#' Check if a dataframe/table is compliant to peekbank json before database
#' import
#' @param df_table the dataframe to be saved
#' @param table_type the type of dataframe, for the most updated table types
#' specified by schema, please use functionds.list_ds_tables()
#' @param is_null_field_required by default is set to TRUE which means that
#' all the columns in the json file are required; when user specifically
#' sets this to FALSE, then the fields that are allowed null values are not
#' required.
#' @return an empty string when the input data frame is compliant with json
#' specification, such as having all the required columns, primary key field
#' has unique values, etc. Otherwise, the function returns a list of messages
#' describing detailed issues that needs to be fixed
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' is_valid <-ds.validate_table(df_table = df_table, table_type = "xy_data")
#' }
#' @export
ds.validate_table <- function(df_table, table_type, cdi_expected, is_null_field_required = TRUE) {
msg_error <- c()
colnames_table <- colnames(df_table)
fields_json <-ds.get_json_fields(table_type = table_type)
fieldnames_json <- fields_json$field_name
unwanted_columns <- setdiff(colnames_table, fieldnames_json)
if(length(unwanted_columns) > 0){
msg_error <- c(msg_error, .msg("- invalid columns found in {table_type}: {unwanted_columns}."))
# start checking field/column one by one
for (idx in 1:length(fieldnames_json)) {
fieldname <- fieldnames_json[idx]
fieldclass <- fields_json$field_class[idx]
fieldoptions <- fields_json$options[idx, ]
idx_tb <- match(fieldname, colnames_table)
is_primary <- isTRUE(fieldoptions$primary_key)
is_null_allowed <- fieldoptions$null
is_field_missing <- is.na(idx_tb)
# when user specifically sets this to FALSE, then the fields that are
# allowed null values are not required.
if (!is_null_field_required & is_null_allowed & is_field_missing) {
#warning("Field {fieldname} is not present, but it is not a required field.")
# step 0: check if this is a required field
# if this column is optional, we skip
if (is_field_missing) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Cannot locate required field: {fieldname}. Please add
the column into the {table_type} processed data file.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# step 1: check if values in primary_key and unique-option fields are unique
content_tb <- df_table %>% dplyr::pull(fieldname)
if (is_primary | isTRUE(fieldoptions$unique)) {
# first check if primary key is in integer forms, start from zero and are sequential
if (is_primary) {
content_tb <- as.integer(content_tb)
if (min(content_tb) != 0) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Primary key field {fieldname} should start at 0.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# check if ids are incremented correctly
if(length(content_tb) > 1 && any(na.omit(sort(content_tb) - dplyr::lag(sort(content_tb)) != 1))){
msg_new <- .msg("- Primary key field {fieldname} is missing ids in its sequence. IDs must start at 0 and increment by 1 each")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# make sure primary key and unique fields have unique values
is_unique <- length(content_tb) == length(unique(content_tb))
if (!is_unique) {
msg_new <- .msg("- The values in field {fieldname} are not unique.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (sum(is.na(content_tb)) > 0) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Column {fieldname} cannot contain NA values.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# step 1.5 check if any aux data is a top level list by mistake
if(grepl("aux", fieldname) && any(grepl("^\\[", content_tb))){
msg_new <- .msg("- {fieldname} should be an object at the top level or NA, not list.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# step 2: check if values are in the required type/format
