
Defines functions simtestp

Documented in simtestp

#' Simulation of Time-to-Event P-Values
#' Description here
#' simulation test: provide # of events/timing at specified timing/# of events;
#' provide HR and p-value at specified timing/events;
#' provide boundary crossing probability 
#' (experimental: cannot update boundary at different # of events)
#' @param x list genearted by simulation
#' @param anaT Calendar time for reporting, testing, and boundary crossing probability when a gsDesign object is specified.
#' @param anaD Events driven for reporting, testing, and boundary crossing probability when a gsDesign object is specified.
#' @param anatype use specified timing(anaT) if 'calendar'; use specified # of events(anaD) if 'event'
#' @param method statistical testing on simulated data. 
#' @param stratum TBD
#' @param fparam TBD
#' @param d A gsDesign object as input. Timing/Events and the boundary will be used.
#' @examples
#' # examples here
#' @return A
#' @keywords internal
#' Needs update!
simtestp <- function(x # list genearted by simulation
                    ,anaT=NULL # Calendar time for reporting, testing, and boundary crossing probability when a gsDesign object is specified.
                    ,anaD=NULL # Events driven for reporting, testing, and boundary crossing probability when a gsDesign object is specified.
                    ,anatype='event' # use specified timing(anaT) if 'calendar'; use specified # of events(anaD) if 'event'
                    ,method=NULL # statistical testing on simulated data. 
                    ,d=NULL # An gsDesign object as input. Timing/Events and the boundary will be used.
  if (anatype %in% c('event', 'calendar')) {
  } else{
    stop("anatype needs to be either 'calendar' or 'event'.")
  ## use gsSurv object if provided

  flag <- NULL
  if (!is.null(d)) {
    if (!is(d, "gsDesign")) {
      stop("d should be an object of class gsDesign")
    if (is.null(anaD) &
        is.null(anaT)) { ## Use the original gsDesign boundary
    } else{
      flag = 1 ## Update the gsDesign boundary
    anaT <- if (is.null(anaT)) {
    } else{
    anaD <- if (is.null(anaD)) {
      c(ceiling(d$eDC + d$eDE))
    } else{

  if (anatype=='calendar'){
    ## use anaT for calendar based interim analyses
    DT.t <- data.table(t = anaT,
                       analysis = c(1:length(anaT)),
                       k = 1)
    DT.x <- data.table(x$simd, k = 1)
    DT.sim <- merge(DT.t, DT.x, by = "k", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    DT.sim [, aval := ifelse(survival + enterT > t, t - enterT, survival)
          ][, cnsr := ifelse(survival + enterT > t, 1, cnsr)
          ][, c("k","survival"):=NULL]
  } else if (anatype == 'event') {
    ## use anaD for event driven interim analyses
    dt <- data.table(x$simd,
                     ct = x$simd$survival + x$simd$enterT,
                     k = 1)
    setorderv(dt, c("sim", "cnsr", "ct"), c(1, 1, 1))
    dt <- dt[, evn := c(1:(x$ssC + x$ssE))
           ][, evn := ifelse(cnsr == 1, 9999, evn)]
    DT.D <- data.table(D = anaD,
                       analysis = c(1:length(anaD)),
                       k = 1)
    DT.sim1 <- merge(dt, DT.D, by = "k", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    survt <- DT.sim1[evn == D, .(sim, t = ct, D)]
    DT.sim <- merge(DT.sim1, survt, by = c("sim", "D"), all.x = TRUE)
    DT.sim[, t := ifelse(is.na(t), x$T, t)
          ][, survival2 := ifelse(ct <= t, survival, t - enterT)
          ][, cnsr2 := ifelse(ct <= t, cnsr, 1)
          ][, aval := survival2][, cnsr := cnsr2
          ][, c("k","survival","evn","survival2","cnsr2","ct"):=NULL]
  } else if (anatype == 'both') {
    ## use anaD for event driven interim analyses
    dt <- data.table(x$simd,
                     ct = x$simd$survival + x$simd$enterT,
                     k = 1)
    setorderv(dt, c("sim", "cnsr", "ct"), c(1, 1, 1))
    dt <- dt[, evn := c(1:(x$ssC + x$ssE))
             ][, evn := ifelse(cnsr == 1, 9999, evn)]
    DT.D <- data.table(D = anaD,
                       analysis = c(1:length(anaD)),
                       k = 1)
    DT.sim1 <- merge(dt, DT.D, by = "k", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    survt <- DT.sim1[evn == D, .(sim, anaDt = ct, D)]
    DT.sim <- merge(DT.sim1, survt, by = c("sim", "D"), all.x = TRUE)
    DT.sim[, anaDt := ifelse(is.na(anaDt), 99999, anaDt)]
    DT.sim[, anaTt:=anaT[analysis]][,t:=max(anaDt,anaTt),by=.(sim, analysis)]
    DT.sim[, survival2 := ifelse(ct <= t, survival, t - enterT)
           ][, cnsr2 := ifelse(ct <= t, cnsr, 1)
             ][, aval := survival2][, cnsr := cnsr2
                                    ][, c("k","survival","evn","survival2","cnsr2","ct"):=NULL]
  DT.sim<-DT.sim[aval > 0] ## remove subjects enrolled after specified time or number of events
  setorderv(DT.sim, c("sim", "analysis"), c(1, 1))
  tmp1 <- DT.sim[treatment == 'experiment', .(t = t[.N],NE = .N,DE = sum(1 - cnsr)), by = .(sim, analysis)]
  tmp2 <- DT.sim[treatment == 'control', .(NC = .N, DC = sum(1 - cnsr)), by = .(sim, analysis)]
  tmp <- merge(tmp1, tmp2, by = c("sim", "analysis"), all = TRUE)[, D :=DC + DE]
  if (!is.null(method)){  ## start testing procedures
    e=substitute(stratum) ## use user provided stratum variable 
    if (is.character(method)) {  ## if a pre-defined method is used
      if (!is.element(method,c("LR"))){
        stop("Character specification of method may only be LR")
      result<-DT.sim[, c(test.lr(aval,cnsr,treatment,eval(e))), by=.(sim,analysis)]  
    } else if (is.function(method)){ ## if user defined function is used
      ### parallel computing
      nodes <- detectCores()
      cl <- makeCluster(nodes)
      clusterExport(cl, c(as.character(substitute(method)),fparam$pfunc))
      r <- data.frame()
      rtmp <- ddply(DT.sim, .(sim, analysis),
                    function(indata) {
                      r <- method(indata$aval, indata$cnsr, indata$treatment, indata[, eval(e)], fparam)
                      return(as.data.frame(r, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
                    .parallel = TRUE, 
                    .paropts = list(.packages = c("data.table", fparam$packages)))
      r <- rbind(r, rtmp)

      #result<-DT.sim[, c(method(aval,cnsr,treatment,eval(e),fparam)), by=.(sim,analysis)]  
      if (!any(names(result)=="pval")){
        stop("user defined function must return a p-Value with name 'pval'")

    if (!is.null(d)) {
      if (is.null(flag)){
      } else {
           ][,xeff2:=ifelse(cumsum(xeff1)>0,1,0), by=sim
           ][,xfut2:=ifelse(cumsum(xfut1)>0,1,0), by=sim
           ][,fstfl:=ifelse(sum(xeff2)>sum(xfut2),1,0), by=sim

  if (is.null(result)){resultall<-tmp}else{resultall<-result}

  y<-list(anaT=anaT, anaD=anaD, anatype=anatype, method=method,result=resultall, gsobj=d,simd=DT.sim)  
keaven/nphsim documentation built on May 24, 2020, 9:34 p.m.