
#' @import raster
#' @import MASS
#' @import spocc
#' @import rgeos
#' @import dplyr
#' @import sp
#' @import viridis

#' Pull Subspecies Occurrences
#' This function uses spocc::occ to query GBIF and other 
#' repositories for one species and N number of 
#' subspecies, specified by the user. Returns a list of 
#' occurrence record objects. 
#' Note: currently only tested for N=2 and N=3 subspecies. 
#' @param spp Genus and species to query, as string
#' @param subsppList Strings of subspecies to query
#' @param pointLimit Maximum point limit to return for each database -- see spocc::occ
#' @param dbToQuery List of databases to search through -- see spocc::occ 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
subspeciesOccQuery = function(spp="Phainopepla nitens",subsppList=c("nitens","lepida"),
                             pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet")) {
  ## this function uses spocc to query for one species and multiple subspecies
  print(paste("Getting Species: ",spp))
  sppOcc = spocc::occ(query=spp,limit=pointLimit,has_coords=T,from=dbToQuery)
  subSppListOcc = lapply(subsppList,function(x){
    print(paste("     Getting Subspecies: ",x))
    return(spocc::occ(query=paste(spp,x,sep=" "),
  names(subSppListOcc) = subsppList

  toReturn = list(sppOcc,subSppListOcc)
  names(toReturn) = c("unknown","labeled")


#' Convert Occurence Records to Labeled Dataframe
#' This function converts a labeled list of subspecies occurences 
#' into a dataframe of occurences, with a column for subspecies
#' It is called within labelSubspecies()
#' @param subsppOccList_object A list of subspecies occurences from subspeciesOccQuery() or similar
#' @param subsppOccList_name Names of the subspecies represented in subsppOccList_object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' sppLocLab = occ2df_subspeciesLabels(subsppOccList_object=listFromSubspeciesOcc[[1]],
#'         subsppOccList_name=names(listFromSubspeciesOcc)[1])
occ2df_subspeciesLabels = function(subsppOccList_object,subsppOccList_name){
  ## thus function turns an occ object into a dataframe with a column for subspecies
  ## TODO: make it optional to do the "unique" thing for future processing
  sppDf = data.frame(occ2df(subsppOccList_object))
  sppLoc = unique(na.omit(sppDf[,1:3]))
  sppLocLab = sppLoc
  sppLocLab$subspecies = subsppOccList_name

#' Convert Occurence List to Labeled Dataframe
#' This function converts a labeled list of subspecies occurences 
#' into a dataframe of occurences, with a column for subspecies, using occ2df_subspeciesLabels().
#' The latter function works only on a single subspecies whereas this function
#' performs the task for all subspecies in the list. 
#' @param subsppOccList A list of subspecies occurences from subspeciesOccQuery() or similar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' subsppNames = unique(labeledLoc$subspecies)
labelSubspecies = function(subsppOccList) {
  ## this function takes a list of three taxa and labels them with subspecies information
  ## TODO: turn this into a function to give multiple subspecies and return it
  sppOcc = subsppOccList[[1]]
  name_sppOcc = names(subsppOccList)[1]
  #print("Giving occ2df labels")
  sppLocLab = occ2df_subspeciesLabels(subsppOccList_object=sppOcc,subsppOccList_name=name_sppOcc)
  labeledOcc = subsppOccList[[2]]
  for(occ in 1:length(labeledOcc)){
    subsppLoc = occ2df_subspeciesLabels(subsppOccList_object=labeledOcc[[occ]],
    sppLocLab = rbind(sppLocLab,subsppLoc)

