
Defines functions turnDerGateCoFunction

#' @importFrom DepecheR dScale
#' @importFrom FNN knnx.index
#' @export turnDerGateCoFunction
turnDerGateCoFunction <- function(euclidFocus, gateMarker, gateVal, gateWeight,
                                  graphName, adjust, n) {
    # First, the area closest to the gate is exluded from the populations. This is
    # done by excluding not half of the events, but rather half of the x-axis area
    # that the population takes up.
    allNeg <- euclidFocus[euclidFocus[, gateMarker] < gateVal, ]
    allPos <- euclidFocus[euclidFocus[, gateMarker] >= gateVal, ]
    clearNegRange <- quantile(allNeg[, gateMarker], c(0.01, 0.99))
    clearPosRange <- quantile(allPos[, gateMarker], c(0.01, 0.99))
    clearNegBorder <- clearNegRange[1] + ((clearNegRange[2] - clearNegRange[1]) / 4) * 3
    clearPosBorder <- clearPosRange[1] + ((clearPosRange[2] - clearPosRange[1]) / 4)
    euclidFocus$GateResult <- "Unclear"
    euclidFocus$GateResult[euclidFocus[, gateMarker] < clearNegBorder] <- "neg"
    euclidFocus$GateResult[euclidFocus[, gateMarker] > clearPosBorder] <- "pos"

    if (nrow(euclidFocus[euclidFocus$GateResult == "neg", ]) > 50 &&
        nrow(euclidFocus[euclidFocus$GateResult == "pos", ]) > 50) {
        euclidScaled <- dScale(euclidFocus[-ncol(euclidFocus)])
        euclidScaled[, gateMarker] <- euclidScaled[, gateMarker] * gateWeight
        negPop <- euclidScaled[euclidFocus$GateResult == "neg", -ncol(euclidFocus)]
        posPop <- euclidScaled[euclidFocus$GateResult == "pos", -ncol(euclidFocus)]
        lowCent <- apply(negPop, 2, mean)
        highCent <- apply(posPop, 2, mean)
        centMat <- rbind(lowCent, highCent)
        neighbors <- knnx.index(centMat, euclidScaled, k = 1)[, 1]

    } else {
        neighbors <- rep(1, length.out = nrow(euclidFocus))
        neighbors[euclidFocus[, gateMarker] >= gateVal] <- 2

    negPop <- density(euclidFocus[neighbors == 1, gateMarker],
        from = min(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]),
        to = max(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]), adjust = adjust, n = n)
    # Here, all points outside the data range are excluded
    minNeg <- min(euclidFocus[neighbors == 1, gateMarker])
    maxNeg <- max(euclidFocus[neighbors == 1, gateMarker])
    negRangeX <- negPop$x[which(negPop$x >= minNeg & negPop$x <= maxNeg)]
    negY <- negPop$y[which(negPop$x >= minNeg & negPop$x <= maxNeg)]
    # Now, 0-values on the edges are added, to make the graph look right
    negRangeXFull <- c(negRangeX[1], negRangeX, negRangeX[length(negRangeX)])
    negYFull <- c(0, negY, 0)
    # Now, a constant is defined, that makes the size of the population accurate
    negConst <- length(euclidFocus[neighbors == 1, gateMarker]) / sum(negYFull)
    negYScaled <- negYFull * negConst

    # (negYFull/max(negYFull))*length(euclidFocus[euclidFocus$GateVal=="neg", gateMarker])

    posPop <- density(euclidFocus[neighbors == 2, gateMarker],
        from = min(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]),
        to = max(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]), adjust = adjust, n = n)
    # Here, all points outside the data range are excluded
    minpos <- min(euclidFocus[neighbors == 2, gateMarker])
    maxpos <- max(euclidFocus[neighbors == 2, gateMarker])
    posRangeX <- posPop$x[which(posPop$x >= minpos & posPop$x <= maxpos)]
    posY <- posPop$y[which(posPop$x >= minpos & posPop$x <= maxpos)]
    # Now, 0-values on the edges are added, to make the graph look right
    posRangeXFull <- c(posRangeX[1], posRangeX, posRangeX[length(posRangeX)])
    posYFull <- c(0, posY, 0)
    posConst <- length(euclidFocus[neighbors == 2, gateMarker]) / sum(posYFull)
    posYScaled <- posYFull * posConst

    fullPop <- density(euclidFocus[, gateMarker],
        from = min(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]),
        to = max(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]), adjust = adjust, n = n)
    # Here, all points outside the data range are excluded
    minFull <- min(euclidFocus[, gateMarker])
    maxFull <- max(euclidFocus[, gateMarker])
    fullRangeX <- fullPop$x[which(fullPop$x >= minFull & fullPop$x <= maxFull)]
    fullY <- fullPop$y[which(fullPop$x >= minFull & fullPop$x <= maxFull)]
    # Now, 0-values on the edges are added, to make the graph look right
    fullRangeXFull <- c(fullRangeX[1], fullRangeX, fullRangeX[length(fullRangeX)])
    fullYFull <- c(0, fullY, 0)
    fullConst <- length(euclidFocus[, gateMarker]) / sum(fullYFull)
    fullYScaled <- fullYFull * fullConst

    plot(c(0, max(c(negRangeXFull, posRangeXFull, fullRangeXFull))),
        c(0, max(c(negYScaled, posYScaled, fullYScaled))), main = "", col = "white")
    polygon(x = fullRangeXFull, y = fullYScaled, col = "white", border = "black", lty = 2,
        lwd = 2)
    polygon(x = negRangeXFull, y = negYScaled, col = "#0000FF55", border = "blue", lwd = 2)
    polygon(x = posRangeXFull, y = posYScaled, col = "#FF000055", border = "red", lwd = 2)
    abline(v = gateVal, col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2)


jtheorell/theFlowSpec documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 3:33 a.m.