
Defines functions kendall.normal.twin.ace kendall.ClaytonOakes.twin.ace simFrailty.simple simCompete.simple simCompete.twin.ace simClaytonOakes.family.ace simClaytonOakes.twin.ace simClaytonOakesWei simClaytonOakesLam simClaytonOakes

Documented in kendall.ClaytonOakes.twin.ace kendall.normal.twin.ace simClaytonOakes simClaytonOakes.family.ace simClaytonOakesLam simClaytonOakes.twin.ace simClaytonOakesWei simCompete.simple simCompete.twin.ace simFrailty.simple

##' Simulate observations from the Clayton-Oakes copula model with
##' piecewise constant marginals.
##' @title Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
##' @param K Number of clusters
##' @param n Number of observations in each cluster
##' @param eta variance
##' @param beta Effect (log hazard ratio) of covariate
##' @param stoptime Stopping time
##' @param lam constant hazard 
##' @param left Left truncation
##' @param pairleft pairwise (1) left truncation or individual (0)
##' @param trunc.prob Truncation probability 
##' @param same if 1 then left-truncation is same also for univariate truncation
##' @author Thomas Scheike and Klaus K. Holst
##' @aliases simClaytonOakes simClaytonOakesLam
##' @export
simClaytonOakes <- function(K,n,eta,beta,stoptime,lam=1,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5,same=0)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  ###	K <- 100; n=2; stoptime=2; eta=1/2; beta=0; lam=0.5;left=0.5; trunc.prob=0.5; pairleft=0; same=0
  ### change such that eta is variance 
  Gam1 <-matrix(rgamma(K,eta)/eta,K,n)
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  

if (left>0) {
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       if (same==0) lefttime <- rexp(n*K)*left
       if (same==1) lefttime <- rep(rexp(K)*left,each=n)
       if (same==0) left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       if (same==1) left <- rep(rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob),each=n)
       lefttime <- lefttime*left
       trunk <- ud[,1] > lefttime
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);}
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
simClaytonOakesLam <- function(n,k,cumhaz,vargam,entry=NULL)  
{ ## {{{ 
base1 <- cumhaz
dtt <- diff(c(0,base1[,1]))
lams <- (diff(c(0,base1[,2]))/dtt)*exp(vargam*base1[,2])
Lams <- cbind(base1[,1],cumsum(dtt*lams))

if (is.null(entry)) entry <- rep(0,n*k)
gamma <- rep(rgamma(n,1/vargam)*vargam,each=k)
ddd <- rchaz(rbind(c(0,0),Lams),rr=gamma,entry=entry)
ddd$cluster <- rep(1:n,each=k)
ddd$gamma <- gamma

attr(ddd,"cumhaz") <- Lams
} ## }}} 

##' Simulate observations from the Clayton-Oakes copula model with
##' Weibull type baseline and Cox marginals.
##' @title Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model
##' @param K Number of clusters
##' @param n Number of observations in each cluster
##' @param eta 1/variance
##' @param beta Effect (log hazard ratio) of covariate
##' @param stoptime Stopping time
##' @param weiscale weibull scale parameter 
##' @param weishape weibull shape parameter 
##' @param left Left truncation
##' @param pairleft pairwise (1) left truncation or individual (0)
##' @author Klaus K. Holst 
##' @export
simClaytonOakesWei <- function(K,n,eta,beta,stoptime,weiscale=1,weishape=2,left=0,pairleft=0)
{ ## {{{ 
###cat(" not quite \n"); 
## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
### K=10; n=2; eta=1; beta=0.3; stoptime=3; lam=0.5; 
### weigamma=2; left=0; pairleft=0
 X <- rbinom(n*K,1,0.5)
 Gam1 <-rep(rgamma(K,eta),each=n)
 temp <- rexp(K*n)
 temp<- (eta*log(eta*temp/(eta*Gam1)+1)/(exp(beta*X)*weiscale^weishape))^{1/weishape}
 status<- ifelse(temp<=C,1,0);
 temp <-   pmin(temp,C)
 xt <- matrix(temp,n,K)
 minstime <- apply(xt,2,min)  
  ud <- cbind(temp,status,X,id)
if (left>0) {
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,0.5) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,0.5) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);}
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

