
Defines functions .point_in_polygon to.save plot.age.total nitro.weight boxes.prop relative bio.pwn bio.pool bio.age compare

Documented in bio.age bio.pool bio.pwn boxes.prop compare nitro.weight plot.age.total .point_in_polygon relative to.save

##' This function allows visualization of either the output from a simulation or
##'     comparison between two different Atlantis simulations. The user can compare
##'     biomasses, abundance, structural or reserve nitrogen between two different
##'     outputs. The user is also able to check the changes is these variables by
##'     age for the different functional groups.
##' @title Compare Outputs
##' @param nc.out.current Current netcdf output file. Character string with the path
##'     to the netcdf file to read in. This netcdf file contains a generic output
##'     from an Atlantis run and usually starts with \emph{output} and ends in
##'     \emph{.nc}.
##' @param nc.out.old (Default = NULL) This is the character string with the path to
##'     the second netcdf output file to read in (used only for comparisons). This
##'     netcdf file contains a generic output from an Atlantis run and usually
##'     starts with \emph{output} and ends in \emph{.nc}.
##' @param grp.csv Character string with the path to the Groups \emph{*.csv}
##'     file (Atlantis input file).
##' @param bgm.file Character string with the path to the XY coordinates
##'     Atlantis input file \emph{*.bgm} with the information in metres.
##' @param cum.depths Cumulative depth of the Atlantis model
##' @return A shiny::reactive shiny::HTML that is divided in 3 different panels:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \bold{Biomass}: This panel shows the results for:
##'     \itemize{
##'       \item \emph{Total Biomass} which displays the changes in total biomass for
##'     each functional group.
##'       \item \emph{Relative Biomass} which displays the variation of the
##'     total biomass relative to the initial biomass (\eqn{B_{0}}).
##'      }
##'  If only one netcdf file is read in it provides a single output, which expands
##'     two sub-panels in the case of comparisons.
##' \item \bold{Total}: This function shows the changes in the variables
##'     (i.e. Biomass, Numbers and Structural and reserve nitrogen) for the entire
##'     population over time. If a second output is provided the function allows
##'     comparison of the outputs. In this function the user is able to:
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item \emph{Visualize any combination of variables}, that allows the user to activate and
##'     deactivate variables from the visualization. This provides increased flexibility
##'     and comparing between variables.
##'     \item \emph{Scaled}, this option allows for visualization of the values
##'     normalized by the value in the initial conditions (this option is very
##'     helpful for checking the main changes in variables during the calibration
##'     process).
##'     \item \emph{Limit-axis}, indicating whether the user desires total or normalized
##'     values, this option allows for the y-axis to be unscaled or to set the upper
##'     limit for the scaled version(from 0 to 3).
##'    }
##' \item \bold{By AgeClass}: This tab visualizes the changes through time of the
##'     variables by age. In this function the user is able to:
##'     \itemize{
##'     \item \emph{Visualize any combination of variables}, by activating and
##'     deactivating variables from the visualization (this provides increased
##'     flexibility to explore the changes in the variables and compare between
##'     them).
##'     \item \emph{Scaled}, this option allows for visualization of the values
##'     normalised by the value in the initial conditions (this option is very
##'     helpful for checking the main changes in variables during the calibration
##'     process).
##'     \item \emph{Limit-axis} which allows the user to set the visualization to
##'     either total or scaled values (this option allows the y-axis to be unscaled
##'     or to set the limit from 0 to 3 for the normalized version.
