
## kamil bojanczk start
#' Generate a standard set of header names for import data
#' @description Create a standard nameset from Sumobrain import data. 
#' See \code{\link{acars}} for the name set.
#' There are three main sources of free and exportable patent data from the internet: 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\href{www.sumobrain.com}{Sumobrain}}
#' \item{\href{www.lens.org}{The Lens}}
#' \item{\href{www.patents.google.com}{Google}}
#' }
#' These three popular sites have varying levels of exportable data available. 
#' Sumobrain tends to be the most comprehensive, followed by Lens, and finally 
#' by Google. Thus, all three have hardcoded data available in the \code{patentr} 
#' package. 
#' To download Sumobrain data, go to \url{http://www.sumobrain.com} and create a free
#' account. Then run your search, export the data (250 max at a time), and use the 
#' \code{\link{chooseFiles}} and \code{\link{importPatentData}} functions to load
#' the data into R. 
#' To download Lens data, go to \url{www.lens.org}. You do not need to create an 
#' account. Run your search, and in the header section, look for the cloud icon 
#' with a downward arrow. Choose the CSV option. 
#' To download Google patent data, visit \url{www.patents.google.com}, run 
#' your search, and click "Download (CSV)" in the upper left-hand corner. 
#' @param patentData A data frame. Default is NA.
#' @param columnsExpected An expected number of columns. 
#' Default is Sumobrain \code{\link{sumobrainColumns}} data.
#' @param cleanNames A standard list of clean names. Default is Sumobrain 
#' \code{\link{sumobrainNames}} data.
#' @return A data frame 11 columns wide, with standard column names used in other
#' functions. 
#' @examples
#' cleanData <- cleanHeaderNames(patentData = acars)
#' cleanDataLens <- cleanHeaderNames(patentData = acarsLens, 
#' columnsExpected = lensColumns, cleanNames = lensNames)
#' @export
#' @seealso \enumerate{
#' \item{\code{\link{sumobrainColumns}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{sumobrainNames}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{skipSumobrain}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{googleColumns}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{googleNames}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{skipGoogle}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{lensColumns}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{lensNames}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{skipLens}}}
#' }
cleanHeaderNames <- function(patentData = NA, columnsExpected = patentr::sumobrainColumns,
                                    cleanNames = patentr::sumobrainNames){
  # check to make sure dataframe is the appropriate width and the names 
  # fit the width
  if(is.data.frame(patentData) && dim(patentData)[2] == columnsExpected &&
    names(patentData) <- cleanNames
  } else {
    warning("Warning. Unexpected data in cleanHeaderNames. Check to make sure 
            columnsExpected and length(cleanNames) match.")

#' Extract the country code from a vector string of document numbers.
#' @description Extract the country code from a patent document number, which is the 
#' first two to four letters in a patent document number.
#' For example, if a patent number is US8880270, the country code is US. In rare
#' cases, we have more than two letters. Typical country codes are US (United States),
#' EP (Europe), JP (Japan), and WO (World, meaning a PCT application). 
#' @param docNum The character vector of document numbers. 
#' @return A character vector of the same length inputted, with 2-4 characters
#' representing the country code of the ptaent document.
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @examples 
#' # create a new column called countryCode in the acars data set
#' acars$countryCode <- extractCountryCode(acars$docNum)
#' head(acars[,c("docNum","countryCode")])
#' @export
extractCountryCode <- function(docNum) {
  # use the stringr package str_extract    
  stringr::str_extract(docNum, "^[A-Z]{0,4}")

#' Extract the numeric portion of the document (published) number.
#' @description Extract the numeric portion of the document number. 
#' This is useful for a number of processing applications, and thus is beneficial
#' to isolate from the entire publication number. 
#' @param docNum The character vector of document numbers. 
#' @return A character vector of same length inputted, with varying length. 
#' Typical lengths are 7 to 11 characters. Only numbers are returned. All other
#' characters are stripped. 
#' @examples 
#' acars$pubNum <- extractPubNumber(acars$docNum)
#' head(acars[,c("docNum","pubNum")]) 
#' @seealso \code{\link{createGoogleURL}}
#' @export
extractPubNumber <- function(docNum) {
  # may change to extractDocNumber for consistency
  # note that the doc number is the PUBLISHED doc number, hence, pubNum
  # WO applications come with backslash, remove it
  pubNum <- gsub('/','', docNum)
  # get rid of country code
  pubNum <-  gsub("^[A-Z]{0,4}",'',pubNum)
  # get rid of kind code
  # extra * at end because kind code can end in letter or letter + #
  pubNum <- gsub("*[A-Z][0-9]*$",'', pubNum)

