Man pages for jsemple19/methMatrix
Manipulate Lists of Methylation Matrices

allNAsCheck if vector is only NAs
changeAnchorCoordChange the anchor coordinate
combineCGandGCmatricesCombine CG and GC methylation matrices
combineCGGCgrConvert Genomic ranges list to single genomic range with...
convertGRtoRelCoordConvert Genomic Ranges to relative cooridnates
convertRelCoordtoGRConvert relative cooridnates to absolute genomic position
fiberseqBedToBigwigConvert fiberseq bed file to bigwig
fiberseqBedToMatrixConvert fiberseq bed file to bigwig
getAllSampleMetaMethFreqget average methylation frequency from all matrices
getFullMatricesGet full matrix of all positions in a window even if no C
getMatrixLogRead in an existing matrixLog, or create a new one
getMetaMethFreqCalculate methylation frequency at each position for metagene...
getMethFreqGRGet methylation frequency genomic ranges
getReadMatrixExtract methylation matrix from alignment file
getRelativeCoordConvert C position numbering from genomic to relative...
getRelativeCoordMatsConvert C position numbering from genomic to relative...
getSingleMoleculeMatricesExtract list of methylation matrices
grlToDfConvert Genomic ranges list to long data frame for plotting
makeATgrObjMake GRanges object of all As and Ts in genome
makeCGorGCbedCreate bed file of CpG or GpC motifs
makeDirsMake directories
matToGRConvert methylation matrix to genomic ranges
mergeSampleMatsMerge tables listing methylation matrices for different...
methMatsMethylation matrix from dSMF analysis
parseMatchStringClean up match string from pileup file
pileupToConversionStatusExtract methylation calls from single line of pileup file
plotAllMatricesPlot a list of list of single molecule matrices
plotDSMFmetageneDFPlot metagene by sample
plotSingleMoleculesSingle molecule plot of a methylation matrix
plotSingleMoleculesWithAvrSingle molecule plot of a methylation matrix with average...
poorBisulfiteConversionFind bisulfite conversion rate of Cs in non-methylated...
reexportsimport dopar function
TSSGenomic Ranges for methMats data TSS
jsemple19/methMatrix documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 3:57 p.m.