
#' Get an array of R values (generic)
#' This is just a simple method that generates a
#' range of values between Rmin and Rmax
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array
#' @family getR-methods
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Method to get an array of R values from a sensor
#' Takes in a sensor object and returns a vector of valid R values
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param by The "by" argument for seq.
#' Specifies intervals between subsequent R values
#' @param edgeBy A multiplier for the precision of values near the edges
#' In the range (Rmin, Rmin + by) and (Rmax - by, Rmax), the by argument
#' will be divided by edgeBy.
#' @return A numeric array between Rmin and Rmax
#' @family getR-methods
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.5)
#' getR(my_sensor, by = 0.1)
  definition =
    function(object, by = 0.01, edgeBy = 100) {
      origBy <- by
      minimum <- min(object@Rmin, object@Rmax)
      maximum <- max(object@Rmin, object@Rmax)
          from = minimum,
          to = minimum + origBy,
          by = origBy / edgeBy
          from = (minimum + (2 * origBy)),
          to = (maximum - (2 * origBy)),
          by = origBy
          from = maximum - origBy,
          to = maximum,
          by = origBy / edgeBy

#' Generic for the getFractionMax method
#' This method corresponds to finding the "OxD" in a redox sensor
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A generic function for getFractionMax
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the fraction of sensors in the state corresponding to "Rmax"
#' This method corresponds to finding the "OxD" in a redox sensor
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param R A single number or numeric vector corresponding to an
#' R between Rmin and Rmax
#' @return A single number of numeric vector of the fraction of sensors
#' in the maximum-emission state corresponding to the given R
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.5)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 1)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 3)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 5)
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      return((R - object@Rmin) /
        ((R - object@Rmin) + object@delta * (object@Rmax - R)))
#' Wrapper: Get the function that gets the biochemical property of this sensor
#' @param object A sensor-type object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A function that gets the biochemical property of this sensor
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the fraction of sensors in the state corresponding to "Rmax" (wrapper)
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A single number of numeric vector of the fraction of sensors
#' in the maximum-emission state corresponding to the given R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.5)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 1)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 3)
#' getFractionMax(my_sensor, R = 5)
  definition =
    function(object, ...) {
      getFractionMax(object, ...)

#' Get the redox potential (E) for a redox sensor (wrapper)
#' For a given redox sensor at a certain temperature, returns the
#' redox potential corresponding to a given ratio (R) value
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of E values
#' @export
#' @docType methods
  definition =
    function(object, ...) {
      getE(object, ...)

#' Get the pH of a pH sensor (wrapper)
#' For a given redox sensor at a certain temperature, returns the
#' redox potential corresponding to a given ratio (R) value
#' @param object A pHSensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of pH values
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, ...) {
      getpH(object, ...)

#' Get the redox potential (E) value (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of E values
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the redox potential (E) for a redox sensor
#' For a given redox sensor at a certain temperature, returns the
#' redox potential corresponding to a given ratio (R) value
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param R (Optional, defaults to getR(Object)
#' A numeric value (can be an array) of ratio values
#' @param temp The temperature, in Kelvin. Default is 295.15
#' @return A numeric array of E values
#' @export
  definition =
             R = getR(object),
             temp = 295.15) {
      return(object@e0 - (8.315 * temp) / (2 * 96.48104) *
          (object@delta *
            object@Rmax - object@delta * R) /
            (R - object@Rmin)

#' Get the pH value (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of pH values
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the pH of a pH sensor
#' For a given redox sensor at a certain temperature, returns the
#' redox potential corresponding to a given ratio (R) value
#' @param object A pHSensor object
#' @param R (Optional, defaults to getR(Object)
#' A numeric value (can be an array) of ratio values
#' @return A numeric array of pH values
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      pH(R = R, Rmin = object@Rmin, Rmax = object@Rmax, delta = object@delta,
         pKa = object@pKa)

