
#' Random Vector Summaries
#' \code{rvsummary} is a class of objects that hold the summary information on
#' each scalar component of a random variable (quantiles, mean, sd, number of
#' simulations etc.)
#' The \code{rvsummary} class provides a means to store a concise
#' representation of the marginal posterior distributions of the vector
#' components.  By default, the 201 quantiles \preformatted{ 0, 0.005, 0.01,
#' 0.015, ..., 0.990, 0.995, 1 } are saved for each vector component in an
#' \code{rvsummary} object.
#' \code{is.rvsummary} tests whether the object is an \code{rvsummary} object;
#' \code{as.rvsummary} coerces a random vector object to a \code{rvsummary}
#' object.
#' \code{as.data.frame} is another way to obtain the data frame that is
#' produced by the \code{summary} method.
#' A data frame that has the format of an \code{rv} summary can be coerced into
#' an \code{rvsummary}; if quantiles are not specified within the data frame,
#' quantiles from the Normal distribution are filled in, if the mean and s.d.
#' are given.
#' Therefore, the following (generic) functions work with \code{rvsummary}
#' objects: \code{rvmean}, \code{rvsd}, \code{rvvar}, \code{rvquantile},
#' \code{rnsims}, \code{sims}, and consequently any `rv-only' function that
#' depends only on these functions will work; e.g. \code{is.constant}, which
#' depends only on \code{rvnsims}.
#' The method \code{is.double} is provided for compatibility reasons; this is
#' needed in a function called by \code{plot.rvsummary}
#' The arithmetic operators and mathematical functions will not work with
#' \code{rvsummary} objects.
#' The \code{sims} method returns the quantiles.
#' @aliases rvsummary is.rvsummary as.rvsummary as.rvsummary.rv
#' as.rvsummary.rvsummary as.rvsummary.data.frame as.data.frame.rvsummary
#' print.rvsummary print.rvsummary_rvfactor as.double.rvsummary
#' @param x object to be coerced or tested
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @name summaries
#' @return An object of class \code{rvsummary} \emph{and} of subclass
#' \code{rvsummary_numeric}, \code{rvsummary_integer},
#' \code{rvsummary_logical}, or \code{rvsummary_rvfactor}.
#' @author Jouni Kerman \email{jouni@@kerman.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rvfactor}}
#' @references Kerman, J. and Gelman, A. (2007). Manipulating and Summarizing
#' Posterior Simulations Using Random Variable Objects. Statistics and
#' Computing 17:3, 235-244.
#' See also \code{vignette("rv")}.
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#'   x <- rvnorm(mean=1:12)
#'   sx <- as.rvsummary(x)
#'   print(sx)          # prints the summary of the rvsummary object
#'   length(sx)         # 12
#'   dim(sx)            # NULL
#'   dim(sx) <- c(3,4)  #   
#'   dimnames(sx) <- list(1:3, 1:4)
#'   names(sx) <- 1:12  # 
#'   print(sx)          # prints the names and dimnames as well  

#' Coerce an object to an rvsummary
#' @rdname summaries
#' @export
as.rvsummary <- function (x, ...) {

#' Check if an object is an rvsummary
#' @inheritParams as.rvsummary
#' @rdname summaries
#' @export
is.rvsummary <- function (x) {
  inherits(x, "rvsummary")

#' @export
#' @inheritParams base::round
#' @method print rvsummary
print.rvsummary <- function (x, digits=3, ...) # METHOD
  s <- summary(x)
  for (i in which(sapply(s, is.numeric))) {
    s[[i]] <- round(s[[i]], digits=digits)

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary default
as.rvsummary.default <- function (x, ...)  # NOEXPORT
  as.rvsummary(as.rv(x), ...)

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rv
as.rvsummary.rv <- function (x, quantiles=(0:200/200), ...)  # NOEXPORT
  y <- if (is.logical(x)) {
    as.rvsummary.rvlogical(x, ...)
  } else if (is.integer(x)) {
    as.rvsummary.rvinteger(x, quantiles=quantiles, ...)
  } else {
    as.rvsummary.rvnumeric(x, quantiles=quantiles, ...)

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rvsummary
as.rvsummary.rvsummary <- function (x, ...)  # NOEXPORT

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rvnumeric
#' @importFrom stats quantile
as.rvsummary.rvnumeric <- function (x, quantiles=(0:200/200), ...) # NOEXPORT
  ms <- .rvmeansd(x, names.=c("mean", "sd", "NAS", "n.sims"))
  for (name in names(ms)) {
    rvattr(x, name) <- ms[[name]]
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    a <- attributes(x[[i]])
    Q <- quantile(x[[i]], probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE)
    attributes(Q) <- a
    x[[i]] <- Q
  structure(x, class=c("rvsummary_numeric", "rvsummary"), quantiles=quantiles)

