#' Cross-MMM Budget Optimization
#' Given a list of recreated Robyn models, this function optimizes budget
#' allocation across MMMs with respective constraints by maximizing
#' incremental revenue/conversions. This method
#' assumes each model is independent and can be compared given its
#' spends were cleanly and properly split.
#' @param models Lists. Recreated Robyn models with \code{robyn_recreate()}.
#' @param initial_budgets Numeric vector. Default will use the total spends
#' per model for the specified or total date range.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param start_dates,end_dates Character vector. Start and end dates for each
#' specific model. You can specify a single date and will be used in all models.
#' Default empty value will assume you want all available data and date range.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param budget_constr_low,budget_constr_up Numeric vector. Relative minimum
#' and maximum budgets to consider based on \code{initial_budgets}.
#' By default it'll consider 50% and 150% budget constraints.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param channel_constr_low,channel_constr_up Numeric vector. Relative minimum
#' and maximum budgets to consider per channel.
#' By default it'll consider 50% and 150% channel constraints.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param cores Integer. How many cores to use for parallel computations?
#' Set to 1 to not use this option.
#' Default will the minimum between 10 cores and all available cores - 1.
#' @param quiet Boolean. Keep quiet? If not,
#' informative messages will be printed.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to internal functions.
#' @return Invisible vector with results by letter.
#' @examples
#' # You must have Robyn installed and some models stored as JSON files
#' \dontrun{
#' # Import and recreate the models
#' files <- c("BrandA.json", "BrandB.json", "BrandC.json", "BrandN.json")
#' models <- lapply(files, function(x) Robyn::robyn_recreate(x))
#' names(models) <- gsub("\\.json", "", files)
#' # Calculate cross-brand optimal allocation
#' res <- robyn_crossmmm(
#' models,
#' cores = 10,
#' start_dates = "2023-01-01",
#' end_dates = "2023-12-01"
#' )
#' print(res)
#' res$summary
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname robyn_crossmmm
robyn_crossmmm <- function(
models, initial_budgets = NULL,
start_dates = NULL,
end_dates = NULL,
budget_constr_low = 0.5,
budget_constr_up = 1.5,
channel_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
cores = NULL,
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
# Initial state calculations
perfs <- lapply(models, function(x) {
x$InputCollect, x$OutputCollect,
start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL
) %>%
filter(.data$channel == "PROMOTIONAL TOTAL")
# Extract start dates when not provided
if (is.null(start_dates)) {
start_dates <- as.Date(
perfs, function(x) unlist(pull(x, .data$start_date))
origin = "1970-01-01"
if (!quiet) {
message("Extracted start dates: ", v2t(sprintf("%s (%s)", start_dates, names(start_dates))))
} else {
if (length(start_dates) == 1) start_dates <- rep(start_dates, length(models))
# Extract end dates when not provided
if (is.null(start_dates)) {
end_dates <- as.Date(
perfs, function(x) unlist(pull(x, .data$end_date))
origin = "1970-01-01"
if (!quiet) {
message("Extracted end dates: ", v2t(sprintf("%s (%s)", end_dates, names(end_dates))))
} else {
if (length(end_dates) == 1) end_dates <- rep(end_dates, length(models))
# Extract initial budgets for the date range
if (is.null(initial_budgets)) {
for (i in seq_along(models)) {
p <- robyn_performance(
models[[i]]$InputCollect, models[[i]]$OutputCollect,
start_date = start_dates[i], end_date = end_dates[i]
) %>%
filter(.data$channel == "PROMOTIONAL TOTAL") %>%
initial_budgets <- c(initial_budgets, p)
names(initial_budgets) <- names(models)
if (!quiet) {
message("Extracted budgets: ", v2t(
sprintf("%s (%s)", num_abbr(initial_budgets), names(initial_budgets))
} else {
if (length(initial_budgets) == 1) initial_budgets <- rep(initial_budgets, length(models))
# Total budget across brands
total_budget <- sum(initial_budgets)
# Run dims checks
stopifnot(length(models) == length(start_dates))
stopifnot(length(models) == length(end_dates))
stopifnot(length(models) == length(initial_budgets))
# Function to calculate total incremental sales given a budget distribution
calculate_isales <- function(
models, budgets, isales = TRUE,
start_dates = NULL, end_dates = NULL,
budget_constr_low = 0.5,
budget_constr_up = 1.5,
channel_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
quiet = FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot(length(models) == length(budgets))
bas <- list()
for (i in seq_along(budgets)) {
bas[[names(models)[i]]] <- robyn_allocator(
InputCollect = models[[i]]$InputCollect,
OutputCollect = models[[i]]$OutputCollect,
total_budget = budgets[i],
date_range = c(start_dates[i], end_dates[i]),
scenario = "max_response",
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up,
plots = FALSE,
export = FALSE,
quiet = TRUE,
if (isales) {
return(unlist(lapply(bas, function(x) {
x$dt_optimOut$optmResponseTotal[1] - x$dt_optimOut$initResponseTotal[1]
} else {
# Function to be optimized (minimized)
objective_function <- function(
budgets, total_budget, models,
start_dates = NULL, end_dates = NULL,
budget_constr_low = 0.5,
budget_constr_up = 1.5,
channel_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
cores = 10, quiet = FALSE,
...) {
# Value to minimize: penalty (tends to zero) - incremental total sales (max)
isales <- calculate_isales(
models, budgets,
start_dates = start_dates,
end_dates = end_dates,
budget_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
budget_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up, ...
