
Defines functions read.cross.mq.qua read.cross.mq.map read.cross.mq.loc mq_grab_param read.cross.mq

# read.cross.mq.R
# copyright (c) 2014, INRA (author: Timothee Flutre)
#                     (Some revisions by Karl Broman)
# last modified Dec, 2018
# first written May, 2014
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
# version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
# merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
# General Public License, version 3, for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
# at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: read.cross.mq, read.cross.mq.loc, read.cross.mq.map,
#           read.cross.mq.qua, mq.rmv.comment
# [See read.cross.R for the main read.cross function.]

# read.cross.mq: read data from an experimental cross in MapQTL (and
# JoinMap) format.
# We need three files: a "loc" file containing the genotype data, a
# "map" file containing the linkage group assignments and map
# positions, and a "qua" file containing the phenotypes.
# File formats are described in the MapQTL manual available online at
# http://www.kyazma.nl/docs/MQ7Manual.pdf
# For the loc-file, each marker should be on a single line.
# Only 4-way crosses are supported ("CP" type in MapQTL/JoinMap).

read.cross.mq <-
function(dir, locfile, mapfile, quafile)
    if(! missing(dir) && dir != "") {
        if(length(grep("/$", dir)) > 0) # strip off ending /
            dir <- substr(dir, 1, nchar(dir)-1)

        locfile <- file.path(dir, locfile)
        mapfile <- file.path(dir, mapfile)
        quafile <- file.path(dir, quafile)

    loc <- read.cross.mq.loc(locfile)
    map <- read.cross.mq.map(mapfile)
    pheno <- read.cross.mq.qua(quafile)

    type <- loc$pop.type # only "4way" for the moment
    n.ind <- nrow(loc$genotypes)
    n.mar <- ncol(loc$genotypes)
    n.phe <- ncol(pheno)
    if(nrow(pheno) < n.ind){
        msg <- paste("qua-file should have at least the same number of",
                     " individuals than loc-file")
        stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    if(nrow(pheno) > n.ind){
        pheno <- pheno[-((n.ind+1):nrow(pheno)),]

    cat(" --Read the following data:\n")
    cat("\tNumber of individuals: ", n.ind, "\n")
    cat("\tNumber of markers: ", n.mar, "\n")
    cat("\tNumber of phenotypes: ", n.phe, "\n")

    geno <- list()
    for(chr in levels(map$chr)){
        geno[[chr]] <- list(data=loc$genotypes[,map$marker[map$chr == chr]],
                            map=map$pos[map$chr == chr])
        names(geno[[chr]]$map) <- map$marker[map$chr == chr]
        if(type == "4way")
            geno[[chr]]$map <- rbind(geno[[chr]]$map,
                                     map$pos[map$chr == chr])
        if(chr %in% c("x", "X")){
            class(geno[[chr]]) <- "X"
        } else
            class(geno[[chr]]) <- "A"

    cross <- list(geno=geno, pheno=pheno)
    class(cross) <- c(type, "cross")
    list(cross, FALSE) # FALSE for "don't estimate map"

mq_grab_param <-
    function(lines, param, longname, filetype)
    # stuff for error message
    if(missing(filetype)) filetype <- ""
    else filetype <- paste(" in", filetype, "file")
    if(missing(longname)) longname <- param

    g <- grep(param, lines)
    if(length(g) == 0)
        stop("Cannot find ", longname, " in ", filetype)

    # remove white space
    line <- gsub("\\s+", "", lines[g])

    result <- strsplit(line, "=")[[1]][2]

    return(list(result, g)) # g is the line number

## each marker should be on a single line
## only 4-way crosses (CP type) are handled
read.cross.mq.loc <-
    pop.name <- NULL
    pop.type <- NULL
    nb.loci <- NULL
    nb.inds <- NULL
    seg <- NULL
    phase <- NULL
    classif <- NULL
    genotypes <- NULL

    lines <- readLines(locfile, warn=FALSE)

    # drop comments
    lines <- vapply(strsplit(lines, ";"), "[", "", 1)

    # drop empty lines
    lines <- lines[!is.na(lines)]
    blank <- grep("^\\s*$", lines)
    if(length(blank) > 0)
        lines <- lines[-blank]