#' Get the the derivative of the redox potential (dE/dR) (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of dE/dR values
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the derivative of the redox potential (dE/dR) for a redox sensor
#' For a given redox sensor at a certain temperature, returns the
#' derivative of the redox potential corresponding to a given ratio (R) value
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param R (Optional, defaults to getR(Object)
#' A numeric value (can be an array) of ratio values
#' @return A numeric array of dE/dR values
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      return((-12.71 * (object@Rmax - object@Rmin)) /
        ((R - object@Rmin) * (R - object@Rmax)))

#' Get the error, given a ratio value (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric error
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the error for a given sensor object at a given R
#' Each R will have a certain error, defined by the Error_Model parameter
#' That error in R will propagate when applied to the FUN function parameter
#' This method returns that error
#' @param object A redox sensor object
#' @param R A single numeric ratio value
#' @param Error_Model A function in the form Error_Model(R) to Error in R
#' @param ... Extra parameters applied to the FUN function
#' @return A numeric error
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R, Error_Model, ...) {
      R_error <- Error_Model(R)
      return(-1 * (8.315 * 295.15) / (2 * 96.48104) *
        log(((object@Rmax - R + R_error) * (R - object@Rmin)
        ) /
          ((R + R_error - object@Rmin) * (object@Rmax - R)

#' Get the error (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A numeric array of errors
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the error for a given sensor object
#' Each R will have a certain error, defined by the Error_Model parameter
#' That error in R will propagate when applied to the FUN function parameter
#' This method returns that error
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @param FUN A function that will be applied to R
#' @param Error_Model A function in the form Error_Model(R) --> Error in R
#' @param ... Extra parameters applied to the FUN function
#' @return A numeric array of errors
#' @export
  definition =
             R = getR(object),
             FUN = getProperty,
             ...) {
      # Apply the R value to the error model
      # Set an upper and lower R value based on the model
      # (ASSUMES: symmetry in error in ratio e.g. that the
      # true value of R between (R - error) and (R + error))
      R_error <- Error_Model(R)
      R_lower <- R + R_error
      R_upper <- R - R_error

      # Get the absolute difference in running the function between R and the R + error
      # If you get an NA value, your error is infinite
      property_error_higher <-
        suppressWarnings(FUN(object, R = R_upper, ...) - FUN(object, R = R, ...))
      property_error_higher[is.na(property_error_higher)] <-
      property_error_higher <-

      # Same thing, but with function between R and R - error
      property_error_lower <-
        suppressWarnings(FUN(object, R = R_lower, ...) - FUN(object, R = R, ...))
      property_error_lower[is.na(property_error_lower)] <-
      property_error_lower <- abs(property_error_lower)

      # Get the maximum error
      max_error <-
        pmax(property_error_lower, property_error_higher)


#' Get a table of the errors (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A dataframe of errors
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Get the error table for a given sensor object
#' Each R will have a certain error, defined by the Error_Model parameter
#' That error in R will propagate when applied to the FUN function parameter
#' This method returns (1) The input Rs (2) the error in Rs
#' (3) the results of the FUN function
#' parameter (4) the upper bound of the FUN function (5) the lower bound
#' of te fun function (6) the max absolute error for the FUN function
#' @param object A sensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @param FUN A function that will be applied to R
#' @param Error_Model A function in the form Error_Model(R) --> Error in R
#' @param ... Extra parameters applied to the FUN function
#' @return A dataframe of errors
#' @export
  definition =
             R = getR(object),
             FUN = getProperty,
             ...) {
      R_error <- Error_Model(R)

      # What are your bounds of R, based on the error?
      R_lower <- R - R_error
      R_upper <- R + R_error

      # Collect the values of your properties at the true R and the confidence bounds
      property_true <- FUN(object, R, ...)