  ud <- data.frame(ud)
} ## }}} 

##' @export
simClaytonOakes.twin.ace <- function(K,varg,varc,beta,stoptime,Cvar=0,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5,lam0=1)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  n <- 2 # twins with ace structure
  #change parametrization 
  sumpar <- sum(varg+varc)
  varg <- varg/sumpar^2; 
  varc <- varc/sumpar^2
  if (Cvar==0) C<-matrix(stoptime,K,n) else C<-matrix(Cvar*runif(K*n)*stoptime,K,n) 
  ### total variance of gene and env. 
  ###  random effects with 
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  etao <- eta <- varc+varg
  if (etao==0) eta <- 1
  Gams1 <-cbind( rgamma(K,varg)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K,varc)/eta )
  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); dz <- 1-mz;
  mzrv <-  Gams1[,1]+Gams1[,5]           ### shared gene + env 
  dzrv1 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,3]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  dzrv2 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,4]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  Gam1 <- cbind(mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv1,mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv2)
  Gam1[Gam1==0] <- 1 ## to work also under independence 
  if (etao==0) temp <- matrix(rexp(n*K),K,n)*exp(-beta*x[,,3])/lam0
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  
  zyg <- c(rep("MZ",K),rep("DZ",K))

if (left>0) { ## {{{ 
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);} ## }}} 
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
simClaytonOakes.family.ace <- function(K,varg,varc,beta,stoptime,lam0=0.5,Cvar=0,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre (families), n=antal i clustre
  n <- 4 # twins with ace structure
  x<- array(c(runif(n*K),rep(0,n*K),rbinom(n*K,1,0.5)),dim=c(K,n,3))
  if (Cvar==0) C<-matrix(stoptime,K,n) else C<-matrix(Cvar*runif(K*n)*stoptime,K,n) 
  sumpar <- sum(varg+varc)
  varg <- varg/sumpar^2; 
  varc <- varc/sumpar^2
  ### total variance of gene and env. 
  ###  random effects with 
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  eta <- varc+varg
  ### mother and father share environment
  ### children share half the genes with mother and father and environment 
  mother.g <-  cbind(rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta)
  father.g <-  cbind(rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta)
  env <- rgamma(K,varc)/eta 
  mother <- apply(mother.g,1,sum)+env
  father <- apply(father.g,1,sum)+env
  child1 <- apply(cbind(mother.g[,c(1,2)],father.g[,c(1,2)]),1,sum) + env
  child2 <- apply(cbind(mother.g[,c(1,3)],father.g[,c(1,3)]),1,sum) + env
  Gam1 <- cbind(mother,father,child1,child2)
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  
  type <- rep(c("mother","father","child","child"),K)

if (left>0) { ## {{{ 
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);} ## }}} 
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,type,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,type,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
simCompete.twin.ace <- function(K,varg,varc,beta,stoptime,lam0=c(0.2,0.3),
		Cvar=0,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5,overall=1,all.sum=1)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  n=2 # twins with ace structure
  sumpar <- sum(varg+varc)
  varg <- varg/sumpar^2; 
  varc <- varc/sumpar^2
  ## length(lam0) competing risk with constant hazards lam0
  if (Cvar==0) C<-matrix(stoptime,K,n) else C<-matrix(Cvar*runif(K*n)*stoptime,K,n) 
  ### total variance of gene and env. 
  ### one for each cause and one shared (across causes)
  ###  random effects with 
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  if (length(varc)==1) varc  <- rep(varc,length(lam0)+overall)
  if (length(varg)==1) varg  <- rep(varg,length(lam0)+overall)
  eta <- varc+varg
  etat <- sum(eta)
  ### total variance for each cause + overall
  nc <- length(lam0); 

  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); dz <- 1-mz;
  ### ace overall 
  if (overall==1) {
    varcl <- varc[nc+1]; vargl <- varg[nc+1]
    if (all.sum==1) etal <-  etat else etal <- vargl+varcl
    Gams1 <-cbind(
       rgamma(K,vargl)/etal, rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal, rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal, rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal,
       rgamma(K,varcl)/etal )
  mzrv <-  Gams1[,1]+          Gams1[,5] ### shared gene + env 
  dzrv1 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,3]+Gams1[,5] 
  dzrv2 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,4]+Gams1[,5]
  Gamoa <- cbind(mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv1,mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv2)
  } else Gamoa <- 0

