
##' @include gcomponent.R

## TODO: dates,, infinite scrolling, ...

##' gtable
##' @param items data frame to view. Columns with class 'Icon' are rendered as icons.
##' @param multiple If \code{TRUE}, then more than one row can be selected. See also \code{selection} where a checkbox can be provided to make a selection.
##' @param chosencol. By default, \code{svalue} returns this column
##' for the selected rows. The \code{drop=FALSE} argument may be
##' specified to return the rows.
##' @param selection one of 'single', 'multiple', or 'checkbox'. Defaults to choice of multiple. The 'checkbox' options gives intuitive checkboxes for selection.
##' @param col.widths A numeric value. Recycled to length given by
##' number of columns in \code{items}. The relative width
##' of each column.
##' @export
gtable <- function(items, multiple=FALSE, chosencol = 1,
                   handler=NULL, action=NULL,
                   container, ...,
                   width=NULL, height=NULL, ext.args=list(), store.args=list(),
                   selection=if(multiple) "multiple" else "single",      # also "checkbox"
                   paging=NULL,         # a number (pageSize) or NULL
                   col.widths=1,         # flex value for columns, recycled
                   buffer=100            # buffer for select calls
                   ) {

  obj <- new_item()
  class(obj) <- c("GTable", "GWidgetArrayProxy", "GWidget", "GComponent", class(obj))

  ## vals
  f <- tempfile(fileext=".data")
  if(!missing(items)) {
    if(any(grepl("\\.", names(items))))
      names(items) <- gsub("\\.", "_", names(items))
    write.table(items, file=f)

           properties=list(multiple=multiple, chosencol=1))

  ## js. Need both a store and a panel
  store_constructor <- shQuote("Ext.data.Store")
  oid <- o_id(obj)
  tpl <- '
  var {{{oid}}}_store = Ext.create({{{store_constructor}}},{{{store_args}}});
  {{{oid}}}_store.getTotalCount = function() {return {{{nrows}}} };

  store_args <- list(fields=make_fields(items), # problem if ncol=1?
                       extraParams=list(ID=I("ID"), obj=as.character(obj)),
                       url=make_url("proxy_call"), #"/custom/gw/proxy_call", # XXX

  store_args <- merge_list(store_args, store.args)
  nrows <- nrow(items)
  store_args <- list_to_object(store_args)


  ## panel
  constructor <- "Ext.grid.Panel"
  if(selection == "checkbox") {
    multiple <- NULL                    # no selection -> no multiple
    push_queue(whisker.render("var {{oid}}_sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');"))

  store_nm <- paste(oid, "store", sep="_")
  sel_model_nm <- paste(oid, "sm", sep="_")
  args <- list(store=I(store_nm),
               selModel= if(selection == "checkbox") I(sel_model_nm) else NULL,
               columns=make_columns(items, col.widths=col.widths),

  if(!is.null(paging))                  # add toolbar if paging
    args$dockedItems <- I(whisker.render("[{
        xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
        store: {{{store_nm}}},
        dock: 'bottom',
        displayInfo: true

  args <- merge_list(args, ext.args, add_dots(obj, ...))
  push_queue(write_ext_constructor(obj, constructor, args))
  ## add
  add(container, obj, ...)
  ## need transport
  addHandlerSelect(obj, function(...) {}, buffer=buffer) # transport
  ## handlers
  if(!missing(handler)) {
    addHandlerChanged(obj, handler, action=action)


## Make entry for each column. Customize cell renderer for things
## return pasted together columns object
make_columns <- function(items, col.widths=1) {
  f <- function(name="", x, width=1) {
    text <- name
    if(is(x, "Icon")) {
      text <- ""
      width <- 0
    l <- list(text=text, dataIndex=name, flex=width,
  out <- mapply(f, name=names(items), x=items, width=col.widths, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  I(sprintf("[%s]", paste(out, collapse=",")))

## return JavaScript array object with fields
make_fields <- function(items) {
  f <- function(nm, x) {
    l <- list(name=nm, type=field_type(x))
  out <- mapply(f, names(items), items, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  out <- c(list_to_object(list(name="row_id", type="int")), out)
  I(sprintf("[%s]", paste(out, collapse=",")))

## might be best to default to "auto" then use the cell renderer, as o/w
## ExtJS converts our values and NAs get coerced.
field_type <- function(x) UseMethod("field_type")
field_type.default <- function(x) "auto"
## field_type.integer <- function(x) "auto" # int
## field_type.numeric <- function(x) "auto" # float
## field_type.character <- function(x) "auto"
## field_type.factor <- function(x) "auto"
## field_type.logical <- function(x) "boolean"
## field_type.Date <- function(x) "date"

## ## this is for gdf with new records
## ## default value for field type
## default_value <- function(x) UseMethod("default_value")
## default_value.default <- function(x) "NA"
## default_value.numeric <- function(x) NA

## What to use to render this object. Might use something different for dates, ...
cell_renderer <- function(x) UseMethod("cell_renderer")
cell_renderer.default <- function(x) {
  tpl <- "function(value) {
var x = value == null ? 'NA' : Ext.String.format('{0}', value); return x;

cell_renderer.Icon <- function(x) {
  tpl <- "function(value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView) {
    metaData.style = 'background-repeat:no-repeat';
    return '<img src=\"static_file/images/' + value +  '.png\" />';

