rm_html <- function(x) {
x = iconv(x, "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub='')
x = textclean::replace_html(x)
x = stringi::stri_trim(x)
create_unique_label <- function(d, new_column, id_col, name_col) {
u = unique(data.table::data.table(d[,c(id_col, name_col)]))
has_duplicate = unique(u[[name_col]][duplicated(u[[name_col]])])
if (length(has_duplicate) > 0) {
#shinyalert::shinyalert('Duplicate warning', sprintf('You have a duplicate "%s". In the duplicate cases, the ID has been included in the label in the format: "label #id#"', name_col), type='warning')
u[[name_col]] = ifelse(u[[name_col]] %in% has_duplicate, sprintf('%s #%s#', u[[name_col]], u[[id_col]]), u[[name_col]])
colnames(u) = c(id_col, new_column)
d[[new_column]] = NULL
d = merge(d, u, by=id_col)
prepare_tc_testvision <- function(input, d, testvision_type) {
if ('kandidaatnaam' %in% colnames(d))
d = prepare_testvision_dutch(input, d, testvision_type)
d = prepare_testvision_english(input, d, testvision_type)
a = d[,c('candidate','question','answer')]
a$candidate = rm_html(a$candidate)
a$question = rm_html(a$question)
a$answer = rm_html(a$answer)
a$answer[is.na(a$answer)] = ''
if (any(duplicated(a[,c('question','candidate')]))) {
shinyalert::shinyalert('Duplicate student-question pairs', 'The data contains duplicate student-question pairs. This should not be possible with Testvision data (but at the moment we have not yet given an id for testvision xls input)', type='error')
#a = make_unique_pairs(a)
tc = corpustools::create_tcorpus(a, text_col='answer', remember_spaces=T)
tc$preprocess('token','feature', lowercase = T, as_ascii = T, remove_punctuation = F, remove_stopwords = F)
tc$tokens$feature[tc$tokens$feature %in% c(',','.')] = NA
prepare_testvision_english <- function(input, d, testvision_type) {
colnames(d) = tolower(colnames(d))
if (testvision_type == 'csv') {
d = create_unique_label(d, 'candidate', 'candidateid', 'candidatedisplayname')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'question', 'questionid', 'questionname')
} else {
sn = openxlsx::getSheetNames(input$csv_file$datapath)
sheet_i = which(sn == 'candidatesheet')
ci = openxlsx::read.xlsx(input$csv_file$datapath, sheet=sheet_i)
d = merge(d, ci, by='resultid')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'candidate', 'candidateid', 'displayname')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'question', 'questionid', 'question.name')
prepare_testvision_dutch <- function(input, d, testvision_type) {
colnames(d) = tolower(colnames(d))
d$answer = d$antwoord
if (testvision_type == 'csv') {
d = create_unique_label(d, 'candidate', 'kandidaatid', 'kandidaatweergavenaam')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'question', 'vraagid', 'vraagnaam')
} else {
sn = openxlsx::getSheetNames(input$csv_file$datapath)
sheet_i = which(sn == 'kandidaatblad')
ci = openxlsx::read.xlsx(input$csv_file$datapath, sheet=sheet_i)
colnames(ci) = tolower(colnames(ci))
d = merge(d, ci, by='resultaatid')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'candidate', 'kandidaatid', 'weergavenaam')
d = create_unique_label(d, 'question', 'vraagid', 'vraagnaam')
prepare_tc_csv <- function(d, student_col, question_col, answer_col) {
#d = readr::read_csv('~/Downloads/antwoorden open vragen door arjen er uit te halen.csv')
for (col in unique(c(student_col, question_col, answer_col)))
d[[col]] = rm_html(d[[col]])