  temp1 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  temp2 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  Gamm <- c()
  for (i in 1:nc)
  varcl <- varc[i]; vargl <- varg[i]
  if (all.sum==1) etal <-  etat else etal <- vargl+varcl
  Gams1 <-cbind(
      rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal, rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal, rgamma(K,vargl*0.5)/etal,
      rgamma(K,varcl)/etal )
  mzrv <-  Gams1[,1]+Gams1[,5]     ### shared gene + env 
  dzrv1 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,3]+Gams1[,5] 
  dzrv2 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,4]+Gams1[,5]
  Gam1 <- cbind(mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv1,mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv2)
  Gam1 <- Gam1+Gamoa
  Gamm <- cbind(Gamm,Gam1)
  temp1[,i] <- ttemp[,1]
  temp2[,i] <- ttemp[,2]
  temp <- cbind( apply(temp1,1,min), apply(temp2,1,min))
  cause1 <- apply(temp1,1,which.min)
  cause2 <- apply(temp2,1,which.min)
  x[,,2]<- ifelse(temp<=C,1,0)*cbind(cause1,cause2);
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  
  zyg <- c(rep("MZ",K),rep("DZ",K))

if (left>0) { ## {{{ 
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);} ## }}} 
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
simCompete.simple <- function(K,varr,beta,stoptime,lam0=c(0.2,0.3),
	Cvar=0,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5,overall=1,all.sum=1)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  n=2 # twins with ace structure
  ## length(lam0) competing risk with constant hazards lam0
  if (Cvar==0) C<-matrix(stoptime,K,n) else C<-matrix(Cvar*runif(K*n)*stoptime,K,n) 
  ## variance and mean of additve gamma via paramenters 
  sp <- sum(varr)
  partheta <- varr/sp^2 

  eta <- partheta
  etat <- sum(eta)
  ### total variance for each cause + overall
  nc <- length(lam0); 

  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); dz <- 1-mz;
  ### ace overall 
  if (overall==1) {
    etal <- etat
    Gams1 <-cbind(rgamma(K,eta[nc+1])/etal)
  Gamoa <- Gams1
  } else Gamoa <- 0

  temp1 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  temp2 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  for (i in 1:nc)
	  etal <- etat
	  Gams1 <-cbind(rgamma(K,eta[i])/etal)
	  Gam1 <- Gams1+Gamoa
	  Gam1 <- cbind(Gam1,Gam1)
	  occ <- (1:nc)[-i]
	  for (j in  occ) {
	     Gamo <- cbind(rgamma(K,eta[j])/etal,rgamma(K,eta[j])/etal)
	     Gam1 <- Gam1+Gamo
	  temp1[,i] <- ttemp[,1]
	  temp2[,i] <- ttemp[,2]
  temp <- cbind( apply(temp1,1,min), apply(temp2,1,min))
  cause1 <- apply(temp1,1,which.min)
  cause2 <- apply(temp2,1,which.min)
  x[,,2]<- ifelse(temp<=C,1,0)*cbind(cause1,cause2);
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  
  zyg <- c(rep("MZ",K),rep("DZ",K))

if (left>0) { ## {{{ 
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);} ## }}} 
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
simFrailty.simple <- function(K,varr,beta,stoptime,lam0=c(0.2),
		Cvar=0,left=0,pairleft=0,trunc.prob=0.5,overall=1,all.sum=NULL)  ## {{{ 
  ## length(lam0) competing risk with constant hazards lam0
  if (Cvar==0) C<-matrix(stoptime,K,n) else C<-matrix(Cvar*runif(K*n)*stoptime,K,n) 
  if (length(varr)==1) varr  <- rep(varr,length(lam0)+overall)
  eta <- varr
  etat <- sum(varr)
  if (!is.null(all.sum)) etat <- all.sum 
  varr <- varr/etat 
  ### total variance for each cause + overall
  nc <- length(lam0); 

  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); dz <- 1-mz;
  if (overall==1) {
    etal <- etat
    Gams1 <-cbind(rgamma(K,varr[nc+1])/etal)
    Gamoa <- Gams1
  } else Gamoa <- 0

  print(etat); print(varr)
  temp1 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  temp2 <- matrix(0,K,length(lam0))
  for (i in 1:nc)
  etal <- etat
  Gams1 <-cbind(rgamma(K,varr[i])/etal)
  Gam1 <- Gams1+Gamoa
  Gam1 <- cbind(Gam1,Gam1)
  print(apply(Gam1,2,mean)); print(apply(Gam1,2,var)); 
  print(apply(Gams1,2,mean)); print(apply(Gams1,2,var)); 
  print(apply(as.matrix(Gamoa),2,mean)); print(apply(as.matrix(Gamoa),2,var)); 
  temp1[,i] <- ttemp[,1]
  temp2[,i] <- ttemp[,2]
  temp <- cbind( apply(temp1,1,min), apply(temp2,1,min))
  cause1 <- apply(temp1,1,which.min)
  cause2 <- apply(temp2,1,which.min)
  x[,,2]<- ifelse(temp<=C,1,0)*cbind(cause1,cause2);
  minstime <- apply(x[,,1],1,min)  
  ud <- as.data.frame(cbind(apply(x,3,t),rep(1:K,each=n)))  
  zyg <- c(rep("MZ",K),rep("DZ",K))

