
Defines functions get_gg_yrange get_gg_xrange plot_scatter_side_density.xy plot_scatter_side_density.assemble

Documented in get_gg_xrange get_gg_yrange plot_scatter_side_density.assemble plot_scatter_side_density.assemble plot_scatter_side_density.xy plot_scatter_side_density.xy

# this is now part of ssvRecipes
# library(data.table)
# library(ggplot2)

#' Title
#' @param components list of components returned by plot_scatter_side_density.xy
#' @param main_title main title to display at top
#' @param main_title.x relative x position of title from 0 to 1
#' @param main_title.y relative y position of title from 0 to 1
#' @param main_title.hjust horizontal justifcation of title from 0 to 1
#' @param main_title.vjust vertical justification of title from 0 to 1
#' @param rel_widths relative width of scatterplot and density plot on right. length of 2.
#' @param rel_heights relative heights of top density plot and scatterplot. lenght of 2.
#' @rdname plot_scatter_side_density
#' @return gg object created by cowplot::plot_grid
#' @export
plot_scatter_side_density.assemble = function(components, 
                                              main_title = "", 
                                              main_title.x = .02, 
                                              main_title.y = .5, 
                                              main_title.hjust = 0, 
                                              main_title.vjust = .5, 
                                              rel_widths = c(2, 1), 
                                              rel_heights = c(1,2)){
    stopifnot(length(rel_widths) == 2)
    stopifnot(length(rel_heights) == 2)
    p_scatter = components$scatter
    p_x_density = components$x_density
    p_y_density = components$y_density
    p_legend = cowplot::get_legend(p_scatter)
    grobs_y = sync_height(list(p_scatter+guides(color = "none", size = "none"), p_y_density+guides(color = "none")))
    grobs_x = sync_width(list(grobs_y[[1]], p_x_density+guides(color = "none")))
    pg = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = c(grobs_x[2], list(p_legend), grobs_y), 
                            rel_widths = rel_widths, rel_heights = rel_heights)
    if(main_title != ""){
        pg = cowplot::plot_grid(
            cowplot::ggdraw() + 
                                   x = main_title.x, 
                                   y = main_title.y, 
                                   hjust = main_title.hjust, 
                                   vjust = main_title.vjust),
            rel_heights = c(1, 15),
            ncol = 1