if (!is_null_allowed & (fieldclass == "IntegerField" | fieldclass == "ForeignKey")) {
is_type_valid <- is.integer(content_tb)
if (!is_type_valid) {
msg_new <- .msg("- ForeignKey column {fieldname} should contain integers only.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
} else if (!is_null_allowed & fieldclass == "CharField") {
# numbers are allowed here as well since numbers can be converted into
# chars
is_type_valid <- is.character(content_tb) |
(typeof(content_tb) == "integer")
if (!is_type_valid) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Column {fieldname} should contain characters only.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
} else {
# no required data type
is_type_valid <- TRUE
# step 3: if word/label choices are required, check if the values are valid
if ("choices" %in% colnames(fieldoptions)) {
choices_json <- unique(unlist(fieldoptions$choices))
if (is_type_valid & (length(choices_json) > 0)) {
is_value_valid <- all(unique(content_tb) %in% choices_json)
if (!is_value_valid) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Column {fieldname} should contain the following
values only: {paste(choices_json, collapse = ', ')}.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 4.1:
# if aoi/xy_timepoints table, then check if resampling was done
if (table_type == "aoi_timepoints") {
remainder <- unique(df_table$t_norm %% pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
if (length(remainder) > 1 || remainder != 0) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Column t_norm in table {table_type} is notsampled
at 40HZ.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (table_type == "xy_timepoints") {
remainder <- unique(df_table$t_norm %% pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
if (length(remainder) > 1 || remainder != 0) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Column t_norm in table {table_type} is not sampled
at 40HZ.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 4.2:
# if subjects table, then check if native_language field was entered
# correctly
if (table_type == "subjects" && fieldname == "native_language") {
language_list <-ds.list_language_choices()
# go through every native language in the subjects table, check if all the
# language codes are in the allowed list from json file
invalid_languages <- df_table %>%
row_number = 1:dplyr::n(),
valid_language = .data$native_language %>%
purrr::map_lgl(function(lang) {
all(stringr::str_trim(stringr::str_split(lang, ",")[[1]]) %in%
) %>%
if (nrow(invalid_languages) != 0) {
msg_new <- .msg("- The subjects' native languages in the following entry
row(s) {invalid_languages$row_number} do not belong in
the allowed language list in json. Please see function
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 4.3:
# if subjects table, then check if cdi_responses in subject_aux_data
# has the correct format
if (table_type == "subjects") {
# unpack subject aux data from JSON
sad <- df_table %>%
dplyr::select(lab_subject_id, subject_aux_data) %>%
peekbankr:::unpack_aux_data() %>%
if(cdi_expected && !("cdi_responses" %in% colnames(sad))){
msg_error <- c(msg_error, "No CDI data found, check subjects.csv and the column specification")
if ("cdi_responses" %in% colnames(sad)) {
msg_error <- c(msg_error, "No cdi expected, but CDI data found")
sad_cdi <- sad %>%
# only keep those with cdi data
dplyr::filter(sapply(.data[["cdi_responses"]], class) == "data.frame")
# check that each CDI response has the correct columns
msg_new <- NULL
purrr::walk(sad_cdi$cdi_responses, \(cdi) {
if(nrow(cdi) == 0){
columns_to_check <- c("instrument_type", "measure", "age", "rawscore", "language")
missing_cdi <- setdiff(columns_to_check,
if (length(missing_cdi) > 0) {
msg_new <<- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that are missing
the following required fields: {missing_cdi}.")