      # If our upper_FUN larger than Rmax, you'll get an NA
      # So you can convert that NA to Inf
      property_tooHigh <-
        suppressWarnings(FUN(object, R_upper, ...))
      property_tooHigh[is.nan(property_tooHigh)] <- Inf

      property_tooLow <-
        suppressWarnings(FUN(object, R_lower, ...))
      property_tooLow[is.nan(property_tooLow)] <- Inf

      # Take the differences between the properties obtained with the R bounds
      # and the property obtain from the true R_individual value
      property_error_higher <-
        abs(property_tooHigh - property_true)
      property_error_higher[is.na(property_error_higher)] <-

      property_error_lower <-
        abs(property_tooLow - property_true)
      property_error_lower[is.na(property_error_lower)] <-

      # Get & append the maximum error
      property_error_max <-
        pmax(property_error_lower, property_error_higher)

          R = R,
          Error_R = R_error,
          FUN_true = property_true,
          upper_error = property_error_higher,
          lower_error = property_error_lower,
          max_abs_error = property_error_max

#' Plot the fraction of objects in the max state (generic)
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Plot the fraction of sensors in the max state
#' Creates a ggplot object that has the ratio R on the horizontal axis
#' and the fraction of sensors corresponding to the Rmax state on the vertical axis
#' @param object An sensor object
#' @param FUN A function in the form FUN(Sensor, R) --> Fraction in Max State
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
             FUN = getFractionMax,
             R = getR(object)) {
      R_Max <- data.frame(R = R, Max = FUN(object, R))

      plot <- ggplot(R_Max) +
        geom_line(aes(x = R, y = Max)) +
        xlab("R") +
        ylab("Fraction in Max State")


#' Plot the fraction of redox sensors in the max state
#' Creates a ggplot object that has the ratio R on the horizontal axis
#' and the fraction oxidizied on the vertical axis
#' @param object An redoxSensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      R_OXD <- data.frame(R = R, OXD = getFractionMax(object, R))

      plot <- ggplot(R_OXD) +
        geom_line(aes(x = R, y = OXD)) +
        xlab("R") +
        ylab("Fraction Oxidized (OXD)")


#' Plot the fraction of pH sensors in the max state
#' Creates a ggplot object that has the ratio R on the horizontal axis
#' and the fraction deprotenated on the vertical axis
#' @param object An pHSensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      R_deprot <- data.frame(
        R = R,
        deprot = getFractionMax(object, R)

      plot <- ggplot(R_deprot) +
        geom_line(aes(x = R, y = deprot)) +
        xlab("R") +
        ylab("Fraction Deprotenated")


#' Plot the property of an object
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Plot the fraction max of a generic
#' @param object An Sensor object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, ...) {
      plotFractionMax(object, ...)

#' Plot the E of a redoxSensor
#' Creates a ggplot object that has the ratio R on the horizontal axis
#' and the redox potential (E) on the vertical axis
#' @param object An redoxSensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      R_E <- data.frame(R = R, E = getE(object, R))

      plot <- ggplot(R_E) +
        geom_line(aes(x = R, y = E)) +
        xlab("R") +
        ylab("E_GSH (mV)")


#' Plot the fraction of pH of a pHSensor
#' Creates a ggplot object that has the ratio R on the horizontal axis
#' and the pH on the vertical axis
#' @param object An pHSensor object
#' @param R An array of numeric ratio values
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, R = getR(object)) {
      R_pH <- data.frame(R = R, pH = getpH(object, R))

      plot <- ggplot(R_pH) +
        geom_line(aes(x = R, y = pH)) +
        xlab("R") +


#' Find the error df of an object
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return An error dataframe
#' @noRd
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Finds the error df of this redox sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.02)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param Emin (optional, default: -400)  The minimum redox potential, in mV,
#' for which to record error
#' @param Emax (optional, default: -200) The maximum redox potential, in mV,
#' for which to record error
#' @param temp (optional, default: 295.15) the temperature (in Kelvin) at which measurements were made
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.01) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 275 and 275.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @return A dataframe of errors with columns:
#' 'Name': this sensor name
#' 'E': the redox potential (mV),
#' 'Rmin': the minimum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Rmax': the maximum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Error': the error in this redox potential (mV)
#' 'Inaccuracy': The inaccuracy of the measurements (relative to R).
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("redoxSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), e0 = -250)
#' error_df(my_sensor,
#'   inaccuracies = c(0.01, 0.02), Emin = -300, Emax = -200,
#' )
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.02), Emin = -400, Emax = -200,
             temp = 295.15, by = 0.01, name = "Sensor") {
        inaccuracies = inaccuracies, Emin = Emin, Emax = Emax,
        param_df = data.frame(
          Rmin = object@Rmin,
          Rmax = object@Rmax,
          delta = object@delta,
          name = name,
          e0 = object@e0
        by = by

