#' Main function for detecting and evaluating significance of DMRs.
#' Performs a two-step approach that (1) detects candidate regions, and
#' (2) scores candidate regions with an exchangeable (across the genome)
#' statistic and evaluates statistical significance using a
#' permuation test on the pooled null distribution of scores.
#' @param bs bsseq object containing the methylation values as well as the
#' phenotype matrix that contains sample level covariates
#' @param testCovariate Character value indicating which variable
#' (column name) in \code{pData(bs)} to test
#' for association of methylation levels.
#' Can alternatively specify an integer value indicating
#' which of column of
#' \code{pData(bs)} to use. This is used to construct the
#' design matrix for the test statistic calculation. To run using a
#' continuous or categorial covariate with more than two groups, simply pass in
#' the name of a column in `pData` that contains this covariate. A continuous
#' covariate is assmued if the data type in the `testCovariate` slot is
#' continuous, with the exception of if there are only two unique values
#' (then a two group comparison is carried out).
#' @param adjustCovariate an (optional) character value or vector
#' indicating which variables (column names) in \code{pData(bs)}
#' will be adjusted for when
#' testing for the association of methylation value with the
#' \code{testCovariate}.
#' Can alternatively specify an
#' integer value or vector indicating
#' which of the columns of \code{pData(bs)} to adjust for.
#' If not NULL (default), then this is also used to
#' construct the design matrix for the test statistic calculation.
#' @param matchCovariate An (optional) character value
#' indicating which variable (column name) of \code{pData(bs)}
#' will be blocked for when
#' constructing the permutations in order to
#' test for the association of methylation value with the
#' \code{testCovariate}, only to be used when \code{testCovariate}
#' is a two-group factor and the number of permutations possible is less
#' than 500000.
#' Alternatively, you can specify an integer value indicating
#' which column of \code{pData(bs)} to block for.
#' Blocking means that only permutations with balanced
#' composition of \code{testCovariate} values will be used (for example if
#' you have samples from different gender and this is not your covariate of
#' interest,
#' it is recommended to use gender as a matching covariate to avoid one
#' of the permutations testing entirely males versus females; this violates
#' the null hypothesis and will decrease power).
#' If not NULL (default), then no blocking is performed.
#' @param minInSpan positive integer that represents the minimum number of
#' CpGs in a smoothing span window if \code{smooth} is TRUE.
#' Default value is 30.
#' @param minNumRegion positive integer that represents the minimum number of
#' CpGs to consider for a candidate region. Default value is 5.
#' Minimum value is 3.
#' @param cutoff scalar value that represents the absolute value (or a vector
#' of two numbers representing a lower and upper bound) for the cutoff of
#' the single CpG coefficient that is used to discover
#' candidate regions. Default value is 0.10.
#' @param smooth logical value that indicates whether or not to smooth the
#' CpG level signal when discovering candidate regions.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param bpSpan a positive integer that represents the length in basepairs
#' of the smoothing span window if \code{smooth} is TRUE. Default value is
#' 1000.
#' @param verbose logical value that indicates whether progress messages
#' should be printed to stdout. Defaults value is TRUE.
#' @param BPPARAM a \code{BiocParallelParam} object to specify the parallel
#' backend. The default
#' option is \code{BiocParallel::bpparam()} which will automatically creates
#' a cluster appropriate for the operating system.
#' @param maxPerms a positive integer that represents the maximum number
#' of permutations that will be used to generate the global null
#' distribution of test statistics. Default value is 10.
#' @param maxGap integer value representing maximum number of basepairs in
#' between neighboring CpGs to be included in the same DMR.
#' @param maxGapSmooth integer value representing maximum number of basepairs
#' in between neighboring CpGs to be included in the same
#' cluster when performing smoothing (should generally be larger than
#' \code{maxGap})
#' @param stat a character vector indicating the name of the column of the
#' output to use as the region-level test statistic. Default value is 'stat'
#' which is the region level-statistic designed to be comparable across the
#' genome.
#' It is not recommended to change this argument, but it can be done for
#' experimental purposes. Possible values are: 'L' - the number of loci
#' in the region, 'area' - the sum of the smoothed loci statistics,
#' 'beta' - the effect size of the region, 'stat' - the test statistic for
#' the region, or 'avg' - the average smoothed loci statistic.