# Calculate the penalty for not using the total budget
budget_penalty <- abs(sum(budgets) - total_budget)
# return(isales - budget_penalty)
return(sum(isales) - budget_penalty)
# Optimize budgets across brands
if (TRUE) {
if (cores > 1) {
if (is.null(cores)) cores <- min(10, detectCores() - 1)
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
optimfx <- optimParallel
} else {
optimfx <- stats::optim
cl <- NULL
if (!quiet) {
">>> Started cross-brand optimization: %s brands using %s cores...",
length(models), cores
# Interpolate 75% value between limits as initial budget seed
mult <- budget_constr_low + 0.75 * (budget_constr_up - budget_constr_low)
result <- tryCatch(
parallel = list(cl = cl, loginfo = TRUE),
fn = objective_function,
par = initial_budgets * mult,
lower = initial_budgets * budget_constr_low,
upper = initial_budgets * budget_constr_up,
total_budget = total_budget,
models = models,
start_dates = start_dates,
end_dates = end_dates,
budget_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
budget_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = list(fnscale = -1),
error = function(e) {
if (cores > 1) suppressWarnings(stopCluster(cl))
if (cores > 1) suppressWarnings(stopCluster(cl))
if (!quiet) message(result$message)
result$elapsed <- toc("robyn_crossbrand")$time
# Calculate allocation results with optima
allocations <- calculate_isales(
models, result$par,
isales = FALSE,
start_dates = start_dates,
end_dates = end_dates,
budget_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
budget_constr_up = budget_constr_up,
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up,
df <- dplyr::tibble(
model = names(allocations),
start_date = unlist(start_dates),
end_date = unlist(end_dates),
budget = initial_budgets,
response = unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
mresp_init = unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
optbudget = unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
optresponse = unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
mresp_optm = unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
) %>%
budgetpct = round(.data$optbudget / .data$budget, 2),
# initroas = round(response / budget, 2),
# optroas = round(optresponse / optbudget, 2),
incremental = .data$optresponse - .data$response,
iperc = round(100 * .data$incremental / .data$response, 2)
# Final outputs
out <- list(
inputs = list(
initial_budgets = initial_budgets,
total_budget = total_budget,
budget_constr_low = budget_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up,
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up,
cores = cores
optimization = result,
allocations = allocations,
incremental = sum(df$incremental),
summary = df,
mresp_init = sum(unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
mresp_optm = sum(unlist(lapply(allocations, function(x) {
other_arguments = list(...)
class(out) <- c("robyn_crossmmm", class(out))
#' @rdname robyn_crossmmm
#' @param x Object to print: robyn_crossmmm() output.
#' @export
print.robyn_crossmmm <- function(x, ...) {
Initial State:
Models: {paste(names(x$allocations), collapse = ', ')}
Date Ranges: {date_ranges}
Budgets: {paste(num_abbr(x$inputs$initial_budgets), collapse = ', ')}
Distribution: {pct_string(x$inputs$initial_budgets / x$inputs$total_budget)}
Total Budget: {num_abbr(x$inputs$total_budget, 3)}
Marginal Response: {signif(mresp_init, 4)}
Time Elapsed: {x$optimization$elapsed}
Total Iterations: {x$optimization$counts[[1]]}
Convergence: {x$optimization$convergence}
Cores: {x$inputs$cores}
Optimized State:
Budget Increase: {num_abbr(bi)} ({formatNum(100 * bi / x$inputs$total_budget, abbr = TRUE, sign = TRUE, pos = '%')})
Incremental: {num_abbr(x$incremental)}
Optimal Budgets: {paste(num_abbr(x$optimization$par), collapse = ', ')}
Optimal Distribution: {pct_string(x$optimization$par / x$inputs$total_budget)}
Compared with Initial: {pct_string(x$optimization$par / x$inputs$initial_budgets)}
Optimal Marginal Response: {signif(mresp_optm, 4)}
pct_string = function(x) {
paste(paste0(num_abbr(100 * x), "%"), collapse = ", ")
date_ranges = if (all(length(unique(x$summary$start_date))) == 1 && all(length(unique(x$summary$end_date))) == 1) {
paste(x$summary$start_date[1], x$summary$end_date[1], sep = ":")
} else {
paste(paste(x$summary$start_date, x$summary$end_date, sep = ":"), collapse = ", ")
mresp_init = sum(unlist(lapply(x$allocations, function(x) {
mresp_optm = sum(unlist(lapply(x$allocations, function(x) {
bi = round(sum(x$summary$optbudget) - x$inputs$total_budget)
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