#' Generate Subspecies Density Maps 
#' This function uses 2D kernel density estimation to make a density raster
#' of points for each subspecies. It then removes all but the most
#' dense cells as definied by quantile. 
#' @param localities Labeled localities as generated from labelSubspecies() or subspeciesOccQuery()
#' @param quantile Quantile for density, below which points are removed. E.g., if set to 0.95, removes 95% least dense squares. 
#' @param xmin Minimum longitude extent to clip to
#' @param xmax Maximum longitude extent to clip to 
#' @param ymin Minimum latitute extent to clip to
#' @param ymax Maximum latitude extent to clip to
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' dens = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
subspeciesDensityMap = function(localities,quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,
                                xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50) {
  ## this function uses kernel density to make a raster that will then be used to filter
  ## the data to remove all but the 5% (or 1-quantile) most dense cells
  range = c( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) 
  ext = raster::extent(range)
  w1 = matrix(1,3,3)
  ## generate the two dimensional kernel density estimation
  density = MASS::kde2d(as.numeric(localities$longitude), as.numeric(localities$latitude), lims=range, n=50)
  ## convert to raster
  densRas = raster::raster(density)
  ## take the top percentile of the points, only the densest areas
  quan = quantile(densRas[densRas],quantile)
  densRas_trim = densRas
  densRas_trim[densRas_trim <= quan] = NA

#' Convert Density Maps to Polygons
#' This function converts density maps (or other raster files) to a polygon
#' @param densityMap Raster of densities from subspeciesDensityMap() or similar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
densityMapToPolygons = function(densityMap) {
  ## this function converts density maps to polygons
  ## will work on other kinds of polygons as well
  polygon = densityMap
  polygon[!] = 1
  polygon <- sp::disaggregate(raster::rasterToPolygons(polygon, fun=NULL, na.rm=T,dissolve=T))

#' Flag Bad Polygon Overlaps
#' This function takes two polygons representing subspecies ranges for Subspecies-A and Subspecies-B
#' and flags for removal intersections between the polygons. Called within polygonTrimmer()
#' Checks for intersections in two ways:
#' 1) Any polygon features that are completely subsumed within the other 
#' subspecies range are flagged for removal, e.g., if Subspecies-A feature is completely subsumed by 
#' Subspecies-B, then the Subspecies-A feature is flagged for removal in its entirety.
#' 2) Any intersections between polygons that do not comprise entire polygon features are flagged 
#' for removal such that the intersection is flagged for removal from the larger polygon, but
#' not the smaller polygon. If polygons are the same size, intersection is removed from both.
#' E.g., Subspecies-A has a larger range than Subspecies-B. An intersection between them is removed
#' only frm Subspecies-A. 
#' @param subsppPoly1 Polygon for first subspecies to compare
#' @param subsppPoly2 Polygon for second subspecies to compare
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_ful = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="fulvescens",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' dens_ful = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_ful,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
#' densPol_ful = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_ful)
#' polygonsToRemove = (flagPolygonOverlap(subsppPoly1=densPol_sin,
#'         subsppPoly2=densPol_ful))
#' sin_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppApoly_toremove
#' ful_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppBpoly_toremove
#' overlapToRemove_sin = polygonsToRemove$subsppA_intToRemove
#' overlapToRemove_ful = polygonsToRemove$subsppB_intToRemove
flagPolygonOverlap = function(subsppPoly1=polA,subsppPoly2=polB){
  ## this function checks for overlaps between polygons
  ## TODO: remove polygon if not touching another of same spp
  ## but also closer to polygon of other species
  ## there is a bug -- if one subspp range is entirely subsumed within another polygon, 
  ## will delete that subspecies. no bueno 
  badList_subsppA_features = c()
  badList_subsppB_features = c()
  overlapsToRemove_subsppA = c()
  overlapsToRemove_subsppB = c()
  for (feature_subsppA in range(1,length(subsppPoly1))){
    for(feature_subsppB in range(1,length(subsppPoly2))) {
      ## check areas 
      totArea1 = rgeos::gArea(subsppPoly1)
      totArea2 = rgeos::gArea(subsppPoly2)
      area1 = rgeos::gArea(subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,])
      area2 = rgeos::gArea(subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB,])
      # subsppPoly1$totalArea = totArea1
      # subsppPoly2$totalArea = totArea2
      # subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,]$featureArea = area1
      # subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB]$featureArea = area2
        testInt = rgeos::gIntersection(subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,],subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB,])
        #intersect = gIntersection(subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,],subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB,],byid=T)
          ## if they overlap
          testArea = rgeos::gArea(testInt)
          if(testArea > 0) {
            #print("OVERLAP AREA NOT ZERO")
            intersect = raster::intersect(subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,],subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB,])
            #intersect = gIntersection(subsppPoly1[feature_subsppA,],subsppPoly2[feature_subsppB,],byid=T)
            ## if they overlap
            area1percent = areaInt/totArea1
            area2percent = areaInt/totArea2 
            if (areaInt >= area1 || areaInt >= area2) {
              if (areaInt >= area1) {
                ## if the overlap entirely subsumes an area 
                ## check if the area is the entire subspecies range
                if (area1percent != 1){
                  ## remove the area 
                  #print("SUBSPP1 SUBSUMED")
                  badList_subsppA_features = c(badList_subsppA_features,feature_subsppA)
                ## TODO: change to check for density?