#' @param block logical indicating whether to search for large-scale (low
#' resolution) blocks of differential methylation (default is FALSE, which
#' means that local DMRs are desired). If TRUE, the parameters for
#' \code{bpSpan}, \code{minInSpan}, and \code{maxGapSmooth} should be adjusted
#' (increased) accordingly. This setting will also merge
#' candidate regions that (1) are in the same direction and (2) are less than
#' 1kb apart with no covered CpGs separating them. The region-level model used
#' is also slightly modified - instead of a loci-specific intercept for each
#' CpG in theregion, the intercept term is modeled as a natural spline with
#' one interior knot per each 10kb of length (up to 10 interior knots).
#' @param blockSize numeric value indicating the minimum number of basepairs
#' to be considered a block (only used if \code{block}=TRUE). Default is
#' 5000 basepairs.
#' @param chrsPerChunk a positive integer value indicating the number of
#' chromosomes per chunk. The default is 1, meaning that the data will be
#' looped through one chromosome at a time. When pairing up multiple
#' chromosomes per chunk, sizes (in terms of numbers of CpGs) will be taken
#' into consideration to balance the sizes of each chunk.
#' @return a \code{GRanges} object that contains the results of the inference.
#' The object contains one row for each candidate region, sorted by q-value
#' and then chromosome. The standard
#' \code{GRanges} chr, start, and end are included, along with at least
#' 7 metadata
#' columns, in the following order:
#' 1. L = the number of CpGs contained in the region,
#' 2. area = the sum of the smoothed beta values
#' 3. beta = the coefficient value for the condition difference (there
#' will be more than one column here if a multi-group comparison
#' was performed),
#' 4. stat = the test statistic for the condition difference,
#' 5. pval = the permutation p-value for the significance of the test
#' statistic, and
#' 6. qval = the q-value for the test statistic (adjustment
#' for multiple comparisons to control false discovery rate).
#' 7. index = an \code{IRanges} containing the indices of the region's
#' first CpG to last CpG.
#' @keywords inference
#' @importFrom outliers grubbs.test
#' @importFrom bumphunter clusterMaker getSegments
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colMedians rowMads rowSums2 rowMeans2 rowDiffs
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowRanges
#' @importFrom stats formula anova as.formula
#' @importClassesFrom bsseq BSseq
#' @importMethodsFrom bsseq pData seqnames sampleNames start width
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb colorRampPalette dev.off pdf rgb
#' @importFrom graphics axis layout legend lines mtext par
#' plot points rect rug text
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats approxfun lm loess median model.matrix p.adjust
#' predict preplot qt quantile rbeta rbinom runif
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply register MulticoreParam bpparam
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @import bsseq
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import nlme
#' @import annotatr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load example data
#' data(BS.chr21)
#' # the covariate of interest is the 'CellType' column of pData(BS.chr21)
#' testCovariate <- 'CellType'
#' # run dmrseq on a subset of the chromosome (10K CpGs)
#' regions <- dmrseq(bs=BS.chr21[240001:250000,],
#' cutoff = 0.05,
#' testCovariate=testCovariate)
dmrseq <- function(bs, testCovariate, adjustCovariate = NULL, cutoff = 0.1,
minNumRegion = 5, smooth = TRUE, bpSpan = 1000,
minInSpan = 30, maxGapSmooth = 2500, maxGap = 1000,
verbose = TRUE,
maxPerms = 10, matchCovariate = NULL,
BPPARAM = bpparam(), stat = "stat",
block = FALSE, blockSize = 5000,
chrsPerChunk = 1) {
stopifnot(is(bs, "BSseq"))
if (!(is.null(cutoff) || length(cutoff) %in% seq_len(2)))
stop("'cutoff' has to be either NULL or a vector of length 1 or 2")
if (length(cutoff) == 2)
cutoff <- sort(cutoff)
if (is.null(cutoff) | abs(cutoff) > 1 | abs(cutoff) == 0)
stop("Must specify a value for cutoff between 0 and 1")
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0)
if(minNumRegion < 3){
stop("minNumRegion must be at least 3")
# check statistic name
if (!(stat %in% c("L", "area", "beta", "stat", "avg"))) {
stop("Specified '", stat,
"' as the test statistic which is not ",
"in the results. Please specify a valid name from one of ",
"L, area, beta, stat, or avg")
# informative message about blocks if block=TRUE; check for increased
# smoothing window
if (block){
message("Searching for large scale blocks with at least ",
blockSize, " basepairs.")