##' }
##' }
##' @import utils grDevices ggplot2 graphics
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_bar coord_flip scale_color_manual geom_line facet_wrap theme_minimal update_labels geom_hline
##' @author Demiurgo
##' @export
compare <- function(nc.out.current, nc.out.old = NULL, grp.csv, bgm.file, cum.depths){
    ## General configuration
    mycol  <- c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7"))
    mycol  <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(mycol)
    col.bi <- mycol(15)[c(14, 13, 12, 10)]
    mg2t   <- 0.00000002  ## mgC converted to wet weight in tonnes = 20/1000000000
    x.cn   <- 5.7   	  ## Redfield ratio of C:N 5.7
    ## Reading data
    grp     <- utils::read.csv(grp.csv)
    inf.box <- boxes.prop(bgm.file,  cum.depths)
    nc.cur  <- ncdf4::nc_open(nc.out.current)
    ## Time Vector
    Time <- time_calc(nc.cur)
        nc.old <- ncdf4::nc_open(nc.out.old)
        Time_old <- time_calc(nc.old)
    names(grp) <- tolower(names(grp))
    grp     <- grp[grp$isturnedon == 1, c('code', 'name', 'longname', 'grouptype', 'numcohorts')]
    ## Getting the total biomass
    age.grp <- grp[grp$numcohorts > 1 & !grp$grouptype %in% c('PWN', 'PRAWNS', 'PRAWN', 'CEP', 'MOB_EP_OTHER', 'SEAGRASS', 'CORAL', 'MANGROVE', 'MANGROVES', 'SPONGE'), ]
    pol.grp <- grp[grp$numcohorts == 1, ]
    ## Some model use Agestructured biomass pools
    pwn.grp <- grp[grp$numcohorts > 1 & grp$grouptype %in% c('PWN', 'PRAWNS', 'PRAWN', 'CEP', 'MOB_EP_OTHER', 'SEAGRASS', 'CORAL', 'MANGROVE', 'MANGROVES', 'SPONGE'), ]
    ## Reading biomass outputs
    ## this approach allows to use only the current output file
    if(nrow(age.grp) > 0){
        age.cur.bio  <- bio.age(age.grp, nc.cur, 'Current', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time)
    } else {
        age.cur.bio <- NULL
        warning('You do not have any Age structure Active in this simulation.\n Check your group.csv file\n')
    pool.cur.bio <- bio.pool(pol.grp, nc.cur, 'Current', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time)
    old.bio      <- NULL
        if(nrow(age.grp) > 0){
            age.old.bio  <- bio.age(age.grp, nc.old, 'Previous', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time_old)
        } else {
            age.old.bio  <- NULL
        pool.old.bio <- bio.pool(pol.grp, nc.old, 'Previous', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time_old)
        old.bio      <- rbind(pool.old.bio, age.old.bio)
    pwn.bio      <- NULL
    pwn.old.bio  <- NULL
    if(nrow(pwn.grp) > 0){
        pwn.cur.bio <- bio.pwn(pwn.grp, nc.cur, 'Current', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time)
            pwn.old.bio <- bio.pwn(pwn.grp, nc.old, 'Previous', mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time_old)
        pwn.bio <- rbind(pwn.cur.bio, pwn.old.bio)
        only.cur <- rbind(age.cur.bio, pool.cur.bio)
    } else {
        only.cur <- rbind(age.cur.bio, pool.cur.bio, pwn.cur.bio)
    ## binding all the outputs for the biomass comparision
    t.biomass <- rbind(age.cur.bio, pool.cur.bio, old.bio, pwn.bio)
    ## relative
    rel.bio <- by(t.biomass, t.biomass$FG, relative)
    rel.bio <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, rel.bio)
    ## Start the Shiny application
               ## Create the different tabs
               ui <- shiny::navbarPage("Compare outputs",
                                                                  shiny::tabPanel('Total Biomass',
                                                                                  shiny::plotOutput('plot1', height = "auto"),
                                                                                  shiny::downloadButton("dwn.bio", "Download")
                                                                  shiny::tabPanel('Relative Biomass',
                                                                                  shiny::plotOutput('plot1B', height = "auto"),
                                                                                  shiny::downloadButton("dwn.rel", "Download")
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('FG2', 'Functional Group :', as.character(grp$code)),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('bpol', label = shiny::strong("By polygon"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                                      condition = "input.bpol == '1'",
                                                                                                      shiny::selectInput('poln', 'Polygon', inf.box$info$Boxid)
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('rn2', label = shiny::strong("Reserve Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('sn2', label = shiny::strong("Structural Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('num2', label = shiny::strong("Numbers"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('bio2', label = shiny::strong("Biomass"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('scl2', label = shiny::strong("Scaled"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('limit2', label = shiny::strong("limit-axis"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('right2', label = shiny::strong("Legend position"), c('Right', 'Left'))
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('cur2', label = shiny::strong("Compare current output"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('FG2b', 'Functional Group :', as.character(grp$code)),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('rn2b', label = shiny::strong("Reserve Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('sn2b', label = shiny::strong("Structural Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('num2b', label = shiny::strong("Numbers"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('bio2b', label = shiny::strong("Biomass"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('scl2b', label = shiny::strong("Scaled"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('limit2b', label = shiny::strong("limit-axis"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('right2b', label = shiny::strong("Legend position"), c('Right', 'Left'))