#' Finds the error df of this pH sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A pHSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.01)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param pHmin (optional, default: 1)  The minimum pH
#' for which to record error
#' @param pHmax (optional, default: 14) The maximum pH
#' for which to record error
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.001) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 7 and 7.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @return A dataframe of errors with columns:
#' 'Name': this sensor name
#' 'pH': the pH,
#' 'Rmin': the minimum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Rmax': the maximum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Error': the error in this pH
#' 'Inaccuracy': The inaccuracy of the measurements (relative to R).
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("pHSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), pKa = 7)
#' error_df(my_sensor,
#'   inaccuracies = c(0.01, 0.02), pHmin = 1, pHmax = 14,
#' )
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.01), pHmin = 1, pHmax = 14,
             by = 0.001, name = "Sensor") {
        inaccuracies = inaccuracies, pHmin = pHmin, pHmax = pHmax,
        param_df = data.frame(
          Rmin = object@Rmin,
          Rmax = object@Rmax,
          delta = object@delta,
          name = name,
          pKa = object@pKa

#' Finds the error df of this ligand sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A ligandSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.01)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param pLigand_min (optional, default: 1)  The minimum pLigand
#' for which to record error
#' @param pLigandmax (optional, default: 14) The maximum pLigand
#' for which to record error
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.001) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 7 and 7.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @return A dataframe of errors with columns:
#' 'Name': this sensor name
#' 'pLigand': the pLigand,
#' 'Rmin': the minimum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Rmax': the maximum possible ratiometric fluorescence for this sensor
#' 'Error': the error in this pLigand
#' 'Inaccuracy': The inaccuracy of the measurements (relative to R).
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("ligandSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2),
#' pKd = 7, ligand_name = "NADPH")
#' error_df(my_sensor,
#'   inaccuracies = c(0.01, 0.02), pLigand_min = 1, pLigand_max = 14,
#' )
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.01), pLigand_min = 1, pLigand_max = 14,
             by = 0.001, name = "Sensor") {
        inaccuracies = inaccuracies, pLigand_min = pLigand_min, pLigand_max = pLigand_max,
        param_df = data.frame(
          Rmin = object@Rmin,
          Rmax = object@Rmax,
          delta = object@delta,
          name = name,
          pKd = object@pKd
        ligand_name = object@ligand_name

#' Find the ranges df of an object
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A ranges dataframe
#' @export
  def = function(object, ...) {

#' Finds the ranges df of this redox sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.02)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param Emin (optional, default: -400)  The minimum redox potential, in mV,
#' for which to record error
#' @param Emax (optional, default: -200) The maximum redox potential, in mV,
#' for which to record error
#' @param temp (optional, default: 295.15) the temperature (in Kelvin) at which measurements were made
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.01) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 275 and 275.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @param thresholds A vector of error thresholds (e.g. c(0.5, 1) for 0.5mV and 1mV)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum redox potential (mV) measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum redox potential (mV) measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row (mV)
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("redoxSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), e0 = -250)
#' ranges_df(my_sensor)
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.02), Emin = -400, Emax = -200,
             temp = 295.15, by = 0.01, name = "Sensor", thresholds = c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5)) {
        error_df = error_df(object,
          inaccuracies = inaccuracies,
          Emin = Emin, Emax = Emax,
          temp = temp, by = by, name = name
        thresholds = thresholds

#' Finds the ranges df of this pH sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A pHSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.02)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param pHmin (optional, default: 1)  The minimum pH
#' for which to record error
#' @param pHmax (optional, default: 14) The maximum pH
#' for which to record error
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.001) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 7 and 7.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @param thresholds A vector of error thresholds (e.g. c(0.5, 1) for 0.5 and 1)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum pH measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum pH measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("pHSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), pKa = 7)
#' ranges_df(my_sensor)
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.02), pHmin = 1, pHmax = 14,
             by = 0.001, name = "Sensor", thresholds = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)) {
        error_df = error_df(object,
                            inaccuracies = inaccuracies,
                            pHmin = pHmin, pHmax = pHmax,
                            by = by, name = name
        thresholds = thresholds, parameter = "pH"