if(minInSpan < 100 && bpSpan < 2000 && maxGapSmooth < 1e5){
warning("When block=TRUE, it is recommended to increase the values ",
"of minInSpan, bpSpan, and maxGapSmooth in order to widen ",
"the smoothing window")
# convert covariates to column numbers if characters
if (is.character(testCovariate)) {
if(length(testCovariate) > 1)
stop("Only one testCovariate can be specified")
if(sum(testCovariate %in% adjustCovariate) > 0)
stop("adjustCovariate can't contain testCovariate")
if(sum(testCovariate %in% matchCovariate))
stop("matchCovariate can't contain testCovariate")
testCovariate <- which(colnames(pData(bs)) == testCovariate)
if (length(testCovariate) == 0) {
stop("testCovariate not found in pData(). ",
"Please specify a valid testCovariate")
if (is.character(adjustCovariate)) {
if(matchCovariate == adjustCovariate)
stop("matchCovariate can't be identical to adjustCovariate")
adjustCovariate <- which(colnames(pData(bs)) %in% adjustCovariate)
if (length(adjustCovariate) == 0) {
stop("adjustCovariate not found in pData(). ",
"Please specify a valid adjustCovariate")
# check that chrsPerChunk value makes sense
if (chrsPerChunk != 1){
if (chrsPerChunk%%1 != 0){
stop("chrsPerChunk must be an integer")
}else if(chrsPerChunk < 1){
stop("chrsPerChunk must be strictly positive")
}else if(chrsPerChunk > length(unique(seqnames(bs)))){
stop("chrsPerChunk can't be larger than the total",
" number of chromosomes")
# check that bs object is sorted since `bsseq::BSseq()` no longer
# automatically sorts to ensure loci from same chr are indexed consecutively
if (is.unsorted(bs)) {
stop("'bs' must be sorted. Use 'sort(bs)'.")
# construct the design matrix using the pData of bs
if (ncol(pData(bs)) < max(testCovariate, adjustCovariate)) {
stop("Error: pData(bs) has too few columns. ","
Please specify valid ",
"covariates to use in the analysis")
coeff <- seq(2,(2 + length(testCovariate) - 1))
testCov <- pData(bs)[, testCovariate]
if (is.factor(testCov)) # drop unused levels of test
testCov <- droplevels(testCov)
fact <- TRUE
sampleSize <- table(testCov)[names(table(testCov)) %in% pData(bs)[,testCovariate]]
if (length(unique(testCov)) == 1) {
message("Warning: only one unique value of the specified ",
"covariate of interest. Assuming null comparison and ",
"splitting sample group into two equal groups")
testCov <- rep(1, length(testCov))
testCov[seq_len(round(length(testCov)/2))] <- 0
}else if (length(unique(testCov)) > 2 && !is.numeric(testCov)) {
message("Performing a global test of H0: no difference among ",
length(unique(testCov)), " groups (assuming the test ",
"covariate ", colnames(pData(bs))[testCovariate],
" is a factor).")
coeff <- seq(coeff, coeff + length(unique(testCov)) - 2)
}else if (length(unique(testCov)) > 2 && is.numeric(testCov)) {
message("Assuming the test ",
"covariate ", colnames(pData(bs))[testCovariate],
" is continuous.")
fact <- FALSE
message("Assuming the test ",
"covariate ", colnames(pData(bs))[testCovariate],
" is a factor.")
if(min(sampleSize) < 2)
stop("At least one group has only one sample! ",
"Replicates are required to run dmrseq.")
testCov <- as.factor(testCov)
if (!is.null(adjustCovariate)) {
mmdat <- data.frame(testCov = testCov)
adjustCov <- pData(bs)[, adjustCovariate, drop = FALSE]
# check for number of unique values per adjust cov
nunq <- apply(adjustCov, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))
if (any(nunq < 2))
stop("At least one adjust covariate is constant across samples.",
" Please remove this covariate from the model and try again.")
# remove any empty factor levels
for (f in 1:ncol(adjustCov)){
if (is.factor(adjustCov[,f]))
adjustCov[,f] <- droplevels(adjustCov[,f])
mmdat <- cbind(mmdat, adjustCov)
frm <- paste0("~", paste0(colnames(mmdat), collapse = " + "))
design <- model.matrix(as.formula(frm), data=mmdat)
colnames(design)[coeff] <- colnames(pData(bs))[testCovariate]
coeff.adj <- (max(coeff) + 1):(ncol(design))
} else {
design <- model.matrix(~testCov)
colnames(design)[coeff] <- colnames(pData(bs))[testCovariate]
coeff.adj <- NULL
# check model matrix is full rank
e <- eigen(crossprod(as.matrix(design)), symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
if (! (e[1] > 0 && abs(e[length(e)]/e[1]) > 1e-13)){
stop("Design matrix is not full rank")
# check for empty factor levels in design matrix
if (sum(colSums(design) == 0) > 0){
which.empty <- which(colSums(design) == 0)
design <- design[,-which.empty]
# check that p <= n
if (ncol(bs) < ncol(design) + 1)
stop("Not enough degrees of freedom to estimate ", ncol(design)-1,
" covariates using ", ncol(bs), " samples. Please use a larger ",
"number of samples, or specify fewer adjust covariates.")