#' Extract the kind code, if available, from the publication number.
#' @description Extracts the kind code, a one-to-two character code with a letter and 
#' typically a number, if found in the document (published) number. 
#' @param docNum The character vector of document numbers. 
#' @return A character vector of kind codes. If none found, a blank character is returned.
#' @examples 
#' acars$kindCode <- extractKindCode(acars$docNum)
#' head(acars[,c("docNum","kindCode")]) 
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @export
extractKindCode <- function(docNum) {
  # get a letter and a number at the end of a string
  kindCode <- stringr::str_extract(docNum, "[A-Z][0-9]{0,1}$")
  # and remove the NA values
  kindCode[is.na(kindCode)] <- ''

#' Get a code for length of doc and country code
#' @description Generate a custom concatenation of country code and length of 
#' the publication number, for document type identification purposes. 
#' Given limited metadata available on free sites, often times the downloaded
#' data set does not include the type of patent document. There are two easy ways to 
#' discover the type of a patent document. A dictionary stored with the 
#' package can compare the output to match up the type of patent document. 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item The kind code, if present, is typically the same for each country.
#' \code{B} is usually a patent and \code{A} is usually an application.
#' \item The length of the publication number, along with the country code, is 
#' another great indicator. Applications in USA have 11 numbers, and, for now,
#' 9 numbers for granted patents.
#' }
#' @param countryCode A string vector of country codes
#' @param pubNum A string vector of the numeric portion of a publication number.
#' @return A string vector of concatenated country code and publication number 
#' length, such as US11 or EP9. 
#' @examples 
#' acars$pubNum <- extractPubNumber(acars$docNum)
#' acars$countryCode <- extractCountryCode(acars$docNum)
#' acars$officeDocLength <- extractDocLength(countryCode = acars$countryCode,
#' pubNum = acars$pubNum)
#' head(acars[,c("officeDocLength","docNum")])
#' @export
extractDocLength <- function(countryCode, pubNum) {
  # make a concat of length of document and country code to figure out
  # what type of document it is, in general (patent, app, reissue, or design)
  officeLength <- paste(countryCode, nchar(pubNum),sep='')

#' Format patent dates.
#' @description Create a clean year, month, day date.
#' Reading data in and aout of R may cause date mistakes, using a simple set
#' function will ensure data types are the right format and class type. This 
#' data format is cleaned up to be in the format yyyy-mm-dd with no hours,
#' minutes, seconds, or time zone attached. 
#' @param dateVector A vector of character dates.
#' @param orders The orders the dates appear in. 
#' Sumobrain is "ymd" and Lens.org and Google data are "mdy". Hardcoded values include 
#' \code{\link{googleDateOrder}},\code{\link{lensDateOrder}}, 
#' and \code{\link{sumobrainDateOrder}}.
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
#' @return A date vector of year, month, day dates. 
#' @examples 
#' acars$pubDate <- extractCleanDate(dateVector = acars$pubDate, orders = "ymd")
#' @export
extractCleanDate <- function(dateVector, orders="ymd"){
  # use lubridate to ensure all dates are proper
  # get the order and then get rid of the UTC by
  # converting it with as.Date
  as.Date(lubridate::parse_date_time(dateVector, orders=orders))

#' View all your duplicate entries to decide which to remove
#' @description Return a logical vector of all duplicate entries. 
#' Often times, you want to review your duplicate results to determine which 
#' rows you want to keep and which you want to erase. 
#' For example, if you have 
#' an application number that is an application, and another that is a search report, 
#' then you will want to keep the application data and remove the search report 
#' entry. 
#' Or, if you have an application number that has both a grant and an 
#' application entry, you may want to remove the application from your analysis 
#' and focus on the grant data, as the claim scope is most important for the 
#' granted patent. 
#' @param input A vector or a data frame which you wish to view duplicated values. 
#' @return A logical vector of TRUE / FALSE with all entries that contain two 
#' or more duplicate values. 
#' @examples 
#' acarsDups <- acars[showDups(acars$appNum),]
#' head(acarsDups[order(acarsDups$appNum),c("docNum","docTypeSumobrain","appNum")])
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{duplicated}}, \code{\link{removeDups}}
showDups <- function(input){
  # return all dups
  duplicated(input) | duplicated(input, fromLast=T)  

