
processKB <- function(ents.file, rels.file, verbose=FALSE)
	## Generating the one-level network form the knowledge base

	## Read entity file
	ents <- read.table(ents.file, header=TRUE, sep='\t', comment.char="", 
		stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="")
	colnames(ents) = c("uid", "name", "id", "type")
	rels <- read.table(rels.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, sep = '\t',
	quote = NULL, comment.char = '')
	colnames(rels) = c('uid', 'srcuid', 'trguid', 'type', 'pmids', 'nls')

	cleanup <- function(x) {
	x <- gsub('\"', '', x)
	x <- gsub('\'', 'p', x)
	x <- gsub('#', '_', x)
	x <- gsub(' ', '', x)
	ents <- as.data.frame(lapply(ents,cleanup), stringsAsFactors = F)
	rownames(ents) <- 1:nrow(ents)
	rels <- as.data.frame(lapply(rels,cleanup), stringsAsFactors = F)
	rownames(rels) = 1:nrow(rels)

	## Group entities by id, name, and type
	if (anyDuplicated(ents[,c("name","id","type")]))
		dups <- duplicated(ents[,c("name","id","type")])
		refs <- which(!dups)
		cands <- refs[ents$name[refs] %in% unique(ents$name[dups]) & 
			ents$id[refs] %in% unique(ents$id[dups])]
		fdups <- with(ents[dups,], paste(name,id,type,sep="."))
		fcands <- with(ents[cands,], paste(name,id,type,sep="."))
		ind <- match(fdups,fcands)	
		uid.new <- integer(nrow(ents))
		uid.new[refs] <- 1:length(refs)
		uid.new[dups] <- uid.new[cands[ind]]
	} else {
		refs <- uid.new <- 1:nrow(ents)
	## Relabel entities uid
	id.map <- data.frame(uid.orig = ents$uid, uid.new = uid.new)
	ents$uid <- uid.new	
	## Consolidate entities (if multiple rows have the
	## same name, id, and type, only keep the first one)
	if (length(refs) < nrow(ents)) ents <- ents[refs,]

	## Extract Protein, Compound or mRNA entities
	ents <- ents[ents$type %in% c("Protein", "Compound", "mRNA"),]	

	## Remove entities with missing values
	is.mRNA <- (ents$type == "mRNA") 
	is.pc <- (ents$type %in% c("Protein","Compound"))
	na.id <- is.na(ents$id)
	na.name <- is.na(ents$name)
	ents <- ents[(is.mRNA & !na.id) | (is.pc & (!na.id | !na.name)),]
	is.mRNA <- (ents$type == "mRNA") 
	is.pc <- (ents$type %in% c("Protein","Compound"))
	na.id <- is.na(ents$id)
	na.name <- is.na(ents$name)
	## Remove duplicate entities 
	if (anyDuplicated(ents)) ents <- unique(ents)

	for (val in c("increase","decrease","conflict")) {
		ind <- grep(val,rels$type)
		if (length(ind)) rels$type[ind] <- val
	## Remove duplicate relations
	if (anyDuplicated(rels)) rels <- unique(rels)
	## Discard relations with invalid type 
	ind <- which(!(rels$type %in% c("increase","decrease","conflict")))
	if (length(ind)) rels <- rels[-ind,]
	## Relabel relations source and target uid to match entities uid
	rels$srcuid <- id.map$uid.new[match(rels$srcuid,id.map$uid.orig)]
	rels$trguid <- id.map$uid.new[match(rels$trguid,id.map$uid.orig)]

	## Source must be protein or compound and target must be mRNA
	##is.mRNA <- (ents$type == "mRNA")
	##is.pc <- (ents$type %in% c("Protein","Compound"))
	rels <- rels[rels$srcuid %in% ents$uid[is.pc] & rels$trguid %in% ents$uid[is.mRNA],]
	## Extract entities that are matched in relation file
	ents <- ents[which(ents$uid %in% c(rels$srcuid, rels$trguid)), ] 

	## Resolve relation types
	if (anyDuplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid")])) {
		dups <- which(duplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid")]))
		refs <- (1:nrow(rels))[-dups] # first occurence of each combination (srcuid,trguid)
		refs <- refs[rels$srcuid[refs] %in% unique(rels$srcuid[dups]) & 
			rels$trguid[refs] %in% unique(rels$trguid[dups])] 
		fdups <- paste(rels$srcuid[dups],rels$trguid[dups],sep=".")
		frefs <- paste(rels$srcuid[refs],rels$trguid[refs],sep=".")
		ind <- which(frefs %in% fdups)
		refs <- refs[ind] # first occurence of each duplicated combination (srcuid,trguid) 
		frefs <- frefs[ind]
		alldups <- c(refs,dups) # indexes of all relations with duplicated (srcuid,trguid)
		g <- factor(c(frefs,fdups),levels=frefs) # grouping factor
		conflict <- by(rels$type[alldups], g, function(x) (length(unique(x))>1)) 
		tmp <- split(alldups, g)
		rels$type[refs[conflict]] <- "conflict"
		rels <- rels[-dups,]

	if (verbose) {
	cat("\n Processed network dimensions:")
	cat("\n ents:", nrow(ents))
	cat("\n rels:", nrow(rels))
	L = list(ents = ents, rels = rels, id.map = id.map)