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rvinteger
as.rvsummary.rvinteger <- function (x, quantiles=(0:200/200), ...) # NOEXPORT
  ms <- .rvmeansd(x, names.=c("mean", "sd", "NAS", "n.sims"))
  for (name in names(ms)) {
    rvattr(x, name) <- ms[[name]]
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    a <- attributes(x[[i]])
    Q <- quantile(x[[i]], probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE)
    attributes(Q) <- a
    x[[i]] <- Q
  structure(x, class=c("rvsummary_integer", "rvsummary"), quantiles=quantiles)

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rvlogical
as.rvsummary.rvlogical <- function (x, ...) # NOEXPORT
  ms <- .rvmeansd(x, names.=c("mean", "sd", "NAS", "n.sims"))
  for (name in names(ms)) {
    rvattr(x, name) <- ms[[name]]
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    a <- attributes(x[[i]])
    x[[i]] <- ms[["mean"]][i]
    attributes(x[[i]]) <- a
  structure(x, class=c("rvsummary_logical", "rvsummary"))

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary rvfactor
as.rvsummary.rvfactor <- function (x, ...) # NOEXPORT
  levels <- levels(x)
  llev <- length(levels)
  num.levels <- seq_len(llev)
  S <- sims(x)
  a <- apply(S, 2, function (x) table(c(x, num.levels))) # ensure that all levels are tried
  if (is.null(dim(a))) {
    dim(a) <- c(ncol(S), llev)
  a <- (a-1) # And now subtract the extra counts from the matrix that was obtained.
  ns <- rvnsims(x)
  if (any(naS <- is.na(S))) {
    NAS <- (colMeans(naS)*100)
  } else {
    NAS <- rep.int(0, length(x))
  nax <- if (is.null(dim(x))) NULL else names(x)
  M <- a
  rownames(M) <- levels
  remaining <- (ns-colSums(M))
  if (any(remaining>0)) {
    stop("Impossible: levels won't sum up to 0")
  P <- t(M/ns)  # compute proportions in each category and transpose
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    a <- attributes(x[[i]])
    x[[i]] <- P[i,]
    attributes(x[[i]]) <- a
    ###names(x[[i]]) <- levels
  rvattr(x, "n.sims") <- as.list(ns)
  rvattr(x, "NAS") <- as.list(NAS)
  structure(x, class=c("rvsummary_rvfactor", "rvsummary"))

#' @export
#' @method as.rvsummary data.frame
#' @rdname summaries
#' @param quantiles quantiles to calculate and store in the object
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
as.rvsummary.data.frame <- function (x, quantiles=rvpar("summary.quantiles.numeric"), ...)
  name <- names(x)
  rnames <- rownames(x)
  q.columns <- (regexpr("^([0-9.]+)%", name)>0)
  q.names <- name[q.columns]
  d.quantiles <- (as.numeric(gsub("^([0-9.]+)%", "\\1", name[q.columns]))/100)
  lx <- nrow(x)
  ms <- list()
  ms$n.sims <- if ("sims" %in% name) { x[["sims"]] } else { rep(Inf, lx) }
  ms$NAS    <- if ("NA%" %in% name) { x[["NA%"]] } else { rep(0L, lx) }
  ms$mean   <- if ("mean" %in% name) { x[["mean"]] } else { rep(NA, lx) }
  ms$sd     <- if ("sd" %in% name) { x[["sd"]] } else { rep(NA, lx) }
  if (length(d.quantiles)==0) {
    if (length(quantiles)>0) {
      x <- lapply(seq_along(ms$mean), function (i) qnorm(quantiles, mean=ms$mean[i], sd=ms$sd[i]))
    } else {
      x <- as.list(rep.int(NA, nrow(x)))
    d.quantiles <- quantiles
  } else {
    x <- as.matrix(x[q.columns])
    x <- split(x, row(x))
  for (name in names(ms)) {
    rvattr(x, name) <- ms[[name]]
  structure(x, class=c("rvsummary_numeric", "rvsummary"), quantiles=d.quantiles, names=rnames)

#' @export
#' @method as.double rvsummary
as.double.rvsummary <- function (x, ...)
  if (is.null(attr(x, "quantiles"))) {
    stop("Cannot coerce to double.")

#' @export
#' @param all.levels logical; whether to print all levels or not (see below for
#'  details)
#' @rdname summaries
#' @method print rvsummary_rvfactor
print.rvsummary_rvfactor <- function (x, all.levels=FALSE, ...) # METHOD
  print(summary(x, all.levels=all.levels, ...))