if (left>0) { ## {{{ 
     if (pairleft==1) {
     lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
     left <- rbinom(K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
     lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > minstime)
       medleft <- rep(trunk,each=n)
     } else {
       lefttime <- runif(K)*(stoptime-left)
       left <- rbinom(n*K,1,trunc.prob) ## not trunation times!
       lefttime <- apply(cbind(lefttime*left,3),1,min)
       trunk <- (lefttime > ud[,1])
       medleft <- trunk
  } else { lefttime <- trunk <- rep(0,K);} ## }}} 
  if (pairleft==1) ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),rep(lefttime,each=n),rep(trunk,each=n))
  else ud <- cbind(ud,zyg,rep(minstime,each=n),lefttime,trunk)

} ## }}} 

##' @export
kendall.ClaytonOakes.twin.ace <- function(parg,parc,K=10000,test=0)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  ### total variance of gene and env. 
  ###  K <- 10; varg <- 1; varc <- 1; 
  ###  random effects with 
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  sumpar <- sum(parg+parc)
  parg <- parg/sumpar^2; 
  parc <- parc/sumpar^2
  K <- K*2
  eta <- parc+parg
  Gams1 <-cbind( rgamma(K,parg)/eta, rgamma(K,parg*0.5)/eta, 
                 rgamma(K,parg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K,parg*0.5)/eta, 
		 rgamma(K,parc)/eta )
  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); 
  dz <- 1-mz;
  id <- rep(1:(K/2),each=2)
  mzrv <-  Gams1[,1]+Gams1[,5]           ### shared gene + env 
  dzrv1 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,3]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  dzrv2 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,4]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  Gam1 <- cbind(mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv1,mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv2)
  if (test==1) {
	  cat("mz cor")
	  cat("dz cor")
  Gam1 <- data.frame(cbind(Gam1,mz,id))

  ## Silence false R CMD CHECK warnings:
  V11 <- V12 <- V21 <- V22 <- NULL
  gams.pair <- fast.reshape(Gam1,id="id")
  gams.pair <-  transform(gams.pair,
              kendall = ((V11-V12)*(V21-V22))/((V11+V12)*(V21+V22))

  kendall <- gams.pair$kendall
  mz.kendall <- mean(kendall[gams.pair$mz1==1])
  dz.kendall <- mean(kendall[gams.pair$mz1==0])

} ## }}} 

##' @export
kendall.normal.twin.ace <- function(parg,parc,K=10000)  ## {{{ 
  ## K antal clustre, n=antal i clustre
  ### total variance of gene and env. 
  ###  K <- 10; varg <- 1; varc <- 1; 
  ###  random effects with 
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  K <- K*2
  Gams1 <-cbind( parg^.5*rnorm(K,parg), (parg*0.5)^.5*rnorm(K), 
                 (parg*0.5)^.5*rnorm(K), (parg*0.5)^.5*rnorm(K), parc^.5*rnorm(K) )
  mz <- c(rep(1,K/2),rep(0,K/2)); 
  dz <- 1-mz;
  id <- rep(1:(K/2),each=2)
  mzrv <-  Gams1[,1]+Gams1[,5]           ### shared gene + env 
  dzrv1 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,3]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  dzrv2 <- Gams1[,2]+Gams1[,4]+Gams1[,5] ### 0.5 shared gene + 0.5 non-shared + env 
  Gam1 <- cbind(mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv1,mz*mzrv+dz*dzrv2)
  Gam1 <- data.frame(cbind(exp(Gam1),mz,id))

  ## Silence false R CMD CHECK warnings:
  V11 <- V12 <- V21 <- V22 <- NULL

  gams.pair <- fast.reshape(Gam1,id="id")
  gams.pair <-  transform(gams.pair,
              kendall = ((V11-V12)*(V21-V22))/((V11+V12)*(V21+V22))

  kendall <- gams.pair$kendall
  mz <- gams.pair$mz1
  mz.kendall <- mean(kendall[mz==1])
  dz.kendall <- mean(kendall[mz==0])

} ## }}} 
kkholst/mets documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 9:30 p.m.