              if (areaInt >= area2) {
                ## if the overlap entirely subsumes an area 
                ## check if the area is the entire subspecies range
                if (area2percent != 1){
                  ## remove the area 
                  ## TODO: change to check for density?
                  #print("SUBSPP2 SUBSUMED")
                  badList_subsppB_features = c(badList_subsppB_features,feature_subsppB)
            else {
              #print("NOT SUBSUMED")
              if (area1percent <= area2percent) {
                #print("AREA1 IS LARGER")
                #print("remove area1")
                overlapsToRemove_subsppA = c(overlapsToRemove_subsppA,intersect)
              else if (area1percent >= area2percent) {
                #print("AREA2 IS LARGER")
                #print("remove area1")
                overlapsToRemove_subsppB = c(overlapsToRemove_subsppB,intersect)
  toReturn = list(subsppApoly_toremove = badList_subsppA_features,
                  subsppBpoly_toremove = badList_subsppB_features,
                  subsppA_intToRemove = overlapsToRemove_subsppA,
                  subsppB_intToRemove = overlapsToRemove_subsppB)

#' Check for Subspecies Contiguity
#' This function takes multiple subspecies ranges as polygons and checks whether 
#' 1) polygon features are adjacent to their own subspecies, and if not, 2)
#' whether polygon features are closer to their own subspecies than to another.
#' If a subspecies feature does not meet either criteria, it is eliminated. 
#' WARNING!!! Function is not working. Do not use. 
#' @param listOfPolygons List of subspecies range polygons. 
#' @export
#' @examples
closestPolygonFunction = function(listOfPolygons){
  ## TODO: is broken
  ##TODO: figure out how to do so that you check if polygons are between other polygons
  ## for now just remove if touching non-self boundary
  ## check each feature of each polygon
  newListPoly = listOfPolygons
  polyNames = names(newListPoly)
  for(subspp_i in 1:length(newListPoly)){
    if (polyNames[subspp_i]!="unknown"){
      wholePol = newListPoly[[subspp_i]]
      wholePol = sp::disaggregate(wholePol)
      if( length(wholePol) <= 1) {
        print("only one feature, skipping")
      else {
        wholePol$area = rgeos::gArea(wholePol,byid=T)
      ## sort features by size
      wholePol = wholePol[rev(order(wholePol$area)),] 
      for(features_j in 1:length(wholePol)){
        feat2check = wholePol[features_j,]
          ## if not the largest chunk, check if touching other chunks
          int = (rgeos::gIntersection(feat2check,wholePol[-features_j,]))
            ## diagonal is fine
            ## if not touching, check what polygon is shortest distance to
            polyListForCheck = newListPoly
            polyListForCheck[[subspp_i]] = wholePol[-features_j,]
            #polyListForCheck = polyListForCheck[names(polyListForCheck)!="unknown"]
            dists = sapply(1:length(polyListForCheck),function(i){
              x = ((rgeos::gDistance(feat2check,polyListForCheck[[i]])))
              names(x) = names(polyListForCheck)[[i]]
            dists[which(names(dists)=="unknown")] = 1e9
            print(paste("Testing ",names(polyListForCheck)[subspp_i]," against ",paste(names(which(dists==min(dists))),collapse=", "),sep=""))
            if (!(polyNames[subspp_i] %in% names(which(dists==min(dists))))){
              print("Closest is not same subspecies")
              if(min(dists) == 0){
                print("Touching other subspecies, removing")
                removed = wholePol[-features_j,]
                newListPoly[[subspp_i]] = removed