#' @export
#' @method as.data.frame rvsummary
as.data.frame.rvsummary <- function (x, ...) {
  S <- summary(x, ...)
  rownames(S) <- S[["name"]]
  S[["name"]] <- NULL

#' @export
#' @method summary rvsummary
summary.rvsummary <- function (object, ...)
  # supposed to be called AFTER other methods (e.g. summary.rvsummary_rvnumeric)
  # assumes that the 'summary' slot exists in the rvsummary object;
  # this function adds:
  #  1. name, NA%, n.sims
  #  2. Rhat, n.eff
  #  3. dimnames columns
  x <- object
  xdim <- dim(x)
  xdimnames <- dimnames(x)
  Summary <- attr(object, "summary")
   if (length(.names <- names(x))>0) {
    Summary <- cbind(name=.names, Summary)
  Col <- NULL
  n.sims. <- rvnsims(x)
  NAS <- unlist(rvattr(x, "NAS"))
  if (all(NAS==0)) {
    Col <- data.frame(sims=n.sims.)
  } else {
    Col <- data.frame("NA%"=NAS, sims=n.sims.)
  if (!all(is.na(Rhats <- rvRhat(x)))) {
    Col <- cbind(Col, Rhat=Rhats)
  if (!all(is.na(n.effs <- rvneff(x)))) {
    Col <- cbind(Col, n.eff=n.effs)
  Summary <- cbind(Summary, Col)
  if (!is.null(unlist(xdimnames))) {
    # 'is.null(unlist(dimnames))' since we might have e.g. list(NULL, NULL) 
    sud <- rvpar("summary.dimnames")
    if (is.null(sud) || isTRUE(sud)) {
      .f <- function (i) {
        X <- .dimind(dim.=xdim, MARGIN=i)
        na <- xdimnames[[i]]
        if (!is.null(na)) { na <- na[X] }
      da <- lapply(seq_along(xdim), .f)
      names(da) <- names(xdimnames)
      if (is.null(names(da))) {
        names(da) <- if (length(xdim)==2) c("row", "col") else paste("d", seq_along(da), sep="")
      da <- da[!sapply(da, is.null)]
      if (length(da)>0) {
        Summary <- cbind(as.data.frame(da), " "=':', Summary)

#' @export
#' @method summary rvsummary_numeric
summary.rvsummary_numeric <- function (object, ...)
  x <- object
  if (is.null(qs <- rvpar("summary.quantiles.numeric"))) {
    qs <- c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)
  S <- t(sims(x))
  Q <- attr(S, "quantiles")
  qa <- (Q%in%qs)
  q <- S[,qa,drop=FALSE]
  m <- rvmean(x)
  s <- rvsd(x)
  S <- data.frame(mean=m, sd=s)
  S <- cbind(S, as.data.frame(q))
  rownames(S) <- .dim.index(x)
  attr(object, "summary") <- S

#' @export
#' @method summary rvsummary_logical
summary.rvsummary_logical <- function (object, ...)
  x <- object
  S <- data.frame(mean=rvmean(x), sd=rvsd(x))
  rownames(S) <- .dim.index(x)
  attr(object, "summary") <- S

#' @export
#' @method summary rvsummary_integer
summary.rvsummary_integer <- function (object, ...)
  x <- object
  if (is.null(qs <- rvpar("summary.quantiles.integer"))) {
    qs <- c(0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975, 1)
  S <- t(sims(x))
  Q <- attr(S, "quantiles")
  qa <- (Q%in%qs)
  q <- S[,qa,drop=FALSE]
  names_quantiles <- dimnames(q)[[2]]
  names_quantiles[names_quantiles=="0%"] <- "min"
  names_quantiles[names_quantiles=="100%"] <- "max"
  dimnames(q)[[2]] <- names_quantiles
  m <- rvmean(x)
  s <- rvsd(x)
  S <- data.frame(mean=m, sd=s)
  S <- cbind(S, as.data.frame(q))
  rownames(S) <- .dim.index(x)
  attr(object, "summary") <- S

#' @method summary rvsummary_rvfactor
#' @export
summary.rvsummary_rvfactor <- function (object, all.levels=TRUE, ...) 
  x <- object
  levels <- levels(x)
  llev <- length(levels)
  num.levels <- seq_along(levels)
  maxlev <- if (is.null(maxlev <- rvpar("max.levels"))) { 10 } else maxlev
  too.many.levels.to.show <- ((!all.levels) && (llev>maxlev))
  last.lev.no <- llev
  proportions <- t(sims(x))
  if (too.many.levels.to.show) {
    P1 <- proportions[,1:(maxlev-1),drop=FALSE]
    P2 <- proportions[,last.lev.no,drop=FALSE]
    omit_levels <- (!seq_along(levels) %in% c(1:(maxlev-1), last.lev.no))
    rest <- rowSums(proportions[,omit_levels,drop=FALSE])
    M <- cbind(P1, "*"=rest, P2)
    colnames(M) <- c(levels[1:(maxlev-1)], "*", levels[last.lev.no])
  } else {
    M <- proportions
    colnames(M) <- levels
  S <- as.data.frame(M)
  rownames(S) <- .dim.index(x)
  attr(object, "summary") <- S
jsta/rv documentation built on Feb. 12, 2022, 5:13 p.m.