
Defines functions as.data.frame.tracks as.tracks.data.frame `[.tracks` as.tracks as.tracks.list as.list.tracks is.tracks filterTracks sort.tracks c.tracks read.tracks.csv splitTrack plot.tracks wrapTrack staggered applyStaggered subtracks prefixes normalizeToDuration plotTrackMeasures clusterTracks aggregate.tracks maxTrackLength boundingBox hotellingsTest selectTracks plot3d timeStep interpolateTrack tracks subsample

Documented in aggregate.tracks applyStaggered as.data.frame.tracks as.list.tracks as.tracks as.tracks.data.frame as.tracks.list boundingBox clusterTracks c.tracks filterTracks hotellingsTest interpolateTrack is.tracks maxTrackLength normalizeToDuration plot3d plotTrackMeasures plot.tracks prefixes read.tracks.csv selectTracks sort.tracks splitTrack staggered subsample subtracks timeStep tracks tracks wrapTrack

#' Tracks Objects
#' The function \code{tracks} is used to create tracks objects. \code{as.tracks} coerces
#' its argument to a tracks object, and \code{is.tracks} tests for tracks objects.
#' \code{c} can be used to combine (concatenate) tracks objects.
#' @param x an object to be coerced or tested.
#' @param ... for \code{tracks}, numeric matrices or objects that can be coerced to 
#'  numeric matrices. Each
#'  matrix contains the data of one track. The first column is the time, and the remaining
#'  columns define a spatial position. Every given matrix has to contain the same number
#'  of columns, and at least two columns are necessary.
#'  For \code{c}, tracks objects to be combined.
#'  For \code{as.tracks}, further arguments passed to methods (currently not used).
#' @details Tracks objects are lists of matrices. Each matrix contains at least two 
#' columns; the first column is time, and the remaining columns are a spatial coordinate.
#' The following naming conventions are used (and enforced by \code{tracks}): The time
#' column has the name `t`, and spatial coordinate columns have names `x`,`y`,`z` if there
#' are three or less coordinates, and `x1`,...,`xk` if there are \eqn{k \ge 4} 
#' coordinates. All tracks in an object must have the same number of dimensions. The
#' positions in a track are expected to be sorted by time (and the constructor 
#' \code{tracks} enforces this).
#' @examples
#' ## A single 1D track
#' x <- tracks( matrix(c(0, 8,  
#' 10, 9, 
#' 20, 7, 
#' 30, 7,
#' 40, 6, 
#' 50, 5), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE ) )
#' ## Three 3D tracks
#' x2 <- tracks( rbind(
#'  c(0,5,0), c(1,5,3), c(2,1,3), c(3,5,6) ),
#'  rbind( c(0,1,1),c(1,1,4),c(2,5,4),c(3,5,1),c(4,-3,1) ),
#'  rbind( c(0,7,0),c(1,7,2),c(2,7,4),c(3,7,7) ) )
#' @name tracks

#' Convert Tracks to Data Frame
#' Converts tracks from the list-of-matrices format, which is good
#' for efficient processing and therefore the default in this package, to a 
#' single dataframe which is convenient for plotting or saving the data.
#' @param x the \code{tracks} object to be coerced to a data frame.
#' @param row.names NULL or a character vector giving row names for the
#'  data frame.  Missing values are not allowed.
#' @param optional logical. Required for S3 consistency, but 
#' has no effect: column names are always assigned to the resulting
#'  data frame regardless of the setting of this option.
#' @param include.timepoint.column logical. If set to \code{TRUE}, then the resulting
#'  dataframe will contain a column that consecutively numbers the positions according
#'  to their time. Note that this information is anyway implicitly present in the time 
#'  information.
#' @param idsAsFactors logical. If \code{TRUE}, then the id column of the resulting
#'  dataframe will be a factor column, otherwise a characeter column.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed from or to other methods.
#' @return A single data frame containing all individual tracks from the input with a 
#' prepended column named "id" containing each track's identifier in `x`.
#' @examples
#' ## Display overall average position of the T cell data
#' colMeans( as.data.frame( TCells )[-c(1,2)] )
as.data.frame.tracks <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, 
	include.timepoint.column=FALSE, idsAsFactors = TRUE, ...) {
	ids <- rep(names(x), sapply(x,nrow))
	if( include.timepoint.column ){
		timepoint <- ave( ids, ids, FUN=seq_along )
		r <- data.frame(id=ids, timepoint=timepoint, do.call( 
			rbind.data.frame, x ), stringsAsFactors=idsAsFactors )
	} else {
		r <- data.frame(id=ids, do.call( 
			rbind.data.frame, x ), stringsAsFactors=idsAsFactors )
	if( !is.null(row.names) && length(row.names)==nrow(r) ){
		rownames(r) <- row.names
	} else {
		rownames(r) <- NULL

#' Convert from Data Frame to Tracks
#' Get cell tracks from a data.frame. Data are expected to be organized as
#' follows.
#' One column contains a track identifier, which can be numeric or a string, and
#' determines which points belong to the same track.
#' Another column is expected to contain a time index or a time period (e.g. number of
#' seconds elapsed since the beginning of the track, or since the beginning of the
#' experiment). Input of dates is not (yet) supported, as absolute time information is
#' frequently not available.
#' Further columns contain the spatial coordinates. If there are three or less spatial
#' coordinates, their names will by "x", "y", and "z" 
#' (depending on whether the tracks are 1D, 2D or 3D). If there are four or more spatial
#' coordinates, their names will be "x1", "x2", and so on.
#' The names or indices of these columns in the data.frame are given using the
#' corresponding parameters (see below). Names and indices can be mixed, e.g. you can
#' specify \code{id.column="Parent"} and \code{pos.columns=1:3}
#' @inheritParams read.tracks.csv
#' @param x the data frame to be coerced to a \code{tracks} object.
as.tracks.data.frame <- function(x, id.column=1, time.column=2,
                                 pos.columns=c(3,4,5), scale.t=1,
                                 scale.pos=1, ...) {
	if( ncol(x) < length(pos.columns) + 1) {
		stop("Data frame does not contain enough columns! (Perhaps you need to specify 'sep')")
	if( length(pos.columns) < 1 ){
		stop("At least one position column needs to be specified!")

