
#' Detect subpopulations using NMF

#' @param expr_matrix_ The expression matrix, each row is a gene and each
#'   column is a sample. The row names should be gene symbols and the column
#'   names should be sample ids. Use the correct capticalization for gene
#'   symbols. For mouse genes,only the first letter is capitalized (e.g. Tp53);
#'   for human genes, all letters are capitalized (e.g. TP53). The values will
#'   be log-transformed by default, this can be changed using the
#'   \code{log_transofrmation_} option.
#' @param n_subpop_ The number of expected subpopulations. Default: 2.
#' @param log_transformation_ Whether to log-transform the expression matrix.
#'   A pseudo count \code{1} will be added to each value before log transformation
#'   to avoid infinity. That is, \code{expr_matrix_ <- log(expr_matrix_+1)}. Default: \code{True}.
#' @param verbose_level_ How much information is printed. 0 = quiet, 1 = normal, 2 = with debug info, 3 = with extra debug info. Default: 1.
#' @param n_threads_,nrun_,method_,.options_,seed_ Parameters for \code{nmf(...)}.
#'   Default values are supplied.
#' @param method_ Interative method for NMF. See the documentation of \code{NMF::nmf}.
#' @param seed_ Random seed.
#' @return A list with the following elements
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{nmf_result}}{The \code{NMFfitX1} object returned by the \code{nmf} call.}
#'     \item{\code{gene_info}}{A \code{data_frame} detailing the bases, weighted bases, 
#'        and D-score for each gene. The data frame is sorted by their D-scores}
#'     \item{\code{d_score_frequency_plot}}{Kernal distribution for the D-scores, separated by the coef components they represent.}
#'     \item{\code{ordered_sample_ids}}{The pseudo-order of samples calculated by sorting the differences of coef values for each sample.} 
#'     \item{\code{coef_line_dat}}{Plotting data for \code{coef_line_plot}}
#'     \item{\code{coef_line_plot}}{A line plot showing the trend formed by the coef values, using the order in \code{ordered_sample_ids}.}
#'     \item{\code{path_dat}}{Plotting data for \code{pca_path_plot} and \code{mds_path_plot}.}
#'     \item{\code{pca_path_plot}}{Connecting the PCA plot of the expression matrix using the order in \code{ordered_sample_ids}.
#'        The thickness of the lines indicate the jump of differences of the coef values.} 
#'     \item{\code{mds_path_plot}}{Same as \code{pca_path_plot}, except for MDS plot. The distance is "1 - Pearson Correlation".}
#'     \item{\code{top_genes_dat}}{Plotting data for \code{top_genes_free_y_plot} and \code{top_genes_fixed}.}
#'     \item{\code{top_genes_free_y_plot}}{Faceted bar-plot showing the expression levels of the top 100 genes, across all samples.
#'        Samples are sorted using the order in \code{ordered_sample_ids}.}
#'     \item{\code{top_genes_fixed}}{Sample as \code{top_genes_free_y_plot}, except all y-axes are fixed across all faceted.}
#'   }
#' @import NMF
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape2
#' @import tidyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- nmf_subpopulation(toy)
nmf_subpopulation <-
           .options_=sprintf("p%dv%d", n_threads_, verbose_level_-1),
           ) {
    if (class(expr_matrix_) != 'matrix') stop('Error: expr_matrix_ has to be of class \'matrix\'. Stop.')
    output <- list()
    non_zero_rows_tf <- apply(expr_matrix_, 1, function(x)any(x>0))
    if (!all(non_zero_rows_tf)) {
      if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message(sprintf('* All-zero rows detected, getting rid of %d/%d genes ...',
                                               sum(!non_zero_rows_tf), length(non_zero_rows_tf)))
      if (verbose_level_ >= 2) message('removed genes = ')
      if (verbose_level_ >= 2) print(rownames(expr_matrix_)[!non_zero_rows_tf])
      expr_matrix_ <- expr_matrix_[non_zero_rows_tf,]
    if (log_transformation_) {
      if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message('* Log transformation ...')
      rwl <- log(expr_matrix_+1)
    } else {
      rwl <- expr_matrix_

    rwl <- rbind(rwl, artificial=mean(rwl))
#   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message('* Call nmf function ...')
    ren <- nmf(rwl, rank=n_subpop_, nrun=nrun_, method=method_, .options=.options_, seed=seed_)
