# These tests were used to develop and tweak parts of the package. They are
# given here by means of archive.
context("Temporary development tests")
test_that("tpow_lam is comparable to tinv_lam", {
skip("Initial testing")
# This code was previously used to tune the tpow_lam function to be as close
# as possible to the tinv_lam function.
# Compute the difference between the power and inverse Batschelet functions.
t_diff <- function(inv_lam, pow_lam, res = 100) {
tinvsq <- t_lam(seq(-pi, pi, length.out = res), inv_lam)
tpowsq <- tpow_lam(seq(-pi, pi, length.out = res), pow_lam)
mean(abs(abs(tpowsq) - abs(tinvsq)))
# Draw two curves
t_diff_curve <- function(inv_lam, pow_lam) {
curve(t_lam(x, inv_lam), -2*pi, 2*pi, asp = 1, col = "darkolivegreen")
curve(tpow_lam(x, pow_lam), -2*pi, 2*pi, asp = 1, col = "skyblue", add = TRUE)
# Find the minimum difference between the two curves, at inv_lam = 1 and inv_lam = -1.
lam_min <- optimize(function(x) t_diff(1, x), interval = c(-1, 1))$minimum
lam_min_neg <- -optimize(function(x) t_diff(-1, x), interval = c(-1, 1))$minimum
mean_lam_min <- mean(c(lam_min, lam_min_neg))
expect_true(t_diff(1, lam_min) < t_diff(1, lam_min + .001))
expect_true(t_diff(1, lam_min) < t_diff(1, lam_min - .001))
expect_true(t_diff(-1, -lam_min_neg) < t_diff(-1, -lam_min_neg + .001))
expect_true(t_diff(-1, -lam_min_neg) < t_diff(-1, -lam_min_neg - .001))
t_diff_curve(1/3, mean_lam_min/3)
t_diff_curve(1, mean_lam_min)
test_that("dinvbat is comparable to dpowbat", {
skip("Initial testing")
# Draw two curves
dbat_diff_curve <- function(inv_lam, mu = 1, kp = 5, lam = .5) {
curve(dinvbat(x, mu, kp, lam), -2*pi, 2*pi, col = "darkolivegreen", n = 500)
curve(dpowbat(x, mu, kp, lam), -2*pi, 2*pi, col = "skyblue", add = TRUE, n = 500)
test_that("Bootrap paralellization works", {
skip("Skip all devepment tests.")
skip("Skip parallel tests because they fail in R CMD Check.")
# Test with parallelization
x <- rinvbatmix(200)
expect_error(fit_boot_2 <- fitbatmix(x, method = "boot", B = 3,
parallel = TRUE), NA)
expect_error(fit_boot_2, NA)
expect_error(summary(fit_boot_2), NA)
test_that("Can compute sensible functions of parameters", {
skip("Skip all development tests.")
kp <- 4
lam <- 0
computeMeanResultantLengthBat(kp, lam)
kp <- 4
lam <- 0.2
computeMeanResultantLengthBat(kp, lam)
integrate(function(x) dinvbatkern(x, 0, kp, lam), -pi, pi)
K_kplam(kp, lam)
integrate(function(x) dpowbatkern(x, 0, kp, lam), -pi, pi)
powbat_nc(kp, lam)
cos_fun <- function(theta) cos(theta) * dbat_fun(theta, 0, kp, lam, log = FALSE)
nc_batfun(kp, lam) * integrate(cos_fun, -pi, pi)$value
cos_fun_withnc <- function(theta) {
nc_batfun(kp, lam) *
cos(theta) *
dbatkernfun(theta, 0, kp, lam, log = FALSE)
integrate(function(x) dbatkernfun(x, 0, kp, lam)/ nc_batfun(kp, lam), -pi, pi)
integrate(function(x) dbat_fun(x, 0, kp, lam), -pi, pi)
dbat_fun(.1, 0, kp, lam)
integrate(cos_fun_withnc, -pi, pi)$value
test_that("Proposals similar to full conditionals, log-likelihood shape", {
skip("Skip all development tests.")
