
Defines functions detection_bubble_plot

Documented in detection_bubble_plot

#' Plot number of tagged animals or detections on a map
#' Make bubble plots showing the number of fish detected across a defined set
#' of receiver locations.
#' @inheritParams summarize_detections 
#' @param map An optional SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or other spatial object
#'   that can by plotted with using \code{plot} to be included as the
#'   background for the plot. If NULL, then the example Great Lakes polygon
#'   object (\code{data(greatLakesPoly)}) will be used.
#' @param out_file An optional character string with the name (including 
#'   extension) of output file created. File extension will determine type of 
#'   file written. For example, \code{"BubblePlot.png"} will write a png 
#'   file to the working directory. If \code{NULL} (default) then the plot will 
#'   be printed to the default plot device. Supported extensions: 
#'   png, jpeg, bmp, and tiff.
#' @param background_xlim A two-element numeric vector that defines minimum and
#'   maximum extents of the viewable plot area along the x-axis (i.e.,
#'   latitude).
#' @param background_ylim  A two-element numeric vector that defines minimum and
#'   maximum extents of the viewable plot area along the y-axis (i.e.,
#'   longitude).
#' @param symbol_radius Radius of each "bubble" on the plot in units of percent
#'   of x-axis scale. Default value = 1 (i.e., 1 percent of x-axis).
#' @param col_grad A two-element character vector indicating the start and end
#'   colors of the gradient scale used to color-code "bubbles".
#' @param scale_loc An optional 4-element numeric vector, to be passed to
#'   plotrix::color.legend, indicating the plotting location of the legend in
#'   the same units as \code{map}. Elements in the vector are the lower left
#'   and upper right coordinates of the rectangle of colors
#'   (i.e., c(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop)). If \code{scale_loc} = NULL
#'   (default), the legend is plotted along the left edge of the plot.
#' @details Data are summarized using \link{summarize_detections}.
#' @details If \code{receiver_locs} is specified (not NULL) then the plot will
#'   show all receivers in \code{receiver_locs} including any that detected
#'   none of the transmitters in \code{det}. Although this is helpful to view
#'   locations where fish were \emph{not} detected, the user will usually want 
#'   to take care to include only receivers that were in the water during the 
#'   period of interest. If you are using a glatos receiver locations file to 
#'   specify location for plotting, you will likely want to filter the receiver 
#'   data by depoyment and receovery dates to exclude deployments that occured 
#'   outside of the period of interest.
#' @details "col_grad" is used in a call to \link[=colorRamp]{colorRampPalette},
#'   which will accept a vector containing any two colors return by
#'   \link[grDevices]{colors} as character strings.
#' @return A data frame produced by 
#'   \code{glatos::summarize_detections(det, location_col = location_col, 
#'   receiver_locs = receiver_locs, summ_type = "location")}
#' @return If not out_file is specified, then an image is printed to the 
#'   default plot device. If out_file is specified, then an image of 
#'   specified type is written to \code{out_file}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{summarize_detections}}
#' @author T. R. Binder, edited by A. Dini
#' @examples
#' #get path to example detection file
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
#'   package = "glatos")
#' det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
#' #call with defaults
#' detection_bubble_plot(det)
#' #change symbol size and color
#' detection_bubble_plot(det, symbol_radius = 2, col_grad = c("grey90", "grey10"))
#' #Add all receivers
#' # get path to example receiver file
#' rec_file <- system.file("extdata", "sample_receivers.csv",
#'   package = "glatos")
#' rec <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)
#' detection_bubble_plot(det, receiver_locs = rec)
#' #' #Subset receivers to include on receivers that were deployed during the
#' #' detection interval.
#' # get path to example receiver file
#' rec_file <- system.file("extdata", "sample_receivers.csv",
#'   package = "glatos")
#' rec <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)
#' first <- min(det$detection_timestamp_utc) # time of first detection
#' last <- max(det$detection_timestamp_utc) # time of last detection
#' # Subset receiver deployments oustide the detection period.
#' # !is.na(rec$recover_date_time) eliminates receivers that have been
#' # deployed but not yet recovered.
#' plot_rec <- rec[rec$deploy_date_time < last & 
#'                 rec$recover_date_time > first & 
#'                 !is.na(rec$recover_date_time),]
#' detection_bubble_plot(det, receiver_locs = plot_rec)
#' @export