                                                                                       )                                             ),
                                                                                shiny::plotOutput('plot2a', width = "100%", height = "450px"),
                                                                                shiny::plotOutput('plot2b', width = "100%", height = "450px")
                                       shiny::tabPanel('By AgeClass',
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('FG3a', 'Functional Group :', as.character(grp$code[grp$numcohorts > 1 & !grp$grouptype %in% c('PWN', 'PRAWNS', 'PRAWN', 'CEP', 'MOB_EP_OTHER', 'SEAGRASS', 'CORAL', 'MANGROVE', 'MANGROVES', 'SPONGE')])),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('rn3a', label = shiny::strong("Reserve Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('sn3a', label = shiny::strong("Structural Nitrogen"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('num3a', label = shiny::strong("Numbers"), value = FALSE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('bio3a', label = shiny::strong("Biomass"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('scl3a', label = shiny::strong("Scaled"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::checkboxInput('limit3a', label = shiny::strong("limit-axis"), value = TRUE),
                                                                                           shiny::selectInput('right3a', label = shiny::strong("Legend position"), c('Right', 'Left')),
                                                                                           shiny::downloadButton("Dwn.age", "Download")
                                                                                shiny::plotOutput('plot3a', width = "100%", height = "1000px")
                                       ## -- Exit --
                                                  shiny::actionButton("exitButton", "Exit")
               ## Link the input for the different tabs with your original data
               ## Create the plots
               function(input, output, session){
                   total <- shiny::reactive({
                           total <- nitro.weight(nc.cur, grp, input$FG2, By = 'Poly', inf.box, mg2t, x.cn, polnum = (as.numeric(input$poln) + 1))
                       } else {
                           total <- nitro.weight(nc.cur, grp, input$FG2, By = 'Total', inf.box, mg2t, x.cn)
                       if(input$scl2 && !isTRUE(input$bpol)){
                           rmv         <- which(sapply(total, function(x) length(x) == 0 || is.null(x) || is.character(x)))
                           total.tmp   <- total[-rmv]
                           total.tmp   <- lapply(total.tmp, function(x) x / x[1])
                           total[-rmv] <- total.tmp
                   total2 <- shiny::reactive({
                       if(!is.null(nc.out.old) | input$cur2){
                               total2 <- nitro.weight(nc.cur, grp, input$FG2b, By = 'Total', inf.box, mg2t, x.cn)
                           } else {
                               total2 <- nitro.weight(nc.old, grp, input$FG2b, By = 'Total', inf.box, mg2t, x.cn)
                               rmv          <- which(sapply(total2, function(x) length(x) == 0 || is.null(x) || is.character(x)))
                               total2.tmp   <- total2[-rmv]
                               total2.tmp   <- lapply(total2.tmp, function(x) x / x[1])
                               total2[-rmv] <- total2.tmp
                       } else {
                           total2 <- NULL
                   coho <- shiny::reactive({
                       coho <- nitro.weight(nc.cur, grp, FG = input$FG3a, By = 'Cohort', inf.box, mg2t, x.cn)
                           rmv         <- which(sapply(coho, function(x) length(x) == 0 || is.null(x) || is.character(x)))
                           coho.tmp   <- coho[-rmv]
                           coho.tmp   <- lapply(coho.tmp, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) x / x[1]))
                           coho[-rmv] <- coho.tmp
                   shiny::observeEvent(input$exitButton, {
                   output$plot1 <- shiny::renderPlot({
                       plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data  = t.biomass, aes(x = .data$Time, y = .data$Biomass, colour = .data$Simulation)) +
                           geom_line() + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ .data$FG, ncol = 4, scale = 'free_y') + theme_minimal() +
                           scale_color_manual(values = c('firebrick3', 'darkolivegreen'))
                       plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = 'Date', y = 'Biomass (tons)'))
                   height = function() {
                   output$plot1B <- shiny::renderPlot({
                       plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = rel.bio, aes(x = .data$Time, y = .data$Relative, colour = .data$Simulation))
                       plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ .data$FG, ncol = 4) + ylim(0, 2)
                                        #plot <- plot + ggplot2::annotate('rect', xmin =  - Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = 1.5, ymin = 0.5, alpha = .1, colour = 'royalblue', fill = 'royalblue')
                                        #plot <- plot + scale_color_manual(values = c('firebrick3', 'darkolivegreen'))
                                        #plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = 'Time step', y = 'Relative Biomass (Bt/B0)'))
                                        #plot <- plot + geom_hline(yintercept=c(1.5, 0.5), linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=2)
                       plot <- plot + theme_minimal()