# check for incompatible args
if (fact && !is.null(matchCovariate) && length(unique(testCov)) > 2)
stop("matchCovariate can't be used when testCovariate is not a 2-group ",
"factor. Perhaps you'd like to add an adjustCovariate instead?")
if(!is.null(matchCovariate) && choose(nrow(design), min(sampleSize)) >= 5e5)
stop("matchCovariate can't be used when the sample size is large enough ",
"to yield more than 500000 possible permutations. ",
"Perhaps you'd like to add an adjustCovariate instead?")
# check for interaction terms (not yet supported)
if (length(coeff) > 1 && any(rowSums(design[,coeff]) > 1))
stop("Interaction terms in testCovariate are not yet supported.")
if (length(unique(testCov)) == 2) {
message("Condition: ",
unique(pData(bs)[, testCovariate][which(design[, coeff] == 1)]),
" vs ",
unique(pData(bs)[, testCovariate][which(design[, coeff] == 0)]))
if (!is.null(adjustCovariate)) {
message("Adjusting for covariate (s): ",
paste(colnames(pData(bs))[adjustCovariate], collapse = ", "))
if (!is.null(matchCovariate)) {
if (length(matchCovariate) > 1)
stop("Covariate matching can only be carried out for one",
" covariate")
if (length(unique(testCov)) > 2)
stop("Covariate matching can only be carried out for 2-group",
" comparisons")
if (is.character(matchCovariate)) {
if (sum(grepl(matchCovariate, colnames(pData(bs)))) == 0) {
stop("Error: no column in pData() found that matches ",
"the matchCovariate")
} else if (length(grep(matchCovariate, colnames(pData(bs)))) > 1) {
stop("Error: matchCovariate matches more than one ",
"column in pData()")
mC <- grep(matchCovariate, colnames(pData(bs)))
} else {
stopifnot(matchCovariate <= ncol(pData(bs)))
message("Matching permutations on covariate: ",
# check for loci with missing data
if (fact){
lev <- unique(pData(bs)[[testCovariate]])
filter <- NULL
for (l in seq_along(lev)){
filter <- rbind(filter,
1*(DelayedMatrixStats::rowSums2(getCoverage(bs)[,pData(bs)[[testCovariate]] ==
lev[l], drop = FALSE]) == 0))
filter <- which( apply(filter, 2, max) > 0 )
if (length(filter) > 0) {
stop(length(filter), " loci have zero coverage in all samples ",
"of at least one condition. Please remove these loci ",
"before running dmrseq")
filter <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowSums2(getCoverage(bs)==0) >= ncol(bs) - 1
if(sum(filter) > 0)
stop(sum(filter), " loci have zero coverage in at least ",
ncol(bs) - 1, " samples. Please remove these loci ",
"before running dmrseq")
# register the parallel backend
backend <- paste0("BiocParallel:", class(bpparam())[1])
if (bpparam()$workers == 1) {
if (verbose) {
mes <- "Using a single core (backend: %s)."
message(sprintf(mes, backend))
parallel <- FALSE
} else {
if (verbose) {
mes <- paste0("Parallelizing using %s workers/cores ",
"(backend: %s).")
message(sprintf(mes, bpparam()$workers, backend))
parallel <- TRUE
message("Computing on ", chrsPerChunk,
" chromosome(s) at a time.\n")
message("Detecting candidate regions with coefficient larger than ",
" in magnitude.")
