Man pages for kharchenkolab/sccore
Core Utilities for Single-Cell RNA-Seq

adjacent_vertex_weightsList of adjacent vertex weights from igraph object
adjacentVerticesList of adjacent vertices from igraph object
appendSpecificityMetricsToDEAppend specificity metrics to DE
as_factorconvert character vector into a factor with names "values"...
cellAnnotationsConos cell annotations
checkPackageInstalledCheck whether a package is installed and suggest how to...
collapseCellsByTypeCollapse count matrices by cell type, given min/max number of...
collapseGraphPagaCollapse graph using PAGA 1.2 algorithm, Wolf et al 2019,...
collapseGraphSumCollapse Graph By Sum
colSumByFactorCalculates factor-stratified sums for each column
computeChebyshevCoeffsCompute Chebyshev Coefficients
conosClusterListConos clusters list
conosGraphConos graph
dotPlotDot plot adapted from Seurat:::DotPlot, see ?Seurat:::DotPlot...
embeddingColorsPlotSet colors for embedding plot. Used primarily in...
embeddingGroupPlotPlotting function for cluster labels, names contain cell...
embeddingPlotPlot embedding with provided labels / colors using ggplot2
embedGraphUmapEmbed a graph into a UMAP, Uniform Manifold Approximation and...
embedKnnGraphEmbed a k-nearest neighbor (kNN) graph within a UMAP. Used...
extendMatrixExtend matrix to include new columns in matrix
fac2colUtility function to translate a factor into colors
fac2paletteEncodes logic of how to handle named-vector and functional...
getClusterGraphCollapse vertices belonging to each cluster in a graph
get_nearest_neighborsGet nearest neighbors method on graph
graphToAdjListConvert igraph graph into an adjacency list
heatFilterGraph filter with the heat kernel: f(x) = exp(-beta |x /...
jsDistJensen–Shannon distance metric (i.e. the square root of the...
mergeCountMatricesMerge list of count matrices into a common matrix, entering...
multi2dendTranslate multilevel segmentation into a dendrogram, with the...
plapplyParallel, optionally verbose lapply. See ?parallel::mclapply...
propagate_labelsLabel propagation
propagateLabelsEstimate labeling distribution for each vertex, based on...
propagateLabelsDiffusionEstimate labeling distribution for each vertex, based on...
propagateLabelsSolverPropagate labels using Zhu, Ghahramani, Lafferty (2003)...
saveDeAsJsonSave DE results as JSON tables for viewing in browser
setMinMaxSet range for values in object. Changes values outside of...
smoothChebyshevSmooth with Chebyshev Polynomials
smooth_count_matrixSmooth gene expression, used primarily within...
smoothSignalOnGraphSmooth Signal on Graph
snSet names equal to values, a stats::setNames wrapper function
styleEmbeddingPlotSet plot.theme, legend, ticks for embedding plot. Used...
umapEmbeddingUMAP embedding
val2colUtility function to translate values into colors.
val2ggcolHelper function to return a ggplot color gradient for a...
kharchenkolab/sccore documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:41 a.m.