    ## extract the population name
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "name", "population name", "loc")
    pop.name <- res[[1]]
    todrop <- res[[2]]

    ## extract the population type
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "popt", "population type", "loc")
    pop.type <- res[[1]]
    todrop <- c(todrop, res[[2]])
    pop.types <- c("BC1","F2","RIx","DH","DH1","DH2","HAP","HAP1","CP","BCpxFy",
    if(! pop.type %in% pop.types){
        msg <- paste("unknown population type", pop.type)
        stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    if(pop.type == "CP"){
        pop.type <- "4way"
    } else{
        msg <- paste("population type", pop.type,
                     "is not supported (yet)")
        stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    ## extract the number of loci
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "nloc", "Number of loci", "loc")
    nb.loci <- as.numeric(res[[1]])
    todrop <- c(todrop, res[[2]])
    seg <- rep(NA, nb.loci)
    phase <- rep(NA, nb.loci)
    classif <- rep(NA, nb.loci)

    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "nind", "Number of individuals", "loc")
    nb.inds <- as.numeric(res[[1]])
    todrop <- c(todrop, res[[2]])
    genotypes <- matrix(NA, nrow=nb.loci, ncol=nb.inds)
    rownames(genotypes) <- paste("loc", 1:nb.loci, sep=".")
    ## colnames(genotypes) <- paste("ind", 1:nb.inds, sep=".")

    lines <- lines[-todrop]

    spl <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+")
    if(length(spl) != nb.loci)
      stop("nloc=", nb.loci, " but genotypes are found at ", length(spl), " markers")
    spl.lengths <- vapply(spl, length, 1)
    if(any(spl.lengths > nb.inds+4))
        stop("lines should have no more than ", nb.inds+4, " columns\n",
             "Problems in lines", seq(along=spl.lengths)[spl.lengths > nb.inds+4])

    rn <- vapply(spl, "[", "", 1)
    if(nrow(genotypes) != length(rn))
        stop(paste0("nloc = ", nrow(genotypes), ", but .loc file contains ", length(rn), " genotype rows"))
    rownames(genotypes) <- rn

    if(length(spl) > nb.loci + 1){
        msg <- paste("there seems to be more loci (", locus.id-1,
                             ") than indicated in the header (", nb.loci, ")")
        stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    nb.fields <- rep(NA, length(lines))
    for(line.id in 1:length(lines)){
        tokens <- spl[[line.id]]
        nb.fields[line.id] <- length(tokens)

        if(length(tokens) > nb.inds + 1){
            for(i in 2:(length(tokens)-nb.inds)){
                if(length(grep(pattern="\\{", x=tokens[i])) > 0){
                    phase[line.id] <- tokens[i]
                } else if(length(grep(pattern="\\(", x=tokens[i])) > 0){
                    classif[line.id] <- tokens[i]
                } else
                    seg[line.id] <- tokens[i] # only for "4way" type
        genotypes[line.id,] <- tokens[(length(tokens)-nb.inds+1):length(tokens)]
    if(length(unique(nb.fields)) > 1)
        stop("some markers have more fields than others")

    genotypes <- t(genotypes) # individuals in rows, markers in columns

    ## convert all missing data to NA
    for(i in 1:length(genotypes)){
        if(grepl(pattern="\\.", x=genotypes[i]))
            genotypes[i] <- gsub(pattern="\\.", replacement="-",
        if(grepl(pattern="u", x=genotypes[i]))
            genotypes[i] <- gsub(pattern="u", replacement="-",
    genotypes[genotypes == "--"] <- NA