#' Remove Overlapping Polygons
#' This function takes polygon features flagged for removal from flagPolygonOverlap()
#' and removes them from the polygon. Called within polygonTrimmer().
#' @param polygon Polygon to remove flagged features from. 
#' @param idList List of flagged features to completely remove.
#' @param intList List of intersections to remove. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_ful = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="fulvescens",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' dens_ful = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_ful,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
#' densPol_ful = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_ful)
#' polygonsToRemove = (flagPolygonOverlap(subsppPoly1=densPol_sin,
#'         subsppPoly2=densPol_ful))
#' sin_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppApoly_toremove
#' ful_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppBpoly_toremove
#' overlapToRemove_sin = polygonsToRemove$subsppA_intToRemove
#' overlapToRemove_ful = polygonsToRemove$subsppB_intToRemove
#' sin_densityPolygon_trim = trimPolygonsByOverlap(polygon=densPol_sin,
#'         idList = sin_polygonsToRemove,intList=overlapToRemove_sin)
#' ful_densityPolygon_trim = trimPolygonsByOverlap(polygon=densPol_ful,
#'         idList = ful_polygonsToRemove,intList=overlapToRemove_ful)
trimPolygonsByOverlap = function(polygon,idList=NULL,intList=NULL) {
  ## function(polygon,idList=NULL,intList=NULL)
  ## it then removes polygons that are completely within another polygon as ID'd by flagPolygonOverlap()
  ## TODO: what about things that are in neither polygon?
  ## TODO: what about things that are in both?

  polytrim = polygon
      print("no overlaps to remove")
    else {
      for(int in 1:length(intList)){
        polytrim = rgeos::gDifference(polytrim,intList[[int]])
      print("removing differences from larger shapefile")
  else {
    polytrim = polygon[-idList,]
      print("removing subsumed polygons")
    else {
      for(int in 1:length(intList)){
        polytrim = rgeos::gDifference(polytrim,intList[[int]])
      print("removing subsumed polygons and differences from larger shape")

#' Polygon Trimmer 
#' This function takes a list of polygons as from densityMapToPolygons() or similar
#' and removes portions of the polygons as determined by flagPolygonOverlap() and
#' trimPolygonsByOverlap()
#' @param polygonList A list of polygons to check
#' @param namesList The subspecies (or other) names associated with polygon list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,
#'         dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_ful = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="fulvescens",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' dens_ful = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_ful,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
#' densPol_ful = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_ful)
#' densityPolygons = list(sinuatus=densPol_sin,fulvescens=densPol_ful)
#' densityPolygons_trim = polygonTrimmer(polygonList=densityPolygons,
#'         namesList=c("sinuatus","fulvescens"))
polygonTrimmer = function(polygonList,namesList) {
  newPolygonList = polygonList
  for(slotA in 1:length(namesList)){
    for(slotB in 1:length(namesList)){
      if(namesList[[slotA]]!="unknown" && namesList[[slotB]]!="unknown" && slotA!=slotB){
        #print(paste(slotA,slotB,sep=" "))
        print(paste(namesList[[slotA]],"with",namesList[[slotB]],sep=" "))
        polA = newPolygonList[[slotA]]
        polB = newPolygonList[[slotB]]
        #  plot(raster::intersect(polA,polB),add=T,lwd=1,border="black")
        polygonsToRemove = (flagPolygonOverlap(polA,polB))
        subsppA_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppApoly_toremove
        subsppB_polygonsToRemove = polygonsToRemove$subsppBpoly_toremove
        overlapToRemove_subsppA = polygonsToRemove$subsppA_intToRemove
        overlapToRemove_subsppB = polygonsToRemove$subsppB_intToRemove
        subsppA_densityPolygon_trim = trimPolygonsByOverlap(polygon=polA,
                                                            idList = subsppA_polygonsToRemove,
        subsppB_densityPolygon_trim = trimPolygonsByOverlap(polygon=polB,
                                                            idList = subsppB_polygonsToRemove,
        subsppA = namesList[[slotA]]
        subsppB = namesList[[slotB]]
        newPolygonList[[slotA]] = subsppA_densityPolygon_trim
        newPolygonList[[slotB]] = subsppB_densityPolygon_trim
        names(newPolygonList) = names(polygonList)