#' Remove duplicate entries in a patent data set 
#' @description Remove duplicate values in the patent data. Typically you will 
#' want to check if you have repeat document numbers. A document number should be 
#' a unique number in your dataset, thus, having a duplicate document number in your 
#' data set should be avoided. You can optionally specify which document type to keep.
#' Often times, your data sets contain duplicate patent entries. This function is 
#' a wrapper function of the \code{\link[base]{duplicated}} function, 
#' applied to a dataframe or vector. 
#' For example, if you have the vector [US123, US123, US456], you will get the value 
#' TRUE FALSE TRUE and the duplicate value is removed. 
#' You can go deeper with the optional variables. For many analyses, we want to exclude the 
#' second document, typically the application. This function allows you to choose 
#' which document type to keep and the rest get thrown out.
#' @param input A vector or a data frame which you wish to remove duplicate values. 
#' When choosing a data frame, you are more selective. For example, you may want to 
#' remove a patent document only if it has the same docNum and country code. 
#' @param hasDup A logical vector noting if a duplicate exists. If NA, ignore. The 
#' \code{\link{showDups}} funciton helps with this input.
#' @param docType A character vector of the type of patent document (app, grant, etc.). 
#' If NA, ignore.
#' @param keepType A character variable denoting which document type to keep. Default is "grant". 
#' If NA, ignore.
#' @return A logical vector used to remove duplicate documents not fitting the one 
#' chosen. TRUE is for the document to keep.
#' @examples 
#' # simple removal: see how many rows were removed
#' dim(acars) - dim(acars[removeDups(acars$appNum),])
#' # specific removal: keep the grant docs
#' hasDup <- showDups(acars$appNum)
#' pubNum <- extractPubNumber(acars$docNum)
#' countryCode <- extractCountryCode(acars$docNum)
#' officeDocLength <- extractDocLength(countryCode = countryCode, pubNum = pubNum)
#' kindCode <- extractKindCode(acars$docNum)
#' countryAndKindCode <- paste0(countryCode, kindCode)
#' docType <- generateDocType(officeDocLength = officeDocLength, 
#' countryAndKindCode = countryAndKindCode, 
#' cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict, 
#' docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict)
#' keepType <- "grant"
#' toKeep <- removeDups(acars$appNum, hasDup = hasDup, docType = docType, keepType = keepType)
#' table(toKeep)
#' acarsDedup <- acars[toKeep, ]
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{duplicated}}, \code{\link{showDups}}
removeDups <- function(input, hasDup = NA, docType = NA, keepType = "grant"){
  # simple return
  if(is.na(hasDup) && is.na(docType) && is.na(keepType)){
    # Note: this is unordered and you may have remove the rows 
    # where other column values have data missing, such as the abstract. 
    # return all the unique doc numbers
    # or if there are any with 2 or greater, cut those out
    dupsVector <- duplicated(input)
    if (sum(dupsVector) >0){
        print(paste("Removing",sum(dupsVector), "duplicates."))
      } else{
        print("No duplicates found.")
    # choose the type of document to keep, typically "grant"
  } else if(!is.na(hasDup) && !is.na(docType) && !is.na(keepType)){
      # note: potentially, if there are two of the same keepTypes, you may need 
      # to run a simple removeDups on the docNum input one more time 
      return(ifelse(test = hasDup == FALSE | (hasDup==TRUE & docType == keepType), 
                    yes = TRUE, 
                    no = FALSE)
    # catch all
  } else{
      # return back all TRUES
      warning("Arguments error. Either choose a simple input, or fill out all other argument fields.
              Returning All TRUEs back to you if your input is a vector or data frame, else, error.")
      # note if user put in something non-vector or non-data frame, this throws an error
      return(ifelse(test = is.vector(input),
                    yes = rep(TRUE,length(input)), 
                    no = rep(TRUE,dim(input)[1])))