OBS <- bumphunt(bs=bs, design = design,
coeff = coeff, coeff.adj = coeff.adj, minInSpan = minInSpan,
minNumRegion = minNumRegion, cutoff = cutoff,
maxGap = maxGap, maxGapSmooth = maxGapSmooth,
smooth = smooth, bpSpan = bpSpan, verbose = verbose,
parallel = parallel, block = block, blockSize = blockSize,
chrsPerChunk = chrsPerChunk, fact = fact,
adjustCovariate = adjustCovariate)
# check that at least one candidate region was found; if there were none
# there is no need to go on to compute permutation tests...
if (length(OBS) > 0) {
message("* ", nrow(OBS), " candidates detected")
# configure the permutation matrix for two group comparisons
if (length(unique(design[, coeff[1]])) == 2 &&
length(coeff) == 1 &&
choose(nrow(design), min(sampleSize)) < 5e5 ) {
if (verbose) {
message("Performing balanced permutations of ",
"condition across samples ",
"to generate a null distribution of region test statistics")
perms <- combn(seq(1, nrow(design)), min(sampleSize))
# Remove redundant permutations (if balanced)
if (length(unique(table(design[,coeff]))) == 1){
perms <- perms[, seq_len(ncol(perms)/2)]
# restrict to unique permutations that don't include any
# groups consisting of all identical conditions
rmv <- NULL
for (p in seq_len(ncol(perms))){
if (length(unique(design[perms[,p],coeff])) == 1){
rmv <- c(rmv, p)
if (length(rmv) > 0 )
perms <- perms[,-rmv]
# subsample permutations based on similarity to original partition
# gives preference to those with the least similarity
if (maxPerms < ncol(perms)) {
similarity <- apply(perms, 2, function(x) {
perms.all <- perms
perms <- NULL
levs <- sort(unique(similarity))
l <- 1
num <- 0
while(!(num == maxPerms) && l <= length(levs)) {
keep <- sample(which(similarity == levs[l]),
min(maxPerms-num, sum(similarity == levs[l])) )
perms <- cbind(perms, perms.all[,keep])
l <- l + 1
num <- ncol(perms)
} else {
# Next consider a multilevel, or continuous covariate where the
# covariate will be permuted in an unrestricted manner
if (verbose) {
message("Performing unrestricted permutation of",
" covariate of interest across samples ",
"to generate a null distribution of region test statistics")
perms <- as.matrix(seq_len(nrow(design)))
for (p in seq_len(maxPerms)) {
tries <- 0
candidate <- sample(seq_len(nrow(design)), nrow(design))
# check that the permutation is not a duplicate, and not
# equal to the original
while ((sum(apply(perms, 2, function(x)
all.equal(x, candidate)) == TRUE) > 0 ||
sum(apply(perms, 2, function(x)
all.equal(x, rev(candidate))) == TRUE) > 0) &&
tries <= 20) {
candidate <- sample(seq(seq_len(nrow(design))), nrow(design))
tries <- tries + 1
# save the permutation to the permutation matrix
if (tries <= 20){
perms <- cbind(perms, candidate)
perms <- perms[,-1] # remove original
pData.orig <- pData(bs)
levs <- unique(pData.orig[[testCovariate]])
# Now rerun on permuted designs and concatenate results
for (j in seq_len(ncol(perms))) {
if (verbose) {
message("\nBeginning permutation ", j)
reorder <- perms[, j]
designr <- design
if (length(unique(design[, coeff[1]])) == 2 &&
length(coeff) == 1 &&
!nrow(perms) == nrow(designr)) {
designr[, coeff] <- 0
designr[reorder, coeff] <- 1
pData(bs)[[testCovariate]] <- levs[1]
pData(bs)[[testCovariate]][reorder] <- levs[2]
if (!all(sort(pData.orig[[testCovariate]]) ==
designr[, coeff] <- 1
designr[reorder, coeff] <- 0
pData(bs)[[testCovariate]] <- levs[2]
pData(bs)[[testCovariate]][reorder] <- levs[1]
xr <- NULL
for (rd in seq_len(nrow(pData.orig))) {
match <- which(pData.orig[[testCovariate]] %in%
taken <- which(match %in% xr)
if (length(taken) > 0)
match <- match[-taken]
if (length(match) > 0)
xr <- c(xr, match[1])
if(length(coeff.adj) > 0){
pData(bs)[,adjustCovariate] <-
} else {
designr[, coeff] <- designr[reorder, coeff]
pData(bs) <- pData.orig[reorder, , drop = FALSE]
# if matchCovariate is not null, restrict permutations such that
# null comparisons are balanced for the values of
# pData$matchCovariate this avoids comparison of,
# say two different individuals in the null, that the comparison of
# interest is tissue type. Not matching would mean the null is
# really not null
if (!is.null(matchCovariate)) {