mu = 1; kp = 6; lam = .6
dat <- rinvbat(100, mu, kp, lam)
mylik <- likfuninvbat(dat, log = FALSE)
mull <- Vectorize(function(x) flexcircmix:::ll_rhs_bat(dat, x, kp, lam, t_lam))
kpll <- Vectorize(function(x) mylik(mu, x, lam))
lmll <- Vectorize(function(x) mylik(mu, kp, x))
curve(mull, -pi, pi)
curve(kpll, 0, 10, n = 200)
curve(lmll, -1, 1)
dat <- rinvbatmix(300, mus = c(-1, 2), kps = c(5, 10), lams = c(-.3, .6), alphs = c(.3, .7))
hist(dat, breaks = 30)
curve(ll_rhs_bat(dat, mu_cur, x, lam_cur, t_lam), 0, 20)
test_that("Initial MCMC tests", {
skip("Initial mcmc testing")
n <- 1000
mus1 <- replicate(n, sample_mu_bat(x_j, mu_cur[j], kp_cur[j], lam_cur[j], tlam_fun, mu_logprior_fun))
mus2 <- replicate(n, sample_mu_bat_2(x_j, mu_cur[j], kp_cur[j], lam_cur[j], tlam_fun, mu_logprior_fun))
# MCMC default arguments for testing
x <- rinvbatmix(100)
Q = 1000
burnin = 0
thin = 1
n_comp = 4
bat_type = "inverse"
init_pmat = matrix(NA, n_comp, 4)
fixed_pmat = matrix(NA, n_comp, 4)
mu_logprior_fun = function(mu) -log(2*pi)
kp_logprior_fun = function(kp) 1
lam_logprior_fun = function(lam) -log(2)
alph_prior_param = rep(1, n_comp)
i <- 2
j <- 1
verbose = TRUE
skip("Long-chain MCMC testing skipped for because they take too long.")
x <- rinvbatmix(100)
sam_pow <- mcmcBatscheletMixture(x, Q = 1000, thin = 10, bat_type = 'power', verbose = 4)
plot_batmix_sample(x = x, param = sam_pow)
test_that("Improvements for kappa proposal", {
makeKpLik <- function(mu = 1, lam = .4, n = 100, true_kp = 5, log = FALSE) {
x <- rinvbatmix(n, mu, true_kp, lam, 1)
llfun <- likfunpowbat(x, log = log)
Vectorize(function(kp) {llfun(mu, kp, lam)})
mu = 1; kp = 5; lam = .6; n = 1000
true_mu = mu; true_kp = kp; true_lam = lam;
log = FALSE
kp_max = 20
compareLikPropKappa <- function(mu = 1, kp = 4, lam = .4, n = 100,
true_mu = mu, true_kp = kp, true_lam = lam,
log = FALSE,
kp_max = 20) {
x <- rinvbatmix(n, true_mu, true_kp, true_lam, 1)
llfun <- likfunpowbat(x, log = log)
kpfunkern <- Vectorize(function(kp) {llfun(mu, kp, lam)})
kpfun <- function(kp) kpfunkern(kp) / integrate(kpfunkern, 0, kp_max)$value
curve(kpfun, 0, kp_max, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(dchisq(x, kp), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "tomato")
# Obtain parameters of bessel exponential distribution
eta <- length(x)
C <- sum(cos(x))
S <- sum(sin(x))
R <- sqrt(C^2 + S^2)
th_bar <- atan2(S, C)
g <- -R * cos(mu - th_bar) / eta
curve(dbesselexp(x, eta, g, log = FALSE), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "skyblue")
R2 <- computeMeanResultantLengthBat(kp, lam, bat_type = "power") * eta
g2 <- -R2 * cos(mu - th_bar) / eta
curve(dbesselexp(x, eta, g2, log = FALSE), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "green")
phi <- force_neg_pi_pi(flexcircmix:::tpow_lam_inv(x - mu, -lam) + mu)
# Obtain parameters of bessel exponential distribution
eta <- length(phi)
C <- sum(cos(phi))
S <- sum(sin(phi))
R <- sqrt(C^2 + S^2)
th_bar <- atan2(S, C)
g <- -R * cos(mu - th_bar) / eta
