
Defines functions plotGeneModel

Documented in plotGeneModel

#' @title Gene and mutation plotting
#' @description
#' \code{plotGeneModel} Given a gff file and snpeff annotated snp file,
#' plot the mutations pertaining to a specific gene.
#' @param gff The gff file, must contain the following column names:
#' chr, type, start, end, orientation, info
#' @param snpEffVCF The snpeff annotated vcf file, must contain the following column names:
#' CHR, POS, INFO, where info is the snpeff annotations
#' @param upstreamBuffer How many bp upstream should be plotted
#' @param downstreamBuffer How many bp downstream should be plotted
#' @param features2plot What gff elements should be plotted?
#' @param colors Colors for exon, 3'UTR and 5'UTR respectively
#' @param mutations2annotate Partial string matching for types of differences to annotate
#' @param pchMutation Shape of points that specify annotated sites
#' @param colMutation Color of points that specify annotated sites
#' @param windowSize Sliding window (for difference densities) window size
#' @param stepSize Sliding window step size
#' @param scaleBar If NULL, do not plot a scale bar, otherwise, specify the proportion of
#' total gene space that the scale bar covers
#' @param ... additional arguments, not currently in use.
#' @return a dataframe containing the annotated vcf file of Hal2 Fil2 differences
#' for the gene specified in geneID
#' @examples
#' library(hal2.fil2.compare)
#' data(gff)
#' data(snpEffVCF)
#' plotGeneModel(gff = gff, snpEffVCF = snpEffVCF,
#' geneID = "Pahal.C00786", windowSize=200, stepSize = 5)
#' @export