#' plot  a scatterplot with sets in color
#' @param xy_data data.frame with 4 required variables defined by x_, y_, id_, and set_
#' @param x_ character specifying x attribute, default is "x"
#' @param y_ character specifying y attribute, default is "y"
#' @param id_ character specifying id attribute, default is "id"
#' @param set_  character specifying set attribute, default is "set"
#' @param labs_x label for x-axis, default is value of x_
#' @param labs_y label for y-axis, default is value of y_
#' @param labs_sets label for color legend, default is value of set_
#' @param sets.colors named character vector specify color for sets. See scale_color_manual for details.  Default is to use Dark2 from RColorBrewer.
#' @param bg.string name for background set (all items)
#' @param bg.color color for backgorund set (all items)
#' @param sets.sizes point size for items in sets. Default is 1.
#' @param bg.size 
#' @param xlim_ x limits. Default of NULL is auto.
#' @param ylim_ y limits. Default of NULL is auto.
#' @param n_auto_label number of most extreme items to label. Default is 8.
#' @param manual_label item id values to label. Default is NULL.
#' @param label_size text size for items in that get labelled (n_auto_label or manual_label). Default is 2. 
#' @param label_color text color for items in that get labelled (n_auto_label or manual_label). Default is "black".
#' @param label_use_shadow logical to use shadow for items in that get labelled (n_auto_label or manual_label). Default is TRUE.
#' @param ref_line.x 
#' @param ref_line.x.color 
#' @param ref_line.y 
#' @param ref_line.y.color 
#' @param ref_line.slope 
#' @param ref_line.slope.color 
#' @param suppress_plot 
#' @param main_title 
#' @param main_title.x 
#' @param main_title.y 
#' @param main_title.hjust 
#' @param main_title.vjust 
#' @param label_use_ggrepel 
#' @param label_min.segment.length
#' @param rel_widths 
#' @param rel_heights 
#' @rdname plot_scatter_side_density
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2 cowplot RColorBrewer
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, second, last))
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' n = 50
#' xy_data = rbind(
#'   data.table(x = rnorm(10*n, 0, 1), y = rnorm(10*n, 0, 1), set = "background"),
#'   data.table(x = rnorm(2*n, 2, 1), y = rnorm(2*n, 0, 1), set = "set1"),
#'   data.table(x = rnorm(2*n, 0, 1), y = rnorm(2*n, 2, 1), set = "set2"),
#'   data.table(x = rnorm(2*n, 2, 1), y = rnorm(2*n, 2, 1), set = "set3")
#' )
#' xy_data$id = seq_len(nrow(xy_data))
#' #by default, an assembled plot is output to graphic device
#' plot_scatter_side_density.xy(xy_data, x_ = "x", y_ = "y")
#' #a list with assembled plots and components are also returned invisibly for extra customization
#' #here's an example with lots of extra options used
#' plot_res = plot_scatter_side_density.xy(
#'   xy_data, 
#'   x_ = "x", 
#'   y_ = "y", 
#'   suppress_plot = TRUE,
#'   ref_line.x = c(0, 2), 
#'   ref_line.y = c(0, 2), 
#'   ref_line.x.color = c("gray70", "forestgreen"),
#'   ref_line.y.color = c("gray70", "forestgreen"),
#'   labs_x = "fc x", 
#'   labs_y = "fc y", 
#'   labs_sets = "group", 
#'   main_title = "an important plot")
#' plot_res$assembled
#' #as an example we override the limits for all plot components
#' new_lim = c(-5, 10)
#' comp = plot_res$components
#' comp$scatter = comp$scatter + coord_cartesian(xlim = new_lim, ylim = new_lim)
#' comp$x_density = comp$x_density + coord_cartesian(xlim = new_lim)
#' comp$y_density = comp$y_density + coord_flip(xlim = new_lim)
#' plot_scatter_side_density.assemble(comp, main_title = "an important plot : with new limits")
plot_scatter_side_density.xy = function( xy_data,
                                         id_ = "id",
                                         set_ = "set",
                                         labs_x = x_,
                                         labs_y = y_,
                                         labs_sets = set_,
                                         main_title = NULL,
                                         main_title.x = .02,
                                         main_title.y = .5,
                                         main_title.hjust = 0,
                                         main_title.vjust = .5,
                                         #point color and sizing
                                         sets.colors = NULL,
                                         bg.string = "background",
                                         bg.color = "gray70",
                                         sets.sizes = 1,
                                         bg.size = .5,
                                         xlim_ = NULL,
                                         ylim_ = NULL,
                                         #point labelling
                                         n_auto_label = 8,
                                         manual_label = NULL,
                                         label_size = 2,
                                         label_color = 'black',
                                         label_use_shadow = TRUE,
                                         label_use_ggrepel = TRUE,
                                         label_min.segment.length = .5,
                                         #reference lines
                                         ref_line.x = 0,
                                         ref_line.x.color = "gray50",
                                         ref_line.y = 0,
                                         ref_line.y.color = "gray50",
                                         ref_line.slope = 1,
                                         ref_line.slope.color = "black",
                                         suppress_plot = FALSE,