if (length(student_col) > 1) {
d$student = apply(d[,student_col], 1, paste, collapse='; ')
student_col = 'student'
if (length(question_col) > 1) {
d$question = apply(d[,question_col], 1, paste, collapse='; ')
question_col = 'question'
a = d[,c(student_col, question_col, answer_col)]
colnames(a) = c('candidate','question','answer')
a$answer[is.na(a$answer)] = ''
if (any(duplicated(a[,c('question','candidate')]))) {
shinyalert::shinyalert('Duplicate student-question pairs', 'The data contains duplicate student-question pairs, which should not be possible (also see "help" under select column)', type='error')
#a = make_unique_pairs(a)
tc = corpustools::create_tcorpus(a, text_col='answer', remember_spaces=T)
tc$preprocess('token','feature', lowercase = T, as_ascii = T, remove_punctuation = F, remove_stopwords = F)
tc$tokens$feature[tc$tokens$feature %in% c(',','.')] = NA
make_unique_pairs <- function(a) {
a = data.table::as.data.table(a)
a[, id := 1:length(answer), by=c('candidate','question')]
a$candidate = sprintf('%s #%s', a$candidate, a$id)
a$id = NULL
tc_add_idf <- function(tc) {
dtm = corpustools::get_dtm(tc, feature='feature', weight = 'norm_tfidf', drop_empty_terms = F, context_labels = T, feature_labels=T, ngrams=1)
dtm = as(dtm, 'dgTMatrix')
dtm = data.table::data.table(doc_id = rownames(dtm)[dtm@i+1], feature=colnames(dtm)[dtm@j+1], tfidf=dtm@x)
tc$tokens = merge(tc$tokens, dtm, by=c('doc_id','feature'))
#' @import data.table
get_question_sim <- function(tc, measure, min_similarity, ngrams) {
if (is.null(tc)) return(NULL)
#tc = tc_add_idf(tc)
g = corpustools::compare_documents(tc, 'feature', meta_cols = 'question', ngrams=as.numeric(ngrams), min_similarity = min_similarity, measure = measure, return_igraph = F)$d
from_i = match(g$from, tc$meta$doc_id)
to_i = match(g$to, tc$meta$doc_id)
g$question = tc$meta$question[from_i]
g$from_candidate = tc$meta$candidate[from_i]
g$to_candidate = tc$meta$candidate[to_i]
g = data.table::as.data.table(g)
data.table::setorderv(g, 'weight', -1)
g_agg = unique(g, by=c('from_candidate','question'))
g_agg = g_agg[, list(question_mean_weight=mean(weight), question_sd_weight=sd(weight)), by='question']
g = merge(g, g_agg, by=c('question'))
#g[, question_mean_weight := mean(weight), by='question']
#g[, question_sd_weight := sd(weight), by='question']
g$question_z = round((g$weight - g$question_mean_weight) / g$question_sd_weight, 2)
g$question_z[g$question_sd_weight == 0] = 0
g[, weight := round(weight, 2)]
data.table::setorderv(g, cols='question_z', order=-1)
#corpustools::browse_texts(tc, doc_ids = c(215,100))
plagiarism_suspects <- function(g) {
pp = subset(g, select = c('from_candidate', 'question_z','question'))
data.table::setorderv(pp, cols='question_z', order= -1)
pp = unique(pp, by=c('from_candidate','question'))
pp = pp[,list(average_z = round(mean(question_z),2)), by='from_candidate']
data.table::setorderv(pp, cols = 'average_z', order = -1)
get_field_suggestion <- function(opts, cn) {
for (o in opts) {
g = grepl(o, cn, ignore.case = T)
if (sum(g) > 0)
#' @import data.table
highlight_text <- function(input, output, tc, sim, sa, max_ngrams=5) {
## sa = suspicious answers
if (max_ngrams < 2) stop('max_ngrams must be at least 2')
if (is.null(sa) || is.null(input$suspicious_answers_rows_selected)) {
output$txt_x = shiny::renderText('')
output$txt_y = shiny::renderText('')
.student = sa$Student[input$suspicious_answers_rows_selected]