	# Special case: if columns are in form e.g. c("x",NA) then we
	# read all columns from the beginning to the end.
	if( length(pos.columns) == 2 && is.na(pos.columns[2]) ){
		cx <- match( pos.columns[1], colnames(x) )
		if( is.na(cx) && is.numeric(pos.columns[1]) ){
			cx <- pos.columns[1]
		pos.columns <- seq( cx, ncol(x) )
	cx <- as.character(c(id.column,time.column,pos.columns))
	cxc <- match( cx, colnames(x) )
	cxi <- match( cx, seq_len(ncol(x)) )

	cxi[is.na(cxi)] <- cxc[is.na(cxi)]

	if( any(is.na(cxi)) ){
		stop("Column(s) not found: ",
	r <- x[,as.integer(cxi)]
	if( ncol(r) <= 5 ){
		colnames(r) <- c("id","t",c("x","y","z")[seq_along(pos.columns)])
	} else {
		colnames(r) <- c("id","t",paste0("x",seq_along(pos.columns)))
	if( scale.t != 1 ){
		r[,"t"] <- scale.t*r[,"t"]
	if( any( scale.pos != 1 ) ){
		r[,-c(1,2)] <- scale.pos*r[,-c(1,2)]
	sort.tracks(as.tracks.list(split.data.frame(as.matrix(r[,-1]), r[,1])))

`[.tracks` <- function(x,y) as.tracks(as.list(x)[y])

#' @rdname tracks
as.tracks <- function(x, ...) 

#' @rdname tracks
as.tracks.list <- function(x, ...) 
  structure(x, class="tracks")

#' Convert from Tracks to List
#' Coerces a \code{tracks} object to a list.
#' @param x the \code{tracks} object to be coerced to a list.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed from or to other methods.
as.list.tracks <- function(x, ...) 
  structure( x, class="list" )

#' @rdname tracks
is.tracks <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "tracks")

#' Filter Tracks 
#' Extracts subtracks based on a given function.
#' @param f a function that accepts a single track as its first argument and returns a 
#' logical value (or a value that can be coerced to a locical).
#' @param x a tracks object.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed on to \code{f}.
#' @return A \code{tracks} object containing only those tracks from \code{x} for which
#' \code{f} evaluates to \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' ## Remove short tracks from the T cells data
#' plot( filterTracks( function(t) nrow(t)>10, TCells ) )
filterTracks <- function(f,x,...){
	structure(x[as.logical(sapply(x,function(x) f(x,...) ))], class="tracks")

#' Sort Track Positions by Time
#' Sorts the positions in each track in a \emph{tracks} object by time.
#' @param x the \emph{tracks} object whose tracks are to be sorted by time.
#' @param decreasing logical.  Should the sort be increasing or decreasing? 
#'  Provided only for consistency with the generic sort method. The positions in
#'  each track should be sorted in increasing time order.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed on to \code{order}.
#' @details Sorts the positions of each track (represented as a data frame) in the 
#' \emph{tracks} object by time (given in the column t). 
#' @return A \emph{tracks object} that contains the tracks from the input object 
#' sorted by time is returned.
sort.tracks <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...) {
	as.tracks(lapply(x, function(d) d[order(d[,"t"],decreasing=decreasing),,drop=FALSE] ))

#' @rdname tracks
c.tracks <- function(...) {
	args <- lapply(list(...), as.list)
	as.tracks(do.call(c, args))

#' Read Tracks from Text File
#' Reads cell tracks from a CSV or other text file. Data are expected to be organized as
#' follows.
#' One column contains a track identifier, which can be numeric or a string, and 
#' determines which points belong to the same track. 
#' Another column is expected to contain a time index or a time period (e.g. number of
#' seconds elapsed since the beginning of the track, or since the beginning of the 
#' experiment). Input of dates is not (yet) supported, as absolute time information is
#' frequently not available. 
#' Further columns contain the spatial coordinates. If there are three or less spatial
#' coordinates, their names will by "x", "y", and "z" 
#' (depending on whether the tracks are 1D, 2D or 3D). If there are four or more spatial
#' coordinates, their names will be "x1", "x2", and so on.
#' The names or indices of these columns in the CSV files are given using the 
#' corresponding parameters (see below). Names and indices can be mixed, e.g. you can
#' specify \code{id.column="Parent"} and \code{pos.columns=1:3}
#' @param file the name of the file which the data are to be read from, a 
#' readable text-mode connection or a complete URL
#' (see \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}).
#' @param id.column index or name of the column that contains the track ID.
#' @param time.column index or name of the column that contains elapsed time.
#' @param pos.columns vector containing indices or names of the columns that contain
#' the spatial coordinates. If this vector has two entries and the second entry is NA,
#' e.g. \code{c('x',NA)} or \code{c(5,NA)} then all columns from the indicated column 
#' to the last column are used. This is useful when reading files where the exact number
#' of spatial dimensions is not known beforehand.
#' @param scale.t a value by which to multiply each time point. Useful for changing units,
#' or for specifying the time between positions if this is not contained in the file
#' itself.
#' @param scale.pos a value, or a vector of values, by which to multiply each spatial 
#' position. Useful for changing units.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains the
#' names of the variables as its first line. See \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}.
#' @param sep a character specifying how the colums of the data are separated. 
#' The default value \code{""} means columns are separated by tabs or other spaces.  
#' See \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}.
#' @param track.sep.blankline logical. If set to \code{TRUE}, then tracks are expected
#' to be separated by one or more blank lines in the input file instead of being 
#' designated by a track ID column. In this case, numerical track IDs are automatically
#' generated.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \code{read.csv}, for instance 
#' \code{sep="\t"} can be useful for tab-separated files.
#' @return An object of class \emph{tracks} is returned, which is a list of 
#' matrices, each containing the positions of one track. The matrices 
#' have a column \eqn{t}, followed by one column for each of the input track's 
#' coordinates.
#' @details The input file's first four fields are interpreted as \eqn{id}, 
#' \eqn{pos}, \eqn{t} and \eqn{x}, respectively, and, if available, the fifth
#' as \eqn{y} and the sixth as \eqn{z}. The returned object has the class 
#' \emph{tracks}, which is a list of data frames representing the single 
#' tracks and having columns \eqn{t} and \eqn{x}, plus \eqn{y} and \eqn{z}, if
#' necessary. The tracks' ids are retained in their position in the list, while
#' the field \eqn{pos} will be unmaintained.
read.tracks.csv <- function(file, id.column=1, time.column=2, 
	pos.columns=c(3,4,5), scale.t=1, scale.pos=1, 
	header=TRUE, sep="", track.sep.blankline=FALSE, ...) {
	if( track.sep.blankline ){
		data.raw <- read.table(file, header=header, sep=sep,
			blank.lines.skip = FALSE, ...)
		is.blank <- apply( data.raw, 1, function(x) all( is.na(x) ) )
		ids <- cumsum( is.blank )
		data.raw <- cbind( data.raw, ids )
		data.raw <- data.raw[!is.blank,]
		id.column <- ncol( data.raw )
	} else {
		data.raw <- read.table(file, header=header, sep=sep, ...)
	as.tracks.data.frame(data.raw, id.column, time.column, pos.columns, scale.t, scale.pos)