                   height = function() {
                   output$plot2a <- shiny::renderPlot({
                       plot.age.total(total(), Time = Time, input$rn2, input$sn2, input$num2, input$bio2, input$scl2, input$limit2, input$right2, colors = col.bi)
                   output$plot2b <- shiny::renderPlot({
                                  shiny::need(total2() != '',  'To Display this plot you need to provide an old .nc output file or activate the box compare current (Default = FALSE)')
                       Time.plot <- Time_old
                       if(is.null(nc.out.old) | input$cur2) Time.plot <- Time
                       plot.age.total(total2(), Time = Time.plot, input$rn2b, input$sn2b, input$num2b, input$bio2b, input$scl2b, input$limit2b, input$right2b, colors = col.bi)
                   output$plot3a <- shiny::renderPlot({
                       n.coh     <- grp$numcohorts[grp$code == input$FG3a]
                       graphics::par(mfrow = grDevices::n2mfrow(n.coh), cex = 1.2, oma = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
                       for( i in 1 : n.coh){
                           plot.age.total(coho(), Time, input$rn3a, input$sn3a, input$num3a, input$bio3a, input$scl3a, input$limit3a, input$right3a, colors = col.bi, coh = i, max.coh = n.coh)
                   output$Dwn.age <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                                                filename = function(){
                                                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                                                content = function(file) {
                                                    out <- to.save(coho(), input$sn3a, input$rn3a, input$num3a, input$bio3a, Time)
                                                    write.csv(out, file, row.names = FALSE)
                   output$dwn.bio <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                                                filename = function(){
                                                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                                                content = function(file) {
                                                    biom.save <- list(Biomass = lapply(split(t.biomass, paste(t.biomass$FG, t.biomass$Simulation, sep = '_')),
                                                    out       <- to.save(list = biom.save, b = TRUE, Time = Time, tot = TRUE)
                                                    write.csv(out, file, row.names = FALSE)
                   output$dwn.rel <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                                                filename = function(){
                                                    paste0(input$dataset, ".csv")
                                                content = function(file) {
                                                    biom.save <- list(Biomass = lapply(split(rel.bio, paste(rel.bio$FG, rel.bio$Simulation, sep = '_')),
                                                    out       <- to.save(list = biom.save, b = TRUE, Time = Time, tot = TRUE)
                                                    write.csv(out, file, row.names = FALSE)

##' @title Biomass for age groups
##' @param age.grp Age groups
##' @param nc.out ncdf atlantis' output file
##' @param ctg category
##' @param mg2t Miligram to tons scalar
##' @param x.cn Carbon to Nitrogen transformation (Value/scalar)
##' @param inf.box Polygons Information
##' @param Time Time (Date) vector
##' @return a dataframe with the biomass for all the functional groups with age classes
##' @author Demiurgo
bio.age <- function(age.grp, nc.out, ctg, mg2t, x.cn, inf.box, Time){
    bound   <- ifelse(inf.box$info$Depth_Bound > 0, 1, 0)
    grp.bio <- NULL
    for(age in 1 : nrow(age.grp)){
        cohort <- NULL
        for(coh in 1 : age.grp[age, 'numcohorts']){
            name.fg <- paste0(age.grp$name[age], coh)
            b.coh   <- (ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_ResN'))  +
                        ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_StructN')))  *
                ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_Nums')) * mg2t * x.cn
            b.coh   <- colSums(apply(apply(b.coh, 2, colSums, na.rm = TRUE), 1, function(x) x * bound), na.rm = TRUE)
            cohort  <- cbind(cohort, b.coh)
        grp.bio <- rbind(grp.bio, data.frame(Time = Time, FG = paste0(as.character(age.grp$longname[age]), ' (', as.character(age.grp$code[age]), ')'),
                                             Biomass  = rowSums(cohort, na.rm  = TRUE), Simulation = ctg))

##' @title Biomass for age groups
##' @param pol.grp Biomass pool groups
##' @param nc.out ncdf atlantis' output file
##' @param ctg category
##' @param mg2t Miligrams to tons scalar
##' @param x.cn Ration from nitrogen to carbon
##' @param box.info Information by box and layer
##' @param Time Date Vector
##' @return a dataframe with the biomass for all the functional groups with age classes
##' @author Demiurgo
bio.pool <- function(pol.grp, nc.out, ctg, mg2t, x.cn, box.info, Time){
    grp.bio <- NULL
    for(pool in 1 : nrow(pol.grp)){
        name.fg <- paste0(pol.grp$name[pool], '_N')
        biom    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, name.fg)
        if(length(dim(biom))== 3){
            if(pol.grp$grouptype[pool] == 'LG_INF'){
                biom <- apply(biom, 3, '*', box.info$VolInf)
                biom <- apply(biom, 3, '*', box.info$Vol)
            biom <- apply(biom, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
            biom <- apply(biom, 2, function(x) x * box.info$info$Area)
            biom <- apply(biom, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        biom    <- biom * mg2t * x.cn
        biom[1] <- biom[2]
        grp.bio <- rbind(grp.bio, data.frame(Time = Time, FG = paste0(as.character(pol.grp$longname[pool]), ' (', as.character(pol.grp$code[pool]), ')'), Biomass  = biom, Simulation = ctg))