detection_bubble_plot <- function(det, location_col = "glatos_array", 
                                  receiver_locs = NULL,
                                  map = NULL,
                                  out_file = NULL,
                                  background_ylim = c(41.3, 49.0),
                                  background_xlim = c(-92.45, -75.87),
                                  symbol_radius = 1,
                                  col_grad = c("white", "red"),
                                  scale_loc = NULL){
  # Check that the specified columns appear in the det data frame
  missingCols <- setdiff(c("animal_id", "detection_timestamp_utc",
                           "deploy_lat", "deploy_long", location_col),
  if (length(missingCols) > 0){
    stop(paste0("det is missing the following ",
                "column(s):\n", paste0("       '", missingCols, "'",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(is.null(map)) map <- greatLakesPoly #example in glatos package
  # Check that timestamp is of class 'POSIXct'
  if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(det$detection_timestamp_utc))){
    stop(paste0("Column detection_timestamp_utc in det data frame must be of
                class 'POSIXct'."),
      call. = FALSE)
  # Call glatos::detection_summary to create summary data.
  det_summ <- glatos::summarize_detections(det, location_col = location_col,
                                   receiver_locs = receiver_locs,
                                   summ_type = "location")
  # Re-order the summaries so that sites with detections plot on top of sites 
  #  without. Makes it easier to see detected locations when they are close 
  #  enough together that the bubbles overlap    
  det_summ <- det_summ[order(det_summ$num_fish), ]
  # Create labs with degrees symbol for plots
  xlabs <- round(seq(from = background_xlim[1], to = background_xlim[2], 
    length.out = 5), 2)
  ylabs <- round(seq(from = background_ylim[1], to = background_ylim[2], 
    length.out = 5), 2)
  # Define the color palette used to color-code the bubbles
  color <- c(colorRampPalette(col_grad)(101))
  # Calculate great circle distance in meters of x and y limits.
  # needed to determine aspect ratio of the output
  linear_x = geosphere::distMeeus(c(background_xlim[1],background_ylim[1]),
  linear_y = geosphere::distMeeus(c(background_xlim[1],background_ylim[1]),
  # aspect ratio of image
  figRatio <- linear_y/linear_x
  #get file extension
  file_type <- ifelse(is.null(out_file), NA, tools::file_ext(out_file))
  #check file extension is supported
  ext_supp <- c(NA, "png", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "tiff")
  if(!(tolower(file_type) %in% ext_supp))
    stop(paste0("Image type '", file_type, "' is not supported."), 
      call. = FALSE)

  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'png')
    png(out_file, height = 1000 * figRatio, width = 1000, pointsize = 28)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'jpeg')
    jpeg(out_file, height = 1000 * figRatio, width = 1000, pointsize = 28)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'bmp')
    bmp(out_file, height = 1000 * figRatio, width = 1000, pointsize = 28)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'tiff')
    tiff(out_file, height = 1000 * figRatio, width = 1000, pointsize = 28)  

      dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE, height = 7 * figRatio, width = 7)
  # Set margins
  par(mar = c(1, 0, 0, 2), oma = c(3, 5, 1, 0))	    
  # Plot background image
  plot(map, xlim = background_xlim, ylim = background_ylim, axes = T, 
    xaxs = "i", lwd = 1.5, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', col = "White", 
  # Plot the bubbles
  symbols(det_summ$mean_lon, det_summ$mean_lat,
          circles = rep((background_xlim[2] -
                           background_xlim[1]) * symbol_radius / 100,
          add = T, inches = FALSE,
          bg = color[round(det_summ$num_fish
                           / max(det_summ$num_fish) * 100, 0) + 1],
          fg = "black", lwd = 3)
  # Add 'X' to bubbles with no detections
  if(any(det_summ$num_fish == 0)){
    with(det_summ[det_summ$num_fish == 0,], 
      text(mean_lon, mean_lat, 
        "X", cex = 0.6 * symbol_radius))
    # Calculate the location to plot the color scale
    scale_loc <- c(par("usr")[1] + (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])*0.02,
    par("usr")[3] + ((par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])* 0.25),
    par("usr")[1] + ((par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])* 0.03),
    par("usr")[4] - ((par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3])* 0.25))
  # Add color legend
  plotrix::color.legend(scale_loc[1], scale_loc[2], scale_loc[3], scale_loc[4], 
    paste0(" ", round(seq(from = 1, to = max(det_summ$num_fish), length.out = 6), 
      0)), color, gradient="y", family = "sans", cex = 0.75, align = 'rb')
  # Add x-axis and title
  axis(1, at = xlabs, labels = paste0(format(xlabs,4), intToUtf8(176)), cex.axis = 1)
  mtext("Longitude", side = 1, line = 2.5, cex = 1)
  # Add y-axis and title
  axis(2, at = ylabs, labels = paste0(format(ylabs,4), intToUtf8(176)), cex.axis = 1, 
    las = 1)
  mtext("Latitude", side = 2, line = 4, cex = 1)
  if(!is.na(file_type))	dev.off() 	# Close plot device 

    message(paste0("Image files were written to the following directory:\n", 
      getwd(), "\n"))
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.