#' Split Track into Multiple Tracks
#' @param x the input track (a data frame or a matrix).
#' @param id a string used to identify the resulting tracks; for instance,
#' if \code{id="X"}, then the resulting tracks are named X_1, X_2 and so forth.
#' Otherwise, they are simply labelled with integer numbers.
#' @param positions a vector of positive integers, given in ascending order.
#' @param min.length nonnegative integer. Resulting tracks that have fewer positions than
#'  the value of this parameter are dropped. 
splitTrack <- function( x, positions, id=NULL, min.length=2 ){
	freqs <- diff(c(0,positions,nrow(x)))
	segs <- rep( seq_len(length(positions)+1), freqs )
	segs[rep(freqs,freqs) < min.length] <- NA
	r <- structure( 
		split.data.frame( as.matrix(x), segs ),
	if(!is.null(id) && ( length(r) > 0 ) ){
		if( length(r) > 1 ){
			names( r ) <- paste0( id, "_", seq_along(r) )
		} else if( length(r) == 1 ){
			names( r ) <- id

#' Plot Tracks in 2D
#' Plots tracks contained in a "tracks" object into a twodimensional space
#' pallelel to the data's axes.
#' @param x the tracks to be plotted.
#' @param dims a vector giving the dimensions of the track data that shall be 
#' plotted, e.g. \code{c('x','y')} for the \eqn{x} and \eqn{y} dimension.
#' @param add boolean value indicating whether the tracks are to be added to the
#' current plot.
#' @param col a specification of the color(s) to be used. This can be a vector
#'  of size \code{length(x)}, where each entry specififes the color for the 
#'  corresponding track.
#' @param pch.start point symbol with which to label the first position of the track
#'  (see \code{\link[graphics]{points}}).
#' @param pch.end point symbol with which to label the last position of the track
#' @param cex point size for positions on the tracks.
#' @param ... additional parameters (e.g. xlab, ylab).
#' to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' (for \code{add=FALSE}) or \code{\link[graphics]{points}} (for \code{add=TRUE}), 
#' respectively.
#' @details One dimension of the data (by default \eqn{y}) is plotted against 
#' another (by default \eqn{x}). The dimesions can be chosen by means of the 
#' parameter \code{dims} and the axes can be labeled accordingly with the aid 
#' of \code{xlab} and \code{ylab}. The color can be set through \code{col}.
#' If the tracks should be added to an existing plot, \code{add} is to be set 
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot3d}}
plot.tracks <- function(x, dims=c('x','y'), add=F,
		col=order(names(x)), pch.start=1, pch.end=NULL, 
		cex=.5, ... ) {
	args <- list(...)

	ids <- names(x)
	lcol <- rep_len(col, length(ids))
	pcol <- rep(lcol, sapply(x,nrow))
	dim1 <- unlist( lapply(x,'[', , dims[1]) )
	dim2 <- unlist( lapply(x,'[', , dims[2]) )

	if (add==T) {
		points( dim1, dim2, col=pcol, cex=cex, ... )
	} else {
		plot( dim1, dim2, col=pcol, cex=cex, ...)
	if( !is.null(pch.start) ){
		starting.points <- lapply( x, function(p) p[1,] )
		px <- sapply(starting.points,'[[',dims[1])
		py <- sapply(starting.points,'[[',dims[2])
		points( px, py, col=col, pch=pch.start, cex=2 )

	if( !is.null(pch.end) ){
		end.points <- lapply( x, function(p) p[nrow(p),] )
		px <- sapply(end.points,'[[',dims[1])
		py <- sapply(end.points,'[[',dims[2])
		points( px, py, col=col, pch=pch.end, cex=2 )
	lseg <- function(f,i) {
		function(d) f( d[,dims[i]], -1 ) 

	x0 <- .ulapply(x,lseg(head,1))
	y0 <- .ulapply(x,lseg(head,2))

	x1 <- .ulapply(x,lseg(tail,1))
	y1 <- .ulapply(x,lseg(tail,2))

	lcol <- rep(lcol, sapply(x, function(d) {
		nrow(d) - 1
	segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col=lcol)

#' Create Track Object from Single Track
#' Makes a \code{tracks} object containing the given track.
#' @param x the input track.
#' @return A list of class \code{tracks} containing only the input track \code{x}, which
#' is assigned the name "1". 
wrapTrack <- function(x) {
  return(as.tracks(list("1" = x)))

#' Staggered Version of a Function
#' Returns the "staggered" version of a track measure. That is, instead of
#' computing the measure on the whole track, the measure is averaged over
#' all subtracks (of any length) of the track.
#' @param measure a track measure (see \link{TrackMeasures}).
#' @param ... further parameters passed on to \code{\link{applyStaggered}}.
#' @details This is a wrapper mainly designed to provide a convenient interface
#' for track-based staggered computations with \code{lapply}, see example.
#' @return Returns a function that computes
#' the given measure in a staggered fashion on that track.
#' @references 
#' Zeinab Mokhtari, Franziska Mech, Carolin Zitzmann, Mike Hasenberg, Matthias Gunzer
#' and Marc Thilo Figge (2013), Automated Characterization and 
#' Parameter--Free Classification of Cell Tracks Based on Local Migration 
#' Behavior. \emph{PLoS ONE} \bold{8}(12), e80808. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080808
#' @examples
#' hist( sapply( TCells, staggered( displacement ) ) )
staggered <- function(measure, ...){
	return( function(x) applyStaggered(x, measure, ...) )