#' Determine the patent document type
#' @description Determine the type of document from the patent publication data. 
#' Often times, data exports from publicly available sources do not provide the 
#' type of patent document, or, if provided, still requires standardization. By 
#' using the kind code, country code, and pre-developed dictionaries for doc length 
#' and country code, you can get a great approximation of the types of documents. 
#' Note that you can use View(lens[lens$docType=="NA",]) to view the not-found 
#' document types. Often times, these are small countries. You can add to the 
#' \code{\link{cakcDict}} to fix these. They are also useful to ignore if you 
#' only want to focus on the larger countries, which are all covered. 
#' @param officeDocLength The concat value of country code and number of numerical digits. 
#' Extracted using the \code{\link{extractDocLength}} function.
#' @param countryAndKindCode The concat value of the country code and kind code. 
#' Extracted using the \code{\link{extractCountryCode}} and \code{\link{extractKindCode}} 
#' functions. 
#' @param cakcDict A county and kind code dictionary. Default is \code{\link{cakcDict}}.
#' @param docLengthTypesDict A document length and type dictionary. Default is \code{\link{docLengthTypesDict}}.
#' @examples 
#' acars <- acars
#' acars$pubNum <- extractPubNumber(acars$docNum) # pubnum, ex ####
#' acars$countryCode <- extractCountryCode(acars$docNum) # country code, ex USAPP, USD
#' acars$officeDocLength <- extractDocLength(countryCode = acars$countryCode, 
#'                                          pubNum = acars$pubNum) # cc + pub num length concat
#' acars$kindCode <- extractKindCode(acars$docNum)
#' acars$countryAndKindCode <- with(acars, paste0(countryCode, kindCode))
#' acars$docType <- generateDocType(officeDocLength = acars$officeDocLength,
#'                             countryAndKindCode = acars$countryAndKindCode,
#'                             cakcDict = cakcDict,
#'                             docLengthTypesDict = docLengthTypesDict)
#' table(acars$docType)
#' @return A vector of characters labeling the document type, with NA for when 
#' no match was found.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{cakcDict}}, \code{\link{docLengthTypesDict}}
generateDocType <- function(officeDocLength, countryAndKindCode, 
                            cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict, 
                            docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict){

  # map it 
  docTypeDLT <- docLengthTypesDict[officeDocLength]
  docTypeCAKC <- cakcDict[countryAndKindCode]
  # replace NA values
  docTypeCAKC <- ifelse(is.na(docTypeCAKC),"NA",docTypeCAKC)
  docTypeDLT <- ifelse(is.na(docTypeDLT), "NA",docTypeDLT)
  # prioritize docTypeCAKC as it is a more comprehensive list
  # else, default on docTypeDLT
  docType <- ifelse(docTypeCAKC!="NA", docTypeCAKC, docTypeDLT)
  foundValue <- sum(officeDocLength %in% names(docLengthTypesDict) | 
                      countryAndKindCode %in% names(cakcDict))

  # warn user if not everything is fine
  if (foundValue < length(officeDocLength)) { 
    warning("In generateDocType, not all values were found. ",
            length(officeDocLength)-foundValue," Values will be NA. 
            Use View(myDataFrame[myDataFrame$docType=='NA',]) to look
            at the NA values.")}

  # view what is not equal to inspect what they are, probably WO reports
  # notequal <- acars[!(docTypeCAKC == docTypeDLT) & 
  # docTypeCAKC != "NA" & docTypeDLT != "NA", c(1,2,14, 16)]
  # head(notequal)


