#' Recast the document units of a corpus
#' For a corpus, reshape (or recast) the documents to a different level of aggregation.
#' Units of aggregation can be defined as documents, paragraphs, or sentences.
#' Because the corpus object records its current "units" status, it is possible
#' to move from recast units back to original units, for example from documents,
#' to sentences, and then back to documents (possibly after modifying the sentences).
#' @param x corpus whose document units will be reshaped
#' @param to new document units in which the corpus will be recast
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [tokens()], since the
#' syntactic segmenter uses this function)
#' @inheritParams corpus_segment
#' @return A corpus object with the documents defined as the new units,
#' including document-level meta-data identifying the original documents.
#' @examples
#' # simple example
#' corp1 <- corpus(c(textone = "This is a sentence. Another sentence. Yet another.",
#' textwo = "Premiere phrase. Deuxieme phrase."),
#' docvars = data.frame(country=c("UK", "USA"), year=c(1990, 2000)))
#' summary(corp1)
#' summary(corpus_reshape(corp1, to = "sentences"))
#' # example with inaugural corpus speeches
#' (corp2 <- corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year>2004))
#' corp2para <- corpus_reshape(corp2, to = "paragraphs")
#' corp2para
#' summary(corp2para, 50, showmeta = TRUE)
#' ## Note that Bush 2005 is recorded as a single paragraph because that text
#' ## used a single \n to mark the end of a paragraph.
#' @export
#' @keywords corpus
corpus_reshape <- function(x, to = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"),
use_docvars = TRUE, ...) {
#' @export
corpus_reshape.default <- function(x, to = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"),
use_docvars = TRUE, ...) {
stop(friendly_class_undefined_message(class(x), "corpus_reshape"))
#' @export
corpus_reshape.corpus <- function(x, to = c("sentences", "paragraphs", "documents"),
use_docvars = TRUE, ...) {
x <- as.corpus(x)
to <- match.arg(to)
attrs <- attributes(x)
if (field_object(attrs, "unit") == to)
if (field_object(attrs, "unit") == "sentences" && to == "paragraphs")
stop("reshape to paragraphs only goes from documents or segments")
if (to == "documents") {
docnum <- as.integer(droplevels(attrs$docvars[["docid_"]]))
temp <- list("text" = split(unclass(x), docnum))
if (field_object(attrs, "unit") %in% c("sentences", "segments", "segments")) {
temp[["text"]] <- unlist(lapply(temp[["text"]], paste0, collapse = " "))
} else {
temp[["text"]] <- unlist(lapply(temp[["text"]], paste0, collapse = "\n\n"))
attrs[["docvars"]] <- reshape_docvars(attrs[["docvars"]], !duplicated(docnum))
unit <- "documents"
} else {
temp <- segment_texts(x, pattern = NULL, extract_pattern = FALSE,
omit_empty = FALSE, what = to, ...)
attrs[["docvars"]] <- reshape_docvars(attrs[["docvars"]], temp[["docnum"]])
unit <- to
unit = unit,
docvars = attrs[["docvars"]],
meta = attrs[["meta"]],
class = attrs[["class"]]
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