.question = sa$Question[input$suspicious_answers_rows_selected]
edges = sim[list(.student, .question),,on=c('from_candidate','question')]
x_docs = unique(edges$from)
top_10 = length(edges$to) > 10
y_docs = head(unique(edges$to), 10)
tc = subset(tc, subset_meta = doc_id %in% union(x_docs, y_docs))
for (i in 2:max_ngrams)
tc$preprocess('feature', new_column = paste0('ngram', i), ngrams=i)
x = droplevels(tc$get(doc_id = x_docs))
x_meta = droplevels(tc$get_meta(doc_id = x_docs))
x_meta$Question = .question
y = droplevels(tc$get(doc_id = y_docs))
y_meta = droplevels(tc$get_meta(doc_id = y_docs))
y_meta = merge(y_meta,
data.table::data.table(candidate=edges$to_candidate, Similarity=edges$weight), by='candidate', allow.cartesian=T)
data.table::setorderv(y_meta, 'Similarity', -1)
## workaround for bug in tokenbrowser (solved in 0.1.3, but not yet on cran)
y$doc_id = match(y$doc_id, unique(y$doc_id))
y_meta$doc_id = 1:nrow(y_meta)
y$highlight = NA
for (ng in 2:max_ngrams) {
x_feature = x[[paste0('ngram', ng)]]
y_feature = y[[paste0('ngram', ng)]]
y_match = which(y_feature %in% levels(x_feature))
if (ng > 1) {
y_match = unique(unlist(lapply(y_match, function(i) {
i_ngram = (i-ng+1):i
i_ngram = i_ngram[i_ngram > 0]
same_doc = y$doc_id[i] == y$doc_id[i_ngram]
y$highlight[y_match] = (ng / max_ngrams)
y$highlight[!is.na(y$highlight)] = tokenbrowser::rescale_var(y$highlight[!is.na(y$highlight)], new_min = -1, new_max = 1, x_min = 0, x_max = 1)
## alternative, highlight by tfidf (requires tc_add_idf above)
#y$highlight = NA
#y_match = y$feature %in% unique(x$feature)
#y$highlight = ifelse(y_match, y$tfidf, NA)
#y$highlight[!is.na(y$highlight)] = tokenbrowser::rescale_var(y$highlight[!is.na(y$highlight)]^2, new_min = -1, new_max = 1)
#x$token = tokenbrowser::highlight_tokens(x$token, x$highlight, col = 'lightyellow')
#y$token = tokenbrowser::highlight_tokens(y$token, y$highlight, col = 'lightyellow')
#x$token = tokenbrowser::colorscale_tokens(x$token, x$highlight, alpha = 0.3, col_range = c('lightyellow','blue'), span_adjacent = T, doc_id=x$doc_id)
y$token = tokenbrowser::colorscale_tokens(y$token, y$highlight, alpha = 0.3, col_range = c('lightyellow','blue'), span_adjacent = T, doc_id = y$doc_id)
if ('space' %in% colnames(x)) {
x$token = paste(x$token, x$space, sep='')
y$token = paste(y$token, y$space, sep='')
colnames(x_meta)[colnames(x_meta) == 'candidate'] = 'Student'
colnames(y_meta)[colnames(y_meta) == 'candidate'] = 'Student'
#x$doc_id = x_meta$Question
#x_meta$doc_id = x_meta$Question
xdoc = tokenbrowser::wrap_documents(x, subset(x_meta, select = c('doc_id','Student','Question')))
#xdoc = tokenbrowser:::add_tag(tokenbrowser:::wrap_tokens(x), 'answer')
#xdoc = tokenbrowser:::wrap_tokens(x)
ydoc = tokenbrowser::wrap_documents(y, subset(y_meta, select = c('doc_id','Student','Similarity')))
if (length(xdoc) > 0) xdoc = gsub('<doc_id>.*</doc_id>', '<doc_id></doc_id>', xdoc)
if (length(ydoc) > 0) ydoc = gsub('<doc_id>.*</doc_id>', '<doc_id></doc_id>', ydoc)
## max 2 consequtive hard enter
xdoc = gsub('(<br>) *(<br>)((<br>)| )+', '<br><br>', xdoc)
ydoc = gsub('(<br>) *(<br>)((<br>)| )+', '<br><br>', ydoc)
## remove \s (used in udpipe)
xdoc = gsub('\\s', '', xdoc, fixed=T)
ydoc = gsub('\\s', '', ydoc, fixed=T)
output$txt_x = shiny::renderText(xdoc)
output$txt_y = shiny::renderText(ydoc)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.