##' @title Biomass for age groups
##' @param pwn.grp Biomass pools with age classes
##' @param nc.out ncdf atlantis' output file
##' @param ctg category
##' @param mg2t mg C converted to wet weight in tonnes == 20 / 1000000000
##' @param x.cn Redfield ratio of C:N 5.7
##' @param box.info Information for each box and layer
##' @param Time Dates vector
##' @return a dataframe with the biomass for all the functional groups with Biomass pool age classes
##' @author Demiurgo
bio.pwn <- function(pwn.grp, nc.out, ctg, mg2t, x.cn, box.info, Time){
    grp.bio <- NULL
    for(pwn in 1 : nrow(pwn.grp)){
        cohort <- NULL
        for(coh in 1 : pwn.grp[pwn, 'numcohorts']){
            name.fg <- paste0(pwn.grp$name[pwn], '_N', coh)
            b.coh   <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, name.fg) * mg2t * x.cn
            if(length(dim(b.coh)) > 2){
                ## for Volumen
                b.coh   <- apply(b.coh, 3, '*', box.info$Vol)
            } else {
                ## for area
                b.coh   <- apply(b.coh, 2, '*', box.info$info$Area)
            b.coh   <- apply(b.coh, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
            cohort  <- cbind(cohort, b.coh)
        grp.bio <- rbind(grp.bio, data.frame(Time = seq(1, nrow(cohort)), FG = paste0(as.character(pwn.grp$longname[pwn]), ' (', as.character(pwn.grp$code[pwn]), ')'), Biomass  = rowSums(cohort, na.rm  = TRUE), Simulation = ctg))

##' @title Calculate the value of a time serie based on the first value
##' @param df Data frame of biomass by FG
##' @param biomass Is biomass included
##' @param Vec True is the information in vector
##' @return A vector of relative values
##' @author Demiurgo
relative <- function(df, biomass = TRUE, Vec = NULL){
    if(biomass)       vector <- df$Biomass
    if(!is.null(Vec)) vector <- df[Vec]
    df$Relative  <- vector / vector[1]

##' @title Box information
##' @param bgm.file BGM file,  Atlantis input
##' @param depths Cummulative depths (de max depth of each layer)
##' @return a dataframe with information (box-id, area (m), )
##' @author Demiurgo
boxes.prop <- function(bgm.file, depths){
    bgm       <- readLines(bgm.file, warn = FALSE)
    vert      <- text2num(bgm, 'bnd_vert ', Vector = TRUE, lineal = TRUE)
    centroids <- text2num(bgm, '.inside', Vector = TRUE, lineal = TRUE)
    dynamic   <- as.numeric(apply(centroids, 1, function(x) .point_in_polygon(vert, x)))
    boxes     <- text2num(bgm, 'nbox', FG = 'look')
    out       <- NULL
    if(all(depths[1 : 2] == 0)){
        depths <- depths[-1]
    } else {
        depths <- depths[ - which(depths == 0)]
    max.nlyrs <- length(depths)              ## maximum number of water layers
    vol       <- array(NA, dim = c(boxes$Value, length(depths)))
    for(b in 1 : boxes$Value){
        area        <- text2num(bgm, paste0('box', b - 1,'.area'), FG = 'look')
        area$Value  <- area$Value * dynamic[b] ## removing the non - dynamic boxes
        z           <- text2num(bgm, paste0('box', b - 1,'.botz'), FG = 'look')
        box.lyrs    <- sum(depths <  - z$Value)
        box.lyrs    <- pmin(box.lyrs, max.nlyrs) # bound by maximum depth
        out         <- rbind(out, data.frame(Boxid = b - 1, Area  = area$Value, Volumen = area$Value *  -z$Value,
                                           Depth =  -z$Value, Layers = box.lyrs))
        vol[b, 1 : box.lyrs] <- area$Value * depths[1 : box.lyrs]
    vol                <- cbind(out$Area, vol) # to include the sediment layer for later calculations
    vol                <- t(vol[, ncol(vol) : 1])
    vol[1, ]           <- 0 # removing area from the boundary box
    vol2               <- vol ## arrange not for infauna
    vol2[nrow(vol2), ] <- 0
    ## if(any(out$Area < 1)) warning('\nOne (or more) of the boxes areas is less than 1m2,  Check if the right BGM file in xy coordinates')
    ## force are in boundary boxes to be zero
    out[c(1, which(out$Depth <= 0)), 2 : ncol(out)] <- 0
    out$dynamic      <-  dynamic
    out$Depth_Bound  <- out$Depth * out$dynamic ## removing boundary boxes
    out <- list(info   = out,
                Vol    = vol2,
                VolInf = vol)

##' @title Calculate the different weigt (estructural reserve) and number of indivduals
##' @param nc.out Netcdf out file. this is the traditional .nc file from atlantis
##' @param grp groups csv file
##' @param FG Functional group (selected)
##' @param By option to aggregate the time series in just one or leave the values by cohort
##' @param box.info Internal function
##' @param mg2t Miligrams to tons scalar
##' @param x.cn carbon to nitrogen scalar
##' @param polnum number by polygons
##' @return List witht he weight (reserve and structural), total biomass (tons) and number
##' @author Demiurgo
nitro.weight <- function(nc.out, grp, FG, By = 'Total', box.info, mg2t, x.cn, polnum = NULL){
    ## Age classes
    pos.fg <- which(grp$code == FG)
    Bio <- Num <- SN  <- RN  <- list()
    if(grp[pos.fg, 'numcohorts'] > 1 & !grp[pos.fg, 'grouptype'] %in% c('PWN', 'PRAWNS', 'PRAWN', 'CEP', 'MOB_EP_OTHER', 'SEAGRASS', 'CORAL', 'MANGROVE', 'MANGROVES', 'SPONGE')){
        n.coh <- grp[pos.fg, 'numcohorts']
        for(coh in 1 : n.coh){
            name.fg <- paste0(grp$name[pos.fg], coh)
            nums    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_Nums'))
            resN    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_ResN'))
            strN    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, paste0(name.fg, '_StructN'))
            ## removing RN and SN from areas without observations
            resN[which(resN <= 1e-8, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA; resN[which(nums <= 1e-8, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA
            strN[which(strN <= 1e-8, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA; strN[which(nums <= 1e-8, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA
            nums[which(nums <= 1e-8, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA
            ## Removind information from the land and boundary boxes
            resN[, which(box.info$info$Depth_Bound == 0), ] <- NA
            strN[, which(box.info$info$Depth_Bound == 0), ] <- NA
            nums[, which(box.info$info$Depth_Bound == 0), ] <- NA
            if(By == 'Poly'){
                ## IM HERE!!!
                nums    <- colSums(nums[, polnum, ], na.rm = TRUE)
                resN    <- colSums(resN[, polnum, ], na.rm = TRUE)
                strN    <- colSums(strN[, polnum, ], na.rm = TRUE)

            b.coh   <- (resN  + strN)  * nums * mg2t * x.cn
            if(By %in% c('Total', 'Cohort')){
                nums    <- apply(nums, 3, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
                b.coh   <- apply(b.coh, 3, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
                strN    <- apply(strN, 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                resN    <- apply(resN, 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
            RN[[coh]]  <- resN
            SN[[coh]]  <- strN
            Bio[[coh]] <- b.coh
            Num[[coh]] <- nums
        if(By %in% c('Total', 'Poly')){
            RN  <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(RN), ncol = n.coh))
            SN  <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(SN), ncol = n.coh))
            Bio <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(Bio), ncol = n.coh))
            Num <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(Num), ncol = n.coh))
        type <- 'AgeClass'
    } else if (grp[pos.fg, 'numcohorts'] == 1){ ## Biomass pool
        name.fg <- paste0(grp$name[pos.fg], '_N')
        biom    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, name.fg)
        if(length(dim(biom)) == 3){
            if(grp$grouptype[pos.fg] == 'LG_INF'){
                biom <- apply(biom, 3, '*', box.info$VolInf)
                biom <- apply(biom, 3, '*', box.info$Vol)
            if(By == 'Total'){
                biom <- apply(biom, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
            biom <- apply(biom, 2, function(x) x * box.info$info$Area)
            if(By == 'Total'){
                biom <- apply(biom, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        Bio <- biom
        type <- 'BioPool'
    } else if(grp[pos.fg, 'numcohorts'] > 1 & grp[pos.fg, 'grouptype']  %in% c('PWN', 'PRAWNS', 'PRAWN', 'CEP', 'MOB_EP_OTHER', 'SEAGRASS', 'CORAL', 'MANGROVE', 'MANGROVES', 'SPONGE')){
        ## Some model use Agestructured biomass pools
        n.coh <- grp[pos.fg, 'numcohorts']
        for(coh in 1 : n.coh){
            name.fg <- paste0(grp$name[pos.fg],'_N', coh)
            biom    <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc.out, name.fg)
            if(length(dim(biom)) > 2){
                biom    <- apply(biom, 3, '*', box.info$Vol)
            } else {
                biom <- apply(biom, 2, function(x) x * box.info$info$Area)
            if(By == 'Total'){
                biom <- apply(biom, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
            Bio[[coh]] <- biom
        if(By ==  'Total'){
            Bio <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(Bio), ncol = n.coh))
        type <- 'AgeBioPool'
    return <- list(Biomass    = Bio,
                   Numbers    = Num,
                   Structural = SN,
                   Reserve    = RN,
                   Type       = type)

##' @title Interactive Plot for biomass (structural and reserve nitrogen)
##' @param total Dataframe with the weight output from the nitro.weight function
##' @param Time Time serie
##' @param rn2 True if active the plot of reserve nitrogen
##' @param sn2 True if active the plot of structural nitrogen
##' @param num2 True if active the plot of numbers
##' @param bio2 True if active the plot of biomass
##' @param scl2 True if active the scaling base on the initial value of the time serie
##' @param limit True if active limiting the plot area from 0 to maximum 3
##' @param right choose left of right for the legend of the plor
##' @param colors Colors
##' @param coh by cohort
##' @param max.coh maximum number of cohorts
##' @return A interactive plot
##' @author Demiurgo
plot.age.total <- function(total, Time, rn2, sn2, num2, bio2, scl2, limit, right, colors, coh = NULL, max.coh = NULL){
    ## Definig limits and general configuration of plots
    l.lab  <- 4 * ifelse(scl2, 1, sum(rn2, sn2, num2, bio2))
    rem    <- c(which(sapply(total, length) == 0), 5)
