#' @title Find the cM location of genes.
#' @description
#' \code{findGenecM} Using the physical position of genetic markers,
#' infer the mapping position of every gene.
#' @param cross The qtl cross object.
#' @param gff The .gff file containing information about each gene. This object must be of
#' standard format containing field described in details.
#' @param gffCols If the gff file does not follow the standard format, this vector
#' specifies the chr,feature, start, end, strand and attribute columns of the supplied gff-like file.
#' @param attributeParse Character vector of strings to drop from the first element of
#' the attribute column. Defaults to "ID=".
#' @param seqnameParse Character vector of strings in the seqname gff column to remove
#' to make the cross chromosome names match the gff seqname. Defaults to c("Chr","scaffold")
#' @param marker.info The qtlTools standard data.frame containing map and physiical position of
#' markers. See details. The base-pair positions of the markers must be known.
#' @param dropNonColinearMarkers logical, should markers that are not in the right bp order
#' be dropped?
#' @param verbose Logical, should updates be reported?
#' @param ... Not currently in use.
#' @details
#' standard gff fields are as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{seqname: name of the chromosome or scaffold}
#' \item{source: name of the program that generated this feature,
#' or the data source (database or project name)}
#' \item{feature: feature type name, e.g. Gene, Variation, Similarity
#' **Note** the term "Gene" must be present in this column}
#' \item{start: Start position of the feature,
#' with sequence numbering starting at 1.}
#' \item{end: End position of the feature,
#' with sequence numbering starting at 1.}
#' \item{score: A floating point value.}
#' \item{strand: defined as + (forward) or - (reverse)}
#' \item{frame: One of '0', '1' or '2'.
#' '0' indicates that the first base of the feature is the first base of a codon,
#' '1' that the second base is the first base of a codon, and so on..}
#' \item{attribute: A semicolon-separated list of tag-value pairs,
#' providing additional information about each feature.}
#' }
#' marker.info fields - names must match exactly. The first three fields can be
#' generated using qtlTools::pullMap(cross)
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{marker.name: Marker names (rownames from pull.map with as.table=T)}
#' \item{chr: the chromosome of the marker}
#' \item{pos: the mapping position of the marker}
#' \item{bp: the base-pair position of the marker}
#' }
#' @return The gff file, with three added columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"geneID"}{the parsed name of the attribute}
#' \item{"bp"}{the average base pair position}
#' \item{"pos"}{the inferred cM position}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(qtl)
#' library(qtlTools)
#' data(multitrait)
#' map<-pullMap(multitrait)
#' #simulate the bp positions of the markers with
#' #low recombination at the center of the chromosome
#' map$bp<-0
#' for(i in unique(map$chr)){
#' n<-sum(map$chr==i)
#' p<-sin((1:n/n)*pi)
#' map$bp[map$chr==i]<-cumsum(p*1000000)
#' }
#' #simulate a gff w/ 1000 genes
#' gff<-data.frame(chr = rep(paste0("scaffold_",1:5),each = 200),
#' feature = rep("gene",1000),
#' start = rep(seq(from = 0, to = max(map$bp), length = 200), 5),
#' end = rep(seq(from = 0, to = max(map$bp), length = 200))+1000,
#' strand = rep("+",1000),
#' attribute = paste0("gene",1:1000,";","gene",1:1000,".1"), stringsAsFactors=F)
#' test<-findGenecM(cross = multitrait, marker.info = map, gff = gff,
#' gffCols = c("chr","feature","start","end","strand","attribute"))
#' par(mfrow=c(3,2))
#' for(i in unique(map$chr)){
#' with(test[test$chr==i,], plot(pos,bp, col="grey"))
#' with(map[map$chr==i,], points(pos,bp, col=i, pch = 19, cex=.8))
#' }
#' }
#' @import qtl
#' @export
findGenecM<-function(cross, marker.info, gff, gffCols = NULL,
attributeParse = c("ID="),seqnameParse = c("Chr","scaffold_"),
dropNonColinearMarkers=TRUE, verbose = TRUE,...){
good<-unlist(lapply(unique(map$chr), function(x){
tc<-tmp[tmp$chr == x,]
bads<-c(bads, tc$ord[d])
return(map[tmp$ord %in% good,])
if(is.null(gffCols) & ncol(gff) != 9)
stop("gff file must be of standard format, see details")
if(!all(c("marker.name","chr","pos","bp") %in% colnames(marker.info)))
stop("marker.info must be of standard format, see details")
if(length(gffCols) != 6)
stop("if supplied, gffCols must be a vector length 6")
if(!all(gffCols %in% colnames(gff)))
stop("gffCols must be a vector that matches column names in the gff file")
gff<-data.frame(chr = gff[,gffCols[1]],
source = NA,
feature = gff[,gffCols[2]],
start = gff[,gffCols[3]],
end = gff[,gffCols[4]],
score = NA,
strand = gff[,gffCols[5]],
frame = NA,
attribute = gff[,gffCols[6]],
if(verbose) cat("parsing attributes column of gff file\n")
gff$geneID<-sapply(gff[,9], function(x) strsplit(x,";")[[1]][1])
for(i in attributeParse){
gff$geneID<-gsub(i,"",gff$geneID, fixed=T)
if(verbose) cat("culling chromosomes to those in the cross\n")
for(i in seqnameParse){
gff$chr<-gsub(i,"",gff$chr, fixed=T)
gff<-gff[gff$chr %in% as.character(chrnames(cross)),]
if(verbose) cat("inferring mapping position for:\n")
out<-lapply(unique(gff$chr), function(i){
if(verbose) cat("chr ",i, " (n. features = ", nrow(tgff),")\n", sep="")
tmap<-marker.info[marker.info$chr == i,]
outint<-lapply(2:nrow(tmap), function(j) {
gffbp<-tgff[tgff$bp >= min(bpcm$bp) &
tgff$bp < max(bpcm$bp),]
mod<-lm(pos~bp, data = bpcm)
gffbp$pos = predict(mod, newdata = gffbp)
outchr <- do.call(rbind, outint)
if(any(tgff$bp < min(tmap$bp))){
outlow <- tgff[tgff$bp < min(tmap$bp), ]
outlow$pos <- 0
outchr<-rbind(outlow, outchr)
if(any(tgff$bp > max(tmap$bp))){
outhi <- tgff[tgff$bp >= max(tmap$bp), ]
outhi$pos <- max(tmap$pos)
outchr<-rbind(outchr, outhi)
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