# processKB <- function(ents.file, rels.file, verbose = F)
# {
#   ## Generating the one-level network form the knowledge base
#   ## Note: There are ' and # characters in KB that mess up the tables.
#   ## The following will clean them up.
#   ents <- read.table(ents.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, sep = '\t',
#                      quote = NULL, comment.char = '')
#   colnames(ents) = c('uid', 'name', 'id', 'type')
#   ents <- na.omit(ents) # remove incomplete entries
#   rels <- read.table(rels.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, sep = '\t',
#                      quote = NULL, comment.char = '')
#   colnames(rels) = c('uid', 'srcuid', 'trguid', 'type', 'pmids', 'nls')
#   cleanup <- function(x) {
#     x <- gsub('\"', '', x)
#     x <- gsub('\'', 'p', x)
#     x <- gsub('#', '_', x)
#     x <- gsub(' ', '', x)
#     return(x)
#   }
#   ents <- as.data.frame(lapply(ents,cleanup), stringsAsFactors = F)
#   rownames(ents) <- 1:nrow(ents)
#   rels <- as.data.frame(lapply(rels,cleanup), stringsAsFactors = F)
#   rownames(rels) = 1:nrow(rels)
#   ## Convert uids to integers
#   uid.orig = ents$uid
#   uid.new = seq(1, length(ents$uid))
#   id.map = data.frame(uid.orig = uid.orig, uid.new = uid.new, stringsAsFactors = F)
#   ents$uid = uid.new
#   rels$srcuid = uid.new[match(rels$srcuid, uid.orig)]
#   rels$trguid = uid.new[match(rels$trguid, uid.orig)]
#   ## Protein, Compound or mRNA entries
#   ents = unique(ents[which(ents$type %in% c('mRNA', 'Protein', 'Compound')),])
#   ## (unique) Protein/Compound entries
#   ents.pc = unique(ents[which(ents$type %in% c('Protein', 'Compound')),])
#   ## (unique) mRNA entries
#   ents.mRNA = unique(ents[which(ents$type == 'mRNA'),])
#   ## src has to be protein or compound
#   rels = rels[which(rels$srcuid %in% ents.pc$uid),]
#   rownames(rels) = 1:nrow(rels)
#   ## target has to be mRNA
#   rels = rels[which(rels$trguid %in% ents.mRNA$uid),]
#   rownames(rels) = 1:nrow(rels)
#   ## remove -1's if any
#   ents = ents[(ents$id != -1 | is.na(ents$uid)),]
#   rels = rels[which(rels$trguid %in% ents$uid & rels$srcuid %in% ents$uid), ] ##update rels
#   ents = ents[which(ents$uid %in% c(rels$srcuid, rels$trguid)), ]
#   rownames(ents) = 1:nrow(ents)
#   ## Remove duplicates
#   if (anyDuplicated(ents)) ents <- ents[!duplicated(ents),]
#   if (anyDuplicated(rels)) rels <- rels[!duplicated(rels),]
#   ## Check that relation types are valid
#   valid <- (rels$type %in% c("increase","decrease","conflict"))
#   if (!all(valid)) rels <- rels[valid,]
#   if (anyDuplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid")])) {
#     ## Identify duplicated rows
#     dup.rels = rels[duplicated(rels[,c(2,3)]), ]
#     ## Take one example from each
#     dup.rels.uniq = dup.rels[!duplicated(dup.rels[,c(2,3)]), ]
#     for(i in 1:nrow(dup.rels.uniq)){
#       ind = which(rels$srcuid == dup.rels.uniq$srcuid[i] & rels$trguid == dup.rels.uniq$trguid[i])
#       if(all(c("increase","decrease") %in% unique(rels$type[ind]))){
#         rels$type[ind] = 'conflict'
#       }else if("increase" %in% unique(rels$type[ind])){
#         rels$type[ind] = 'increase'
#       }else if("decrease" %in% unique(rels$type[ind])){
#         rels$type[ind] = 'decrease'
#       }else{
#         rels$type[ind] = 'conflict'
#       }
#     }
#     rels$type[which(!(rels$type %in% c('increase', 'decrease', 'conflict')))] = 'conflict'
#   }
#   ## remove duplicated rels
#   if (any(duplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid", "type")])))
#     rels <- rels[!duplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid", "type")]),]
#   ## Check that sources in rels are protein/compound and targets are mRNA
#   # Note: this also takes care of removing lines in rels with uids not matched in ents
#   ind.pc <- which(ents$type %in% c("Protein","Compound"))
#   inds <- which(!(rels$srcuid %in% ents$uid[ind.pc]))
#   if (length(inds)) rels <- rels[-inds,]
#   ind.mRNA <- which(ents$type=="mRNA")
#   inds <- which(!(rels$trguid %in% ents$uid[ind.mRNA]))
#   if (length(inds)) rels <- rels[-inds,]
#   ## Consolidate uids in ents	(remove duplicates)
#   ## KZ: preordering the factors. split does not preserve the order
#   ##uid <- split(ents$uid,list(ents$id,ents$type)) # group uids by id and type (mRNA, protein, compound...)
#   uid <- split(ents$uid,list(factor(ents$id, levels = unique(ents$id)),factor(ents$type, levels = unique(ents$type))))
#   muid <- sapply(uid,length) # multiplicities
#   uid <- uid[muid>1] # duplicates are present and must be removed only if multiplicity = 1,
#   dups <- lapply(uid, function(x) matrix(c(rep(x[1],length(x)-1),x[-1]), ncol=2))
#   dups <- do.call(rbind,dups)
#   colnames(dups) <- c("orig","dups")
#   # matrix with 2 columns containing "good" uids in 1st column
#   # and duplicated uids in 2nd
#   ents <- ents[!(ents$uid %in% dups[,2]),] # remove duplicates
#   ## Map srcuid & trguid in rels to consolidated uids in ents
#   ind.loc <- which(rels$trguid %in% dups[,2])
#   if (length(ind.loc)) {
#   ind.val <- match(rels$trguid[ind.loc],dups[,2])
#   rels$trguid[ind.loc] <- dups[ind.val,1]
#   }
#   ind.loc <- which(rels$srcuid %in% dups[,2])
#   if (length(ind.loc)) {
#   ind.val <- match(rels$srcuid[ind.loc],dups[,2])
#   rels$srcuid[ind.loc] <- dups[ind.val,1]
#   }
#   if (anyDuplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid")])) {
#     ## Identify duplicated rows
#     dup.rels = rels[duplicated(rels[,c(2,3)]), ]
#     ## Take one example from each
#     dup.rels.uniq = dup.rels[!duplicated(dup.rels[,c(2,3)]), ]
#     for(i in 1:nrow(dup.rels.uniq)){
#     ind = which(rels$srcuid == dup.rels.uniq$srcuid[i] & rels$trguid == dup.rels.uniq$trguid[i])
#     if(all(c("increase","decrease") %in% unique(rels$type[ind]))){
#     rels$type[ind] = 'conflict'
#     }else if("increase" %in% unique(rels$type[ind])){
#     rels$type[ind] = 'increase'
#     }else if("decrease" %in% unique(rels$type[ind])){
#     rels$type[ind] = 'decrease'
#     }else{
#     rels$type[ind] = 'conflict'
#     }
#     }
#     rels$type[which(!(rels$type %in% c('increase', 'decrease', 'conflict')))] = 'conflict'
#   }
#   ## remove duplicated rels
#   if (any(duplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid", "type")])))
#   rels <- rels[!duplicated(rels[,c("srcuid","trguid", "type")]),]
#   if (verbose == TRUE) {
#   cat("\n Processed network dimensions:")
#   cat("\n ents:", dim(ents)[1])
#   cat("\n rels:", dim(rels)[1])
#   }
#   L = list(ents = ents, rels = rels, id.map = id.map)
# }