plotGeneModel<-function(gff, snpEffVCF, geneID, upstreamBuffer = 1000, downstreamBuffer = 500,
                        features2plot = c("exon","five_prime_UTR","three_prime_UTR"),
                        colors = c("steelblue3","lightsteelblue1","lightsteelblue1"),
                        mutations2annotate = c("missense","stop","start"),
                        pchMutation = c(2,8,8), colMutation = c("darkblue","darkred","green"),
                        orientation = NULL, windowSize = 100, stepSize=10,
                        scaleBar=.1, ...){
  gff <- gff[grep(geneID, gff$info), ]
  if (nrow(gff) == 0) 
    stop("geneID not found in the gff file\n")
  if (is.null(orientation)) {
    orientation <- ifelse(gff$orientation[1] == "+", "forward", 
  dir <- ifelse(orientation == "forward", 2, 1)
  vcf <- data.frame(snpEffVCF[grep(geneID, snpEffVCF$INFO), 
  if (nrow(vcf) == 0) 
    stop("geneID not found in the vcf file\n")
  gff <- gff[gff$type %in% features2plot, ]
  if (orientation == "forward") {
    xrange <- c(min(c(gff$start, gff$end)) - upstreamBuffer, 
                max(c(gff$start, gff$end)) + downstreamBuffer)
  else {
    xrange <- c(min(c(gff$start, gff$end)) - downstreamBuffer, 
                max(c(gff$start, gff$end)) + upstreamBuffer)
  par(mar = c(5, 6, 4, 2) + 0.1)
  plot(1, type = "n", xlim = xrange, ylim = c(0, 1.2), axes = F, 
       bty = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = NA)
  arrows(x0 = xrange[1], x1 = xrange[2], y0 = 1, y1 = 1, length = 0.1, 
         code = dir)
  features2plot <- features2plot[features2plot %in% gff$type]
  for (j in 1:length(features2plot)) {
    gff2 <- gff[gff$type == features2plot[j], ]
    for (i in 1:nrow(gff2)) {
      with(gff2[i, ], rect(xleft = min(start, end), xright = max(start, 
                                                                 end), ytop = 1.05, ybottom = 0.95, border = "dodgerblue4", 
                           col = colors[j]))
  if (sum(gff$type == "exon") > 1) {
    ex <- gff[gff$type == "exon", ]
    ex <- ex[order(ex$start), ]
    ex$ma <- apply(ex[, c("start", "end")], 1, max)
    ex$mi <- apply(ex[, c("start", "end")], 1, min)
    ex$sizes <- abs(ex$ma - ex$mi)
    start <- ex$mi[-1]
    end <- ex$ma[-nrow(ex)]
    mids <- (start - end)/2
    mids <- mids + end
    for (i in 1:length(mids)) {
      segments(x0 = end[i], x1 = mids[i], y0 = 1.05, y1 = 1.1, 
               col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1)
      segments(x0 = mids[i], x1 = start[i], y0 = 1.1, y1 = 1.05, 
               col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1)
  anns <- lapply(vcf$INFO, function(x) strsplit(x, ",", fixed = T)[[1]])
  annsC <- lapply(anns, function(x) {
    y <- x[grep(geneID, x)]
    if (length(y) > 1) {
      y <- y[!grepl("intergenic_region", y)]
      if (length(y) > 1) {
        y <- y[1]
  out <- data.frame(effect = unlist(annsC), t(sapply(annsC, 
                                                     function(x) strsplit(x, "|", fixed = T)[[1]][c(2, 3, 
  names(out)[2:4] <- c("rel.pos", "effect", "AA.change")
  out$AA.change <- gsub("p.", "", out$AA.change, fixed = F)
  out$AA.change <- gsub("\\d", "", out$AA.change)
  out$AA.change <- paste(substr(out$AA.change, 1, 3), substr(out$AA.change, 
                                                             4, 6), sep = "-")
  out$AA.change[!grepl("missense", out$rel.pos)] <- NA
  out$plotAnn <- out$AA.change
  out$color <- NA
  out$pch <- NA
  for (i in 1:length(mutations2annotate)) {
    mut <- mutations2annotate[i]
    if (!grepl("missense", mut)) {
      out$plotAnn[grepl(mut, out$rel.pos)] <- mut
    out$color[grepl(mut, out$rel.pos)] <- colMutation[i]
    out$pch[grepl(mut, out$rel.pos)] <- pchMutation[i]
  tp <- cbind(vcf[, -which(colnames(vcf) == "INFO")], out)
  tp <- tp[order(tp$POS), ]
  tp <- tp[tp$POS >= min(xrange) & tp$POS <= max(xrange), ]
    for (i in 1:nrow(tp)) {
      with(tp, segments(x0 = POS[i], x1 = POS[i], y0 = 1.01, 
                        y1 = 0.99, col = "orange", lwd = 1))
    wind = windowSize
    step = stepSize
    xs <- seq(from = xrange[1], to = xrange[2], by = step)
    sw <- sapply(xs, function(x) sum(abs(tp$POS - x) <= (wind/2)))
    sw <- ((sw/max(sw))/5)
    lines(xs, sw + 0.7)
    toan <- sapply(as.character(tp$rel.pos), function(x) any(sapply(mutations2annotate, 
                                                                    function(y) grepl(y, x))))
    if (sum(toan) > 0) {
      mtp <- tp[toan, ]
      with(mtp, points(x = POS, y = rep(0.5, length(POS)), 
                       pch = pch, col = color))
      with(mtp, text(x = POS, y = rep(0.3, length(POS)), labels = plotAnn, 
                     col = color, srt = 90, cex = 0.6, adj = c(0.5, 0.5)))
    if (!is.null(scaleBar)) {
      seg <- round(diff(xrange) * scaleBar, -2)
      beg <- min(gff$start)
      end <- beg + seg
      segments(x0 = beg, x1 = end, y0 = 1.11, y1 = 1.11)
      segments(x0 = beg, x1 = beg, y0 = 1.1, y1 = 1.12)
      segments(x0 = end, x1 = end, y0 = 1.1, y1 = 1.12)
      text(x = beg, y = 1.11, label = paste(seg, "bp"), adj = c(0, 
    axis(2, at = c(1, 0.7, 0.4), labels = c("gene model", "mut. density", 
                                            "mut. annot."), las = 2, line = -1, lwd = 0)
    title(main = paste(geneID, ": ", paste(gff$chr[1], "...", 
                                           min(gff$start), " - ", max(gff$end)), sep = ""))
jtlovell/hal2.fil2.compare documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:14 a.m.