#' Compute a Measure on a Track in a Staggered Fashion
#' Computes a measure on all subtracks of a track and return them either
#' as a matrix or return their mean.
#' @param x the track for which the measure is to be computed.
#' @param measure the measure that is to be computed.
#' @param matrix a logical indicating whether the whole matrix of values for 
#' the measure for each of the input track's subtracks is to be returned. 
#' Otherwise only the mean is returned.
#' @param min.segments the number of segments that each regarded subtrack 
#' should at least consist of. Typically, this value would be set to the 
#' minimum number of segments that a (sub)track must have in order for the 
#' measure to be decently computed. For example, at least two segments are needed
#' to compute the \code{\link{overallAngle}}.
#' @details The measure is computed for each of the input track's subtracks of 
#' length at least \code{min.segments}, and the resulting values are either 
#' returned in a matrix (if \code{matrix} is set), or their mean is returned. 
#' The computed matrix is symmetric since the direction along which a 
#' track is traversed is assumed not to matter. The values at 
#' \code{[i, i + j]}, where j is a nonnegative integer with 
#' \eqn{j < }\code{min.segments}, (with the default value \code{min.segments=1}
#' this is exactly the main diagonal) are set to \code{NA}.
#' @return If \code{matrix} is set, a matrix with the values of the measure for
#' all the input track's subtracks is returned. The value of this matrix at 
#' position \code{[i, j]} corresponds to the subtrack that starts with the input track's
#' \eqn{j}th point and ends at its \eqn{i}th. Thus, with increasing column number,
#' the regarded subtrack's starting point is advanced on the original track, 
#' and the values for increasingly long subtracks starting from this point can 
#' be found columnwise below the main diagonal, respectively.
#' If `matrix` is not set, the mean over the values of the measure for all
#' subtracks of at least `min.segments` segments is retruned.
#' @examples 
#' ## Compute the staggered matrix for overallAngle applied to all long enough 
#' ## subtracks of the first T cell track
#' applyStaggered(TCells[[1]], overallAngle, matrix=TRUE, min.segments = 2)
applyStaggered <- function(x, measure, matrix=FALSE, min.segments=1) {
	if (matrix) {
		mat <- matrix(nrow=nrow(x), ncol=nrow(x), 0)
		diag(mat) <- NA
	} else {
		stag.meas <- c()
	if (!matrix) {
		segMeans <- .computeSegmentwiseMeans(x, measure, min.segments)
		n.before <- length(segMeans)
		segMeans <- segMeans[!is.nan(segMeans)]
		n <- length(segMeans)
		if (n.before!=n) {
		  warning("NaNs have been removed.")
		weights <- seq(n, 1)
		weights <- weights[!is.nan(segMeans)]
		ret <- weighted.mean(segMeans, weights)
	} else {
		for (i in (min.segments):(nrow(x) - 2)) {
			subtracks <- subtracks(x, i)
			val <- sapply(subtracks, measure)
			diag(mat[-1:-i,]) <- val
		mat[nrow(x), 1] <- sapply(subtracks(x, (nrow(x)-1)), measure)
		mat <- mat + t(mat)

#' Decompose Track(s) into Subtracks
#' Creates a \emph{tracks} object consisting of all subtracks of `x`
#' with `i` segments (i.e., `i`+1 positions).
#' @param x a single track or a \code{tracks} object.
#' @param i subtrack length. A single integer, lists are not supported.
#' @param overlap the number of segments in which each subtrack shall overlap 
#' with the previous and next subtrack. The default \code{i - 1} returns all
#' subtracks. Can be negative, which means that space will be left between
#' subtracks. 
#' @details The output is always a single \emph{tracks} object, which is 
#' convenient for many common analyses. If subtracks are to be considered separately
#' for each track, use the function \code{\link{staggered}} together with
#' \code{lapply}. Subtrack extraction always starts at the first position of the
#' input track.
#' @return A \emph{tracks} object is returned which contains all the subtracks 
#' of any track in the input \emph{tracks} object that consist of exactly `i`
#' segments and overlap adjacent subtracks in `overlap` segments.
subtracks <- function(x, i, overlap=i-1 ) {
	if( !is.tracks(x) ){
		x <- wrapTrack( x )
	do.call(c, lapply(x, 
  		function(t) .computeSubtracksOfISegments(t, i, overlap )))

#' Get Track Prefixes 
#' Creates a \code{tracks} object consisting of all prefixes (i.e., subtracks
#' starting with the first position of a track) of `x`
#' with `i` segments (i.e., `i`+1 positions).
#' @param x a single track or a \code{tracks} object.
#' @param i subtrack length. A single integer, lists are not supported.
#' @details This function behaves exactly like \code{\link{subtracks}} except
#' that only subtracks starting from the first position are considered.
prefixes <- function(x,i) {
	if( !is.tracks(x) ){
		x <- wrapTrack( x )
	lapply( x,
		function(t) {
			if( nrow(t) <= i ){ return( NULL ) }
			t[1:(i+1), ,drop=FALSE]

#' Normalize a Measure to Track Duration
#' Returns a measure that divides the input measure by the duration of its 
#' input track.
#' @param x a track measure (see \link{TrackMeasures}).
#' @return A function that computes the input measure for a given track
#' and returns the result divided by the track's duration.
#' @examples 
#' ## normalizeToDuration(displacement) can be used as an indicator 
#' ## for the motion's efficiency
#' sapply(TCells, normalizeToDuration(displacement))
normalizeToDuration <- function(x) {
  function(track) {
    x(track) / duration(track)

