
Defines functions madFilter madFilterCoFunction peakMadCalc madVecCreation

Documented in madFilter

#' Median absolute deviation-based automatic filters for flowCore objects
#' This function is meant to create conservative, MAD-based filters for n-peaked
#' cytometry variables.
#' @param flowObj The fcs object to be filtered. Both flowFrames and flowSets
#' are accepted.
#' @param gateVar The variable that should be used to set the gate. Can either
#' be an integer or a string.
#' @param nMads The number of median absolute deviations that should be
#' included. These are calculated separately from each half of the peak, so
#' if applied on both sides, there can still be an assymetry present.
#' @param filterName The common name to the filter(s) created by the function.
#' Default is the name of the gate variable.
#' @param nGates The number of gates that should be produced
#' @param madSide Which side of the peak(s) should the MAD filter be applied to?
#' "low", "high", "both" and "none" supported.
#' @param nonMadFilter What filter should be applied on the possible non-mad
#' side? The three alternatives are:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{"deflection"}{Here, the gate is extended to the deflection point
#'    marking the start of the next peak.} "none" and "default".
#'    \item{"none"}{Here, all events are included}
#' }
#' It is worth noting that madSide overrides this argument.
#' @param adjust The value deciding the accuracy of the density calculation. The
#' higher the value, the lower the sensitivity for small aberrations in the
#' density.
#' @param returnSepFilter Should the gate be returned as a separate object?
#' Currently, this defaults to FALSE.
#' @return flowObject of the same class as flowObj with the gates added as
#' boolean variables to the exprs portions of the flowFrames.
#' @export madFilter
madFilter <- function(flowObj, gateVar = 1, nMads = 2, filterName = "default",
                      nGates = 1, madSide = "both", adjust = 2,
                      nonMadFilter = "deflection", returnSepFilter = FALSE){
    #First, the gateVar is converted to an integer, if specified as a string

    if(madSide == "none" && nonMadFilter == "none"){
        stop("With these settings, no filtering would be achieved")

    if(nGates > 1 && madSide != "both" && nonMadFilter == "none"){
        stop("The combination of multiple gates with no nonMadFilter would lead
             to overlapping gates")

        gateVar <- which(BiocGenerics::colnames(flowObj) == gateVar)

    if(filterName == "default"){
        filterName <- paste0(BiocGenerics::colnames(flowObj)[gateVar],

    if(class(flowObj) == "flowSet"){
        resultObj <- fsApply(flowObj, madFilterCoFunction,
                             gateVar = gateVar, nMads = nMads,
                             filterName = filterName,
                             nGates = nGates, madSide = madSide,
                             nonMadFilter = nonMadFilter,
                             adjust = adjust,
                             returnSepFilter = returnSepFilter)
    } else if(class(flowObj) == "flowFrame"){
        resultObj <- madFilterCoFunction(flowObj, gateVar = gateVar,
                                         nMads = nMads,
                                         filterName = filterName,
                                         nGates = nGates, madSide = madSide,
                                         nonMadFilter = nonMadFilter,
                                         adjust = adjust,
                                         returnSepFilter = returnSepFilter)
    } else {
        stop("The flowObj needs to be either a flowSet or a flowFrame")


madFilterCoFunction <- function(focusFrame, gateVar, nMads, filterName, nGates,
                                madSide, nonMadFilter, adjust, returnSepFilter){
    focusVar <- exprs(focusFrame[,gateVar])[,1]

    peakPlaces <- peakIdenti(focusVar, nPeaks = nGates,
                             adjust = adjust, returnStats = TRUE)

    lowMads <- as.list(rep(NA, length = length(peakPlaces[[1]])))
    highMads <- lowMads

    if(madSide == "both" || madSide == "low"){
        lowMads <- lapply(seq_along(peakPlaces[[1]]), function(x)
                peakMadCalc(focusVar[which(focusVar >= peakPlaces[[2]][[x]][1] &
                                               focusVar < peakPlaces[[1]][x])],
                            peakVal = peakPlaces[[1]][x])*nMads))

    if(madSide == "both" || madSide == "high"){
        highMads <- lapply(seq_along(peakPlaces[[1]]), function(x)
                peakMadCalc(focusVar[which(focusVar >= peakPlaces[[1]][x] &
                                               focusVar <
                            peakVal = peakPlaces[[1]][x])*nMads))

    #And now, the gates are created, according to the settings above
    gateVecList <- lapply(seq_along(peakPlaces[[1]]), function(x)
        madVecCreation(focusVar = focusVar, lowMad = lowMads[[x]],
        highMad = highMads[[x]], lowPeakEnd = peakPlaces[[2]][[x]][1],
        highPeakEnd = peakPlaces[[2]][[x]][2], madSide = madSide,
        nonMadFilter = nonMadFilter))

    if(length(peakPlaces[[1]]) > 1){
        gateVecMat <- do.call("cbind", gateVecList)

        colnames(gateVecMat) <-
            paste0(filterName, "_", seq_along(peakPlaces[[1]]))

    } else {
        gateVecMat <- matrix(unlist(gateVecList))
        colnames(gateVecMat) <- filterName

    #And finally, the gates are added as new variables to the flowFrame.
    focusFrame <- appendFFCols(focusFrame, gateVecMat)

peakMadCalc <- function(focusHalfPeak, peakVal){
    focusHalfPeakCent <- focusHalfPeak-peakVal
    focusPeak <- c(focusHalfPeakCent, focusHalfPeakCent*-1)



madVecCreation <- function(focusVar, lowMad, highMad, lowPeakEnd,
                           highPeakEnd, madSide, nonMadFilter){
    resultVar <- rep(0, times = length(focusVar))
    if(madSide == "both"){

        resultVar[which(focusVar >= lowMad & focusVar < highMad)] <- 1

    } else if(nonMadFilter == "deflection"){
      if(madSide == "low"){
        resultVar[which(focusVar >= lowMad & focusVar < highPeakEnd)] <- 1
        } else if(madSide == "high") {
          resultVar[which(focusVar >= lowPeakEnd & focusVar < highMad)] <- 1
          } else {
            resultVar[which(focusVar >= lowPeakEnd & focusVar < highPeakEnd)] <-
      } else {
        if(madSide == "low"){
            resultVar[which(focusVar >= lowMad)] <- 1
        } else if(madSide == "high") {
            resultVar[which(focusVar < highMad)] <- 1
jtheorell/theFlowSpec documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 3:33 a.m.