    yli    <- cbind(c(0, 3), sapply(total[-rem], range, na.rm = TRUE))
    yli    <- yli[, which(c(TRUE, bio2, num2, sn2, rn2) == 1)]
    yli    <- cbind(range(yli), yli)
    tickx  <- seq(from = 1, to = length(Time), length = 5)
    graphics::par(mar = c(5, l.lab, 4, 4) + 0.1)
        xtlab  <- max.coh - rev(grDevices::n2mfrow(max.coh))[1]
        nr.lab <- rev(grDevices::n2mfrow(max.coh))[1]
        graphics::par(mar = c(1, l.lab, 1, 1) + 0.1)
        ylim <- yli[, ifelse(limit, 2, ifelse(scl2, 1, which(colnames(yli) == 'Biomass')))]
            bms <- unlist(total$Biomass)
        } else {
            bms <- unlist(total$Biomass[[coh]])
        plot(Time, bms, type = 'l', xlab = '', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n',
             ylim = ylim, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, col = colors[1])
        axis(1, at = tickx, labels = FALSE, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
                                        #axis(2, at = yticks , labels = yticks, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
            if(is.null(coh) || coh%%nr.lab == 1){
                axis(2, at = yticks , labels = yticks, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
                mtext(2, text = 'Relative Values (X_t/X_0)', line = 2)
        } else {
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = format(yticks, scientific = TRUE, digits = 2), lwd = 2,  col = colors[1])
            mtext(2, text = 'Biomass (tons)', line = 2)
    if(num2 & total$Type == 'AgeClass'){
        if(bio2) graphics::par(new = TRUE)
        sum.l <- sum(bio2) * 4
        ylim  <- yli[, ifelse(limit, 2, ifelse(scl2, 1, which(colnames(yli) == 'Numbers')))]
        if(is.null(coh)) {
            nms <- unlist(total$Numbers)
        } else {
            nms <- unlist(total$Numbers[[coh]])
        plot(Time, nms, type = 'l', xlab = '', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n',
             ylim = ylim, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, col = colors[2])
        axis(1, at = tickx, labels = FALSE, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
        if(scl2 & sum.l < 4) {
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = yticks, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
            if(is.null(coh) || coh%%nr.lab == 1)
                mtext(2, text = 'Relative Values (X_t/X_0)', line = 2)
        } else if(!scl2){
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = format(yticks, scientific = TRUE, digits = 2), lwd = 2, line = sum.l, col.axis = colors[2], col = colors[2])
            mtext(2, text = 'Abundance (Numbers)', line = sum.l + 2, col = colors[2])
    if(rn2 & total$Type == 'AgeClass'){
        if(bio2 || num2) graphics::par(new = TRUE)
        sum.l <- sum(bio2, num2) * 4
        ylim <- yli[, ifelse(limit, 2, ifelse(scl2, 1, which(colnames(yli) == 'Reserve')))]
            rns <- unlist(total$Reserve)
        } else {
            rns <- unlist(total$Reserve[[coh]])
        plot(Time, rns, type = 'l', xlab = '', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n',
             ylim = ylim, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, col = colors[4])
        axis(1, at = tickx, labels = FALSE, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
        if(scl2 & sum.l < 4) {
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = yticks, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
            if(is.null(coh) || coh%%nr.lab == 1)
                mtext(2, text = 'Relative Values (X_t/X_0)', line = 2)
        } else if(!scl2){
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = format(yticks, scientific = TRUE, digits = 2), lwd = 2, line = sum.l, col.axis = colors[4], col = colors[4])
            mtext(2, text = 'Reserve Nitrogen (mgNm3)', line = sum.l + 2, col = colors[4])
    if(sn2 & total$Type == 'AgeClass'){
        if(bio2 || num2 || rn2) graphics::par(new = TRUE)
        sum.l <- sum(bio2, num2, rn2) * 4
        ylim  <- yli[, ifelse(limit, 2, ifelse(scl2, 1, which(colnames(yli) == 'Structural')))]
            sts <- unlist(total$Structural)
        } else {
            sts <- unlist(total$Structural[[coh]])
        plot(Time, sts, type = 'l', xlab = '', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n',
             ylim = ylim, bty = 'n', lwd = 2, col = colors[3])
        axis(1, at = tickx, labels = FALSE, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
        if(scl2 & sum.l < 4) {
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = yticks, lwd = 2,  col = 1)