#' Bivariate Scatterplot of Track Measures
#' Plots the values of two measures applied on the given tracks against each 
#' other.
#' @param measure.x the measure to be shown on the X axis (see \link{TrackMeasures}).
#' @param measure.y the measure to be shown on the Y axis.
#' @param x the input \code{tracks} object.
#' @param add a logical indicating whether the tracks are to be added to an 
#' existing plot via \code{\link[graphics]{points}}.
#' @param xlab label of the x-axis. By default the name of the input function 
#' \code{measure.x}.
#' @param ylab label of the y-axis. By default the name of the input function 
#' \code{measure.y}.
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} 
#' (in case \code{add=FALSE}) or \code{\link[graphics]{points}} (\code{add=TRUE}).
# For ellipse documentation:
#' @inheritParams hotellingsTest
#' @details Plots the value of \code{measurey} applied to \code{x} against the
#' value of \code{measurey} applied to \code{y}. This is useful for "FACS-like"
#' motility analysis, where clusters of cell tracks are identified based on their
#' motility parameters (Moreau et al, 2012; Textor et al, 2014).
#' @references
#' Moreau HD, Lemaitre F, Terriac E, Azar G, Piel M, Lennon-Dumenil AM,
#' Bousso P (2012), Dynamic In Situ Cytometry Uncovers 
#' T Cell Receptor Signaling during Immunological Synapses and Kinapses In Vivo.
#' \emph{Immunity} \bold{37}(2), 351--363. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2012.05.014
#' Johannes Textor, Sarah E. Henrickson, Judith N. Mandl, Ulrich H. von Andrian,
#' J\"urgen Westermann, Rob J. de Boer and Joost B. Beltman (2014),
#' Random Migration and Signal Integration Promote Rapid and Robust T Cell Recruitment.
#' \emph{PLoS Computational Biology} \bold{10}(8), e1003752.
#' doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003752
#' @examples
#' ## Compare speed and straightness of 3 example population tracks.
#' ## To make the comparison fair, analyze subtracks of fixed length.
#' plotTrackMeasures( subtracks(TCells,4,0), speed, straightness, ellipse.col="black" )
#' plotTrackMeasures( subtracks(BCells,4,0), speed, straightness,
#'   col=2, ellipse.col=2, pch=2, add=TRUE )
#' plotTrackMeasures( subtracks(Neutrophils,4,0), speed, straightness, 
#'   col=3, ellipse.col=3, pch=3, add=TRUE )
plotTrackMeasures <- function(x, measure.x, measure.y, add=FALSE, 
                              ellipse.col="red", ellipse.border="black",
                              conf.level=0.95, ...) {
	if( !is.tracks(x) ){
		x <- as.tracks( x )
	mx <- sapply(x,measure.x)
	my <- sapply(x,measure.y)
	if(add) {
		points(mx, my, ...)
	} else {
		plot(sapply(x,measure.x), sapply(x,measure.y), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
	if( !is.na(ellipse.col) ){
		n <- length(mx)
		p <- 1
		df.1 <- p
		df.2 <- n-p
		d <- cbind( mx, my )
		S <- cov( d )
		t <- sqrt(((n-1)*df.1/(n*df.2))*qf(1-conf.level,df.1,df.2,lower.tail=F))
		polygon( ellipse::ellipse( S, centre=colMeans(d),
			t=t ),
			col=.setColAlpha(ellipse.col,128) )

#' Cluster Tracks
#' Perform a hierarchical clustering of a set of tracks according to a given vector
#' of track measures.
#' @param tracks the tracks that are to be clustered.
#' @param measures a function, or a vector of functions (see \link{TrackMeasures}). 
#' Each function is expected to 
#' return a single number given a single track.
#' @param scale logical indicating whether the measures values shall be scaled
#' using the function \code{\link[base]{scale}} before the clustering. 
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}.
#' @return An object of class *hclust*, see \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}.
#' @details The measures are applied to each of the tracks in the given
#' \emph{tracks} object. According to the resulting values, the tracks are 
#' clustered using a hierarchical clustering (see \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}).
#' If \code{scale} is \code{TRUE}, the measure values are scaled to mean value 
#' \eqn{0} and standard deviation \eqn{1} (per measure) before the clustering.
#' @examples 
#' ## Cluster tracks according to the mean of their Hust exponents along X and Y
#' cells <- c(TCells,Neutrophils)
#' real.celltype <- rep(c("T","N"),c(length(TCells),length(Neutrophils)))
#' ## Prefix each track ID with its cell class to evaluate the clustering visually
#' names(cells) <- paste0(real.celltype,seq_along(cells))
#' clust <- clusterTracks( cells, hurstExponent )
#' plot( clust )
#' ## How many cells are "correctly" clustered?
#' sum( real.celltype == c("T","N")[cutree(clust,2)] )
clusterTracks <- function(tracks, measures, scale=TRUE, ...) { 
	values <- matrix(nrow=length(tracks))
	if (is.function(measures)) {
		measures <- c(measures)
	values <- do.call(cbind, lapply(measures, function(m) sapply(tracks, m)))
	if (scale) {
		values <- scale(values)
	hclust(dist(values), ...)