#' Point to Polygon Locator
#' This function takes a two polygons and a list of points
#' and determines whether the points fall within the polygons, then
#' adds a column for each polygon's name with a boolean of whether
#' the point overlaps.
#' @param test_points The points to check where they fall
#' @param polygonA The first polygon
#' @param polygonB The second polygon
#' @param setcoord Whether to set a coordinate reference system to the points and polygons
#' @param crs A coordinate reference system to assign to the polygons and the test points if setcoord = TRUE
#' @param nameA The (subspecies) name associated with the first polygon
#' @param nameB The (subspecies) name associated with the second polygon
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#'         subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_ful = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="fulvescens",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' dens_ful = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_ful,quantile=0.95,
#'         xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
#' densPol_ful = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_ful)
#' polyLocations = labeledLoc
#' polyLocations = locatePolygonPoints(test_points=polyLocations,polygonA=densPol_sin,
#'         polygonB=densPol_ful,crs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84",setcoord = TRUE,nameA="sinuatus",nameB="fulvescens")
locatePolygonPoints = function(test_points,polygonA,polygonB,crs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84",setcoord = TRUE,
                               nameA="A",nameB="B") {
  ## this function determines whether points overlap with polygon A, polygon B, neither, or both
  ## and then adds columns to label them
  pts = test_points
  pts$longitude = as.numeric(pts$longitude)
  pts$latitude = as.numeric(pts$latitude)
    sp::coordinates(pts) = ~longitude+latitude
    sp::proj4string(pts) = sp::CRS(crs)
    polygonA = sp::spTransform(polygonA,crs)
    polygonB = sp::spTransform(polygonB,crs)
  inpolygonA = test_points[which(!,polygonA))),]
  inpolygonB = test_points[which(!,polygonB))),]
  notInpolygonA = test_points[which(,polygonA))),]
  notInpolygonB = test_points[which(,polygonB))),]
  inBothPolygons = dplyr::intersect(inpolygonA,inpolygonB)
  inNeitherPolygon = dplyr::intersect(notInpolygonA,notInpolygonB)
  onlypolygonA = dplyr::intersect(inpolygonA,notInpolygonB)
  onlypolygonB = dplyr::intersect(inpolygonB,notInpolygonA)
  colnames(inBothPolygons) = colnames(test_points)
  colnames(inNeitherPolygon) = colnames(test_points)
  colnames(onlypolygonA) = colnames(test_points)
  colnames(onlypolygonB) = colnames(test_points)
  inBothPolygons_1 = cbind(inBothPolygons,
  inNeitherPolygon_1 = cbind(inNeitherPolygon,
  onlypolygonA_1 = cbind(onlypolygonA,
  onlypolygonB_1 = cbind(onlypolygonB,
  colnames(inBothPolygons_1) = c(colnames(inBothPolygons),nameA,nameB#,"assigned_subspecies"
  colnames(inNeitherPolygon_1) = c(colnames(inNeitherPolygon),nameA,nameB#,"assigned_subspecies"
  colnames(onlypolygonA_1) = c(colnames(onlypolygonA),nameA,nameB#,"assigned_subspecies"
  colnames(onlypolygonB_1) = c(colnames(onlypolygonB),nameA,nameB#,"assigned_subspecies"
  toReturn = rbind(inBothPolygons_1,inNeitherPolygon_1,

