
Defines functions computeTangents resampleTangents sequenceAngles boundAngle findCenter distance findTangentAngle computeSpline computeSplineT secantMethod falsePositionMethod newtonRaphsonMethod simpsonsRule simpsonsRuleCell solveDeli solveDs digitisationFilter flattenTangents

Documented in boundAngle computeSpline computeSplineT computeTangents distance falsePositionMethod findCenter findTangentAngle resampleTangents secantMethod sequenceAngles simpsonsRule simpsonsRuleCell solveDeli solveDs

#' Turn a shape into a set of tangents as offsets from the unit
#' circle.
#' @param x The x coordinates for the points which make up the digitised curve
#' @param y The y coordinates for the points which make up the digitised curve
#' @return Tangents 
#' @export
computeTangents <- function(x,y){
  if(length(x) != length(y)){
    stop(paste0("x (", length(x), " elements) and y (",
                length(y), " elements) must be the same length but are not"))

  nPoints = length(y)

  # Start by finding the center of every triple of points as
  # a circle
  centers = lapply(1:nPoints, function(i){
    ip = i - 1
    inext = i + 1

    ip = ifelse(ip < 1, nPoints - ip, ip) 
    inext = ifelse(inext > nPoints, inext - nPoints, inext) 

  #extract the x and y coordinates
  xc = sapply(centers, function(c) c[1])
  yc = sapply(centers, function(c) c[2])

  #Compute the tangents
  tangents = sapply(1:nPoints, function(i) findTangentAngle(xc[i], yc[i], x[i], y[i]))

  # Smooth the values to avoid discontinuities from trig functions 
  tangents = sequenceAngles(tangents)

  # Reset the curve to start from zero, by turning it into a sequence of 
  # step changes and recombining
  diffs = diff(tangents)

  #diffs = sapply(diffs, shortestAngle)

  samples = cumsum(c(0,diffs))


#' Resample the tangents curve to a given number of samples.
#' Uses the Hangle spline function. This function has a lot of 
#' numerical approximation in it. You should always compare its
#' output to the original to make sure nothing when wrong.
#' @param x The x coordinates for the points which make up the digitised curve
#' @param y The y coordinates for the points which make up the digitised curve
#' @param tangents A vector of tangents
#' @param length.out The length of the output array
#' @return A resampled tangent vector with length length.out
resampleTangents <- function(x,y,tangents,length.out=1024, 
                             integral.iter=5, solver.error= 1e-10,
  nPoints = length(tangents)

  # Try approximate the deli values for the spline
  deli = sapply(1:nPoints, function(i) {
    inext = i + 1
    inext = ifelse(inext > nPoints, inext - nPoints, inext) 
    tryCatch(solveDeli(x[inext] - x[i], y[inext] - y[i], tangents[i], tangents[inext],
                       maxIter=solver.max.iter, targetError = solver.error, 
      error = function(e){ 
                stop(paste(e,"\nFailed to compute deli for spline between",i, 

  # Using the deli values try approximate the ds values
  ds = sapply(1:nPoints, function(i) {
    inext = i + 1
    inext = ifelse(inext > nPoints, inext - nPoints, inext) 
    tryCatch(solveDs(x[inext] - x[i], deli[i], tangents[i], tangents[inext],
                     integralIter = integral.iter), 
      error = function(e){ 
                stop(paste(e, "\nFailed to compute ds for spline between",i,
                          "and", inext))

  # Need them to be positive
  ds = abs(ds)

  # si are the cumulative sum of ds value
  si = cumsum(c(0,ds))

  # Recompute the right number of tangents from the spline
  samples = sapply(seq(0,si[length(si)],length = length.out), function(s){
    i = which(si < s)
      i = 1
      i = max(i)

    inext = i + 1
    sinext = ifelse(inext > length(si), inext-length(si), inext)
    tinext = ifelse(inext > length(tangents), inext-length(tangents), inext)

    computeSpline(s, si[i], si[sinext], tangents[i], tangents[tinext], deli[i])


#' Make a sequence of angles in radians all follow each other in with a value
#' as close to the previous as possible
#' @param angles An ordered vector of angles (in radians)
#' @return a vector of angles where the adjacent angles are as close to each
#'  other in magnitude as possible
#' @export
sequenceAngles <- function(angles){
  Reduce(function(soFar, angle){
    if(length(soFar) == 0) { 
    lastAngle = soFar[length(soFar)]
    while(angle < lastAngle){
      angle = angle + pi
    while(angle - pi > lastAngle){
      angle = angle - pi
    nangle = angle - pi
    nangle = ifelse(abs(nangle-lastAngle) < abs(angle-lastAngle), nangle,angle)
    return(c(soFar, nangle))
  }, angles, c())
#' Convert an angle in radians into a standard form.
#' Takes any angle in radians and returns an angle beween pi and -pi.
#' @param Theta an angle in radians
#' @return an angle in radians between pi and -pi
boundAngle <- function(theta){
  if(theta >= 2*pi){
    theta = theta %% (2*pi)
  } else if(theta <= -2*pi){
    theta = theta  %% (-2*pi)
  if(theta > pi){
    return(theta - 2*pi)
  }else if(theta < -pi){
    return(2*pi + theta)