#' Compute Summary Statistics of Subtracks
#' Computes a given measure on subtracks of a given track set, applies a summary 
#' statistic for each subtrack length, and returns the results in a convenient form.
#' This important workhorse function facilitates many common motility analyses 
#' such as mean square displacement, turning angle, and autocorrelation plots.
#' @param x the tracks object whose subtracks are to be considered. 
#' If a single track is given, it will be coerced to a tracks object 
#' using \code{\link{wrapTrack}} (but note that this requires an explicit call
#' \code{aggregate.tracks}).
#' @param measure the measure that is to be computed on the subtracks.
#' @param by a string that indicates how grouping is performed. Currently, two
#' kinds of grouping are supported: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"subtracks"}{ Apply \code{measure} to all subtracks according to 
#' the parameters \code{subtrack.length} and \code{max.overlap}.}
#'  \item{"prefixes"}{ Apply \code{measure} to all prefixes (i.e., subtracks starting
#'  from a track's initial position) according to the parameter \code{subtrack.length}.}
#' }
#' @param FUN a summary statistic to be computed on the measures of subtracks with the
#' same length. Can be a function or a string.
#' If a string is given, it is first matched to the following builtin values:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"mean.sd"}{ Outputs the mean and \eqn{mean - sd} as lower and 
#'  \eqn{mean + sd} as upper bound}
#'  \item{"mean.se"}{ Outputs the mean and \eqn{mean - se} as lower and 
#'  \eqn{mean + se} as upper bound}
#'  \item{"mean.ci.95"}{ Outputs the mean and upper and lower bound of a 
#'  parametric 95 percent confidence intervall}. 
#'  \item{"mean.ci.99"}{ Outputs the mean and upper and lower bound of a 
#'  parametric 95 percent confidence intervall}. 
#'  \item{"iqr"}{ Outputs the interquartile range, that is, the median, and the 
#'  25-percent-quartile as a lower and and the 75-percent-quartile as an 
#'  upper bound}
#' }
#' If the string is not equal to any of these, it is passed on to 
#' \code{\link{match.fun}}.
#' @param subtrack.length an integer or a vector of integers defining which subtrack
#' lengths are considered. In particular, \code{subtrack.length=2} 
#' corresponds to a "step-based analysis" (Beltman et al, 2009).
#' @param max.overlap an integer controlling what to do with overlapping subtracks.
#' A maximum overlap of \code{max(subtrack.length)} will imply
#' that all subtracks are considered. For a maximum overlap of 0, only non-overlapping
#' subtracks are considered. A negative overlap can be used to ensure that only subtracks
#' a certain distance apart are considered. In general, for non-Brownian motion there will
#' be correlations between subsequent steps, such that a negative overlap may be necessary
#' to get a proper error estimate.
#' @param na.rm logical. If \code{TRUE}, then \code{NA}'s and \code{NaN}'s 
#' are removed prior to computing the summary statistic.
#' @param filter.subtracks a function that can be supplied to exclude certain subtracks
#' from an analysis. For instance, one may wish to compute angles only between steps of
#' a certain minimum length (see Examples).
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or used by methods.
#' @details For every number of segments \eqn{i} in the set defined by 
#' \code{subtrack.length}, all subtracks of any track in the input 
#' \code{tracks} object that consist of exactly \eqn{i} segments are 
#' considered. The input \code{measure} is applied to the subtracks individually, 
#' and the \code{statistic} is applied to the resulting values. 
#' @return A data frame with one row for every \eqn{i} 
#' specified by \code{subtrack.length}. The first column contains the values 
#' of \eqn{i} and the remaining columns contain the values of the summary statistic
#' of the measure values of tracks having exactly \eqn{i} segments.
#' @examples 
#' ## A mean square displacement plot with error bars.
#' dat <- aggregate(TCells, squareDisplacement, FUN="mean.se")
#' with( dat ,{
#'   plot( mean ~ i, xlab="time step", 
#'   	ylab="mean square displacement", type="l" )
#'   segments( i, lower, y1=upper )
#' } )
#' ## Compute a turning angle plot for the B cell data, taking only steps of at least
#' ## 1 micrometer length into account
#' check <- function(x) all( sapply( list(head(x,2),tail(x,2)), trackLength ) >= 1.0 )
#' plot( aggregate( BCells, overallAngle, subtrack.length=1:10, 
#'   filter.subtracks=check )[,2], type='l' )
#' ## Compare 3 different variants of a mean displacement plot
#' # 1. average over all subtracks
#' plot( aggregate( TCells, displacement ), type='l' )
#' # 2. average over all non-overlapping subtracks
#' lines( aggregate( TCells, displacement, max.overlap=0 ), col=2 )
#' # 3. average over all subtracks starting at 1st position
#' lines( aggregate( TCells, displacement, by="prefixes" ), col=3 )
#' @references
#' Joost B. Beltman, Athanasius F.M. Maree and Rob. J. de Boer (2009),
#' Analysing immune cell migration. \emph{Nature Reviews Immunology} \bold{9},
#' 789--798. doi:10.1038/nri2638
aggregate.tracks <- function( x, measure, by="subtracks", FUN=mean, 
    subtrack.length=seq(1, (maxTrackLength(x)-1)),
    max.overlap=max(subtrack.length), na.rm=FALSE, 
    filter.subtracks=NULL, ... ){
    if( class( x ) != "tracks" ){
    	if( class( x ) %in% c("data.frame","matrix" ) ){
    		x <- wrapTrack( x )
    	} else {
    		stop("Cannot coerce argument 'tracks' to tracks object" )
    if (max(subtrack.length) > (maxTrackLength(x)-1)) {
		warning("No track is long enough!")
  	the.statistic <- NULL
  	if (is.character(FUN)) {
		if (FUN == "mean.ci.95") {
		  the.statistic <- function(x) {
		  	mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
			ci <- tryCatch( t.test(x)$conf.int, error=function(e) rep(NA,2) )
			return(c(lower=ci[1], mean=mx, upper=ci[2]))
		} else if (FUN == "mean.ci.99") {
		  the.statistic <- function(x) {
			mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
			ci <- tryCatch( t.test(x, conf.level=.99)$conf.int, 
				error=function(e) rep(NA,2) )
			return(c(lower=ci[1], mean=mean(x), upper=ci[2]))
		} else if (FUN == "mean.se") {
		  the.statistic <- function(x) {
		  	mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
		  	sem <- sd(x,na.rm=na.rm)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(x))) 
		  		# note that this also works is na.omit is FALSE
			return(c(mean=mx, lower = mx - sem, upper = mx + sem))
		} else if (FUN == "mean.sd") {
		  the.statistic <- function(x) {
		  	mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
		  	sem <- sd(x,na.rm=na.rm)
			return(c(mean=mx, lower = mx - sem, upper = mx + sem))
		} else if (FUN == "iqr") {
		  the.statistic <- function(x) {
			lx <- quantile(x,probs=c(.25,.5,.75),na.rm=na.rm)
			names(lx) <- c("lower","median","upper")
		} else {
			the.statistic.raw <- match.fun( FUN )
	} else {
		if ( !is.function( FUN) ) {
		   stop("FUN must be a function or a string")
		} else {
			the.statistic.raw <- FUN
	if( is.null( the.statistic ) ){
		if( na.rm ){
			the.statistic <- function(x){
				the.statistic.raw(x[!is.na(x) & !is.nan(x)])
		} else {
			the.statistic <- the.statistic.raw
	if( is.function( filter.subtracks ) ){
		isValidSubtrack <- function(t) !is.null(t) && filter.subtracks(t)
	} else {
		isValidSubtrack <- Negate(is.null)
	if( by == "subtracks" ){
		# optimized version: avoids making copies of subtracks (relevant especially
		# for measures like displacement, which actually only consider the track
		# endpoints). Also pre-computes the diff of the track if needed.
		if( ( length( intersect(c("x","limits"),names(formals(measure))) ) == 2 )
			&& !is.function( filter.subtracks ) ){
			if( "xdiff" %in% names(formals(measure)) ){
				ft <- function(t,i) apply( .subtrackIndices(i,min(max.overlap,i-1),nrow(t)), 
					1, measure, x=t, xdiff=diff(t) )
			} else {
				ft <- function(t,i) apply( .subtrackIndices(i,min(max.overlap,i-1),nrow(t)), 
					1, measure, x=t )
			measure.values <- list()
			k <- 1
			xi <- x
			for( i in sort(subtrack.length) ){
				xi <- xi[sapply(xi,nrow)>i]
				measure.values[[k]] <- .ulapply( xi, ft, i=i )
				k <- k+1
		} else if( ( length( intersect(c("x","from","to"),names(formals(measure))) ) == 3 )
			&& !is.function( filter.subtracks ) ){
			measure.values <- list()
			k <- 1
			xi <- x
			for( i in sort(subtrack.length) ){
				xi <- xi[sapply(xi,nrow)>i]
				xi1 <- do.call( rbind, xi )
				si <- .subtrackIndices(i,min(max.overlap,i-1),sapply(xi,nrow))
				measure.values[[k]] <- measure(xi1,si[,1],si[,2])
				k <- k+1
		} else {
			# unoptimized version: makes copies of all subtracks.
			the.subtracks <- list()
			measure.values <- list()
			k <- 1
			for (i in subtrack.length) {
				the.subtracks[[k]] <- subtracks(x, i, min(max.overlap,i-1) )
				the.subtracks[[k]] <- Filter( isValidSubtrack, the.subtracks[[k]] )
				measure.values[[k]] <- sapply( the.subtracks[[k]], measure )
				k <- k+1
	} else if (by == "prefixes" ) {
		measure.values <- lapply( subtrack.length, 
				function(i) sapply( Filter( isValidSubtrack, prefixes( x, i )  ), 
					measure ) 
	} else {
		stop( "grouping method ", by, " not supported" )
	# this is necessary because of automatic insertion of NULL elements when e.g.
	# measure.values[[5]] is assigned to
	measure.values <- Filter( Negate(is.null), measure.values )
	value <- sapply(measure.values, the.statistic)
	ret <- rbind(i=subtrack.length, value)

