
Defines functions sstcjob

Documented in sstcjob

#' The main Function
#' This function allows you to cluster articles.
#' default: it use 1000 comments articles about bank services. 
#' @param localfreq Frequency of keywords in selected articles.
#' @param ratio Frequency of keywords in selected articles/Frequency of keywords in all articles.
#' @param originalTextFileName Text filename used for parsing (one article in one line),You can provide your own text, remember with absolute paths, and one line of article.
#' @keywords sstcjob
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' sstcjob()
#' sstcjob(localfreq=0.005,ratio=2,originalTextFileName=system.file('extdata', 'good_comments.txt', package = 'SSTClustering'))
#' ###Not run
#' sstcjob(localfreq=0.005,ratio=2,originalTextFileName='d:\\a.txt')

sstcjob <- function(localfreq = 0.005, ratio = 2, originalTextFileName = system.file("extdata", 
    "good_comments.txt", package = "SSTClustering")) {
    cat("***********Welcome to the financial text mining system.************\n\n")
    numOfClus <- readline("Please enter the number of sample categories you want to form\n\n")
    numOfClusters <- as.integer(numOfClus)
    termSeed4EachCluster <- list()
    for (i in 1:numOfClusters) {
        clusNum = i
        # cat(paste('Please enter a key seed word for the ',clusNum,' class (if you
        # have more than one word, separated by spaces):\n',sep=''));
        keyWords <- readline(paste("Please enter a key seed word for the ", clusNum, 
            "class (at least 1 keywords shoud be provided,if you have more than one word, separated by spaces):\n", 
            sep = ""))
        termSeed4EachCluster[[i]] <- keyWords
    originalTextFile <- readLines(originalTextFileName)
    d.vec2 <- lapply(originalTextFile, del.special.characters)
    mixseg <- jiebaR::worker()
    d.vec3 <- lapply(d.vec2, jiebaR::segment, mixseg)
    d.vec <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(d.vec3)) {
        d.vec[[i]] <- d.vec3[[i]][stringr::str_length(d.vec3[[i]]) > 1]
    d.vec1 <- lapply(d.vec, stringr::str_trim)
    plain <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(d.vec1)))[-1, ]
    plain$Var1 <- as.character(plain$Var1)
    globalListOfTerms <- NULL
    globalListOfTerms <- hash::hash(plain$Var1, plain$Freq)
    thisLoopKeyWords <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(termSeed4EachCluster)) {
        thisLoopKeyWords[[i]] = unlist(stringr::str_split(termSeed4EachCluster[i], 
            " "))
    continueLoop = TRUE
    loopNum = 1
    termList4EachCluster <- list()
    while (continueLoop) {
        cat("***********loop times", loopNum, "***********", "\n")
        cc <- list()
        dd <- list()
        ee <- list()
        ff <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(thisLoopKeyWords)) {
            clusNum = i
            cat("***********Class NO:", clusNum, "***********", "\n")
            aa <- list()
            for (j in 1:length(thisLoopKeyWords[[i]])) {
                aa <- thisLoopKeyWords[[i]][j]
                cc[[j]] <- ifelse(article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile), 
                  article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile), "")
                dd[[clusNum]] <- cc
                cat("Initial keywords:", unlist(aa), "\nThe text number appears:", 
                  article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile), "\n[Number of text responding to initial keywords:", 
                  ifelse(!is.null(article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile)), 
                    length(article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile)), 
                    0), "]", "\n")
                ee[[clusNum]] <- unique(unlist(dd[[clusNum]]))
            ff[[loopNum]] <- ee
            cat("This round of these initial keywords create new text quantity (delete duplicates) :", 
                length(unique(unlist(dd[[i]]))), "\n")
        cat("***********As of this round, the cumulative number of matched text for each category***********", 
        for (t in 1:length(dd)) {
            cat("Class", t, ":", length(unique(unlist(dd[t]))), "\n")
        stp = TRUE
        for (x in 1:length(ff[[loopNum]])) {
            sizeNow = length(ff[[loopNum]][[x]])
            sizeLast = ifelse(loopNum == 1, 0, length(ff[[loopNum - 1]][[x]]))
            if (sizeNow == sizeLast) {
                thisStop = TRUE
                stp = stp && thisStop
            } else {
                thisStop = FALSE
                stp = stp && thisStop
        cat("***********Is this loop terminated (no new text is generated)?", 
            stp, "******", "\n")
        newthisLoopKeyWords = list()
        if (stp) {
            continueLoop = FALSE
        } else {
            for (x in 1:length(ff[[loopNum]])) {
                listOfDocumentsInTerms <- d.vec1[ff[[loopNum]][[x]]]
                localplain <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(listOfDocumentsInTerms)))[-1, 
                localplain$Var1 <- as.character(localplain$Var1)
                localListOfTerms <- NULL
                localListOfTerms <- hash::hash(localplain$Var1, localplain$Freq)
                newClusTermsInThisLoop = vector()
                for (v in ls(localListOfTerms)) {
                  localTermCount <- localListOfTerms[[v]]