#' Clean up string names. 
#' @description Quick cleanup of characters in a string, 
#' typically assignee (company names) and the inventors. 
#' If you have issues with this, you may need to convert to UTF-8 or ASCII.
#' Use the \code{iconv(thisVector, to="UTF-8")} or \code{to="ASCII"} and it should 
#' fix the problem. See the examples for the code.
#' This function: 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{Removes values between spaces, such as (US)}
#' \item{Changes all names to lower case}
#' }
#' @param rawNames The character vector you want to clean up
#' @param firstAssigneeOnly A logical value, default set to TRUE, keeping only the first 
#' assignee if multiple exist. 
#' @param sep The separating character for multiple assignees, default set to semi-colon.
#' @param removeStopWords Logical default TRUE, if want to remove common company stopwords 
#' found in the \code{stopWords} parameter. 
#' @param stopWords An optional character vector of words you want to remove. Default to 
#' \code{\link{assigneeStopWords}}.
#' @return A character vector of cleaned up character names. 
#' @examples
#' assigneeNames <- cleanNames(acars$assignee)
#' # get a feel for the less-messy data
#' head(sort(table(assigneeNames), decreasing = TRUE))
#' # for a messier example, note you need to convert to ASCII/UTF-8 to get rid of errors
#' # associated with tolower
#' rawGoogleData <- system.file("extdata", "google_autonomous_search.csv", package = "patentr")
#' rawGoogleData <- read.csv(rawGoogleData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = patentr::skipGoogle)
#' rawGoogleData <- data.frame(lapply(rawGoogleData, 
#' function(x){iconv(x, to = "ASCII")}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' assigneeClean <- cleanNames(rawGoogleData$assignee)
#' head(sort(table(assigneeClean), decreasing = TRUE))
#' @export
cleanNames <- function(rawNames, firstAssigneeOnly = TRUE, sep = ";",
                       removeStopWords = TRUE,
                       stopWords = patentr::assigneeStopWords){
  rawNames <- tolower(rawNames)
  rawNames <- gsub("*\\(.*?\\) *", "", rawNames) # parentheses expressions
  # custom sep
  if (firstAssigneeOnly) {rawNames <- gsub(paste0("*",sep,".*"),"", rawNames) }
  # remove commas, periods, and single quote '
  # note, a stronger removal is gsub("[[:punct:]]","", rawNames)
  rawNames <- gsub(",*\\.*\\'*","", rawNames)
  if(removeStopWords) {
    # https://regex101.com/r/fM7uA5/3 test here
    stopWordsString <- paste0("",stopWords,"+$| ",stopWords," |",collapse="")
    rawNames <- gsub(stopWordsString,"", rawNames)
  rawNames <- trimws(rawNames) # whitespace 
  rawNames[is.na(rawNames)] <- "NA" # replace NA with string val

## kamil bojanczk end
## yang yao start
#' Generate a clean data set from the imported raw data. 
#' @description Generate a clean data set from the imported raw data set. The 
#' data available dictates the number of columns of attributes that can be 
#' generated.
#' Sumobrain, Lens.org, and Google Patents have varying levels of data available. 
#' If you import your own data, be sure to adhere to the template format, or 
#' read carefully to create your own. 
#' @param patentData The data frame of initial raw patent data. 
#' @param columnsExpected The expected width of the data frame, numeric.
#' @param cleanNames A character vector of length columnsExpected to rename the 
#' data frame with.
#' @param dateFields A character vector of the date column names which will be 
#' converted to `Date` format.
#' @param dateOrders A character string of the format required to convert string 
#' data into `Date` data. Sumobrain is "ymd" and lens and Google data are "mdy".
#' Hardcoded values include \code{\link{googleDateOrder}},\code{\link{lensDateOrder}}, 
#' and \code{\link{sumobrainDateOrder}}.
#' @param deduplicate A logical, default set to TRUE, if you want to deduplicated 
#' any patent documents that have both an app and a grant. 
#' @param cakcDict A county and kind code dictionary. Default is \code{\link{cakcDict}}.
#' @param docLengthTypesDict A document length and type dictionary. Default is \code{\link{docLengthTypesDict}}.
#' @param keepType A character variable denoting which document type to keep. Default is "grant". 
#' If NA, ignore.
#' @param firstAssigneeOnly For cleaning names, use the first assignee only, default TRUE.
#' @param assigneeSep The separation character if there is more than one assignee. Default 
#' is ";" semicolon.
#' @param stopWords The stopword list to remove from assignee names. Default is 
#' \code{\link{assigneeStopWords}}.
#' @return A data frame of tidy patent data. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' sumo <- cleanPatentData(patentData = patentr::acars, columnsExpected = sumobrainColumns,
#' cleanNames = sumobrainNames,
#' dateFields = sumobrainDateFields,
#' dateOrders = sumobrainDateOrder,
#' deduplicate = TRUE,
#' cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict,
#' docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict,
#' keepType = "grant",
#' firstAssigneeOnly = TRUE, 
#' assigneeSep = ";",
#' stopWords = patentr::assigneeStopWords)
#' # use a fresh Google export csv
#' # in a new csv download, however, it would not be the case
#' rawGoogleData <- system.file("extdata", "google_autonomous_search.csv", 
#' package = "patentr")
#' rawGoogleData <- read.csv(rawGoogleData, 
#' skip = skipGoogle, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' rawGoogleData <- data.frame(lapply(rawGoogleData, 
#' function(x){iconv(x, to = "ASCII")}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' google <- cleanPatentData(patentData = rawGoogleData, columnsExpected = googleColumns,
#' cleanNames = googleNames,
#' dateFields = googleDateFields,
#' dateOrders = googleDateOrder,
#' deduplicate = TRUE,
#' cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict,
#' docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict,
#' keepType = "grant",
#' firstAssigneeOnly = TRUE, 
#' assigneeSep = ",",
#' stopWords = patentr::assigneeStopWords)
#' lensRawData <- system.file("extdata", "lens_autonomous_search.csv", 
#' package = "patentr")
#' lensRawData <- read.csv(lensRawData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = skipLens)
#' lensRawData <- data.frame(lapply(lensRawData, 
#' function(x){iconv(x, to = "ASCII")}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' lens <- cleanPatentData(patentData = lensRawData, columnsExpected = lensColumns,
#' cleanNames = lensNames,
#' dateFields = lensDateFields,
#' dateOrders = lensDateOrder,
#' deduplicate = TRUE,
#' cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict,
#' docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict,
#' keepType = "grant",
#' firstAssigneeOnly = TRUE, 
#' assigneeSep = ";;",
#' stopWords = patentr::assigneeStopWords)

