
Defines functions dsp_create_from_gdb

Documented in dsp_create_from_gdb

#' @title Create dispersion fields and a presence absence matrix from geodatabase 
#'        file or a shape file containing all species.
#' @description Reads a single GIS data file and generates a presence-matrix
#' and associated dispersion fields in a user-specified region.
#' @param gdb_object The geodatabase or a single shapefile containing all species to be read 
#'                    in ahead of time and provided as an sf object. 
#' @param raster_latlim The latitudinal range of the desired dispersion fields and presence-absence matrix.
#' @param raster_longlim The longitudinal range.
#' @param raster_resolution The resolution of the raster in degrees.
#' @param precision The precision of the initial estimation provided to fasterize. 
#'                          fasterize tends to undercount small species ranges, so is required 
#'                          to keep at a low value in order detect species presences.
#'                          Most users will not need to change, but increaseing this value will 
#'                          speed up the function but with potential for error. 
#' @param thresh The number of co-occuring species required to generate a dispersion field for that map cell. 
#' @param drop Boolean. If T sites with 0 overlapping species will be dropped from the final presence-absence matrix.
#'             Defaults to false.  
#' @param species_feature The name of the feature (column) that contains the species names 
#'                             in the GIS data source.
#' @param species_names If you would like to only include a subset of the species is the GIS data source
#'                      a vector of species names can be provided to filter the GIS data before processing
#'                      into a presence absence matrix and dispersion fields. 
#' @return Returns 2 lists and 1 matrix. In each list, each element is a
#' dispersion field corresponding to the species present in the 
#' specific site to which it corresponds. The first list "matrix" 
#' contains each dispersion field as a matrix. The second list "raster" returns 
#' each dispersion field as a raster. The matrix is a presence absence matrix with 
#' species as columns and each individual map cell the rows. The names of the elements 
#' of the lists, and the rownames for the presence-absence matrix, are assigned as 
#' the lat_long combos for those locations.
#' @keywords counts data, local site-species data, dispersion field
#' @import sf
#' @importFrom fasterize fasterize
#' @importFrom raster raster setValues stack aggregate as.matrix
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export

dsp_create_from_gdb = function(gdb_object,
                               raster_resolution = 5,
                               thresh = 4,
                               raster_latlim = c(-90,90),
                               raster_longlim = c(-180,180),
                               species_feature = "SCINAME",
                               precision = 0.25,
                               species_names = NULL,
                               drop = FALSE){
  colnames(gdb_object)[colnames(gdb_object) == species_feature] <- "ecos_temp_name"
  if (!is.null(species_names)) {
    gdb_object <- gdb_object %>% dplyr::filter(ecos_temp_name %in% 
  r <- raster::raster(resolution = raster_resolution, xmn = raster_longlim[1], 
                      xmx = raster_longlim[2], ymn = raster_latlim[1], ymx = raster_latlim[2])
  r_prim <- raster::raster(resolution = precision, xmn = raster_longlim[1], 
                           xmx = raster_longlim[2], ymn = raster_latlim[1], 
                           ymx = raster_latlim[2])
  idx <- list()
  for (i in 1:ncell(r)) {
    idx[[i]] <- as.vector(xyFromCell(r, i, spatial = FALSE))
  idx_coords <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(idx)) {
    idx_coords[i] <- cellFromXY(r, idx[[i]])
  r_sfs_ag <- list()
  sp_include <- c()
  runs <- length(unique(gdb_object$ecos_temp_name))
  nms_unq <- unique(gdb_object$ecos_temp_name)
  cat("\n Populating presence-absence matrix \n")
  pb <- txtProgressBar()
  for (i in 1:runs){
    breedingranges <- gdb_object[gdb_object$ecos_temp_name == nms_unq[i], ]
    r_sfs <- fasterize::fasterize(breedingranges, r_prim,
                                  fun = "any", by = "ecos_temp_name", background = 0)
    r_sfs_ag[[i]] <- raster::aggregate(r_sfs, fact = (1/precision) * 
                                         raster_resolution, fun = max, expand = F)
    sp_include[i] <- any(as.matrix(r_sfs_ag[[i]]) > 0)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/runs)
  r_sfs <- r_sfs[sp_include]
  r_sfs_ag <- r_sfs_ag[sp_include]
  names(r_sfs) <- as.character(unique(gdb_object$ecos_temp_name))[sp_include]
  names(r_sfs_ag) <- as.character(unique(gdb_object$ecos_temp_name))[sp_include]
  pres_ab <- sapply(r_sfs_ag, function(x) c(t(raster::as.matrix(x))))
  rw_nms <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(idx)){
    rw_nms[i] <- paste(idx[[i]][2], idx[[i]][1], 
                       sep = "_")
  rownames(pres_ab) <- rw_nms
  overlps_sp <- apply(pres_ab, 2, function (x) which(x == 1))
  overlps_cell <- apply(pres_ab, 1, function (x) which(x == 1))
  cells_with_overlap <- which(unlist(lapply(overlps_cell, any)))
  focal_LL <- idx[cells_with_overlap]
  cells_with_asblg <- which(unlist(lapply(overlps_cell, function(x) length(x) > thresh)))
  focal_asblg_LL <- idx[cells_with_asblg]
  dispersion.field.raster <- list()
  dispersion.field.matrix <- list()
  lat_long_names <- c()
  cat("\n Generating disersion fields \n")
  pb <- txtProgressBar()
  for (i in 1:length(cells_with_asblg)) {
    dsp_fld <- sum(stack(r_sfs_ag[overlps_cell[cells_with_asblg[i]][[1]]]))
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/length(cells_with_asblg))
    dsp_fld[dsp_fld == 0] <- NA
    dispersion.field.raster[[i]] <- dsp_fld
    dispersion.field.matrix[[i]] <- raster::as.matrix(dsp_fld)
    lat_long_names[i] <- paste(focal_asblg_LL[[i]][2], 
                               sep = "_")
  names(dispersion.field.matrix) <- lat_long_names
  names(dispersion.field.raster) <- lat_long_names
    pres_ab <- pres_ab[rowSums(pres_ab) > 0,]
  dispersion.field <- list(matrix = dispersion.field.matrix, 
                           raster = dispersion.field.raster, 
                           pres_ab = pres_ab)
kkdey/ecostructure documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 4:10 p.m.