    ## convert segregation types and genotypes to new MapQtl format
    convert.seg <- FALSE
    new.seg.types <- c("<abxcd>", "<efxeg>", "<hkxhk>", "<lmxll>", "<nnxnp>")
    for(seg.type in unique(seg))
        if(! seg.type %in% new.seg.types){ # e.g. <abxac>
            convert.seg <- TRUE
        if(pop.type != "4way"){
            msg <- paste("can't convert genotypes from old to new format",
                         "for 4way cross (yet)")
            stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        for(locus.id in 1:nb.loci){
            if(seg[locus.id] %in% new.seg.types){
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxac>"){
                seg[locus.id] <- "<efxeg>"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "aa")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "ee"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "ab")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "ef"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "ac")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "eg"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "bc")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "fg"
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxab>"){
                seg[locus.id] <- "<hkxhk>"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "aa")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "hh"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "ab")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "hk"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "bb")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "kk"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "a-")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "h-"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "b-")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "k-"
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxaa>"){
                seg[locus.id] <- "<lmxll>"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "aa")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "ll"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "ab")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "lm"
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<aaxab>"){
                seg[locus.id] <- "<nnxnp>"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "aa")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "nn"
                tmp <- which(genotypes[,locus.id] == "ab")
                genotypes[tmp, locus.id] <- "np"
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation type", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id)
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    ## check genotypes
    proper.genotypes <- c(NA, "ac", "ca", "ad", "da", "bc", "cb", "bd", "db",
                          "ee", "ef", "fe", "eg", "ge", "fg", "gf",
                          "hh", "hk", "kh", "kk", "h-", "k-",
                          "ll", "lm", "ml",
                          "nn", "np", "pn")
    for(genotype in unique(genotypes))
        if(! genotype %in% proper.genotypes){
            msg <- paste("unrecognized genotype", genotype)
            stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    ## replace all "ca" by "ac", etc -> speed-up next step?
    ## TODO

    ## convert genotypes to R/qtl code (mother=AB x father=CD)
    for(locus.id in 1:nb.loci){
        if(phase[locus.id] == "{0-}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<lmxll>"){ # AB=lm ; CD=ll
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] == "ll"){ # AC or AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 5
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("lm","ml")){ # BC or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 6
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                             phase[locus.id], "(should be <lmxll>)")
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{1-}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<lmxll>"){ # AB=ml ; CD=ll
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] == "ll"){ # BC or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 6
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("lm","ml")){ # AC or AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 5
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                             phase[locus.id], "(should be <lmxll>)")
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{-0}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<nnxnp>"){ # AB=nn ; CD=np
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] == "nn"){ # AC or BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 7
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("np","pn")){ # AD or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 8
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                             phase[locus.id], "(should be <nnxnp>)")
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{-1}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<nnxnp>"){ # AB=nn ; CD=pn
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] == "nn"){ # AD or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 8
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("np","pn")){ # AC or BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 7
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                             phase[locus.id], "(should be <nnxnp>)")
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{00}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxcd>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ac","ca")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ad","da")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bc","cb")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bd","db")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<efxeg>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ee")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("eg","ge")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fe","ef")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fg","gf")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<hkxhk>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hh")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hk","kh")){ # AD or BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 10
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kk")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("h-","-h")){ # not BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 14
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("k-","-k")){ # not AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 11
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{01}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxcd>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ad","da")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ac","ca")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bd","db")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bc","cb")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<efxeg>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("eg","ge")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ee")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fg","gf")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fe","ef")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<hkxhk>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hk","kh")){ # AC or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 9
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hh")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kk")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("h-","-h")){ # not BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 12
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("k-","-k")){ # not AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 13
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{10}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxcd>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bc","cb")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bd","db")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ac","ca")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ad","da")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<efxeg>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fe","ef")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fg","gf")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ee")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("eg","ge")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<hkxhk>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kh","hk")){ # AC or BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 9
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kk")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hh")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("h-","-h")){ # not AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 13
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("k-","-k")){ # not BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 12
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else if(phase[locus.id] == "{11}"){
            if(seg[locus.id] == "<abxcd>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bd","db")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("bc","cb")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ad","da")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ac","ca")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<efxeg>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fg","gf")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("fe","ef")){ # AD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 3
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("eg","ge")){ # BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 2
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("ee")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
            } else if(seg[locus.id] == "<hkxhk>"){
                for(ind.id in 1:nb.inds){
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kk")){ # AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 1
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("kh","hk")){ # AD or BC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 10
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("hh")){ # BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 4
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("h-","-h")){ # not AC
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 11
                    } else if(genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] %in% c("k-","-k")){ # not BD
                        genotypes[ind.id,locus.id] <- 14
            } else{
                msg <- paste("unrecognized segregation ", seg[locus.id],
                             "at locus", locus.id, "with phase",
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        } else{
            msg <- paste("unrecognized phase", phase[locus.id],
                         "at locus", locus.id)
            stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    storage.mode(genotypes) <- "numeric"

    list(pop.name=pop.name, pop.type=pop.type, genotypes=genotypes,
         seg=seg, phase=phase, classif=classif)