                  localTermFrequency = 1 * localTermCount/sum(hash::values(localListOfTerms))
                  if (localTermFrequency < localfreq) {
                  } else {
                    for (w in ls(globalListOfTerms)) {
                      if (v == w) {
                        globalTermCount <- globalListOfTerms[[w]]
                        globalTermFrequency = 1 * globalTermCount/sum(hash::values(globalListOfTerms))
                        theRatio = localTermFrequency/globalTermFrequency
                        if (theRatio < ratio) {
                        } else {
                          cat("Class", x, "[", v, ": localTermFrequency:", localTermFrequency, 
                            "Ratio:", theRatio, "] ", "\n")
                          newClusTermsInThisLoop = c(newClusTermsInThisLoop, v)
                      } else {
                cat("Class", x, ":{The number of new build keywords is:", length(newClusTermsInThisLoop), 
                newthisLoopKeyWords[[x]] = newClusTermsInThisLoop
        stp1 = TRUE
        for (y in 1:length(newthisLoopKeyWords)) {
            if (length(newthisLoopKeyWords[[y]]) == 0) {
                thisStop1 = TRUE
                stp1 = stp1 && thisStop1
            } else {
                thisStop1 = FALSE
                stp1 = stp1 && thisStop1
        cat("***********Is this loop terminated (no new text is generated)?", 
            stp1, "***********", "\n")
        thisLoopKeyWordsdup <- list()
        thisLoopKeyWordsnodup <- list()
        if (stp1) {
            continueLoop = FALSE
        } else {
            for (z in 1:length(thisLoopKeyWords)) {
                ll = thisLoopKeyWords[[z]]
                nn = newthisLoopKeyWords[[z]]
                thisLoopKeyWordsdup[[z]] <- unique(nn[!nn %in% ll])
                thisLoopKeyWordsnodup[[z]] <- unique(c(ll, nn))
            cat("***********New keywords (excluding initial keywords)***********\n")
            gg <- list()
            for (i in 1:length(thisLoopKeyWordsdup)) {
                clusNum = i
                if (length(thisLoopKeyWordsdup[[i]]) == 0) {
                  cat("***********Class NO.", clusNum, "***********", "New keywords (excluding initial keywords):", 
                    "NONE", "\n")
                  gg[[i]] <- c(unlist(thisLoopKeyWords[i]))
                } else {
                  cat("***********Class NO.", clusNum, "***********", "New keywords (excluding initial keywords):", 
                  for (u in 1:length(thisLoopKeyWordsdup[[i]])) {
                    cat(u, thisLoopKeyWordsdup[[i]][u], " ", "\n")
                  cat("Please enter keyword number you want:\n")
                  cat("***********A. Select All. Please enter A***********\n")
                  cat("***********B.Select Nothing. Please enter B***********\n")
                  cat("***********Enter the corresponding number.(If you select multiple words, separate them with spaces***********\n")
                  termSelection <- readline("Please enter: ")
                  if (termSelection == "A") {
                    gg[[i]] <- thisLoopKeyWordsnodup[[i]]
                  } else if (termSelection == "B") {
                    gg[[i]] <- thisLoopKeyWords[[i]]
                  } else {
                    gg[[i]] <- c(unlist(thisLoopKeyWords[i]), thisLoopKeyWordsdup[[i]][as.integer(stringr::str_split(termSelection, 
                      " ")[[1]])])
                termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]] <- gg
            stp2 = TRUE
            if (loopNum == 1) {
                thisStop2 = FALSE
                stp2 = stp2 && thisStop2
            } else if (length(setdiff(termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]], termList4EachCluster[[loopNum - 
                1]])) == 0) {
                thisStop2 = TRUE
                stp2 = stp2 && thisStop2
            cat("**********Is this loop terminated (no new text is generated)?", 
                stp2, "**********", "\n")
            cat("**********Up to this round, the cumulative keyword situation of each category**********\n")
            finalTextfile <- vector()
            for (i in 1:length(termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]])) {
                clusNum = i
                cat("**********Class NO.", clusNum, "The total number of initial keywords and new keywords is: ", 
                  length(termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]][[i]]), ".\n Each keyword's corresponding article ID is:", 
                for (j in 1:length(termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]][[i]])) {
                  aa <- termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]][[i]][j]
                  finalTextfile <- c(finalTextfile, unlist(article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile)))
                  cat(aa, ":", unlist(article.id(aa, originalTextFile = originalTextFile)), 
                cat("**********Class NO.", clusNum, "'s number is", length(unique(finalTextfile)), 
                  ", Total article number is", length(originalTextFile), ".\nThe corresponding article ID is :", 
                  sort(unique(finalTextfile)), "\n")
            thisLoopKeyWords <- termList4EachCluster[[loopNum]]
            if (stp2) {
                continueLoop = FALSE
            } else {
                loopNum = loopNum + 1
jrjxh/SSTClustering documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:01 p.m.