FG){
##     ## Stimation of Correlation
##     COR  <- cor.test(obs, mod, method = 'spearman', use = "pairwise.complete.obs",  exact = FALSE)
##     ## Average error
##     AE   <- mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(mod, na.rm = TRUE)
##     ## Average absolute error
##     diff <- mod - obs
##     AAE  <- mean(abs(diff), na.rm = TRUE)
##     ## Mean squared error
##     RMSE <- sqrt(mean((diff) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
##     ## Reliability index
##     ## Avoiding (inf values)
##     tmp                   <- log(obs / mod) ^ 2
##     tmp[is.infinite(tmp)] <- NA
##     RI                    <-  exp(sqrt(mean(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)))
##     ## Modeling efficiency
##     ME <- 1 - (RMSE ^ 2) / var(obs, na.rm = TRUE) #option 1
##     ## ME <- (sum((obs - mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE) - sum((mod - obs) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)) / sum((obs - mean(obs, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
##     if(COR$p.value == 0) COR$p.value <- '< 2.2e-16'
##     out <- data.frame( FGroup = c(FG, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
##                       Metrics = c('Correlation (Spearman)', 'Average Error (AE)',
##                                   'Average Absolute Error (AAE)', 'Mean Squared Error (RMSE)', 'Reliability index',
##                                   'Model Efficiency (ME)'),
##                       Results = c(COR$estimate, AE, AAE, RMSE, RI, ME),
##                       p.val = c(COR$p.value, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
##     return(out)
## }

##' @title Main Atlatnis Theme
##' @return The ggplot theme
##' @author Javier Porobic
theme_atlantis <- function(){
                 plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#844D14", face = 'bold', family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(2)),
                 ## add border 1)
                 panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = "#562F0E", fill = NA, linetype = 2),
                 ## color background 2)
                 panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = scales::alpha('#fcda96', 0.1)),
                 ## modify grid 3)
                 panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "#844D14", linetype = 3, size = 0.5),
                 panel.grid.minor.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                 panel.grid.major.y =  ggplot2::element_line(colour = "#844D14", linetype = 3, size = 0.5),
                 panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                 ## modify text, axis and colour 4) and 5)
                 axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#292B15", face = "italic", family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(1.2)),
                 axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#292B15", face = 'bold', family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(1.5)),
                 axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "#292B15", size = ggplot2::rel(1.2)),
                 ## legend at the bottom 6)
                 legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#7A6F42", face = 'bold', family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(1.5)),
                 legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#292B15", face = 'bold', family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(1.5)),
                 ## Faceting
                 strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = scales::alpha("#7A6F42", 0.7), linetype = 2),
                 strip.background.x = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = scales::alpha("#7A6F42", 0.7), linetype = 2),
                 strip.background.y = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = scales::alpha("#7A6F42", 0.7), linetype = 2),
                 strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "#241309", face = 'bold', family = "Times New Roman", size = ggplot2::rel(1.5))
jporobicg/ReactiveAtlantis documentation built on April 19, 2022, 3:24 a.m.