#' @seealso 
#' For data formats: \code{\link{acars}} for Sumobrain, 
#' \code{\link{acarsGoogle}} for Google Patents data, and \code{\link{acarsLens}} 
#' for Lens.org data. 
cleanPatentData <- function(patentData=NULL, columnsExpected, cleanNames, dateFields = NA,
                            dateOrders, deduplicate = TRUE, 
                            cakcDict = patentr::cakcDict, 
                            docLengthTypesDict = patentr::docLengthTypesDict,
                            keepType = "grant",
                            firstAssigneeOnly = TRUE, 
                            assigneeSep = ";",
                            stopWords = patentr::assigneeStopWords){

  # header names  
  patentData <- cleanHeaderNames(patentData = patentData, 
                                 columnsExpected = columnsExpected,
                                 cleanNames = cleanNames)
  # extract data from docNum 
    # remove white space from docNum as a precaution
    patentData$docNum <- gsub(" ","", patentData$docNum)
    patentData$countryCode <- extractCountryCode(patentData$docNum) # country code 
    patentData$pubNum <- extractPubNumber(patentData$docNum)
    # if kind code exists, trust that it is accurate and don't reinvent the wheel
    # remove if statement for now, force a new kind code
    patentData$kindCode <- extractKindCode(patentData$docNum)
    patentData$officeDocLength <- extractDocLength(countryCode = patentData$countryCode,
                                                   pubNum = patentData$pubNum)
    # print("patent data office doc length in main func")
    # print(head(patentData$officeDocLength))
    # print(table(patentData$officeDocLength))
    # document type, smartly guessed
    patentData$countryAndKindCode <- with(patentData, paste0(countryCode, kindCode))
    # error is inside this function
    patentData$docType <- generateDocType(officeDocLength = patentData$officeDocLength,
                                          countryAndKindCode = patentData$countryAndKindCode,
                                          cakcDict = cakcDict,
                                          docLengthTypesDict = docLengthTypesDict)
    # remove duplicates
    # Google export doesn't include dups and is by default ignored because 
    # there is no appNum
    if(deduplicate && !is.null(patentData$appNum)){
      patentData$hasDup <- showDups(patentData$appNum)
      toKeep <- removeDups(patentData$appNum, hasDup = patentData$hasDup,
                           docType = patentData$docType, keepType = keepType)
      # cut down the list
      if(sum(!toKeep)>0) {print(paste("Removing",sum(!toKeep),"duplicated (grant, app, etc. matching pairs) rows."))}
      patentData <- patentData[toKeep,]
    # make the google URL
    patentData$googleURL <- createGoogleURL(countryCode = patentData$countryCode,
                                            pubNum = patentData$pubNum,
                                            kindCode = patentData$kindCode)
  # end if is.null docNum
  # if dateFields exist, turn them into dates
  if(sum(dateFields %in% names(patentData))==length(dateFields)){
    patentData[dateFields] <- as.data.frame(lapply(patentData[dateFields],extractCleanDate, orders=dateOrders))  
  # clean up assignee names 
    patentData$assigneeClean <- cleanNames(rawNames = patentData$assignee, 
                                           firstAssigneeOnly = firstAssigneeOnly, 
                                           sep = assigneeSep,
                                           stopWords = stopWords)

# test 1, names should match
# test 2, docNum extracted values behave nicely
# test 3, dedup is behaving nicely

## yang yao end
kamilien1/patentR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:19 a.m.