## returns a data.frame with 3 columns: chr (factor), marker (char), pos (num)
read.cross.mq.map <-

    # read all lines
    lines <- readLines(mapfile, warn=FALSE)

    # remove comments
    lines <- vapply(strsplit(lines, ";"), "[", "", 1)

    # drop empty lines
    lines <- lines[!is.na(lines)]
    blank <- grep("^\\s*$", lines)
    if(length(blank) > 0)
        lines <- lines[-blank]

    # find groups
    grouplines <- grep("group", lines)

    # add lg name to end of each line
    for(i in seq(along=grouplines)) {
        # linkage group name
        groupname <- strsplit(lines[grouplines[i]], "\\s+")[[1]]
        groupname <- groupname[length(groupname)]

        first <- grouplines[i]+1
            last <- length(lines)
        else last <- grouplines[i+1]-1

        lines[first:last] <- paste(lines[first:last], groupname)

    # drop initial lines
    if(grouplines[1] > 1)
        todrop <- 1:(grouplines[1]-1)
    else todrop <- NULL
    # also drop the group lines
    todrop <- c(todrop, grouplines)
    # now the actual dropping
    lines <- lines[-todrop]

    # split at white space
    spl <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+")

    # combine into a data frame
    genmap <- data.frame(chr=vapply(spl, "[", "", 3),
                         marker=vapply(spl, "[", "", 1),
                         pos=as.numeric(vapply(spl, "[", "", 2)),

    # make chr as factor
    genmap[,1] <- factor(genmap[,1], levels=unique(genmap[,1]))


read.cross.mq.qua <-
    nb.traits <- NULL
    nb.inds <- NULL
    miss <- NULL
    phenotypes <- NULL

    lines <- readLines(quafile, warn=FALSE)

    # remove comments
    lines <- vapply(strsplit(lines, ";"), "[", "", 1)

    # drop empty lines
    lines <- lines[!is.na(lines)]
    blank <- grep("^\\s*$", lines)
    if(length(blank) > 0)
        lines <- lines[-blank]

    ## extract the number of traits
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "ntrt", "Number of traits", "qua")
    nb.traits <- as.numeric(res[[1]])
    todrop <- res[[2]]

    ## extract the number of individuals
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "nind", "Number of individuals", "qua")
    nb.inds <- as.numeric(res[[1]])
    todrop <- c(todrop, res[[2]])

    ## extract the symbol for missing values
    res <- mq_grab_param(lines, "miss", "Missing value code", "qua")
    miss <- res[[1]]
    todrop <- c(todrop, res[[2]])

    lines <- lines[-todrop]

    spl <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+")

    ind.id <- 1
    trait.id <- 1
    trait.names <- c()
    for(line.id in 1:length(lines)){

        tokens <- spl[[line.id]]

        if(trait.id <= nb.traits){
            if(length(tokens) == 1){ # one trait name per line
                trait.names <- c(trait.names, tokens[1])
                trait.id <- trait.id + 1
            } else{ # all trait names on the same line
                trait.names <- tokens
                trait.id <- nb.traits + 1
        } else if(trait.id > nb.traits && is.null(phenotypes)){
            if(length(trait.names) != nb.traits){
                msg <- paste("there seems to be fewer trait names (",
                             ") than indicated in the header (",
                             nb.traits, ")", sep="")
                stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
            phenotypes <- matrix(NA, nrow=nb.inds, ncol=nb.traits)

        if(length(tokens) != nb.traits){
            msg <- paste0("line ", line.id, " should have ", nb.traits,
                          " column", ifelse(nb.traits > 1, "s", ""),
                          " separated by spaces or tabs")
            stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
        phenotypes[ind.id,] <- tokens
        ind.id <- ind.id + 1

    phenotypes[which(phenotypes == miss)] <- NA
    phenotypes <- as.data.frame(phenotypes)

    for(j in 1:ncol(phenotypes))
        phenotypes[,j] <- tryCatch(expr=as.numeric(as.character(phenotypes[,j])),
    colnames(phenotypes) <- trait.names


# end of read.cross.mq.R
kbroman/qtl documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 10:14 p.m.