#' Finds the center of a circle given three points
#' Equations taken from http://www.ambrsoft.com/TrigoCalc/Circle3D.htm
#' Sometimes this doesn't work because the circle has infinite size. 
#' In that case make a up center that will give the correct angle.
#' @param points that make up the three points on the circumference
#' @return a vector [x,y] that is the center of the circle 
#' @export
findCenter <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3){
  A = x1 * (y2 - y3) - 
      y1 * (x2 - x3) + 
      x2 * y3 - 
      x3 * y2

  B = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1)*(y3 - y2) + 
      (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2)*(y1 - y3) +
      (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3)*(y2 - y1) 

  C = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1)*(x2 - x3) + 
      (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2)*(x3 - x1) +
      (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3)*(x1 - x2)

  x = (-B) / (2 * A)
  y = (-C) / (2 * A)

  if(is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)){

  #make a unit circle with the straight line tangent
  tangentX = x3 - x1
  tangentY = y3 - y1

  #Now rotate it by 90 degrees
  temp = tangentX
  tangentX = tangentY
  tangentY = -temp

  #Add it back to the middle one to get the circle center
  x = x2 + tangentX
  y = y2 + tangentY

#' Compute Euclidean distance between two points
#' @param two points to find the distance between
#' @return Euclidean distance between the two points
distance <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2){
  dx = x1 - x2
  dy = y1 - y2
  sqDist = dx * dx + dy * dy

#' Find that tangent angle to a point on a circle given it's center and 
#' a point on its circumference
#' @param xc, yc coordinates of the circle's center
#' @param x,y coordinates of a point on the cicle's circumference
#' @return tangent angle to the circle
#' @export
findTangentAngle <- function(xc, yc, x, y){
  x = x - xc 
  y = y - yc
  theta = atan2(y, x) - (pi / 2);
  theta = ifelse(theta < 0, 2*pi + theta, theta) 
  # Tangent is 90 degrees of the line itself

#' Compute the value of the tangent angle spline at s.
#' @param s The arc distance along the spline to compute the tangent at
#' @param si The arc distance at point measured point i. 
#'            si < s and si > sk for all other sk < s.
#' @param  sj The arc distance at the point after i.
#'            sj > s and sj < sh for all other sh > s.
#' @param thetai The tangent to the curve at distance si.
#' @param thetaj The tangent to the curve at distance sj.
#' @param deli The uncircleness of the spline between si and sj
#' @return The tangent to the spline at distance s along the spline
#' @export
computeSpline <- function(s, si, sj, thetai, thetaj, deli){
  t = (s - si) / (sj - si)
  computeSplineT(t, thetai, thetaj, deli)

#' Compute the value of the tangent angle spline at s.
#' @param t The arc distance along the spline to compute the tangent at
#' @param thetai The tangent to the curve at distance si.
#' @param thetaj The tangent to the curve at distance sj.
#' @param deli The uncircleness of the spline between si and sj
#' @return The tangent to the spline at distance s along the spline
#' @export
computeSplineT <- function(t, thetai, thetaj, deli){
  if(abs(thetai - thetaj) > pi){
    #E.g. 6.2 & 0.2 so the linear interpolation will be going the long way round
    if(thetai < thetaj){
      thetai = thetai + 2*pi
    } else {
      thetaj = thetaj + 2*pi

  previousContrib = thetai * (1 - t) 
  nextContrib     = thetaj * t
  errorContrib    = 0.5*deli*t*(1-t)

  return(previousContrib + nextContrib + errorContrib) 

#' Secant method root finding
#' @param f The function to optimise to zero. Must take exactly 1 parameter
#' @param x1 First guess
#' @param x2 Second guess
#' @param maxIter Maximum number of iterations to run for
#' @param targetError Maximum error before the solution will be accepted as correct
#' @return X value which returns zero. If root finding fails, returns NA
#' @export
secantMethod <- function(f, x1, x2, maxIter, targetError){
  x = Reduce(function(guesses, iter){
      if(length(guesses) == 1) return(guesses)
      fx1 = f(guesses[1])
      if(abs(fx1) < targetError) return(guesses[1])
      fx2 = f(guesses[2])
      xNext = (guesses[2]*fx1 - guesses[1]*fx2) / (fx1 - fx2)
    }, 1:maxIter, c(x1,x2));
  x = x[1]
  return(ifelse(abs(f(x)) <= targetError, x, NA))  