                                         rel_widths = c(2, 1), 
                                         rel_heights = c(1,2)){
        rn = rownames(xy_data)
        xy_data = as.data.table(xy_data)
        xy_data[[id_]] = rn
    if(is.data.frame(xy_data) & !is.data.table(xy_data)){
        if(is.null(xy_data[[id_]]) & !is.null(rownames(xy_data))){
            rn = rownames(xy_data)
            xy_data = as.data.table(xy_data)
            xy_data[[id_]] = rn
            xy_data = as.data.table(xy_data)
            stop("set_ : '", set_, "' must be valid column in xy_data, not found!")
        stop("x_ : '", x_, "' must be valid column in xy_data, not found!")
        stop("y_ : '", y_, "' must be valid column in xy_data, not found!")
        stop("id_ : '", id_, "' must be valid column in xy_data, not found!")
    if(is.na(main_title) || is.null(main_title)){
        main_title = ""
        xy_data[[set_]] = factor(xy_data[[set_]])
    sets.names = levels(xy_data[[set_]])
    sets.len = length(levels(xy_data[[set_]]))
        sets.colors = seqsetvis::safeBrew(sets.len, "Dark2")
    stopifnot(length(sets.colors) == sets.len)
        names(sets.colors) = sets.names
    if(bg.string %in% names(sets.colors) & is.character(bg.color)){
        sets.colors[bg.string] = bg.color
    if(length(sets.sizes == 0)){
        sets.sizes = rep(sets.sizes, sets.len)
        names(sets.sizes) = names(sets.colors)
    stopifnot(names(sets.sizes) == sets.names)
    if(bg.string %in% names(sets.sizes) & is.numeric(bg.size)){
        sets.sizes[bg.string] = bg.size
        xlim = range(xy_data[[x_]])
        xlim = xlim_
        ylim = range(xy_data[[y_]])
        ylim = ylim_
    xy_data = xy_data[order(get(set_), decreasing = TRUE)]
    gene_o = xy_data[set != bg.string,][order(get(set_), decreasing = TRUE)][order(abs(get(x_) - get(y_)), decreasing = TRUE)][[id_]]
    if(n_auto_label > length(gene_o)) n_auto_label = length(gene_o)
    to_label = c(manual_label, gene_o[seq_len(n_auto_label)])
    p_scatter = ggplot(xy_data, aes_string(x = x_, y = y_, 
                                           color = set_, size = set_,
                                           label = id_)) + 
        geom_point() +
        scale_color_manual(values = sets.colors, drop = FALSE) +
        scale_size_manual(values = sets.sizes, drop = FALSE) +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) +
        labs(x = labs_x, y = labs_y, color = labs_sets, size = labs_sets) +
        guides() +
    p_x_density = ggplot(mapping = aes_string(x = x_, color = set_)) +
        geom_density(data = xy_data, color = bg.color) +
        geom_density(data = xy_data[get(set_) != bg.string]) +
        scale_color_manual(values = sets.colors, drop = FALSE) +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim) +
        labs(x = "")+
    p_y_density = ggplot(mapping = aes_string(x = y_, color = set_)) +
        geom_density(data = xy_data, color = bg.color) +
        geom_density(data = xy_data[get(set_) != bg.string]) +
        scale_color_manual(values = sets.colors, drop = FALSE) +
        coord_flip(xlim = ylim) +
        labs(x = "")+
    #add reference lines
        if(length(ref_line.x.color) == 1){
            ref_line.x.color = rep(ref_line.x.color, length(ref_line.x))
        stopifnot(length(ref_line.x.color) == length(ref_line.x))
        for(i in seq_along(ref_line.x)){
            p_scatter = p_scatter + annotate("line", x = rep(ref_line.x[i], 2), y = ylim, color = ref_line.x.color[i], size = .5, linetype = "dashed")
            p_x_density = p_x_density + annotate("line", x = rep(ref_line.x[i], 2), y = get_gg_yrange(p_x_density), color = ref_line.x.color[i], size = .5, linetype = "dashed")
        if(length(ref_line.y.color) == 1){
            ref_line.y.color = rep(ref_line.y.color, length(ref_line.y))
        stopifnot(length(ref_line.y.color) == length(ref_line.y))
        for(i in seq_along(ref_line.y)){
            p_scatter = p_scatter + annotate("line", x = xlim, y = rep(ref_line.y[i], 2), color = ref_line.y.color[i], size = .5, linetype = "dashed")
            p_y_density = p_y_density + annotate("line", x = rep(ref_line.y[i], 2), y = get_gg_yrange(p_x_density), color = ref_line.x.color[i], size = .5, linetype = "dashed")    
        if(max(xlim) > max(ylim)){
            right_pt = max(ylim)
            right_pt = max(xlim)
        if(min(xlim) < min(ylim)){
            left_pt = min(ylim)
            left_pt = min(xlim)
        p_scatter = p_scatter + annotate("line", x = c(left_pt, right_pt), y = c(left_pt, right_pt), color = ref_line.slope.color, size = .5, linetype = "dashed")
    #add labels
        p_scatter = p_scatter + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = xy_data[get(id_) %in% to_label], show.legend = FALSE, size = label_size, min.segment.length = label_min.segment.length)
        p_scatter = p_scatter + geom_label(data = xy_data[get(id_) %in% to_label], show.legend = FALSE, size = label_size)    
    components = list(scatter = p_scatter, x_density = p_x_density, y_density = p_y_density)
    pg = plot_scatter_side_density.assemble(components, 
                                            main_title = main_title,
                                            main_title.x = main_title.x,
                                            main_title.y = main_title.y,
                                            main_title.hjust = main_title.hjust,
                                            main_title.vjust = main_title.vjust,
                                            rel_widths = rel_widths,
                                            rel_heights = rel_heights)
    invisible(list(assembled = pg, components = components))

get_gg_xrange = function(p){
get_gg_yrange = function(p){
jrboyd/ssvRecipes documentation built on May 22, 2022, 7:07 a.m.