permLabel <- paste0(paste0(pData(bs)[designr[, coeff[1]] == 1,
mC], collapse = "_"),
"vs", paste0(pData(bs)[(1 - designr[, coeff[1]]) == 1,
mC], collapse = "_"))
c1 <- unlist(strsplit(permLabel, "vs"))[1]
c2 <- unlist(strsplit(permLabel, "vs"))[2]
c1 <- unlist(strsplit(c1, "_"))
c2 <- unlist(strsplit(c2, "_"))
keepPerm <- 1 * (sum(c1 %in% c2) > 0 &&
sum(c2 %in% c1) > 0)
if (keepPerm == 0) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Skipping permutation ",
gsub("vs", " vs ", permLabel)))
} else {
permLabel <- j
res.flip.p <- bumphunt(bs=bs, design = designr,
coeff = coeff,
coeff.adj = coeff.adj,
minInSpan = minInSpan,
minNumRegion = minNumRegion, cutoff = cutoff,
maxGap = maxGap, maxGapSmooth = maxGapSmooth,
smooth = smooth, bpSpan = bpSpan,
verbose = verbose, parallel = parallel,
block = block, blockSize = blockSize,
chrsPerChunk = chrsPerChunk, fact = fact,
adjustCovariate = adjustCovariate)
if (verbose) {
message("* ", j, " out of ", ncol(perms),
" permutations completed (",
nrow(res.flip.p), " null candidates)")
if (!is.null(res.flip.p)) {
res.flip.p$permNum <- permLabel
FLIP <- rbind(FLIP, res.flip.p)
# restore original pData
pData(bs) <- pData.orig
# if no candidates were found in permutation
# provide informative error message
if (is.null(FLIP)){
warning("No candidate regions found in permutation, so inference ",
"can't be carried out. ",
"Try decreasing the cutoff, or running on a larger ",
"dataset if you are currently using a subset.")
OBS$pval <- NA
OBS$qval <- NA
}else if (nrow(FLIP) < 0.05*nrow(OBS)){
message("Note: Very few null candidate regions were found.",
"For more accurate and sensitive inference, ",
"try decreasing the cutoff, or running on a larger ",
"dataset if you are currently using a subset.")
if (!is.null(FLIP)){
# if there are more than 1 million candidate null regions,
# take a random sample
# of 1 million of them
if (nrow(FLIP) > 1e+06) {
rs <- sample(seq_len(nrow(FLIP)), 1e+06, replace = FALSE)
FLIP <- FLIP[rs, ]
# which column of results to use as test statistic ?
# check statistic name
if (!(stat %in% c(colnames(OBS), "avg"))) {
stop("Specified '", stat,
"' as the test statistic which is not ",
"in the results. Please specify a valid name from one of ",
"L, area, beta, or stat")
} else if (stat == "avg") {
OBS$avg <- OBS$area/OBS$L
FLIP$avg <- FLIP$area/FLIP$L
whichStatO <- which(colnames(OBS) == stat)
whichStatF <- which(colnames(FLIP) == stat)
# Faster way to compute the p-values that doesn't use multiple cores
# Step 1: sort the permuted statistics vector
perm.ordered <- c(sort(abs(FLIP[, whichStatF]),
method = "quick"), Inf)
# Step 2: find the first instance in the sorted vector where the
# permuted value is greater than the observed and use this to
# determine the number of permuted values that are greater than or
# equal to theobserved
pval <- rep(NA, nrow(OBS))
pval[!is.na(OBS[, whichStatO])] <- (1 +
vapply(abs(OBS[!is.na(OBS[, whichStatO]), whichStatO]),
function(x) length(perm.ordered) - min(which(x <= perm.ordered)),
numeric(1))) / (1 + sum(!is.na(FLIP[, whichStatF])))
# missing test statistics cause Inf for the p-value calculation
# instead propagate the missing values
pval[abs(pval) == Inf] <- NA
pval <- data.frame(x = pval, y = p.adjust(pval, method = "BH"))
OBS$pval <- pval$x
OBS$qval <- pval$y
# convert output into GRanges, with indexStart/indexEnd as IRanges
indexIR <- IRanges(OBS$indexStart, OBS$indexEnd)
OBS.gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(OBS[,-c(4:5)],
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
OBS.gr$index <- indexIR
names(OBS.gr) <- NULL
# sort on pval overall (currently sorted within chromsome)
OBS.gr <- OBS.gr[order(OBS.gr$pval, -abs(OBS.gr$stat)),]
} else {
message("No candidate regions pass the cutoff of ", unique(abs(cutoff)))
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