#' False position method root finding
#' @param f The function to optimise to zero. Must take exactly 1 parameter
#' @param x1 First guess
#' @param x2 Second guess
#' @param maxIter Maximum number of iterations to run for
#' @param targetError Maximum error before the solution will be accepted as correct
#' @return X value which returns zero. If root finding fails, returns NA
#' @export
falsePositionMethod <- function(f, x1, x2, maxIter, targetError){
  x = Reduce(function(guesses, iter){
      if(length(guesses) == 1) return(guesses)
      fx1 = f(guesses[1])
      if(abs(fx1) < targetError) return(guesses[1])
      fx2 = f(guesses[2])
      xNext = (guesses[1]*fx2 - guesses[2]*fx1) / (fx2 - fx1)
           stop(paste("iter:",iter,"- xNext is NaN, f(x1): f(",guesses[1],") =",fx1,
                      "f(x2): f(",guesses[2]),") =",fx2)
      if(xNext == guesses[2]) {
        print(paste("Adjusting on iter:",iter))
        xNext = xNext*0.99  
    }, 1:maxIter, c(x1,x2));
  x = x[length(x)]
  return(ifelse(abs(f(x)) <= targetError, x, NA))  

#' Newton-Raphson root finding
#' This version of Newton-Raphson has been modified to not move more than
#' 1 unit at a time (because the shallow bits at the top of the curve are 
#' liable to vastly estimate distance), and to not move to a place that is
#' a worse solution than the current (instead it bisects back until it 
#' finds such a place.
newtonRaphsonMethod <- function(f, guess=0, maxIter=1000, targetError=1e-6) {
  derivativeDistance = 1e-6
  x = Reduce(function(guess, iter){
    x0  = guess[1]
    fx0 = guess[2] # Note that fx0 is f(x0)
    if(abs(fx0) < targetError) { 
    fx0e = f(x0 + derivativeDistance) # f(x0 + epsilon)
    dfx0 = (fx0e - fx0) / derivativeDistance # f'(x0)
    shift = fx0 / dfx0
    if(abs(shift) > 1){
      shift = sign(shift)
    }  else if(shift == 0) {
      xNew = x0 - sign(x0) * derivativeDistance
      fxNew = f(xNew)
      return (c(xNew, fxNew))
    xNew = x0 - shift
    fNew = f(xNew)
    while(abs(fNew) > abs(fx0)) {
      shift = shift / 2
      xNew = x0 - shift
      fNew = f(xNew)
    return (c(xNew,fNew))
  } , 1:maxIter, c(guess, f(guess)));
  return(ifelse(abs(x[2]) <= targetError, x[1], NA)) 

#' Numerical integration using Simpson's rule
#' @export
simpsonsRule <- function(f, a, b, nBins){
  cells = seq(a ,b, length.out = nBins + 1)
  Reduce(function(soFar, nextCell){
    current = simpsonsRuleCell(f, soFar[2], nextCell)
    return(c(soFar[1] + current, nextCell))
   }, cells[-1], c(0, a))[1]

#' Numerical integration of a single cell using
#' Simpson's rule. 
#' @param f The function to integrate. Must take exactly 1 parameter
#' @param a Lower region bound
#' @param b Upper region bound
#' @return Numerical approximation of the integral of f on [a,b]
simpsonsRuleCell <- function(f, a, b){
  (b - a) * (f(a) + 4* f((a+b)/2) + f(b)) / 6

#' Find the delta i values along the spiline
#' @export
solveDeli <- function(dx, dy, thetai, thetaj, maxIter=1000, targetError = 1e-10, integralIter=5) {
  deli = newtonRaphsonMethod(function(deli){

     cosInt = simpsonsRule(function(x) {cos(computeSplineT(x, thetai, thetaj, deli))},0,1,integralIter)
     sinInt = simpsonsRule(function(x) {sin(computeSplineT(x, thetai, thetaj, deli))},0,1,integralIter)
       stop(paste("cosInt is not finite for deli:",deli))
       stop(paste("sinInt is not finite for deli: ",deli))
     return((dy * cosInt) - (dx * sinInt))
   }, 0, maxIter = maxIter, targetError = targetError )
  return (deli)

#' Find the delta s values along the spline
#' @export
solveDs <- function(dx, deli, thetai, thetaj, integralIter=5){
  dx / simpsonsRule(function(x) { cos(computeSplineT(x, thetai, thetaj, deli)) },0,1,integralIter)

#' Filter a digitised curve to reduce noise
#' @param points Points to filter (e.g. the x coordinates)
#' @param outputLength The number of resampled tangent points that will be fed into the FFT
#' @param iterations The number of smoothing iterations to do
#' @export
digitisationFilter <- function(points, 
                               iterations = ceiling(2*((length(points) / outputLength)**2))){
  Reduce(function(input, iteration) {
    n          = length(points)
    rightShift = c(input[n],input[-n])
    leftShift  = c(input[-1],input[1])
    newPoints  = 0.25*rightShift + 0.5* input + 0.25 * leftShift
  }, 1:iterations, points)

#' Remove the circle effect from the tangents
#' Removes the effect of the circle on the tangents. This basically 
#' Turns the tangents into the deviations from the circle, which 
#' can be run through an FFT
#' @param tangents The tangents to flatting (These should run from 0 to 2*pi)
#' @return The tangents with the circle component removed
flattenTangents <- function(tangents) {
  circle = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=length(tangents))
  return(tangents - circle)

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klapaukh/hangler documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:04 a.m.