# processKBOrig <- function(ents.file, rels.file, verbose = F)
# {
  # ## Generating the one-level network form the knowledge base
  # ## Note: There are ' and # characters in KB that mess up the tables. The following will clean them up.
  # ents = read.table(ents.file, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, strip.white=T, sep = '\t', quote = NULL,
                    # comment.char = '')
  # colnames(ents) = c('uid', 'name', 'id', 'type')
  # rels = read.table(rels.file, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, strip.white=T, sep = '\t', quote = NULL,
                    # comment.char = '')
  # colnames(rels) = c('uid', 'srcuid', 'trguid', 'type', 'pmids', 'nls')
  # ents = data.frame(apply(ents, 2, function(x) gsub('\"', '', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # ents = data.frame(apply(ents, 2, function(x) gsub('\'', 'p', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # ents = data.frame(apply(ents, 2, function(x) gsub('#', '_', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # ents = data.frame(apply(ents, 2, function(x) gsub(' ', '', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # rels = data.frame(apply(rels, 2, function(x) gsub('\"', '', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # rels = data.frame(apply(rels, 2, function(x) gsub('\'', 'p', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # rels = data.frame(apply(rels, 2, function(x) gsub('#', '_', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # rels = data.frame(apply(rels, 2, function(x) gsub(' ', '', x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  # rownames(rels) = 1:nrow(rels)
  # ## Convert uids to integers
  # uid.orig = ents$uid
  # uid.new = seq(1, length(ents$uid))
  # id.map = data.frame(uid.orig = uid.orig, uid.new = uid.new, stringsAsFactors = F)
  # ents$uid = uid.new
  # rels$srcuid = uid.new[match(rels$srcuid, uid.orig)]
  # rels$trguid = uid.new[match(rels$trguid, uid.orig)]
  # L = list(ents = ents, rels = rels, id.map = id.map)
  # L
# }
kouroshz/creNet documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:11 p.m.