#' Check Subspecies Matches and Labels
#' This function takes the locations of points relative to polygons from locatePolygonPoints() or similar
#' and checks where points are assigned. Points that are in 1) no polygons, 2) multiple polygons, or 
#' 3) have a subspecies label that does not match their assignment are flagged as "suspect".
#' Any points that are in single polygons and either 1) were originally unlabeled or 2) have a subspecies 
#' label that matches their assignment are flagged as "good". 
#' @param locfile Points with subspecies assignments and boolean locations with respect to polygons.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",subsppList=c("sinuatus","peninsulae","fulvescens"),pointLimit=100,dbToQuery="gbif")
#' labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
#' locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_sin = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="sinuatus",]
#' locs_ful = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies=="fulvescens",]
#' dens_sin = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_sin,quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' dens_ful = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs_ful,quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50)
#' densPol_sin = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_sin)
#' densPol_ful = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens_ful)
#' polyLocations = labeledLoc
#' polyLocations = locatePolygonPoints(test_points=polyLocations,polygonA=densPol_sin,polygonB=densPol_ful,crs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84",setcoord = TRUE,nameA="sinuatus",nameB="fulvescens")
#' checked = subspeciesMatchChecker(locfile = polyLocations)
#' checked_suspect = checked$suspect
#' checked_good = checked$good
subspeciesMatchChecker = function(locfile=nitens_loc){
  subsppNames = names(locWithSubspecies[5:length(names(locWithSubspecies))])
  numSub = length(subsppNames)
  numPoints = length(rownames(locWithSubspecies))
  lastSubsppCol = length(colnames(locWithSubspecies)) 
  subsppAssignCol = locWithSubspecies[,5:length(colnames(locWithSubspecies))]
  subsppPriorCol = locWithSubspecies$subspecies
  locWithSubspecies$numSubsppGroups <- rowSums(subsppAssignCol, na.rm = TRUE)
  notassigned = locWithSubspecies[which(locWithSubspecies$numSubsppGroups==0),]
  multigroup = locWithSubspecies[which(locWithSubspecies$numSubsppGroups>1),]
  singlegroup = locWithSubspecies[which(locWithSubspecies$numSubsppGroup==1),]
  ## check whether mismatch between apriori and not 
  suspectpoints = rbind(multigroup,notassigned)
  goodpoints = data.frame()
  for(column in 5:lastSubsppCol){
    name = colnames(singlegroup)[column]
    assignedThat = singlegroup[singlegroup[,column]==1,]
    ## subspp should be unk or the subspp
    assignedThat$assigned = name
    okaynames = c("unknown",name)
    wrong1 = assignedThat[which(!(assignedThat$subspecies %in% okaynames)),]
    right1 = assignedThat[which(assignedThat$subspecies %in% okaynames),]
    notassignedThat = singlegroup[singlegroup[,column]==0,]
    wrong2 = notassignedThat[which(notassignedThat$subspecies == name),]
    right2 = notassignedThat[which(notassignedThat$subspecies != name),]
    suspectpoints = rbind(suspectpoints,wrong1)
    goodpoints = rbind(goodpoints,right1)

