
Defines functions autoplot.biclustermd

Documented in autoplot.biclustermd

#' Make a heatmap of sparse biclustering results
#' @param object An object of class "biclustermd".
#' @param axis.text A character vector specifying for which axes text should be
#'     drawn. Can be any of `"x"`, `"col"` for columns, `"y"`, `"row"` for rows,
#'     or any combination of the four. By default this is `NULL`; no axis text
#'     is drawn.
#' @param reorder A logical. If `TRUE`, heatmap will be sorted according to the cell-average matrix, \code{A}.
#' @param col_clusts A vector of column cluster indices to display. If `NULL` (default), all are displayed.
#' @param row_clusts A vector of row cluster indices to display. If `NULL` (default), all are displayed.
#' @param cell_alpha A scalar defining the transparency of shading over a cell and by default this equals 1/5.
#'   The color corresponds to the cell mean.
#' @param transform_colors If equals `TRUE` then the data is scaled by
#'     `c` and run through a standard normal cdf before plotting. If `FALSE` (default), raw data
#'     values are used in the heat map.
#' @param c Value to scale the data by before running it through a standard normal CDF.
#'     Default is 1/6.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to `geom_vline()` and `geom_hline()`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by left_join mutate ungroup
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_rect geom_tile geom_hline geom_vline scale_fill_gradientn theme_bw theme
#' @return An object of class ggplot.
#' @examples
#' data("synthetic")
#' bc <- biclustermd(synthetic, col_clusters = 3, row_clusters = 2,
#'                 miss_val = mean(synthetic, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                 miss_val_sd = sd(synthetic, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                 col_min_num = 2, row_min_num = 2,
#'                 col_num_to_move = 1, row_num_to_move = 1,
#'                 max.iter = 10)
#' bc
#' autoplot(bc)
#' autoplot(bc, axis.text = c('x', 'row')) +
#'     ggplot2::scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", na.value = "white")
#' # Complete shading
#' autoplot(bc, axis.text = c('col', 'row'), cell_alpha = 1)
#' # Transformed values and no shading
#' autoplot(bc, transform_colors = TRUE, c = 1/20, cell_alpha = 0)
#' # Focus on row cluster 1 and column cluster 2
#' autoplot(bc, col_clusts = 2, row_clusts = 1)

autoplot.biclustermd <- function(object, axis.text = NULL, reorder = FALSE, transform_colors = FALSE, c = 1/6,
                                  cell_alpha = 1/5, col_clusts = NULL, row_clusts = NULL, ...) {

  bc <- object
  P <- bc$P
  Q <- bc$Q

  if(reorder == TRUE) {
    P <- reorder_biclust(bc)[[1]]
    Q <- reorder_biclust(bc)[[2]]

  if(is.null(col_clusts)) {
    col_clusts <- c(1:ncol(P))

  if(is.null(row_clusts)) {
    row_clusts <- c(1:ncol(Q))

  if(any(c("x", "col") %in% axis.text)) {
    col_text <- TRUE
  } else {
    col_text <- FALSE

  if(any(c("y", "row") %in% axis.text)) {
    row_text <- TRUE
  } else {
    row_text <- FALSE

  cols <- as.integer(part_matrix_to_vector(P))
  rows <- as.integer(part_matrix_to_vector(Q))

  p_list <- lapply(1:ncol(P), function(x) which(cols == x))
  p_list <- p_list[sapply(p_list, length) != 0]
  p_list <- p_list[col_clusts]

  q_list <- lapply(1:ncol(Q), function(x) which(rows == x))
  q_list <- q_list[sapply(q_list, length) != 0]
  q_list <- q_list[row_clusts]

  col_ord <- unlist(p_list)
  p_num <- rep(seq_along(unlist(lapply(p_list, length), use.names = FALSE)),
               unlist(lapply(p_list, length), use.names = FALSE))

  row_ord <- unlist(q_list)
  q_num <- rep(seq_along(unlist(lapply(q_list, length), use.names = FALSE)),
               unlist(lapply(q_list, length), use.names = FALSE))

  ord_dat <- object$data[row_ord, col_ord]
  ord_dat <- as.data.frame(ord_dat)
  ord_dat$rows <- rownames(ord_dat)
  ord_dat$row_clust <- q_num

  col_clust_ind <- data.frame(cols = factor(colnames(ord_dat)[-c(ncol(ord_dat), ncol(ord_dat) - 1)]))
  col_clust_ind$col_clust <- rep(seq_along(p_list), unlist(lapply(p_list, length)))

  melted <- ord_dat %>%
    gather(cols, value, -rows, -row_clust) %>%
    mutate(cols = factor(cols)) %>%
    mutate(trans_data = pnorm(c * value)) %>%
    left_join(col_clust_ind, by = c("cols")) %>%
    group_by(row_clust, col_clust) %>%
    mutate(cell_mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(cell_mean_trans = mean(trans_data, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(rows = factor(rows, levels = unique(rows))) %>%
    mutate(cols = factor(cols, levels = unique(cols)))

  vline_coords <- c(0.5, cumsum(sapply(p_list, length)) + 0.5)
  vline_coords <- data.frame(v = vline_coords)
  hline_coords <- c(0.5, cumsum(sapply(q_list, length)) + 0.5)
  hline_coords <- data.frame(h = hline_coords)

  res_list <- list(data = melted, vlines = vline_coords, hlines = hline_coords)

  coord_grid <- expand.grid(1:(length(res_list$hlines$h) - 1), 1:(length(res_list$vlines$v) - 1)) %>% arrange(Var1)
  rect_coords <- function(x, res_list) {
    r <- coord_grid[x, 1]
    c <- coord_grid[x, 2]

    xmn <- res_list$vlines$v[c]
    xmx <- res_list$vlines$v[c+1]
    ymn <- res_list$hlines$h[r]
    ymx <- res_list$hlines$h[r+1]
    fv <- mean(res_list$data$cell_mean[res_list$data$col_clust == c & res_list$data$row_clust == r], na.rm = TRUE)
    fv_trans <- mean(res_list$data$cell_mean_trans[res_list$data$col_clust == c & res_list$data$row_clust == r], na.rm = TRUE)

    c(xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, fv, fv_trans)

  dfc <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(coord_grid), function(x) rect_coords(x, res_list))))
  names(dfc) <- c("xmn", "xmx", "ymn", "ymx", "cell_mean", "cell_mean_trans")

  res_list$rect_coords <- dfc

  if (transform_colors == TRUE) {
    p <- ggplot() +
      geom_tile(data = res_list$data, aes(y = rows, x = cols, fill = trans_data)) +
      geom_rect(data = res_list$rect_coords,
                aes(xmax = xmx, xmin = xmn, ymax = ymx, ymin = ymn, fill = cell_mean_trans),
                alpha = cell_alpha) +
      geom_vline(data = res_list$vlines, aes(xintercept = v), ...) +
      geom_hline(data = res_list$hlines, aes(yintercept = h), ...) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
  else if (transform_colors == FALSE) {
    p <- ggplot() +
      geom_tile(data = res_list$data, aes(y = rows, x = cols, fill = value)) +
      geom_rect(data = res_list$rect_coords,
                aes(xmax = xmx, xmin = xmn, ymax = ymx, ymin = ymn, fill = cell_mean),
                alpha = cell_alpha) +
      geom_vline(data = res_list$vlines, aes(xintercept = v), ...) +
      geom_hline(data = res_list$hlines, aes(yintercept = h), ...) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

  if(!col_text) {
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

  if(!row_text) {
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())


jreisner/sparseBiclustering documentation built on June 22, 2021, 12:54 p.m.