} else {
columns_with_na <- columns_to_check[sapply(cdi[columns_to_check], function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
if (length(columns_with_na) > 0) {
msg_new <<- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses with NA values in the following required fields:
{paste(columns_with_na, collapse=', ')}.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# check for correct format of CDI response columns
cdi <- sad_cdi %>%
if (any(!(cdi$instrument_type %in% c("wg", "ws", "wsshort", "wgshort")))) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have an
incorrect instrument_type.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (any(!(cdi$measure %in% c("prod", "comp")))) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have an
incorrect measure")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (any(!is.numeric(cdi$age))) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have a
non-numeric age.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (any(!is.numeric(cdi$rawscore))) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have a
non-numeric rawscore.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if ("percentile" %in% colnames(cdi)){ # separate conditions as & does not short-circut
if(any(!is.numeric(cdi$percentile))) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have a
non-numeric percentile.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (any(class(cdi$language) != "character")) {
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have a
non-character language.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
if (any(!(cdi$language %in% pkg_globals$WORDBANK_ALLOWED_LANGUAGES))) {
print(setdiff(cdi$language, pkg_globals$WORDBANK_ALLOWED_LANGUAGES))
msg_new <- .msg("- Some subject(s) have CDI responses that have a language that does not follow the Wordbank specification.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 5: trial_types table
if (table_type == "trial_types"){
# check if there are any entries that are duplicate and only differ by id
if((df_table %>% select(-trial_type_id) %>% distinct() %>% nrow()) != (df_table %>% nrow())){
msg_new <- .msg("- trial types are not unique.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 6:
# if stimuli table, check if there are any entries that are duplicate and only differ by id
if (table_type == "stimuli"){
if((df_table %>% select(-stimulus_id) %>% distinct() %>% nrow()) != (df_table %>% nrow())){
msg_new <- .msg("- stimulus entries are not unique.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 7: check if the subjects age is consistently converted in the administration table
if (table_type == "administrations") {
# in the case of years, we need to differentiate when converting:
# if all years are given in full numbers, the conversion is not *12, but rather *12 + 6
years_given_full <- !any(df_table %>%
dplyr::filter(lab_age_units == "years") %>%
dplyr::mutate(year_is_decimal = lab_age-floor(lab_age) != 0) %>%
converted_ages <- df_table %>%
filter(!is.na(lab_age)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(converted_age = dplyr::case_when(
lab_age_units == "months" ~ lab_age,
lab_age_units == "years" ~ lab_age * 12 + ifelse(years_given_full, 6, 0),
lab_age_units == "days" ~ lab_age/(365.25/12),
)) %>%
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(df_table %>% filter(!is.na(lab_age)) %>% pull(age),converted_ages))){
msg_new <- .msg("- some ages do not match the conversion according to lab_age_unit and lab_age.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
# STEP 8: trials table
if (table_type == "trials"){
# check if there are cases where there is an exclusion reason but excluded is false
if(any(df_table %>% mutate(incorrectly_included = !excluded & (!is.na(exclusion_reason) & exclusion_reason != "")) %>% pull(incorrectly_included))){
msg_new <- .msg("- some trials have exclusion reasons even though they are marked as included.")
msg_error <- c(msg_error, msg_new)
#' Check if within aoi_timepoints table, there is no duplication in all the administration_ids
#' associated with each individual trial_id
#' @param df_table the aoi_timepoints dataframe
#' @param cdi_expected specifies whether cdi_data is to be expected to be present in the imported data;
#' only relevant for subjects table.
#' We could consider creating a special table type, so that invalid combinations of table_type and cdi_expected cannot happen, but it does not break anything, so low priority
#' @return an empty string when all the administration_ids are unique within each trial_id;
#' Otherwise, the error message will be returned.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' is_valid <-ds.validate_table(df_table = df_table, table_type = "xy_data", cdi_expected = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
ds.validate_trial_uniqueness_constraint <- function(df_aoi_timepoints) {
msg_error <- c()
num_admins_per_trial_id = aggregate(administration_id ~ trial_id , df_aoi_timepoints, function(x){length(unique(x))})
if (any(num_admins_per_trial_id$administration_id != 1)){
msg_error <- .msg('Multiple administrations detected for the same trial ID. Make sure that trials are split out by subject to allow subject-specific trial exclusion')
#' check all csv files against database schema for database import
#' @param dir_csv the folder directory containing all the csv files, the path
#' should end in "processed_data"
#' @param file_ext the default is ".csv"
#' @param cdi_expected specifies whether cdi_data is to be expected to be present in the imported data
#' @return an empty string if all tables passed the validator; otherwise, the
#' function returns a list of messages describing detailed issues that needs
#' to be fixed
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msg_error_all <-ds.validate_for_db_import(dir_csv = "./processed_data")
#' }
#' @export
ds.validate_for_db_import <- function(dir_csv, cdi_expected, file_ext = ".csv", is_null_field_required = TRUE) {
stop("Need to specifiy cdi_expected boolean argument to validator")
# check coding method
coding_file <- file.path(dir_csv, paste0(table_type = "administrations",
if (file.exists(coding_file)) {
coding_table <- utils::read.csv(coding_file)
coding_methods <- unique(coding_table[, "coding_method"])
} else {
stop("Cannot find required administrations file.")