#' Species Occurrences to Subspecies Occurrences 
#' This function is a wrapper for the package and takes a species with a list of subspecies, and then
#' assigns points to subspecies. Points that have problems with assignment are listed as "suspect" 
#' and points without problems are listed as "good." Also returns polygons used to make subspecies
#' assignments.
#' @param spp Genus and species to query, as string
#' @param subsppList Strings of subspecies to query
#' @param pointLimit Maximum point limit to return for each database -- see spocc::occ
#' @param dbToQuery List of databases to search through -- see spocc::occ 
#' @param quantile Quantile for density, below which points are removed. E.g., if set to 0.95, removes 95% least dense squares. 
#' @param xmin Minimum longitude extent to clip rasters to
#' @param xmax Maximum longitude extent to clip rasters to 
#' @param ymin Minimum latitute extent to clip rasters to
#' @param ymax Maximum latitude extent to clip rasters to
#' @param plotIt Whether to generate plots
#' @param bgLayer A background layer for generating plots
#' @param outputDir What directory to output to 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Env = raster::stack(list.files(path='~/wc2-5/',pattern="\\.bil$",full.names=T))
#' ext = raster::extent(c(-125,-60,10,50))
#' Env = raster::crop(Env, ext)
#' bg = Env[[1]]
#' phainopeplaNitens = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp="Phainopepla nitens",
#'         subsppList=c("nitens","lepida"),
#'         pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#'         quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=T,bgLayer=bg,
#'         outputDir="~/project/")
#' suspect_occurrences = phainopeplaNitens$loc_suspect,
#' good_occurrences = phainopeplaNitens$loc_good,
#' subspecies_polygons = phainopeplaNitens$pol
databaseToAssignedSubspecies = function(spp,subsppList,pointLimit,dbToQuery,quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,
                               xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=F,bgLayer,outputDir,...) {
  ##TODO: give option to supplement these data with data from other sources 
  ## get the species and subspecies
  print("Downloading species occurrences")
  listFromSubspeciesOcc = subspeciesOccQuery(spp=spp,subsppList=subsppList,
  ## label the data by subspeces
  print("Labeling data by subspecies")
  labeledLoc = labelSubspecies(subsppOccList=listFromSubspeciesOcc)
  subsppNames = unique(labeledLoc$subspecies)
    png(paste("Labeled occurences",spp,".png"))
    plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=spp)
    legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(labeledLoc$subspecies)),pch=1,bty="n", col=as.factor(unique(labeledLoc$subspecies)))
  ## to reduce error take only subspecies within main density
  ## clean up the polygons so that if grouping way out in middle of nowhere, get rid of it
  ## remove points that fall within the other subspecies' polygon 
  ## and account for data being poor
  ## build the density of the points
  ## remove all but 95% (or quantile) most dense cells
  print("Building species kernel density maps")
  densityRasters = lapply(subsppNames,function(subspp){
    locs = labeledLoc[labeledLoc$subspecies==subspp,]
    dens = subspeciesDensityMap(localities=locs,quantile=quantile,xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax)
    names(dens) = subspp
  names(densityRasters) = subsppNames
  if (plotIt==T) {
    for(i in 1:length(densityRasters)){
      name = names(densityRasters)[[i]]
      png(paste("DensityRaster_",spp," ",name,".png",sep=""))
      plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("Density, subspp:",name))
  ## convert to polygons
  print("Converting density maps to polygons")
  densityPolygons = lapply(densityRasters,function(dens){
    densPol = densityMapToPolygons(densityMap=dens)
  if (plotIt==T) {
    for(i in 1:length(densityPolygons)){
      name = names(densityPolygons)[[i]]
      png(paste("RawDensityPolygon_",spp," ",name,".png",sep=""))
      plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("Polygon, subspp:",name))
      png(paste("RawDensityPolygon_",spp," ALL.png",sep=""))
      plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("Polygon, subspp:",name))
      cols = c("black","red","blue","green","cyan","magenta",
      for(i in 1:length(densityPolygons)){
        name = names(densityPolygons)[[i]]
      legend("top", legend=names(densityPolygons),bty="n",fill=rgb(0,0,0,0),