#' Length of Longest Track
#' Determines the maximum number of positions over the tracks in \code{x}.
#' @param x the \code{tracks} object the tracks in which are to be considered.
#' @return The maximum number of rows of a track in \code{x}
maxTrackLength <- function(x) {
  return(max(sapply(x, nrow)))

#' Bounding Box of a Tracks Object
#' Computes the minimum and maximum coordinates per dimension (including time) 
#' for all positions in a given list of tracks.
#' @param x the input \code{tracks} object.
#' @return Returns a matrix with two rows and \eqn{d+1} columns, where \eqn{d} is 
#' the number of spatial dimensions of the tracks. The first row contains the minimum 
#' and the second row the maximum value of any track in the dimension given by 
#' the column.
#' @examples
#' ## Use bounding box to set up plot window
#' bb <- boundingBox(c(TCells,BCells,Neutrophils))
#' plot( Neutrophils, xlim=bb[,"x"], ylim=bb[,"y"], col=1 )
#' plot( BCells, col=2, add=TRUE )
#' plot( TCells, col=3, add=TRUE )
boundingBox <- function(x) {
	if( !is.tracks(x) ){
		x <- as.tracks(x) 
	bounding.boxes <- lapply(x, .boundingBoxTrack) 
	empty <- mat.or.vec(nrow(bounding.boxes[[1]]), ncol(bounding.boxes[[1]]))
	colnames(empty) <- colnames(bounding.boxes[[1]])
	rownames(empty) <- rownames(bounding.boxes[[1]])
	empty[1,] <- Inf
	empty[2,] <- -Inf
	return(Reduce(.minMaxOfTwoMatrices, bounding.boxes, empty)) 

#' Test Unbiasedness of Motion
#' Test the null hypothesis that a given set of tracks originates from an uncorrelated
#' and unbiased type of motion (e.g., a random walk without drift). This is done by
#' testing whether the mean step vector is equal to the null vector. 
#' @param tracks the tracks whose biasedness is to be determined.
#' @param dim vector with the names of the track's 
#' dimensions that are to be considered. By default c("x", "y").
#' @param plot logical indicating whether the scatter of the step's directions, 
#' origin of ordinates (green circle) and the mean of the data points (green 
#' cross) are to be plotted. (In one dimension also the bounds of the 
#' condfidence interval are given.) Plot works only in one or two dimensions.
#' @param add whether to add the plot to the current plot (\code{TRUE}) or create a 
#" new one (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param step.spacing How many positions are to be left out between 
#' the steps that are considered for the test. For persistent motion, subsequent
#' steps will be correlated, which leads to too low p-values because Hotelling's 
#' test assumes that the input data is independent. To avoid this, the resulting
#' p-value should either be corrected for this dependence (e.g. by adjusting 
#' the degrees of freedom accordingly), or `step.spacing` should be set to a value
#' high enough to ensure that the considered steps are approximately independent.
#' @param ellipse.col color with which to draw the confidence ellipse of the mean (for
#'  1D, this corresponds to the confidence interval of the mean). 
#'  Use \code{NA} to omit the confidence ellipse.
#' @param ellipse.border color of the confidence ellipse border. Use \code{NA} to omit
#'  the border.
#' @param conf.level the desired confidence level for the confidence ellipse.
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{plot}.
#' @return A list with class \code{htest}.
#' @details Computes the displacement vectors of all segments in the tracks 
#' given in \code{tracks}, and performs Hotelling's T-square Test on that vector.
#' @examples 
#' ## Test H_0: T-cells migrate by uncorrelated random walk on x and y coordinates,
#' ## and report the p-value.
#' hotellingsTest( TCells )$p.value
#' @references
#' Johannes Textor, Antonio Peixoto, Sarah E. Henrickson, Mathieu
#'  Sinn, Ulrich H. von Andrian and Juergen Westermann (2011),
#'	Defining the Quantitative Limits of Intravital Two-Photon Lymphocyte Tracking.
#' \emph{PNAS} \bold{108}(30):12401--12406. doi:10.1073/pnas.1102288108
hotellingsTest <- function(tracks, dim=c("x", "y"), 
	step.spacing=0, plot=FALSE, add=FALSE, ellipse.col="blue", 
	ellipse.border="black", conf.level=0.95, ... ) {
	if( plot && !(length(dim) %in% c(1,2) ) ){
		stop("Plotting is only supported for 1D and 2D")
	Tx <- projectDimensions(tracks, dim)
	sx <- sapply( subtracks(Tx, 1, overlap=-step.spacing), displacementVector )
	if( length(dim) > 1 ){
		sx <- t(sx)
	} else {
		sx <- matrix(sx,ncol=1)
	n <- dim(sx)[1]
	p <- dim(sx)[2]
	df.1 <- p
	df.2 <- n-p
	S <- cov(sx)
	mX <- colMeans(sx)
	A <- solve(S)
	T2 <- n * t(mX) %*% A %*% mX
	p.value <- 1-pf(T2*df.2/df.1/(n-1), df.1, df.2)
	if (plot && (length(dim)==2)) {
		if (plot) {
			if( add ){
			} else {
			if( !is.na(ellipse.col) ){
				t <- sqrt(((n-1)*df.1/(n*df.2))*qf(1-conf.level,df.1,df.2,lower.tail=F))
	} else if (plot && (length(dim)==1)) {
		sd.sx <- sd(sx)
		plot(0, 0, col=3, xlab = dim[1], ylim=c(-1,1), ...)
		stripchart(sx, add=TRUE, at=0, pch=1)
		t <- sqrt(((n-1)*df.1/(n*df.2))*qf(1-conf.level,df.1,df.2,lower.tail=F))
		method="Hotelling's one sample T2-test",
		null.value=c(location=paste0("c(", paste0(rep(0,ncol(sx)), collapse = ","), ")"))