# hist(x, breaks = 100)
# hist(phi, breaks = 100)
curve(dbesselexp(x, eta, g, log = FALSE), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "goldenrod")
curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, kp, var_tune = .01), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "red")
curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, kp, var_tune = .1), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "tomato")
curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, kp, var_tune = 1), 0, kp_max, add = TRUE, col = "pink")
par(mfrow = c(3, 3))
replicate(9, compareLikPropKappa(n = 100, kp = 5, kp_max = 25))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
mu <- flexcircmix:::sample_mu_bat_2(x, mu, kp, lam,
tlam_fun = flexcircmix:::tpow_lam,
mu_logprior_fun = function(mu) 0)
kp <- flexcircmix:::sample_kp_bat(x, mu, kp, lam, likpowbat,
kp_logprior_fun = function(kp) 0)
kp <- flexcircmix:::sample_lam_bat(x, mu, kp, lam, likpowbat,
kp_logprior_fun = function(kp) 0)
x <- rinvbatmix(n, true_mu, true_kp, true_lam, 1)
curve(dpowbat(x, mu, kp, lam), add = TRUE, col = "blue")
llfun <- likfunpowbat(x, log = log)
kpfunkern <- Vectorize(function(kp) {llfun(mu, kp, lam)})
kpfun <- function(kp) kpfunkern(kp) / integrate(kpfunkern, 0, kp_max)$value
# shape = a = n/2
# scale = s = h
# Chisq
# mean = df
# var = 2df
# Gamma
# mean = as = df
# var = ass
# If I know I want gamma with mean m and var v, we have
# s = v/m
# a = m/s
# So for chi-sq with mean 10 and variance 20, we have
# s = 20/10 = 2
# a = 10/2 = 5
curve(dgamma(x, shape = 5, scale = 2), 0, 20)
curve(dchisq(x, 10), 0, 20)
# Moreover, if we keep the chi-square base, we parameterize in terms of gamma
# mean , and variance tuning parameter phi, so that mean = m and variance =
# 2*m*phi.
# curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, 10, 1), 0, 20)
# curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, 10, 2), 0, 20)
# curve(flexcircmix:::dgammaprop(x, 10, .1), 0, 20)
parmat <- matrix(c(0, 2, 4,
5, 5, 5,
-.1, 0, .4,
.2, .5, .3), ncol = 4)
x <- rinvbatmix(1000, mus = parmat[,1], kps = parmat[,2], lams = parmat[,3], alphs = parmat[,4])
verb <- 1
Q <- 2000
sam_pow_1 <- mcmcBatscheletMixture(x, Q = Q, thin = 1, n_comp = 3, verbose = verb, init_pmat = parmat,
kp_bw = 1, bat_type = 'power')
sam_pow_2 <- mcmcBatscheletMixture(x, Q = Q, n_comp = 3, verbose = verb,
kp_bw = .1, bat_type = 'power')
sam_pow_3 <- mcmcBatscheletMixture(x, Q = Q, n_comp = 3, verbose = verb,
kp_bw = .001, bat_type = 'power')
cbind(sam_pow_1$acceptance_rates[, 1],
sam_pow_2$acceptance_rates[, 1],
sam_pow_3$acceptance_rates[, 1])
colMeans(cbind(sam_pow_1$acceptance_rates[, 1],
sam_pow_2$acceptance_rates[, 1],
sam_pow_3$acceptance_rates[, 1]))
plot_batmix_sample(x, sam_pow_1$mcmc_sample, plot_n = 20, dens_darkness = 5)
plot_batmix_sample(x, sam_pow_2$mcmc_sample, plot_n = 20, dens_darkness = 5)
plot_batmix_sample(x, sam_pow_3$mcmc_sample, plot_n = 20, dens_darkness = 5)
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