  ## check overlaps between polygons
  print("Checking Overlaps of Polygons and Removing Overlaps")
  ## remove polygons that are completely within other polygon
  ## TODO: what about things that are in neither polgon?
  ## TODO: what about things that are in both?
  ## there is a bug -- if one subspp range is entirely subsumed within another polygon, 
  ## will delete that subspecies. no bueno 
  densityPolygons_trim1 = polygonTrimmer(polygonList=densityPolygons,namesList=subsppNames)
  if (plotIt==T) {
    for(i in 1:length(densityPolygons_trim1)){
      name = names(densityPolygons_trim1)[[i]]
      png(paste("TrimDensityPolygon_",spp," ",name,".png",sep=""))
      plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("Polygon, subspp:",name))
    png(paste("TrimDensityPolygon_",spp," ALL.png",sep=""))
    plot(bgLayer, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("Polygon, subspp:",name))
    cols = c("black","red","blue","green","cyan","magenta",
    for(i in 1:length(densityPolygons_trim1)){
      name = names(densityPolygons_trim1)[[i]]
    legend("top", legend=names(densityPolygons_trim1),bty="n",fill=rgb(0,0,0,0),
  #densityPolygons_trim = closestPolygonFunction(listOfPolygons=densityPolygons_trim1)
  ##TODO: get the closestPolygonFunction working
  densityPolygons_trim = densityPolygons_trim1
  ## this isn't working!!!!!!
  ##TODO: figure out how to remove small polygons that are closer to other subspp than their own
  ## remove points that are in wrong polygon
  ## if labeled and in wrong polygon, unlabel
  ## label unlabeled points based on polygons
  print("Locating points relative to polygons")
  polyLocations = labeledLoc
  for(slotA in 1:length(subsppNames)){
    for(slotB in 1:length(subsppNames)){
      if(subsppNames[[slotA]]!="unknown" && subsppNames[[slotB]]!="unknown" && slotA!=slotB){
        polyLocations = locatePolygonPoints(test_points=polyLocations,
                                      setcoord = TRUE)

  colsToDelete = c()
  for(colNumA in 5:length(colnames(polyLocations))){
    for(colNumB in 6:length(colnames(polyLocations))){
      if(colNumA<colNumB) {
        print(paste("compare",colNumA,colNumB,sep=" "))
        print("identical, deleting")
        colsToDelete = c(colsToDelete,colNumB)
    print("is null cols")
    polyLocations = polyLocations[,-colsToDelete]
  ## TODO: see if you can label unlabeled points based on polygons or nearest neighbor
  ## or nearest neighbor 
  ## output the new data
  ## KNN algorithm, k nearest neighbors
  ## plot (optional)
  ## workflow
  ## go through data and look for instances where:
  ## something is assigned to multiple subspecies
  ## or subspecies assignment a priori does not match final
  ## TODO: consider putting this in the other script file
  checked = subspeciesMatchChecker(locfile = polyLocations)
  checked_suspect = checked$suspect
  checked_good = checked$good
  print("3 done")
  ## return nice clean data
  print("Warning: no valid definition for subspecies given!")

# Env = raster::stack(list.files(
#   path='/Users/kprovost/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/spatial_bioinformatics-master/ENM/wc2-5/',
#   pattern="\\.bil$",
#   full.names=T))
# ext = raster::extent(c(-125,-60,10,50))
# Env = raster::crop(Env, ext)
# bg = Env[[1]]

# phainopeplaNitens = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp="Phainopepla nitens",
#                                                  subsppList=c("nitens","lepida"),
#                                                  pointLimit=500,
#                                                  dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                 quantile=0.95,
#                                                 xmin=-125,
#                                                 xmax=-60,
#                                                 ymin=10,
#                                                 ymax=50,
#                                                 plotIt=T,
#                                                 bgLayer=bg,
#                                                 outputDir="/Users/kprovost/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")
# cardinalisSinuatus = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp="Cardinalis sinuatus",
#                                                   subsppList = c("sinuatus","fulvescens","peninsulae"),
#                                                 pointLimit=500,
#                                                 dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                 quantile=0.95,
#                                                 xmin=-125,
#                                                 xmax=-60,
#                                                 ymin=10,
#                                                 ymax=50,
#                                                 plotIt=T,
#                                                 bgLayer=bg,
#                                                 outputDir="/Users/kprovost/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")
kaiyaprovost/subsppLabelR documentation built on March 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.