#' Select Tracks by Measure Values
#' Given a tracks object, extract a subset based on upper and lower bounds of a certain
#' measure. For instance, extract all tracks with a certain minimum length.
#' @param x the input tracks.
#' @param measure measure on which the selection is based (see \link{TrackMeasures}).
#' @param lower specifies the lower bound (inclusive) of the allowable measure.
#' @param upper specifies the upper bound (inclusive) of the allowable measure.
#' @examples
#' ## Slower half of T cells
#' slow.tcells <- selectTracks( TCells, speed, -Inf, median( sapply(TCells,speed) ) )
selectTracks <- function(x,measure,lower,upper){
		mdat <- sapply(x,measure)
		return(x[mdat<=upper & mdat>=lower])
		obj <-deparse(substitute(tracks))
		warning(sprintf("Obj:%s is not a tracks object",obj))

#' Plot Tracks in 3D
#' Takes an input tracks object and plots them in 3D using the 
#' \link[scatterplot3d]{scatterplot3d} function.
#' @param x the tracks which will be plotted in 3d
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed on to 
#' \link[scatterplot3d]{scatterplot3d}
#' @examples
#' if( require("scatterplot3d",quietly=TRUE) ){
#'   plot3d( TCells )
#' }
plot3d <- function(x,...){
	if( !requireNamespace("scatterplot3d",quietly=TRUE) ){
		stop("This function requires the package 'scatterplot3d'.")
	tracks_df <- as.data.frame.tracks(
		lapply( x, function(t) rbind(t,rep(NA,ncol(t)) ) ) )
	s3d <- scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(tracks_df[,-c(1,2)],
		type="n",xlab="X Position",ylab="Y Position",zlab="Z Position",...)
	colvec <- rainbow(length(names(x)))[tracks_df[,1]]
	pts <- s3d$xyz.convert( tracks_df[,-c(1,2)] )
	segments( head(pts$x,-1), head(pts$y,-1), tail(pts$x,-1), 
		tail(pts$y,-1), col=colvec )

#' Compute Time Step of Tracks
#' Applies a summary statistics on the time intervals between pairs of consecutive 
#' positions in a track dataset. 
#' @param x the input tracks.
#' @param FUN the summary statistic to be applied.
#' @param na.rm logical, indicates whether to remove missing values before applying FUN.
#' @details Most track quantification depends on the assumption that track positions are
#' recorded at constant time intervals. If this is not the case, then most of the statistics
#' in this package (except for some very simple ones like \code{\link{duration}}) will not work.
#' In reality, at least small fluctuations of the time steps can be expected. This
#' function provides a means for quality control with respect to the tracking time.
#' @return Summary statistic of the time intervals between two consecutive positions in a track 
#' dataset. 
#' @examples
#' ## Show tracking time fluctuations for the T cell data
#' d <- timeStep( TCells )
#' plot( sapply( subtracks( TCells, 1 ) , duration ) - d, ylim=c(-d,d) ) 
timeStep <- function( x, FUN=median, na.rm=FALSE ){
	if( class(FUN) == "character" ){
		FUN=match.fun( FUN )
	x <- .ulapply( x, function(x) diff(x[,1]) )
	if( na.rm ){
		x <- x[!is.na(x)]
	return( FUN( x ) )

#' Interpolate Track Positions
#' Approximates the track positions at given time points using linear interpolation
#' (via the \code{\link[stats]{approx}} function).
#' @param x the input track (a matrix or data frame).
#' @param t the times at which to approximate track positions. These must lie 
#' within the interval spanned by the track timepoints.
#' @param how specifies how to perform the interpolation. Possible values are 
#' \code{"linear"} (which uses \code{\link[stats]{approx}} with default values) and
#' \code{"spline"} (which uses \code{\link[stats]{spline}} with default values). 
#' @examples
#' ## Compare interpolated and non-interpolated versions of a track
#' bb <- boundingBox( TCells[2] )
#' plot( TCells[2] )
#' t2i <- interpolateTrack(TCells[[2]], seq(bb[1,"t"],bb[2,"t"],length.out=100),"spline")
#' plot( tracks( t2i ), add=TRUE, col=2 )
interpolateTrack <- function( x, t, how="linear" ){
	if( how=="spline" ){
	pos.interpolated <- apply(x[,-1],2,function(p) f(x[,1], p, xout=t)$y) 
	r <- cbind( t, pos.interpolated )
	colnames(r) <- colnames(x)

#' @rdname tracks
tracks <- function( ... ){
	tlist <- lapply( list(...), data.matrix )
	if( !all( sapply( tlist , is.numeric ) ) ){
		stop("Track time/position information must be numeric!")
	tdims <- sapply( tlist, ncol )
	if( any( tdims < 2 ) ){
		stop("At least time and one spatial dimension are needed!")
	if( length(tlist) == 0 ){
		return( as.tracks(tlist) ) 
	if( length(tlist) > 0 &&
		diff( range( tdims ) ) > 0 ){
		stop("All tracks must have the same number of dimensions!")
	r <- tlist[[1]]
	if( ncol(r) <= 5 ){
		cls <- c("t",c("x","y","z")[seq_len(ncol(r)-1)])
		for( i in seq_along(tlist) ){
			colnames(tlist[[i]]) <- cls
	} else {
		cls <- c("t",paste0("x",seq_len(ncol(r)-1)))
		for( i in seq_along(tlist) ){
			colnames(tlist[[i]]) <- cls
	if( is.null(names(tlist)) ){
		names(tlist) <- seq_along(tlist)

#' Subsample Track by Constant Factor
#' Make tracks more coarse-grained by keeping only every \emph{k}th position.
#' @param x an input track or tracks object.
#' @param k a positive integer. Every \eqn{k}th position of each
#' input track is kept.
#' @seealso \code{interpolateTrack}, which can be used for more flexible track 
#' coarse-graining. 
#' @examples
#' ## Compare original and subsampled versions of the T cell tracks
#' plot( TCells, col=1 )
#' plot( subsample( TCells, 3 ), col=2, add=TRUE, pch.start=NULL )
subsample <- function( x, k=2 ){
	if( is.tracks(x) ){
		as.tracks( lapply( x, function(t) subsample(t,k) ) )
	} else {
jtextor/MotilityLab documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:13 a.m.