
#' @title Calculate direction (heading) of a vector (in degrees)
#' @description
#' Calculate direction (heading) of each link of a vector (in degrees)
#' @param x A numeric vector of x coordinates; minimum of 2.\cr
#'          OR \cr
#'          A two-column matrix or data frame with x coordinates in 
#'          column 1 and y coordinates in column 2.
#' @param y A numeric vector of y coordinates; minimum of 2.
#' @param coord_sys The type of geographical coordinate system used. Possible 
#'   values are `NA` (for any cartesian grid; e.g., UTM) or `longlat` (for 
#'   WGS84 in decimal degrees). 
#' @details
#' Calculates direction (in degrees) for each of k-1 vectors, where 
#' k = length(x) - 1. Lengths of \code{x} and \code{y} must be 
#' equal.
#' @return A numeric scalar with heading in degrees or a numeric vector of 
#' headings if \code{length(x) > 2}. 
#' If units are decimal degrees (i.e., \code{coord_sys = "longlat"}) then 
#' the angles returned will represent the heading at the start of each vector.
#' @note
#' This function is called from within \code{\link{crw_in_polygon}}
#' @author C. Holbrook (cholbrook@usgs.gov) 
#' @examples
#' #example using generic cartesian (regular grid) coordinates
#' x=c(2,4)
#' y=c(2,4)
#' vector_heading(x, y)
#' x2=c(2,4,2)
#' y2=c(2,4,2)
#' vector_heading(x2, y2)
#' #example using WGS84 lat-lon
#' #e.g., from Duluth to Toronto to Detroit 
#' path1 <- data.frame(city = c("Duluth", "Toronoto", "Detroit"),
#'                     longitude = c(-92.1005, -79.3832, -83.0458),
#'                     latitude = c(46.7867, 43.6532, 42.3314))
#' #example using the x, y input method way
#' vector_heading(x = c(-92.1005, -79.3832, -83.0458), 
#'                y = c(46.7867, 43.6532, 42.3314), 
#'                coord_sys = "longlat")
#' #example using the x-only input method
#' vector_heading(x = path1[ , c("longitude", "latitude")], 
#'                coord_sys = "longlat")
#' @export
vector_heading <- function (x, y = NULL, coord_sys = NA) {
  #check if x is two-column matrix or data.frame
  if(!is.vector(x)) {
    if(ncol(x) == 2){
      x2 = x[ , 1]
      y2 = x[ , 2]
        warning("Input object 'y' was ignored because 'x' was two-column object.")
    x <- x2
    y <- y2
    } else { stop("Input 'x' must either be vector or two-column object.") }
  #convenience functions
  deg2rad <- function(x) x * pi / 180
  rad2deg <- function(x) x * 180 / pi
  if(is.na(coord_sys)) {
     theta_rad <- atan2(diff(x), diff(y))
  } else if (coord_sys == "longlat") {

    lat_rad <- deg2rad(y)
    lon_dif <- deg2rad(diff(x))
    term1 <- sin(lon_dif) * cos(lat_rad[-1])
    term2 <- cos(lat_rad[-length(lat_rad)]) * sin(lat_rad[-1])
    term3 <- sin(lat_rad[-length(lat_rad)]) * cos(lat_rad[-1]) * cos(lon_dif)
    theta_rad <- atan2(term1, term2 - term3)

  } else { 
    stop("Invalid input for 'coord_sys' argument.") 
  #convert to degrees
  return(rad2deg(theta_rad) %% 360)
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.