
Defines functions specMatCalc specCalc

Documented in specMatCalc

#' Calculating the matrix used for spectral unmixing
#' This algoritm takes a flowSet containing single-stained controls and
#' negative controls, including an autofluorescence control and estimates the
#' unmixing for all fluorescent variables.
#' @param compControls A flowSet containing all the single stained and
#' unstained files necessary to create an spectral unmixing matrix.
#' @param groupNames A character vector containing strings common to the groups
#' of non-autofluoresence compControls that could be present. If for example
#' all antibodies single stains are anti-mouse bead-based the dead cell marker
#' is stained PBMC, and the files congruently either have a prefix containing
#' "Bead" or "PBMC", then the vector should be c("Bead", "PBMC"). The system
#' is not case specific.
#' @param autoFluoName The sample name of the autofluorescence control.
#' @return A data frame with each row representing a fluorochrome or
#' or autofluorescence and each column representing a detector.
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics colnames ncol
#' @examples
#' # Load suitable compensation controls. NB! If these originate from different
#' #sample types, such as beads and PBMC, there should be a negative control for
#' #each group and the names should reflect this, so that all PBMC samples would
#' #be called PBMC_unstained, PBMC_DCM, etc.
#' data(compCtrls)
#' #If  the dataset contains cell controls, make sure that the cell population
#' #interest dominates FSC-A, as the data highest peak in this channel will be
#' #used.
#' # And run the function
#' specMat <- specMatCalc(compCtrls, groupNames = "Beads_", autoFluoName =
#' "PBMC_autofluo.fcs")
#' @export specMatCalc
specMatCalc <- function(compControls, groupNames, autoFluoName) {

    #The spectrum for each file is calculated

    specCalcMat <- fsApply(compControls, theFlowSpec:::specCalc)

    #Now, the samples are categorized into groups depending on their sample
    #type reflected in the names of the samples. If any samples are singlets,
    #then they are put to the side. The most likely reason for having one
    #singlet is that all compensation controls have been acquired with beads,
    #but that the autofluorescence control is unstained cells.

    singleStainGroupsList <- lapply(groupNames, function(x)
        return(specCalcMat[which(grepl(x, row.names(specCalcMat))),]))

    #Now, in each matrix in the list, the row with the lowest sum
    #is identified as the unstained
    negCtrlRows <- lapply(singleStainGroupsList,
                          function(x) which.min(rowSums(x)))

    #If the autoFluoName is not in the

    #Here, the subtractions are made
    rawSpecMatList <- lapply(seq_along(negCtrlRows), function(x) {
       localSpecMat <- apply(singleStainGroupsList[[x]], 1, function(y)

    #Here, the data is coerced into a matrix
    rawSpecMat <- do.call("cbind", rawSpecMatList)

    #Now, the unstained controls are removed
    specMatNoUnstain <- rawSpecMat[,-which(colSums(rawSpecMat) == 0)]

    #Here, the column names are cleaned up.
    specMatColNamesRaw1 <- colnames(specMatNoUnstain)
    specMatColNamesRaw2 <- gsub("|\\.fcs","", specMatColNamesRaw1)
    specMatColNames <- vector()
    for(i in  specMatColNamesRaw2){
        for(j in groupNames){
            if(grepl(j, i)){
                specMatColNames[i] <- gsub(paste0(j, "|"),"", i)

    colnames(specMatNoUnstain) <- specMatColNames

    #Now, the autofluorescence medians are added
    specMat <- cbind(specMatNoUnstain,
                       "Autofluo" = specCalcMat[autoFluoName,])

    specMatFrac <- t(apply(specMat, 2, function(x) x/max(x)))

    #And finally, all negative values resulting from minor errors in detection,
    #are removed.
    specMatFrac[which(specMatFrac < 0)] <- 0


specCalc <- function(flowFrame) {
    focusColNames <- BiocGenerics::colnames(flowFrame)

    #First, a gate is applied to FSC.A, to simplify work with cells
    fscVar <- which(grepl("FSC", focusColNames) &
                        grepl("A", focusColNames))

    fscGatedFrame <- madFilter(flowFrame, gateVar = fscVar, nMads = 1.5)
    fscFilteredFrame <- filterOut(fscGatedFrame,
                                  filterName = "FSC-A_auto_filter")[
                                      , seq(1, BiocGenerics::ncol(flowFrame))]

    #Now, a gate is applied to ssc, to clean up all files.
    sscVar <- which(grepl("SSC", focusColNames) &
                      grepl("A", focusColNames))

    sscGatedFrame <- madFilter(fscFilteredFrame, gateVar = sscVar, nMads = 1.5)
    sscFilteredFrame <- filterOut(sscGatedFrame,
                                  filterName = "SSC-A_auto_filter")[
                                      , seq(1, BiocGenerics::ncol(flowFrame))]

    #Here, all non-fluorescent channels are excluded
    fluoFrame <- sscFilteredFrame[,-which(grepl("ime", focusColNames) |
                                              grepl("SC", focusColNames))]
    #Then the median is calculated for all fluorescence channels on this
    #filtered population
    fluoColNames <- BiocGenerics::colnames(fluoFrame)

    rawMedVals <- vapply(fluoColNames, function(x)
        median(exprs(fluoFrame[,x])), 1)

    #Now, the highest peak is identified, and the data further gated on this
    #variable, to reduce the variance further
    maxMedVar <- which.max(rawMedVals)

    #This channel is now produced separately, to increase computational
    maxMedVarFrame <- fluoFrame[,maxMedVar]

    #And here, this channel is transformed for the madFilter to work correctly
    maxMedVarFrameTrans <- arcTrans(maxMedVarFrame,
                                    transNames = colnames(maxMedVarFrame),
                                    transCoFacs = 400)

    #Here, the data is gated
    maxGatedFrame <- madFilter(maxMedVarFrameTrans, gateVar = 1,
                               nMads = 1.5, returnSepFilter = TRUE)
    maxFilteredFrame <- fluoFrame[which(maxGatedFrame == 1),]

    #And finally, the median procedure is repeated for this final population
    resultMedVals <- vapply(fluoColNames, function(x)
        median(exprs(maxFilteredFrame[,x])), 1)

jtheorell/theFlowSpec documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 3:33 a.m.