    output$nmf_result <- ren
#   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message('* Calculating D-scores ...')
    weighting_factors <- basis(ren)['artificial',]
    d_score_calc <- function(x) {
      names(x) <- paste0('basis_',1:length(x))
      weighted_x <- x/weighting_factors
      names(weighted_x) <- paste0(names(x), '_weighted')
      basis_sorted <- sort(range(weighted_x), decreasing=T)
      d_score <- basis_sorted[1] - basis_sorted[2]
      which_max <- which.max(unname(weighted_x))
      c(x, weighted_x, d_score=d_score, which_max=which_max)
    gene_info <- basis(ren) %>% apply(1, d_score_calc) %>%
      t %>% as.data.frame %>% rownames_to_column('gene_name') %>%
      tbl_df %>% mutate(which_max=factor(which_max)) %>%
      arrange(-d_score) %>%
      mutate(rank=row_number()) %>%
      filter(gene_name != 'artificial')
    d_score_frequency_plot <- ggplot() +
      geom_density(aes(x=d_score, color=which_max, fill=which_max), gene_info, alpha=0.3, stat='bin') +
      scale_x_log10() +
      scale_fill_manual(name='Expr. Pattern', values=c('blue', 'red', 'green', '#D00000', '#DB9006', '#3F88C5', '#032B43', '#136F63')) +
      scale_color_manual(name='Expr. Pattern', values=c('blue', 'red', 'green', '#D00000', '#DB9006', '#3F88C5', '#032B43', '#136F63')) +
      theme(plot.margin=rep(unit(0.2, 'inches'), 4)) +
      labs(x='D-score', y='Frequency')
    output$gene_info <- gene_info
    output$d_score_frequency_plot <- d_score_frequency_plot
    if (verbose_level_ >= 2) message('gene_info = ')
    if (verbose_level_ >= 2) print(gene_info, n=20)
#   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message('* Plot the coef lines ...')
    subp_order <- order(coef(ren)[2,] - coef(ren)[1,])
    ordered_sample_ids <- colnames(rwl)[subp_order]
    output$ordered_sample_ids <- ordered_sample_ids
    dat_coef_line <- melt(coef(ren)[,ordered_sample_ids], c('coef', 'sample')) %>% tbl_df
    coef_line_plot <- ggplot() +
      geom_line(aes(x=sample, group=factor(coef), color=factor(coef), y=value), dat_coef_line) +
      geom_point(aes(x=sample, group=factor(coef), color=factor(coef), y=value), dat_coef_line) +
      scale_color_manual(name='Expr. Pattern', values=c('blue', 'red', 'green', '#D00000', '#DB9006', '#3F88C5', '#032B43', '#136F63')) +
      theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5), plot.margin=rep(unit(0.2, 'inches'), 4)) +
      labs(x='samples sorted by pseudo-timeline', y='log expr. lvl.')
    output$coef_line_dat <- dat_coef_line
    output$coef_line_plot <- coef_line_plot
#   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (verbose_level_ >= 1) message('* Plot the expression bar-chart of the top genes ...')
    top_genes <- gene_info$gene_name[1:min(100, nrow(gene_info))]
    top_genes_dat <- expand.grid(gene_name=top_genes, sample=ordered_sample_ids) %>% tbl_df %>%
      mutate(gene_name=as.character(gene_name)) %>% rowwise %>%
      mutate(log_expr=rwl[as.character(gene_name),as.character(sample)]) %>% ungroup %>%
      left_join(gene_info %>% select(gene_name, which_max, d_score, rank), by='gene_name') %>%
      mutate(gene_name=factor(gene_name, top_genes)) %>%
      mutate(sample=factor(sample, ordered_sample_ids))
    output$top_genes_dat <- top_genes_dat
    if (verbose_level_ >= 2) message('top_genes_dat = ')
    if (verbose_level_ >= 2) print(top_genes_dat, n=20)
    gglabeller <- function(df){
      res <- df %>% left_join(gene_info, by='gene_name') %>% rowwise %>%
        mutate(label=sprintf('%d - %s', rank, gene_name)) %>%
    top_genes_free_y_plot <- ggplot() +
      geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=log_expr, fill=which_max), top_genes_dat, stat='identity') +
      scale_fill_manual(values=c('blue', 'red', 'green', '#D00000', '#DB9006', '#3F88C5', '#032B43', '#136F63')) +
      facet_wrap(~ gene_name, labeller=gglabeller, scales='free') +
      theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5)) +
      theme(strip.text=element_text(size=top_genes_facet_title_font_size_), panel.margin = unit(2, "lines"), legend.position='none')
    output$top_genes_free_y_plot <- top_genes_free_y_plot
    top_genes_fixed <- ggplot() +
      geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=log_expr, fill=which_max), top_genes_dat, stat='identity') +
      scale_fill_manual(values=c('blue', 'red', 'green', '#D00000', '#DB9006', '#3F88C5', '#032B43', '#136F63')) +
      facet_wrap(~ gene_name, labeller=gglabeller) +
      theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5)) +
      theme(strip.text=element_text(size=top_genes_facet_title_font_size_), panel.margin = unit(2, "lines"), legend.position='none')
    output$top_genes_fixed <- top_genes_fixed
#   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
lanagarmire/NMFEM documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:34 p.m.