
compareRanges <- function(target_region, shared_region){
  #Compare two Granges to each other and decide if the target is left, right or contained in the target region
  tx_strand = extractFeature(strand(shared_region))
  results = c(0,0,0)
  names(results) = c("upstream", "downstream", "contained")
  target_start = start(target_region)
  target_end = end(target_region)
  shared_start = start(shared_region)
  shared_end = end(shared_region)
  if ((target_start > shared_start & target_start < shared_end) | (target_end > shared_start & target_end < shared_end)){
    results["contained"] = 1
  else if (target_end < shared_start){
    if(tx_strand == "+") {results["upstream"] = 1}
    if(tx_strand == "-") {results["downstream"] = 1}
  else if (target_start > shared_end){
    if(tx_strand == "+") {results["downstream"] = 1}
    if(tx_strand == "-") {results["upstream"] = 1}

compareGRanges <- function(target_regions, shared_region){
  #Compare multiple regions in a GRanges target_regions object to a single shared_region object.
  #Decide the type of change happening in each region.
  #If no target regions the return empty GRanges
  if(length(target_regions) == 0){
  if(length(shared_region) == 0){
    warning("Shared regio is empty.")
  #Otherwise construct data.frame for metadata
  results = c()
  n = length(target_regions)
  for (i in 1:n){
    comparison = compareRanges(target_regions[i], shared_region)
    results = rbind(results, comparison)
  rownames(results) = c()
  values(target_regions) = results

#' Identify regions that are specific to one of the two transcripts.
#' Return NULL if there is no shared region between two transcripts.
#' @param tx1_id id of transcript 1.
#' @param tx2_id id of transcript 2.
#' @param exons_list named list of GRanges objects containing the exon coordinates for each transcript.
#' @return List of GRanges object. First contains exons specific to transcript 1, second contains exons 
#' specifc to transcript 2, third contains the shared exons between the two transcripts.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
indentifyAddedRemovedRegions <- function(tx1_id, tx2_id, exons_list){
  #Extract exons of the transcripts
  exon_set1 = exons_list[[tx1_id]]
  exon_set2 = exons_list[[tx2_id]]
  #Indentify shared exons
  shared_exons = intersect(exon_set1, exon_set2)
  #Only keep seqLevels that correspond to shared exons
  shared_exons = GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(shared_exons, unique(as.vector(seqnames(shared_exons)))) 
  if(length(shared_exons) == 0){
    warning("No shared exons between two transcripts.")
  #Idetinfy added or removed regions
  #Construct the GRances object of the shared region
  shared_region = GRanges(seqnames = extractFeature(seqnames(shared_exons)),
                          strand = extractFeature(strand(shared_exons)))
  addedInSecond = setdiff(exon_set2, shared_exons)
  addedInSecond = compareGRanges(addedInSecond, shared_region)
  removedFromFirst = setdiff(exon_set1, shared_exons)
  removedFromFirst = compareGRanges(removedFromFirst, shared_region)
  #Build list with tx ids as names
  result = list()
  result[[tx1_id]] = removedFromFirst
  result[[tx2_id]] = addedInSecond
  result[["shared_exons"]] = shared_exons
kauralasoo/reviseAnnotations documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:41 a.m.