#' Finds the ranges df of this ligand sensor at given inaccuracies
#' Adding this method on 31 May 2020, hoping this style will depreciate
#' getErrorTable in the future.
#' @param object A ligandSensor object
#' @param inaccuracies (optional, default: c(0.02)) A vector of inaccuracies
#' (e.g. 0.02 for 2\% error), always relative
#' @param pLigand_min (optional, default: 1)  The minimum pLigand
#' for which to record error
#' @param pLigand_max (optional, default: 14) The maximum pLigand
#' for which to record error
#' @param by (optional, default: 0.001) The granularity of the error table--e.g.,
#'  by = 0.01 would record 7 and 7.01, etc.
#' @param name (optional, default: "Sensor") A name for this sensor
#' @param thresholds A vector of error thresholds (e.g. c(0.5, 1) for 0.5 and 1)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum pLigand measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum pLigand measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("ligandSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2),
#' pKd = 7, ligand_name = "NADPH")
#' ranges_df(my_sensor)
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, inaccuracies = c(0.02), pLigand_min = 1, pLigand_max = 14,
             by = 0.001, name = "Sensor", thresholds = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)) {
        error_df = error_df(object,
                            inaccuracies = inaccuracies,
                            pLigand_min = pLigand_min, pLigand_max = pLigand_max,
                            by = by, name = name
        thresholds = thresholds, parameter = object@ligand_name

#' Make a rangeplot for this object
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @noRd
    def = function(object, ...) {

#' Make a plot of the suited ranges for this sensor
#' @param object A redoxSensor object
#' @param ranges (optional, default = ranges_df(object)) A ranges dataframe)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum redox potential (mV) measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum redox potential (mV) measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row (mV)
#' @param ylim The limits of the ranges plot
#' @param by the 'by' argument of the limits axis tick marks
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("redoxSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), e0 = -250)
#' rangePlot(my_sensor)
#' @export
    definition =
        function(object, ranges = ranges_df(object), ylim = c(-350, -150), by = 20) {
            plot_ranges_redox(ranges, ylim = ylim, by = by)

#' Make a plot of the suited ranges for this pHSensor
#' @param object A pHSensor object
#' @param ranges (optional, default = ranges_df(object)) A ranges dataframe)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum pH measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum pH measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row (mV)
#' @param ylim The limits of the ranges plot
#' @param by the 'by' argument of the limits axis tick marks
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("pHSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2), pKa = 7)
#' rangePlot(my_sensor)
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, ranges = ranges_df(object), ylim = c(1, 14), by = 1) {
      plot_ranges_pH(ranges, ylim = ylim, by = by)

#' Make a plot of the suited ranges for this ligandSensor
#' @param object A ligandSensor object
#' @param ranges (optional, default = ranges_df(object)) A ranges dataframe)
#' @return A dataframe of suited ranges with these columns:
#' 'Sensor_Name': the name of the sensor
#' 'Minimum': the minimum pLigand measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Maximum': the maximum pLigand measurable at the given inaccuracy
#' 'Inaccuracy': the inaccuracy associated with this row (relative)
#' 'error_thresh': the error threshold associated with this row (mV)
#' @param ylim The limits of the ranges plot
#' @param by the 'by' argument of the limits axis tick marks
#' @examples
#' my_sensor <- new("ligandSensor", new("Sensor", Rmin = 1, Rmax = 5, delta = 0.2),
#' pKd = 7, ligand_name = "NADPH")
#' rangePlot(my_sensor)
#' @export
  definition =
    function(object, ranges = ranges_df(object), ylim = c(1, 14), by = 1) {
      plot_ranges_pLigand(ranges, ylim = ylim, by = by,
                          ylab = paste0("p[", object@ligand_name, "]"))
julianstanley/SensorOverlord documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 2:29 p.m.