## write JS to load store
load_store <- function(obj) {
  tpl <- "
  {{{oid}}}_store.getTotalCount = function() {return {{{len}}} };
  {{{oid}}}_store.load({{#params}} {params:{{{params}}} } {{/params}});

  len <- sum(visible(obj))              # default is all TRUE for visible()
  oid <- o_id(obj)

## methods
gtable_delimiter <- "::--::" ## used with indices to sotre as string

##' svalue method
##' @rdname svalue
##' @method svalue GTable
##' @S3method svalue GTable
svalue.GTable <- function(obj, index=NULL, drop=NULL, ...) {
  ## get selected
  index <- index %||% FALSE
  drop <- drop %||% TRUE

  sel <- get_value(obj)
  ## split
  ind <- as.integer(strsplit(sel, gtable_delimiter)[[1]])

  if(index) {
  } else {
      obj[ind, get_property(obj, "chosencol"), drop=TRUE]
      obj[ind, , drop=FALSE]

##' assignment method for svalue
##' @method svalue<- GTable
##' @S3method svalue<- GTable
##' @rdname svalue_assign
"svalue<-.GTable" <- function(obj, index=NULL, ..., value) {
  ## we set by index
  index <- index %||% FALSE
  if(!index) {
    chosencol <- get_property(obj, "chosencol")
    value <- match(value, obj[, chosencol, drop=TRUE])

  val <- paste(value, collapse=gtable_delimiter)
  set_value(obj, val)

  set_value_js(obj, svalue(obj, index=TRUE))


clear_selection <- function(obj) {
  cmd <- sprintf("%s.getSelectionModel().deselectAll()", o_id(obj))

set_value_js.GTable <- function(obj, value) {
  ## value is vector of indices
  if(base:::length(value) == 0 ||
     (base:::length(value) == 1 && is.na(value)) ||
     value[1] <= 0) {
  ## else
  tpl <- "
  {{oid}}.getSelectionModel().selectRange({{start}},{{end}}, true);
  f <- function(start, end) {
    cmd <- whisker.render(tpl, list(oid=o_id(obj),
  ## should figure out runs to shorten this
  sapply(value, function(i) f(i,i))

## set values. We ignore i,j bit here
"[<-.GWidgetArrayProxy" <- function(x, i,j,..., value) {
  f <- get_vals(x, "items")
  write.table(value, file=f)

  vis <- visible(x)
  if(!is.null(vis) && length(vis) != nrow(value)) {
    vis <- rep(TRUE, length.out=nrow(value)) # all true if changing size
    update_property(x, "visible", vis)
  ## need to call load, update totalCount


## get values.
"[.GWidgetArrayProxy" <- function(x, i,j, ..., drop=TRUE) {
  f <- get_items(x)
  items <- read.table(f)

  items[i,j, ..., drop=drop]

## which rows are  visible
visible.GTable <- function(obj) {
  vis <- get_property(obj, "visible")
  if(is.null(vis) || !is.logical(vis))
    vis <- rep(TRUE, length.out=nrow(obj[]))

"visible<-.GTable" <- function(obj, value) {
  items <- obj[,]
  value <- rep(value, length.out=nrow(items))
  update_property(obj, "visible", as.logical(value))


dim.GTable <- function(x) dim(x[,])
length.GTable <- function(x) length(x[,])

## handlers

## we need to have this clear:
## Changed is to activate -- double click
## Select is single click and maps to svalue
## can't select when selection is NULL (but can infinite scroll)

before_handler.GTable <- function(obj, signal, params) {
  if(signal %in% c("selectionchange")) {
    ## XXX what to do?
    value <- paste(params$value, collapse=gtable_delimiter)
    set_value(obj, value)



##'  changed event
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerChanged GTable
##' @S3method addHandlerChanged GTable
addHandlerChanged.GTable <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) {
  addHandlerDoubleclick(obj, handler, action, ...) 

#$(ogWidget_4.getSelectionModel().getSelection()).each(function() {console.log(this.get("row_id"))})
##'  changed event
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerSelect GTable
##' @S3method addHandlerSelect GTable
addHandlerSelect.GTable <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) {
  addHandler(obj, "selectionchange", handler, action, ...,
             params="var params={value:selected.map(function(rec) {return(rec.get('row_id'))})}"

##'  changed event
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerClicked GTable
##' @S3method addHandlerClicked GTable
addHandlerClicked.GTable <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) {
  addHandler(obj, "cellclick", handler, action, ...,
             params="var params={row_index:rec.get('row_id'), column_index:cellIndex + 1}"

##'  changed event
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerDoubleclick GTable
##' @S3method addHandlerDoubleclick GTable
addHandlerDoubleclick.GTable <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) {
  add_handler(obj, "celldblclick", handler, action, ...,
              params="var params={row_index:rec.get('row_id'), column_index:cellIndex + 1}")

add_handler_column_clicked <- function(obj, ...) {
  add_handler(obj, "headerclick", handler, action, ...,
              params="var params = {column_index:columnIndex + 1};"

add_handler_column_double_click <- function(obj, ...) {
  add_handler(obj, "headerdblclick", handler, action, ...,
              params="var params = {column_index:columnIndex + 1};"

## item click param = {value:rec.get('row_id')};
jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:19 a.m.