
Defines functions contrast_warning get_contrast_ratio invert_to_white knit_print.box_colour add_box_colour

Documented in add_box_colour

#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb colors rgb


#' Generate additional ioslides_plus box colours
#' This function generates the css code to support additional box colours
#' @param name The name of the colour. If missing, `.prefix` is prepended.
#' @param bg The background colour defined as a colour name, hexadecimal string or a positive integer as supported by the `col2rgb()` function.
#' @param header_bg The optional background colour of the header bar. If missing, the function will define it.
#' @param text The optional text colour. If missing, the function will determine if the text should be rendered in black or white.
#' @param header_text The optional header bar text colour. If missing, the function will determine if the text should be rendered in black or white.
#' @param .prefix [character(1): "bg-"] \cr Set the prefix which is prepended to the name in order to avoid conflicts with already defined colours.
#' @return css code to be included in the ioslides_plus HTML document.
#' @export
add_box_colour <- function(name, bg, header_bg = NULL, text = NULL, header_text = NULL, .prefix = "bg-") {
  .prefix <- as.character(.prefix)[1]
  if (any(lapply(list(name, bg, header_bg, text, header_text), length) > 1)) stop("Only vectors of length 1 are supported")
  # To avoid any collapse with already defined css colours we are prepending "bg-" to the name if it is missing
  if (!grepl(paste0("^", .prefix, ".*"), name)) name <- paste0(.prefix, name)
  # We are calling col2rgb and rgb (to get hexcode colours from the colours defined in R)
  bg <- do.call("rgb", c(as.list(col2rgb(bg)), maxColorValue = 255))
  #  Generate header_bg if missing 
  if (is.null(header_bg)) m <- col2rgb(bg) * 0.5
  else m <- col2rgb(header_bg)
  header_bg <- do.call("rgb", c(as.list(m), maxColorValue = 255))
  if (is.null(text)) {
    text <- ifelse(invert_to_white(bg), "#FFFFFF", "#000000")
  } else text <- do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(text), maxColorValue = 255)))
  if (is.null(header_text)) {
    header_text <- ifelse(invert_to_white(header_bg), "#FFFFFF", "#000000")
  } else header_text <- do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(header_text), maxColorValue = 255)))

  # Creating css code using template files and a mapping list
  colour_map <- list(name = name, bg = bg, header_bg = header_bg, text = text, link_rgb = "42, 124, 223", code_alpha = 0.3,
                     header_text = header_text, header_link_rgb = "42, 124, 223", header_code_alpha = 0.3,
                     slide_header_rgb = "0, 0, 0")
  if (invert_to_white(bg)) {
    colour_map["slide_header_rgb"] <- "255, 255, 255"
    colour_map["link_rgb"] <- "200, 240, 250"
    colour_map["code_alpha"] <- 0.7
  if (invert_to_white(header_bg)) {
    colour_map["header_link_rgb"] <- "200, 240, 250"
    colour_map["header_code_alpha"] <- 0.7
  css_colour <- readLines(system.file("rmd", "iosp", "box_colour.css", package = "iosp"), warn = FALSE)
  for (i in seq_along(colour_map)) {
    css_colour <- gsub(paste0("\\$", names(colour_map)[i], "\\$"), colour_map[[i]], css_colour)

  css_colour <- paste(css_colour, collapse = "\n")  

  if (isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress'))) class(css_colour) <- "box_colour"

#' @rdname add_box_colour
#' @export
add_box_color <- add_box_colour

#' @export
knit_print.box_colour = function(x, options, ...) {
  knitr::asis_output(cat(paste("\n<style type=\"text/css\">", x, "</style>", sep = "\n")))

# From http://stackoverflow.com/a/1855903
# We are determining whether text should be black or white...
invert_to_white <- function(colour) {
  rgb <- col2rgb(colour)
  d = 1 - (0.299 * rgb[1] + 0.587 * rgb[2] + 0.114 * rgb[3])/255;
  if (d < 0.5) return(FALSE)

# Adapted from https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/
#' @export
get_contrast_ratio <- function(colours, show_warning = FALSE) {
  if (length(colours) > 2 || !is.vector(colours)) stop("Argument is a vector of length > 2!")
  r <- col2rgb(colours) / 255
  r[r <= 0.03928] <- r[r <= 0.03928] / 12.92
  r[r > 0.03928] <- ((r[r > 0.03928] + 0.055) / 1.055)^2.4
  r <- r * c(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)
  r <- apply(r, 2, sum) + 0.05
  max(r) / min(r)

contrast_warning <- function(colours, message = TRUE) {
  r <- get_contrast_ratio(colours)
  if (r < 4.5) warning("Fails WCAG 2.0 level AA")
  else if (message & r < 7) message("WCAG 2.0 level AA")
  else if (message) message("WCAG 2.0 level AAA")
koncina/iosp documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 7:23 p.m.