            if(is.null(coh) || coh%%nr.lab == 1)
                mtext(2, text = 'Relative Values (X_t/X_0)', line = 2)
        } else if(!scl2){
            yticks <- seq(ylim[1], round(ylim[2]), by = round(ylim[2]) / 5)
            axis(2, at = yticks , labels = format(yticks, scientific = TRUE, digits = 2), lwd = 2, line = sum.l, col.axis = colors[3], col = colors[3])
            mtext(2, text = 'Structural Nitrogen (mgNm3)', line = sum.l + 2, col = colors[3])
    if(is.null(coh) || coh > xtlab){
        axis(1, at = Time[tickx], labels = format.Date(Time[tickx], '%Y.%m'), lwd = 2,  col = 1)
        mtext("Time (Year.month)", side=1, line = 3)
        on <- seq(1:4)[c(bio2, num2, sn2, rn2)]
        legend(ifelse(right == 'Right', 'topright', 'topleft'), names(total)[on], lty=1, col = colors[on], lwd=2, bty='n')
        mtext(paste0("AgeClass - ", ifelse(coh>10, '', '0'), coh))}

##' @title Function to save data
##' @param list object from the function
##' @param sn Structural weigth Object
##' @param rn Reserve weight Object
##' @param n Abundance Object
##' @param b Biomass Object
##' @param Time Time Object
##' @param tot Total or partial
##' @return csv file
##' @author Demiurgo
to.save <- function(list, sn = FALSE, rn = FALSE, n = FALSE, b = FALSE, Time = Time, tot = FALSE){
    out <- NULL
    nam <- NULL
        n.c    <- length(list$Reserve)
        reserv <- matrix(unlist(list$Reserve, use.names = FALSE), ncol = n.c, byrow = FALSE)
        out    <- cbind(out, reserv)
        nam    <- c(nam, paste0('RN.Age', 1 : n.c))
        n.c    <- length(list$Structural)
        struct <- matrix(unlist(list$Structural, use.names = FALSE), ncol = n.c, byrow = FALSE)
        out    <- cbind(out, struct)
        nam    <- c(nam, paste0('SN.Age', 1 : n.c))
        n.c    <- length(list$Biomass)
        biom   <- matrix(unlist(list$Biomass, use.names = FALSE), ncol = n.c, byrow = FALSE)
        out    <- cbind(out, biom)
            nam    <- c(nam, paste0('Biom.Age', 1 : n.c))
        } else {
            nam    <- names(list$Biomass)
        n.c    <- length(list$Numbers)
        num    <- matrix(unlist(list$Numbers, use.names = FALSE), ncol = n.c, byrow = FALSE)
        out    <- cbind(out, num)
        nam    <- c(nam, paste0('Num.Age', 1 : n.c))
    colnames(out) <- c(nam)
    out <- data.frame(Date = Time, out)

##' Raycasting Algorithm to find out whether a point is in a given polygon.
##' Performs the even-odd-rule Algorithm to find out whether a point is in a given polygon.
##' This runs in O(n) where n is the number of edges of the polygon.
##' @param polygon an array representation of the polygon where polygon[i,1] is the x Value of the i-th point and polygon[i,2] is the y Value.
##' @param point   an array representation of the point where point[1] is its x Value and point[2] is its y Value
##' @return whether the point is in the polygon (not on the edge, just turn < into <= and > into >= for that)
##' @author Javier Porobic
.point_in_polygon <- function(polygon, point){
    ## A point is in a polygon if a line from the point to infinity crosses the polygon an odd number of times
    odd = FALSE
    ## For each edge (In this case for each point of the polygon and the previous one)
    i = 0
    j = nrow(polygon) - 1
    while(i < nrow(polygon) - 1){
        i = i + 1
        ## If a line from the point into infinity crosses this edge
        ## One point needs to be above, one below our y coordinate
        ## ...and the edge doesn't cross our Y corrdinate before our x coordinate (but between our x coordinate and infinity)
        if (((polygon[i,2] > point[2]) != (polygon[j,2] > point[2]))
            && (point[1] < ((polygon[j,1] - polygon[i,1]) * (point[2] - polygon[i,2]) / (polygon[j,2] - polygon[i,2])) + polygon[i,1])){
            ## Invert odd
            odd = !odd
        j = i
    ## If the number of crossings was odd, the point is in the polygon
    return (odd)

## ##' @title NCtime calculation
## ##' @param ncfile Netcdf file
## ##' @return Vector of dates
## ##' @author Javier Porobic
## time_calc <- function(ncfile = NULL){
##     ## Time Vector
##     orign   <- unlist(strsplit(ncdf4::ncatt_get(ncfile, 't')$units, ' ', fixed = TRUE))
##     if(orign[1] == 'seconds') {
##         Time <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncfile, 't') / 86400
##     } else {
##         Time <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncfile, 't')
##     }
##     Time <- as.Date(Time, origin = orign[3])
##     return(Time)
## }
jporobicg/ReactiveAtlantis documentation built on April 19, 2022, 3:24 a.m.