# fetch the table list based on coding method
table_list <-ds.list_ds_tables(coding_methods)
# admin table is not required
# table_list <- table_list[table_list != "admin"];
msg_error_all <- c()
# start checking each table format against json
dict_tables = list()
for (table_type in table_list) {
file_csv <- file.path(dir_csv, paste0(table_type, file_ext))
if (file.exists(file_csv)) {
# read in csv file and check if the data is valid
dict_tables[[table_type]] <- utils::read.csv(file_csv)
msg_error <-ds.validate_table(dict_tables[[table_type]], table_type, cdi_expected, is_null_field_required)
if (!is.null(msg_error)) {
msg_error <- .msg("The processed data file {table_type} failed to pass
the validator for database import with these error
messsages:\n {paste(msg_error, collapse = '\n')}")
# cat(crayon::bgMagenta(msg_error), "\n")
msg_error_all <- c(msg_error_all, msg_error)
} else {
print(.msg("The processed data file {table_type} passed the
} else if (ds_is_table_required(table_type, coding_methods)) {
msg_error_all <- c(msg_error_all, .msg("Cannot find required file: {file_csv}"))
# start cross-table validation
msg_error <-ds.validate_trial_uniqueness_constraint(dict_tables[['aoi_timepoints']])
msg_error_all <- c(msg_error_all, msg_error)
# check if
# check if there are any duplicate trial order values within each administration
if(nrow(dict_tables[['administrations']] %>%
left_join(dict_tables[['aoi_timepoints']], by = join_by(administration_id)) %>%
left_join(dict_tables[['trials']], by = join_by(trial_id)) %>%
distinct(administration_id, trial_id, trial_order) %>%
group_by(administration_id) %>%
filter(duplicated(trial_order) | duplicated(trial_order, fromLast = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup()) != 0){
msg_error_all <- c(msg_error_all, .msg("Global issue: - trials order values are not unique within administrations"))
table_pairs <- list(
c("trials", "aoi_timepoints", "trial_id"),
c("administrations", "aoi_timepoints", "administration_id"),
c("administrations", "subjects", "subject_id"),
c("trials", "trial_types", "trial_type_id"),
c("stimuli", "trial_types", "stimulus_id")
if("xy_timepoints" %in% table_list){
table_pairs <- table_pairs %>%
append(list(c("aoi_region_sets", "trial_types", "aoi_region_set_id"))) %>%
append(list(c("administrations", "xy_timepoints", "administration_id")))
# check if there are any orphaned ids left with no connection to other tables
errors_orphans <- unlist(lapply(
function(vec) {
table_1 <- dict_tables[[vec[1]]]
table_2 <- dict_tables[[vec[2]]]
join_id <- vec[3]
if(vec[1] == "stimuli" && vec[2] == "trial_types"){
table_2 <- table_2 %>% pivot_longer(
cols = c(distractor_id, target_id),
names_to = "stimulus_type",
values_to = "stimulus_id"
errors <- c()
one_not_in_two <- table_1 %>%
dplyr::anti_join(table_2, by = join_id)
if(nrow(one_not_in_two) != 0){
errors <- c(errors, .msg("Global issue: - not all {join_id} in {vec[1]} have a match in {vec[2]}"))
two_not_in_one <- table_2 %>%
dplyr::anti_join(table_1, by = join_id)
if(nrow(two_not_in_one) != 0){
errors <- c(errors, .msg("Global issue: - not all {join_id} in {vec[2]} have a match in {vec[1]}"))
msg_error_all <- c(msg_error_all, errors_orphans)
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